Masternodes and Voters' funds are locked and governed in the TomoChain Validator smart contract:
- Smart Contract Code: TomoChain Validator
- Smart Contract ABI: TomoValidatorAbi.json
TomoChain Validator Smart Contract Interface:
// apply a new masternode candidate
function propose(address _candidate) external payable;
// Deposit to stake/vote for a candidate
function vote(address _candidate) external payable;
// Unstake/unvote for a candidate
function unvote(address _candidate, uint256 _cap) public;
// Resign a candidate
function resign(address _candidate) public;
// Withdraw after unvote, resign
function withdraw(uint256 _blockNumber, uint _index) public;
function getCandidates() public view returns(address[]);
function getCandidateCap(address _candidate) public view returns(uint256);
function getCandidateOwner(address _candidate) public view returns(address);
function getVoterCap(address _candidate, address _voter) public view returns(uint256);
function getVoters(address _candidate) public view returns(address[]);
function isCandidate(address _candidate) public view returns(bool);
function getWithdrawBlockNumbers() public view returns(uint256[]);
function getWithdrawCap(uint256 _blockNumber) public view returns(uint256);
TomoChain provides RPC APIs that can be used with Web3 library to directly call the functions in the smart contract.
You can follow the steps below to interact with the smart contract by using Web3 library and NodeJS.
Init Web3 Provider
At the first step, you need init Web3 provider by connecting TomoChain Fullnode RPC endpoint.
const Web3 = require('web3')
const web3 = new Web3('')
const chainId = 88
For testnet/mainnet details, you can get network information here
Unlock the wallet must be done before staking on the nodes
// Unlock wallet by private key
const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(pkey)
const owner = account.address
web3.eth.defaultAccount = owner
const validatorAbi = require('./TomoValidatorAbi.json')
const address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000088'
const validator = new web3.eth.Contract(validatorAbi,
address, {gasPrice: 250000000, gas: 2000000 })
Note: you can get TomoValidatorAbi.json here
Masternode owners need to have at least 50,000 TOMO to apply to become a Masternode Candidate. Make sure to have > 50,000 TOMO in the Masternode owner wallet in order to deposit it into the smart contract and pay the related transaction fee.
Apply to become a Masternode Candidate by calling propose
function from the smart contract
// Masternode coinbase address
const coinbase = "0xf8ac9d5022853c5847ef75aea0104eed09e5f402"
from : owner,
value: '50000000000000000000000', // 50000 TOMO
gas: 2000000,
gasPrice: 250000000,
chainId: chainId
.then((result) => {
}).catch(e => console.log(e))
Refer to Staking TomoChain script
Stake at least 100 TOMO for a node by calling vote
function from the smart contract.
Stake 500 TOMO to a node.{
from: owner,
value: '500000000000000000000', // 500 TOMO
gas: 2000000,
gasPrice: 250000000,
chainId: chainId
.then((result) => {
}).catch(e => console.log(e))
You can unstake by calling unvote
function from the smart contract
const cap = '500000000000000000000' // unvote 500 TOMO
validator.methods.unvote(coinbase, cap).send({
from : owner,
gas: 2000000,
gasPrice: 250000000,
chainId: chainId
.then((result) => {
}).catch(e => console.log(e))
from : owner,
gas: 2000000,
gasPrice: 250000000,
chainId: chainId
.then((result) => {
}).catch(e => console.log(e))
You need to wait for 96 epochs (to unvote), 30 days (to resign) to unlock your staked TOMO
// get highest block number
web3.eth.getBlockNumber().then(blockNumber => {
return validator.methods.getWithdrawBlockNumbers().call({
from: owner
}).then((result) => {
let map =, idx => {
it = it.toString()
if (parseInt(it) < blockNumber && it != "0") {
return validator.methods.withdraw(it, idx).send({
from : owner,
gas: 2000000,
gasPrice: 250000000,
chainId: chainId
return Promise.all(map)
}).then((result) => {
}).catch(e => console.log(e))
We need to call getWithdrawBlockNumbers
and getWithdrawCap
functions from TomoValidator smart contract to get the data
let blks = await{ from: owner })
// remove duplicate
blks = [ Set(blks)]
let withdraws = []
await Promise.all( (it, index) => {
let blk = new BigNumber(it).toString()
if (blk !== '0') { = true
let wd = {
blockNumber: blk
wd.cap = await contract.methods.getWithdrawCap(blk).call({ from: owner })
withdraws[index] = wd
You can get list Candidates from RPC endpoint:
curl \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getCandidates","params": ["latest"],"id":1}'
Or get list candidates from TomoMaster:
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json'