From 62521b7294d9e06730395394a54f081295e01784 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Charles P. Cross" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2023 18:47:25 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Update prettier formatting for, src/config.ts,
 src/core.ts, and config.ts and formatting for jsdoc/typedoc as  recommened by
 @marcelovicentegc in pull request #102, added .prettierignore file

 .prettierignore |  30 ++++++++++++       | 126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 config.ts       |  33 +++++++------
 src/config.ts   |  94 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
 src/core.ts     |  32 +++++++-----
 5 files changed, 215 insertions(+), 100 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .prettierignore

diff --git a/.prettierignore b/.prettierignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe827dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.prettierignore
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Ignore artifacts
+## This file tells which files shouldn't be added to source control
+## any output from the crawler
+## Final ouputs folder
+## VS Code workspace files
diff --git a/ b/
index a05d751d..33c67488 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -66,52 +66,110 @@ export const defaultConfig: Config = {
 See [config.ts](src/config.ts) for all available options. Here is a sample of the common config options:
 type Config = {
-  /** Required - URL to start the crawl, if sitemap is provided then it will be used instead and download all pages in the sitemap */
+  /**
+   * URL to start the crawl, if url is a sitemap, it will crawl all pages in the sitemap
+   * @example ""
+   * @example ""
+   * @default ""
+   * @required
+   */
   url: string;
-  /** Required - Pattern to match against for links on a page to subsequently crawl */
+  /**
+   * Pattern to match against for links on a page to subsequently crawl
+   * @example "**"
+   * @default ""
+   */
   match: string;
-  /** Optional - Selector to grab the inner text from */
+  /**
+   * Selector to grab the inner text from
+   * @example ".docs-builder-container"
+   * @default ""
+   * @required
+   */
   selector: string;
-  /** Optional - Don't crawl more than this many pages (0 = Crawl all, Default = 50)*/
+  /**
+   * Don't crawl more than this many pages
+   * @default 50
+   */
   maxPagesToCrawl: number;
-  /** Optional - File name for the finished data */
+  /**
+   * File name for the finished data
+   * @example "output.json"
+   */
   outputFileName: string;
-  /** Optional - Timeout for waiting for a selector to appear */
-  waitForSelectorTimeout: number;
-  /** Optional - Resource file extensions to exclude from crawl
-   * 
+  /**
+   * Cookie to be set. E.g. for Cookie Consent
+   */
+  cookie?: {
+    name: string,
+    value: string,
+    url: string,
+  };
+  /**
+   * Function to run for each page found
+   */
+  onVisitPage?: (page: object, data: string);
+  /**
+   * Timeout to wait for a selector to appear
+   */
+  waitForSelectorTimeout: object;
+  /**
+   * Resource file extensions to exclude from crawl
    * @example
    * ['png','jpg','jpeg','gif','svg','css','js','ico','woff','woff2','ttf','eot','otf','mp4','mp3','webm','ogg','wav','flac','aac','zip','tar','gz','rar','7z','exe','dmg','apk','csv','xls','xlsx','doc','docx','pdf','epub','iso','dmg','bin','ppt','pptx','odt','avi','mkv','xml','json','yml','yaml','rss','atom','swf','txt','dart','webp','bmp','tif','psd','ai','indd','eps','ps','zipx','srt','wasm','m4v','m4a','webp','weba','m4b','opus','ogv','ogm','oga','spx','ogx','flv','3gp','3g2','jxr','wdp','jng','hief','avif','apng','avifs','heif','heic','cur','ico','ani','jp2','jpm','jpx','mj2','wmv','wma','aac','tif','tiff','mpg','mpeg','mov','avi','wmv','flv','swf','mkv','m4v','m4p','m4b','m4r','m4a','mp3','wav','wma','ogg','oga','webm','3gp','3g2','flac','spx','amr','mid','midi','mka','dts','ac3','eac3','weba','m3u','m3u8','ts','wpl','pls','vob','ifo','bup','svcd','drc','dsm','dsv','dsa','dss','vivo','ivf','dvd','fli','flc','flic','flic','mng','asf','m2v','asx','ram','ra','rm','rpm','roq','smi','smil','wmf','wmz','wmd','wvx','wmx','movie','wri','ins','isp','acsm','djvu','fb2','xps','oxps','ps','eps','ai','prn','svg','dwg','dxf','ttf','fnt','fon','otf','cab']
   resourceExclusions?: string[];
-  /** Optional maximum file size in megabytes to include in the output file */
+  /**
+   * Maximum file size in megabytes to include in the output file
+   * @example 1
+   */
   maxFileSize?: number;
-  /** Optional maximum number tokens to include in the output file */
+  /**
+   * The maximum number tokens to include in the output file
+   * @example 5000
+   */
   maxTokens?: number;
-   /** Optional - Maximum concurent parellel requets at a time */
+  /**
+   * Maximum concurent parellel requets at a time Maximum concurent parellel requets at a time
+   * @example
+   * Specific number of parellel requests
+   * ```ts
+   * maxConcurrency: 2;
+   * ```
+   * @example
+   *  0 = Unlimited, Doesn't stop until cancelled
+   * text outside of the code block as regular text.
+   * ```ts
+   * maxConcurrency: 0;
+   * ```
+   * @example
+   * undefined = max parellel requests possible
+   * ```ts
+   * maxConcurrency: undefined;
+   * ```
+   * @default 1
+   */
   maxConcurrency?: number;
-  /** Optional - waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange is a object containing a min and max each for the number of milliseconds to wait after each page crawl.
-   * Use waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange to handle rate limiting.
-  */
+  /**
+   * Range for random number of milliseconds between **min** and **max** to wait after each page crawl
+   * @default {min:1000,max:1000}
+   * @example {min:1000, max:2000}
+   */
   waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange?: {
-    min: number, 
+    min: number,
     max: number,
   /** Optional - Boolean parameter to use PlayWright with displayed browser or headless ( default headless=True ). */
+  /**
+  * Headless mode
+  * @default true
+  */
   headless?: boolean;
 #### Run your crawler
@@ -125,6 +183,22 @@ npm start
 To obtain the `output.json` with a containerized execution. Go into the `containerapp` directory. Modify the `config.ts` same as above, the `output.json`file should be generated in the data folder. Note : the `outputFileName` property in the `config.ts` file in containerapp folder is configured to work with the container.
+#### [Running as a CLI](#running-as-a-cli)
+To run the `./dist/cli.ts` command line interface, follow these instructions:
+1. Open a terminal.
+2. Navigate to the root directory of the project.
+3. Run the following command: `./dist/cli.ts [arguments]`
+   Replace `[arguments]` with the appropriate command line arguments for your use case.
+4. The CLI will execute the specified command and display the output in the terminal.
+> Note: Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed and the project has been built before running the CLI.
+#### [Development](#development)
+> Instructions for Development will go here...
 ### Upload your data to OpenAI
 The crawl will generate a file called `output.json` at the root of this project. Upload that [to OpenAI]( to create your custom assistant or custom GPT.
diff --git a/config.ts b/config.ts
index e6df4001..e289244f 100644
--- a/config.ts
+++ b/config.ts
@@ -1,32 +1,33 @@
 import { Config } from "./src/config";
-import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
-import { dirname } from 'path';
+import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
+import { dirname } from "path";
 const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
 const __dirname = dirname(__filename);
-const starting_url = "";
-const url_prefix = "https://"
+const startingUrl = "";
+const urlPrefix = "https://";
 const domain = "";
-const url_suffix = "/c/docs";
-const base_url = url_prefix + domain;
-const match_url_prefix = base_url + url_suffix;
-const match_url = match_url_prefix + "/**";
+const urlSuffix = "/c/docs";
+const baseUrl = urlPrefix + domain;
+const matchUrl_prefix = baseUrl + urlSuffix;
+const matchUrl = matchUrl_prefix + "/**";
 // Now date stamp for output file name
 const now = new Date();
-const date = now.toISOString().split('T')[0];
-const time = now.toTimeString().split(' ')[0];
-const outputs_dir = __dirname.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + '/outputs';
+const date = now.toISOString().split("T")[0];
+const time = now.toTimeString().split(" ")[0];
+const outputs_dir = __dirname.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/") + "/outputs";
-const outputFileName = outputs_dir + "/" + domain + "-" + date + "-" + time + ".json";
+const outputFileName =
+  outputs_dir + "/" + domain + "-" + date + "-" + time + ".json";
 export const defaultConfig: Config = {
-  url: starting_url,
-  match: match_url,
+  url: startingUrl,
+  match: matchUrl,
   maxPagesToCrawl: 50,
-  outputFileName: outputFileName,  
-  waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange: {min:1000, max:1000},
+  outputFileName: outputFileName,
+  waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange: { min: 1000, max: 1000 },
   headless: true,
   maxConcurrency: 1,
diff --git a/src/config.ts b/src/config.ts
index 2d6bd45b..d5417738 100644
--- a/src/config.ts
+++ b/src/config.ts
@@ -6,54 +6,48 @@ const Page: z.ZodType<Page> = z.any();
 export const configSchema = z.object({
-   * **Required:**
    * URL to start the crawl, if url is a sitemap, it will crawl all pages in the sitemap
    * @example ""
    * @example ""
    * @default ""
+   * @required
   url: z.string(),
-   * **Required:**
    * Pattern to match against for links on a page to subsequently crawl
    * @example "**"
    * @default ""
+   * @required
   match: z.string().or(z.array(z.string())),
-   * **Optional:**
    * Selector to grab the inner text from
    * @example ".docs-builder-container"
    * @default ""
   selector: z.string().optional(),
-   * **Optional:**
    * Don't crawl more than this many pages
    * @default 50
   maxPagesToCrawl: z.number().int().nonnegative().or(z.undefined()).optional(),
-   * **Optional:**
    * File name for the finished data
-   * @default "output.json"
+   * @example "output.json"
   outputFileName: z.string(),
-  /** 
-   * **Optional:** 
-   * Cookie to be set. E.g. for Cookie Consent 
-   * */
+  /**
+   * Cookie to be set. E.g. for Cookie Consent
+   */
   cookie: z
       name: z.string(),
       value: z.string(),
-  /** 
-   * **Optional:** 
-   * Function to run for each page found 
-   * */
+  /**
+   * Function to run for each page found
+   */
   onVisitPage: z
@@ -64,52 +58,60 @@ export const configSchema = z.object({
-  /** Optional timeout for waiting for a selector to appear */
-  waitForSelectorTimeout: z.number().int().nonnegative().optional(),
-     /** 
-     * **Optional:** 
-     *  Resources to exclude  
-   *
+  /**
+   *  Resources to exclude
    * @example
    * ['png','jpg','jpeg','gif','svg','css','js','ico','woff','woff2','ttf','eot','otf','mp4','mp3','webm','ogg','wav','flac','aac','zip','tar','gz','rar','7z','exe','dmg','apk','csv','xls','xlsx','doc','docx','pdf','epub','iso','dmg','bin','ppt','pptx','odt','avi','mkv','xml','json','yml','yaml','rss','atom','swf','txt','dart','webp','bmp','tif','psd','ai','indd','eps','ps','zipx','srt','wasm','m4v','m4a','webp','weba','m4b','opus','ogv','ogm','oga','spx','ogx','flv','3gp','3g2','jxr','wdp','jng','hief','avif','apng','avifs','heif','heic','cur','ico','ani','jp2','jpm','jpx','mj2','wmv','wma','aac','tif','tiff','mpg','mpeg','mov','avi','wmv','flv','swf','mkv','m4v','m4p','m4b','m4r','m4a','mp3','wav','wma','ogg','oga','webm','3gp','3g2','flac','spx','amr','mid','midi','mka','dts','ac3','eac3','weba','m3u','m3u8','ts','wpl','pls','vob','ifo','bup','svcd','drc','dsm','dsv','dsa','dss','vivo','ivf','dvd','fli','flc','flic','flic','mng','asf','m2v','asx','ram','ra','rm','rpm','roq','smi','smil','wmf','wmz','wmd','wvx','wmx','movie','wri','ins','isp','acsm','djvu','fb2','xps','oxps','ps','eps','ai','prn','svg','dwg','dxf','ttf','fnt','fon','otf','cab']
   resourceExclusions: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
-   /** 
-   * **Optional:**  
+  /**
    * Maximum file size in megabytes to include in the output file
    * @example 1
   maxFileSize: z.number().int().positive().optional(),
-   /** 
-   * **Optional:**
+  /**
    * The maximum number tokens to include in the output file
    * @example 5000
   maxTokens: z.number().int().positive().optional(),
-   /** 
-   * **Optional:**
-   * Range for random number of milliseconds between **min** and **max** to wait after each page crawl 
+  /**
+   * Maximum concurent parellel requets at a time Maximum concurent parellel requets at a time
+   * @example
+   * Specific number of parellel requests
+   * ```ts
+   * maxConcurrency: 2;
+   * ```
+   * @example
+   *  0 = Unlimited, Doesn't stop until cancelled
+   * text outside of the code block as regular text.
+   * ```ts
+   * maxConcurrency: 0;
+   * ```
+   * @example
+   * undefined = max parellel requests possible
+   * ```ts
+   * maxConcurrency: undefined;
+   * ```
+   * @default 1
+   */
+  maxConcurrency: z.number().int().nonnegative().optional(),
+  /**
+   * Range for random number of milliseconds between **min** and **max** to wait after each page crawl
    * @default {min:1000,max:1000}
-   * */
-    waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange: z.object({
+   * @example {min:1000,max:2000}
+   */
+  waitForSelectorTimeout: z.number().int().nonnegative().optional(),
+  waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange: z
+    .object({
       min: z.number().int().nonnegative(),
       max: z.number().int().nonnegative(),
-    }).optional(),
-    /**
-    * **Optional:**
-    * Headless mode
-    * @default true
-    */
-    headless: z.boolean().optional(),
-    /** 
-     * **Optional:** 
-     * maxConcurrency 
-     * description: ( 0 = Unlimited, Doesn't stop until cancelled, undefined = max parellel requests possible ) 
-     * @default 1
-     * */
-    maxConcurrency: z.number().int().nonnegative().optional(),
+    })
+    .optional(),
+  /**
+   * Headless mode
+   * @default true
+   */
+  headless: z.boolean().optional(),
 export type Config = z.infer<typeof configSchema>;
diff --git a/src/core.ts b/src/core.ts
index 78b95bd0..7741c108 100644
--- a/src/core.ts
+++ b/src/core.ts
@@ -47,11 +47,10 @@ export async function waitForXPath(page: Page, xpath: string, timeout: number) {
 export async function crawl(config: Config) {
   // Function to delay the next crawl
   function delay(time: number) {
-    return new Promise(function(resolve) { 
-        setTimeout(resolve, time)
+    return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+      setTimeout(resolve, time);
@@ -66,9 +65,11 @@ export async function crawl(config: Config) {
         // Warn if unlimited crawling is enabled
         if (config.maxPagesToCrawl == 0) {
           config.maxPagesToCrawl = undefined;
-          log.warningOnce(`maxPagesToCrawl is set to ${config.maxPagesToCrawl} which means it will contine until it cannot find anymore links defined by match: ${config.match}`);          
+          log.warningOnce(
+            `maxPagesToCrawl is set to ${config.maxPagesToCrawl} which means it will contine until it cannot find anymore links defined by match: ${config.match}`,
+          );
         if (config.cookie) {
           // Set the cookie for the specific URL
           const cookie = {
@@ -81,10 +82,11 @@ export async function crawl(config: Config) {
         const title = await page.title();
         // Display the pageCounter/maxPagesToCrawl number or pageCounter/∞ if maxPagesToCrawl=0
-        const maxPagesToCrawlDisplay = config.maxPagesToCrawl == undefined ? "∞" : config.maxPagesToCrawl;
+        const maxPagesToCrawlDisplay =
+          config.maxPagesToCrawl == undefined ? "∞" : config.maxPagesToCrawl;
-          `Crawling: Page ${pageCounter} / ${maxPagesToCrawlDisplay} - URL: ${request.loadedUrl}...`
+          `Crawling: Page ${pageCounter} / ${maxPagesToCrawlDisplay} - URL: ${request.loadedUrl}...`,
         // Use custom handling for XPath selector
@@ -120,19 +122,25 @@ export async function crawl(config: Config) {
         // Use waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange to handle rate limiting
         if (config.waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange) {
           // Create a random number between min and max
-          const randomTimeout = Math.floor(Math.random() * (config.waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange.max - config.waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange.min + 1) + config.waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange.min);
+          const randomTimeout = Math.floor(
+            Math.random() *
+              (config.waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange.max -
+                config.waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange.min +
+                1) +
+              config.waitPerPageCrawlTimeoutRange.min,
+          );
-            `Waiting ${randomTimeout} milliseconds before next crawl to avoid rate limiting...`
+            `Waiting ${randomTimeout} milliseconds before next crawl to avoid rate limiting...`,
           // Wait for the random amount of time before crawling the next page
           await delay(randomTimeout);
-        }else{
+        } else {
           // Wait for 1 second before crawling the next page
           await delay(1000);
-      maxConcurrency: config.maxConcurrency || 1 , // Set the max concurrency
-      maxRequestsPerCrawl: config.maxPagesToCrawl, // Set the max pages to crawl or set to 0 to scrape the full website.          
+      maxConcurrency: config.maxConcurrency || 1, // Set the max concurrency
+      maxRequestsPerCrawl: config.maxPagesToCrawl, // Set the max pages to crawl or set to 0 to scrape the full website.
       headless: config.headless ?? true, // Set to false to see the browser in action
       preNavigationHooks: [
         // Abort requests for certain resource types