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+title: Climate Model Data
+layout: default
+nav_order: 1
+parent: Datasets
+# Climate Model Data
+## "Raw" CMIP archives (as downloaded from ESGF)
+| Archive | Size (#Files)[3](#3) | Location | Access | Status | Variables | Resolution |
+| --------- | ------------------- | -------------- | ----------------|------------------|------------| -----------|
+| CMIP2 | 0.01 TB (500) | IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2010-10) | | native[1](#1) |
+| CMIP3 | 6 TB (40’000) | IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2016-12) | | native |
+| CMIP5 | 130 TB (700’000) | IAC | direct / rsync | monthly updated | | native |
+| CMIP6 | 520 TB (5’500’000) | IAC, Euler[4](#4) | direct / rsync | weekly updated | | native |
+## CMIP next generation (checked, standardized, regridded to common grid)
+| Archive | Size (#Files)[3](#3) | Location | Access | Status | Variables | Resolution |
+| --------- | ------------------- | -------------- | ----------------|------------------|------------| -----------|
+| CMIP3-ng[2](#2) | 0.5 TB (5’000) | IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2019-03) | | native and 2.5°x2.5° |
+| CMIP5-ng[2](#2) | 33 TB (100’000) | IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2019-09) | | native and 2.5°x2.5° |
+| CMIP6-ng[2](#2) | 175 TB (500’000) | IAC, Euler[4](#4) | direct / rsync | ongoing | monthly: co2mass, hfls, mrro, npp, rlds, rsdscs, rtmt, tasmin, tsl, evspsbl, hfss, mrros, pr, rldscs, rsdt, sftlf, tauu, zg500, evspsblsoi, hurs, mrso prw, rlus, rsus, siconc, tauv, evspsblveg, huss, mrsol, psl, rlut, rsuscs, ta, tos, areacella, gpp, lai, mrsos, ra, rlutcs, rsut, tas, tran, clt, hfds, nbp, rh, rsds, rsutcs, tasmax, treeFrac, zos, daily: pr, tas, tasmin, tasmax, zg500, mrro | native and 2.5°x2.5° |
+## "Raw" CORDEX (as downloaded)
+| Archive | Size (#Files)[3](#3) | Location | Access | Status | Variables | Resolution |
+| --------- | ------------------- | -------------- | ----------------|------------------|------------| -----------|
+| CORDEX | 370 TB (800’000) | IAC, Euler[4](#4), CSCS[5](#5) | direct / rsync | monthly updated | | 0.44° and 0.11° |
+| CORDEX-ReKliEs | 23 TB (100’000) | IAC, Euler[4](#4) | direct | monthly updated | | 0.11° |
+## CORDEX data for climate scenarios (checked, regridded to identical grids if necessary)
+| Archive | Size (#Files)[3](#3) | Location | Access | Status | Variables | Resolution |
+| --------- | ------------------- | -------------- | ----------------|------------------|------------| -----------|
+| CORDEX.ch2018 | 11 TB (1’800) | IAC, CSCS[5](#5) | direct | frozen (2019-04) | daily: hurs, huss, pr, rsds, sfcWind, sfcWindmax, snw, tas, tasmax, tasmin | 0.44° and 0.11° |
+| CORDEX.ch2025 | 46 TB (3’500) | IAC[6](#6) | direct | ongoing | daily: pr, tas, tasmax, tasmin, zg500 | 0.44° and 0.11° |
+| CORDEX-FPSCONV | 30T (22'949) | CSCS[7](#7) | direct | ongoing | 1hr: pr, tas, daily: pr, tas, tasmax, tasmin | 2-3km |
+1 Native means every model on their native grid they were run on
+2 CMIP-ng: Next Generation archives were maintained by Reto's group (Jan Sedlacek/Lukas Brunner)
+Ruth Lorenz / C2SM took over cmip6-ng in 2022. contact: cmip6-archive@env.ethz.ch, documentation: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3734128
+3 As of June 2021
+4 `/nfs/atmos/c2sm`
+5 `/store/c2sm/c2sme`
+6 `/net/ch4/data/cordex.ch2025/`
+7 `/store/c2sm/c2sme/CH202X/CORDEX-FPSCONV/ALP-3/`
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+layout: default
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+parent: Datasets
+The CORDEX-FPSCONV dataset is a multi-model ensemble of convection permitting regional climate model runs created within [WCRP-CORDEX](https://cordex.org/experiment-guidelines/flagship-pilot-studies/endorsed-cordex-flagship-pilote-studies/europe-mediterranean-convective-phenomena-at-high-resolution-over-europe-and-the-mediterranean/).
+The model runs are described in [Coppola et al. 2020](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-018-4521-8), [Ban et al. 2021](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-021-05708-w) and [Pichelli et al. 2021](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-021-05657-4) and cover the ALP-3 domain.
+![Image of the extent of the ALP-3 domain](images/ALP-3-crop.png)
+So far, only the data from ETH (CLMcom-ETH-COSMO-crCLIM) has been CMORized, for all other models the data format is a preliminary version (from ~September 2022) and not the one that will go to ESGF.
+Currently, the data archive at CSCS (/store/c2sm/c2sme/CH202X/CORDEX-FPSCONV/) contains mainly 1-hourly precipitation and temperature and daily maximum temperature and minimum temperature.
+These 4 variables have been used in three MSc theses and went through basic checks. The other variables (in 6hr, day) have been copied from the Jülich server but have not been used and were not checked.
+Four different time periods are available:
+* Evaluation: ca. 2000-2009 (varies for some models)
+* Historical: ca. 1996-2005 (varies for some models)
+* RCP8.5: 2041-2050 and 2090-2099 (not all modelling groups run both time periods)
+Each modelling group performed an evaluation run (precipitation is described in Ban et al. 2021).
+Not all groups continued with historical and rcp8.5 runs.
+The groups running WRF joined together to run historical and scenario runs (therefore they were sometimes run on different machines).
+An overview of which variables are available for which runs can be found [here](https://www.polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/hVYniBtoaneP9Lc).
+More details about the different model runs, such as info about the driving RCM and domains, can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wrt8Rcquk7dgIumGJeEc06irpkBwZtq_b7Pn3UhiT2g/edit?usp=sharing).
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-"Archive","Size (#Files) (3)","Location","Access","Status","Variables","Resolution"
-"*'Raw' CMIP Archives (as downloaded from ESGF)*","","","","","",""
-"CMIP2",0.01 TB (500),"IAC","direct / rsync","frozen (2010-10)","","native (1)"
-"CMIP3",6 TB (40’000),"IAC","direct / rsync","frozen (2016-12)","","native"
-"CMIP5",130 TB (700’000),"IAC","direct / rsync","monthly updated","","native"
-"CMIP6",520 TB (5’500’000),"IAC, Euler (4)","direct / rsync","weekly updated","","native"
-"*CMIP next generation (checked, standardized, regridded to common grid)*","","","","","",""
-"CMIP3-ng (2)",0.5 TB (5’000),"IAC","direct / rsync","frozen (2019-03)","","native and 2.5°x2.5°"
-"CMIP5-ng (2)",33 TB (100’000),"IAC","direct / rsync","frozen (2019-09)","","native and 2.5°x2.5°"
-"CMIP6-ng (2)",175 TB (500’000),"IAC, Euler (4)","direct / rsync","ongoing","monthly: co2mass, hfls, mrro, npp, rlds, rsdscs, rtmt, tasmin, tsl, evspsbl, hfss, mrros, pr, rldscs, rsdt, sftlf, tauu, zg500, evspsblsoi, hurs, mrso prw, rlus, rsus, siconc, tauv, evspsblveg, huss, mrsol, psl, rlut, rsuscs, ta, tos, areacella, gpp, lai, mrsos, ra, rlutcs, rsut, tas, tran, clt, hfds, nbp, rh, rsds, rsutcs, tasmax, treeFrac, zos","native and 2.5°x2.5°"
-"","","","","","daily: pr, tas, tasmin, tasmax, zg500, mrro","native and 2.5°x2.5°"
-"*'Raw' CORDEX (as downloaded)*","","","","","",""
-"CORDEX",370 TB (800’000),"IAC, Euler (4), CSCS (5)","direct / rsync","monthly updated","","0.44° and 0.11°"
-"CORDEX-ReKliEs",23 TB (100’000),"IAC, Euler (4)","direct","monthly updated","","0.11°"
-"*CORDEX data for climate scenarios (checked, regridded to identical grids if necessary)*","","","","","",""
-"CORDEX.ch2018",11 TB (1’800),"IAC, CSCS (5)","direct","frozen (2019-04)","daily: hurs, huss, pr, rsds, sfcWind, sfcWindmax, snw, tas, tasmax, tasmin","0.44° and 0.11°"
-"CORDEX.ch2025",46 TB (3’500),"IAC (6)","direct","ongoing","daily: pr, tas, tasmax, tasmin, zg500","0.44° and 0.11°"
-"CORDEX-FPSCONV",30T (22'949),"CSCS (7)","direct","ongoing","1hr: pr, tas, daily: pr, tas, tasmax, tasmin","2-3km"
diff --git a/datasets/csv/csv_to_markdown.sh b/datasets/csv/csv_to_markdown.sh
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-# Loop through all CSV files in the current directory
-for csv_file in *.csv; do
- # Extract the file name without extension
- base_name=$(basename "$csv_file" .csv)
- # Define the output Markdown file name
- markdown_file="$base_name.md"
- # Perform CSV to Markdown conversion using sed
- sed -e 's/","/ | /g' -e 's/^"/| /' -e 's/"$/ |/' -e 's/^$/| | | | | | | | | | | | | |/' "$csv_file" > "../markdown/$markdown_file"
- # Print a message indicating the conversion is complete
- echo "CSV file '$csv_file' converted to '$markdown_file'."
-echo "Conversion complete."
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-"Archive","Size (#Files) (1)","Location","Access","Status","Time Period","Variables","Temporal Resolution","Spatial Resolution","More Information"
-"E-OBS and MCH","50G","IAC (8)","direct","static","1971-2020","tas, tasmax, tasmin, pr","daily","0.11°","E-OBS (v23.1e and v26.0e) data with higher resolution MCH data over Switzerland (prepared for CH2025)"
-"MCH","7G","IAC (9)","direct","static","1971-2021","tas, tasmax, tasmin, pr","daily","~2km","gridded observational data from MeteoSwiss over Switzerland"
-"MERRA2","17G","IAC (10)","direct","updated","1980-2015 (v0) \n 1980-2018 (v1)","tas, tasmax, tasmin, huss, psl, pr, hfss, hfls, rlus, rlds, rsds, rsus, tos","daily, monthly","2.5 lat x 2.5 lon (same as cmip6-ng)","files are consistent with cmip-ng archives, no time period is indicated in filenames"
-"CERRA","6T","IAC (11)","direct","updated","1985 - 2020 (v1)","2t, t, r, ...","daily, monthly","5x5km","sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe, [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-single-levels?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xfM4TZCGXZm4M4VLQW3XPyAk6IX9vjlwj_p6ymX4aDU/edit#gid=0)"
-"CERRA-Land","1.8T","IAC (12)","direct","updated","1985 - 2020 (v1)","snom, sro, tp, ...","daily, monthly","5x5km","[Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-land?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e58ps_yBmxUG0jvL8ZmNNr7Zz_UXuqIZsz4MdRAzvbM/edit#gid=0)"
-"ERA5","500G","IAC (13)","direct","updated","1940 - present","2t, tp, mx2t, mn2t","daily, monthly","0.25° x 0.25°","[Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview)"
-"ERA5-Land","2.2T","IAC (14)","direct","updated","1950 - present","2d, 2t, sd, snom","daily, monthly","0.1° x 0.1°","[Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form)"
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+++ /dev/null
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-"Archive","Size (#Files) (1)","Location","Access","Status","Time Period","Variables","Temporal Resolution","Spatial Resolution","More Information"
-"*'Raw' Archives (as downloaded from original source)*","","","","","","","","",""
-"E-OBS","660G","IAC","direct","different versions, updated irregularly","1950 - present","TG: mean temperature, TN: minimum temperature, TX: maximum temperature, RR: precipitation sum, PP: mean sea level pressure, FG: mean wind speed, HU: mean relative humidity, QQ: global radiation","daily","0.1° and 0.25°","[Link](https://www.ecad.eu/download/ensembles/download.php), [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/insitu-gridded-observations-europe?tab=overview)"
-"MERRA2","15T","IAC","direct","updated","1980 - present","many, temperature, precipitation, radiation, sea level pressure etc.","hourly, sst monthly","0.5 lat x 0.625 lon (~50km)","[Link](https://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/reanalysis/MERRA-2/), [Link](https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/nasas-merra2-reanalysis)"
-"ERAInterim","5T","CSCS (2)","direct","static","1979-2019","W_SO_REL, T_SO, W_SNOW, FR_LAND, T_SKIN, T_SNOW, FIS, T, U, V, QV, PS, QC, QI, FR_SEA_ICE","6-hourly","0.7° x 0.7° (80 km)","global"
-"ERA5","50T","CSCS (3)","direct","updated","1979 - present","FIS, FR_LAND, FR_SEA_ICE, PS, QC, QI, QR, QS, QV, T, T_SKIN, T_SNOW, T_SO, U, V, W_SNOW, W_SO_REL","hourly","0.28125° x 0.28125° (31 km)","[List of additional ERA-5 datasets](Datasets.ERA-5)"
-"ERA5","17T","IAC (4)","direct","updated","1940 - present","2t, tp, 10si, mn2t, mx2t","monthly, hourly (variable dependent)","0.25° x 0.25°","[Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview), [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview)"
-"ERA5-Land","40T","IAC (5)","direct","updated","1950 - present","2t, snom","hourly (variable dependent)","0.1° x 0.1°","[Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form)"
-"CERRA","16T","IAC (6)","direct","updated","1985 - present","2t, t, r, ...","3-hourly","5x5km","sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe, [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-single-levels?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xfM4TZCGXZm4M4VLQW3XPyAk6IX9vjlwj_p6ymX4aDU/edit#gid=0)"
-"CERRA-Land","12T","IAC (7)","direct","updated","1985 - present","snom, sro, tp, ...","3-hourly","5x5km","[Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-land?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e58ps_yBmxUG0jvL8ZmNNr7Zz_UXuqIZsz4MdRAzvbM/edit#gid=0)"
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# Datasets
-C2SM provides a number of datasets (see below). In addition, the Forest Ecology group has put together information about commonly used datasets and how to use them here.
+C2SM provides different climate datasets such as CMIP5, CMIP6 or CORDEX, as downloaded from the original sources, as well as processed datasets such as the so-called CMIP6-NextGeneration (CMIP6-ng) archive.
-We provide different climate datasets such as CMIP5, CMIP6 or CORDEX, as downloaded from the original sources, as well as processed datasets such as the so-called CMIP6-NextGeneration (CMIP6-ng) archive. If you need access to other climate datasets contact us at request@c2sm.ethz.ch and we will try to help.
-The table below shows an overview over the datasets we already provide.
+If you need access to other climate datasets contact us at [support@c2sm.ethz.ch](mailto:support@c2sm.ethz.ch) or add an [issue](https://github.com/C2SM/Tasks-Support/issues) and we will try to help.
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-| Archive | Size (#Files) (3) | Location | Access | Status | Variables | Resolution |
-| ------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | --------- | ---------- |
-| *'Raw' CMIP Archives (as downloaded from ESGF)* | | | | | | |
-| CMIP2",0.01 TB (500),"IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2010-10) | | native (1) |
-| CMIP3",6 TB (40’000),"IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2016-12) | | native |
-| CMIP5",130 TB (700’000),"IAC | direct / rsync | monthly updated | | native |
-| CMIP6",520 TB (5’500’000),"IAC, Euler (4) | direct / rsync | weekly updated | | native |
-| *CMIP next generation (checked, standardized, regridded to common grid)* | | | | | | |
-| CMIP3-ng (2)",0.5 TB (5’000),"IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2019-03) | | native and 2.5°x2.5° |
-| CMIP5-ng (2)",33 TB (100’000),"IAC | direct / rsync | frozen (2019-09) | | native and 2.5°x2.5° |
-| CMIP6-ng (2)",175 TB (500’000),"IAC, Euler (4) | direct / rsync | ongoing | monthly: co2mass, hfls, mrro, npp, rlds, rsdscs, rtmt, tasmin, tsl, evspsbl, hfss, mrros, pr, rldscs, rsdt, sftlf, tauu, zg500, evspsblsoi, hurs, mrso prw, rlus, rsus, siconc, tauv, evspsblveg, huss, mrsol, psl, rlut, rsuscs, ta, tos, areacella, gpp, lai, mrsos, ra, rlutcs, rsut, tas, tran, clt, hfds, nbp, rh, rsds, rsutcs, tasmax, treeFrac, zos | native and 2.5°x2.5° |
-| | | | | | daily: pr, tas, tasmin, tasmax, zg500, mrro | native and 2.5°x2.5° |
-| *'Raw' CORDEX (as downloaded)* | | | | | | |
-| CORDEX",370 TB (800’000),"IAC, Euler (4), CSCS (5) | direct / rsync | monthly updated | | 0.44° and 0.11° |
-| CORDEX-ReKliEs",23 TB (100’000),"IAC, Euler (4) | direct | monthly updated | | 0.11° |
-| *CORDEX data for climate scenarios (checked, regridded to identical grids if necessary)* | | | | | | |
-| CORDEX.ch2018",11 TB (1’800),"IAC, CSCS (5) | direct | frozen (2019-04) | daily: hurs, huss, pr, rsds, sfcWind, sfcWindmax, snw, tas, tasmax, tasmin | 0.44° and 0.11° |
-| CORDEX.ch2025",46 TB (3’500),"IAC (6) | direct | ongoing | daily: pr, tas, tasmax, tasmin, zg500 | 0.44° and 0.11° |
-| CORDEX-FPSCONV",30T (22'949),"CSCS (7) | direct | ongoing | 1hr: pr, tas, daily: pr, tas, tasmax, tasmin | 2-3km |
-| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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-| Archive | Size (#Files) (1) | Location | Access | Status | Time Period | Variables | Temporal Resolution | Spatial Resolution | More Information |
-| ------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ----------- | --------- | ------------------- | ------------------ | ---------------- |
-| E-OBS and MCH | 50G | IAC (8) | direct | static | 1971-2020 | tas, tasmax, tasmin, pr | daily | 0.11° | E-OBS (v23.1e and v26.0e) data with higher resolution MCH data over Switzerland (prepared for CH2025) |
-| MCH | 7G | IAC (9) | direct | static | 1971-2021 | tas, tasmax, tasmin, pr | daily | ~2km | gridded observational data from MeteoSwiss over Switzerland |
-| MERRA2 | 17G | IAC (10) | direct | updated | 1980-2015 (v0) \n 1980-2018 (v1) | tas, tasmax, tasmin, huss, psl, pr, hfss, hfls, rlus, rlds, rsds, rsus, tos | daily, monthly | 2.5 lat x 2.5 lon (same as cmip6-ng) | files are consistent with cmip-ng archives, no time period is indicated in filenames |
-| CERRA | 6T | IAC (11) | direct | updated | 1985 - 2020 (v1) | 2t, t, r, ... | daily, monthly | 5x5km | sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe, [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-single-levels?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xfM4TZCGXZm4M4VLQW3XPyAk6IX9vjlwj_p6ymX4aDU/edit#gid=0) |
-| CERRA-Land | 1.8T | IAC (12) | direct | updated | 1985 - 2020 (v1) | snom, sro, tp, ... | daily, monthly | 5x5km | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-land?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e58ps_yBmxUG0jvL8ZmNNr7Zz_UXuqIZsz4MdRAzvbM/edit#gid=0) |
-| ERA5 | 500G | IAC (13) | direct | updated | 1940 - present | 2t, tp, mx2t, mn2t | daily, monthly | 0.25° x 0.25° | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview) |
-| ERA5-Land | 2.2T | IAC (14) | direct | updated | 1950 - present | 2d, 2t, sd, snom | daily, monthly | 0.1° x 0.1° | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form) |
-| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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-| Archive | Size (#Files) (1) | Location | Access | Status | Time Period | Variables | Temporal Resolution | Spatial Resolution | More Information |
-| ------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ----------- | --------- | ------------------- | ------------------ | ---------------- |
-| *'Raw' Archives (as downloaded from original source)* | | | | | | | | | |
-| E-OBS | 660G | IAC | direct | different versions, updated irregularly | 1950 - present | TG: mean temperature, TN: minimum temperature, TX: maximum temperature, RR: precipitation sum, PP: mean sea level pressure, FG: mean wind speed, HU: mean relative humidity, QQ: global radiation | daily | 0.1° and 0.25° | [Link](https://www.ecad.eu/download/ensembles/download.php), [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/insitu-gridded-observations-europe?tab=overview) |
-| MERRA2 | 15T | IAC | direct | updated | 1980 - present | many, temperature, precipitation, radiation, sea level pressure etc. | hourly, sst monthly | 0.5 lat x 0.625 lon (~50km) | [Link](https://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/reanalysis/MERRA-2/), [Link](https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/nasas-merra2-reanalysis) |
-| ERAInterim | 5T | CSCS (2) | direct | static | 1979-2019 | W_SO_REL, T_SO, W_SNOW, FR_LAND, T_SKIN, T_SNOW, FIS, T, U, V, QV, PS, QC, QI, FR_SEA_ICE | 6-hourly | 0.7° x 0.7° (80 km) | global |
-| ERA5 | 50T | CSCS (3) | direct | updated | 1979 - present | FIS, FR_LAND, FR_SEA_ICE, PS, QC, QI, QR, QS, QV, T, T_SKIN, T_SNOW, T_SO, U, V, W_SNOW, W_SO_REL | hourly | 0.28125° x 0.28125° (31 km) | [List of additional ERA-5 datasets](Datasets.ERA-5) |
-| ERA5 | 17T | IAC (4) | direct | updated | 1940 - present | 2t, tp, 10si, mn2t, mx2t | monthly, hourly (variable dependent) | 0.25° x 0.25° | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview), [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview) |
-| ERA5-Land | 40T | IAC (5) | direct | updated | 1950 - present | 2t, snom | hourly (variable dependent) | 0.1° x 0.1° | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form) |
-| CERRA | 16T | IAC (6) | direct | updated | 1985 - present | 2t, t, r, ... | 3-hourly | 5x5km | sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe, [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-single-levels?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xfM4TZCGXZm4M4VLQW3XPyAk6IX9vjlwj_p6ymX4aDU/edit#gid=0) |
-| CERRA-Land | 12T | IAC (7) | direct | updated | 1985 - present | snom, sro, tp, ... | 3-hourly | 5x5km | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-land?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e58ps_yBmxUG0jvL8ZmNNr7Zz_UXuqIZsz4MdRAzvbM/edit#gid=0) |
-| | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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+title: Observational and Re-analysis Datasets
+layout: default
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+parent: Datasets
+# Observational and Re-analysis Datasets
+## "Raw" Archives (as downloaded from the original source)
+| Archive | Size[1](#1) | Location | Access | Status | time period | Variables | Temporal Resolution | Spatial Resolution | more information |
+| --------- | --------------- | -------- | ------ | -------------------------------------- | -------------- | --------- | ------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |
+| E-OBS | 660G | IAC | direct | different versions, updated irregularly | 1950 - present | TG: mean temperature, TN: minimum temperature, TX: maximum temperature, RR: precipitation sum, PP: mean sea level pressure, FG: mean wind speed, HU: mean relative humidity, QQ: global radiation | daily | 0.1° and 0.25° | [Link](https://www.ecad.eu/download/ensembles/download.php), [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/insitu-gridded-observations-europe?tab=overview) |
+| MERRA2 | 15T | IAC | direct | updated | 1980 - present | many, temperature, precipitation, radiation, sea level pressure etc. | hourly, sst monthly | 0.5 lat x 0.625 lon (~50km) | [Link](https://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/reanalysis/MERRA-2/), [Link](https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/nasas-merra2-reanalysis) |
+| ERAInterim | 5T | CSCS[2](#2) | direct | static | 1979-2019 | W_SO_REL, T_SO, W_SNOW, FR_LAND, T_SKIN, T_SNOW, FIS, T, U, V, QV, PS, QC, QI, FR_SEA_ICE | 6-hourly | 0.7° x 0.7° (80 km) global |
+| ERA5 | 50T | CSCS[3](#3) | direct | updated | 1979 - present | FIS, FR_LAND, FR_SEA_ICE, PS, QC, QI, QR, QS, QV, T, T_SKIN, T_SNOW, T_SO, U, V, W_SNOW, W_SO_REL | hourly | 0.28125° x 0.28125° (31 km) [List of additional ERA-5 datasets](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview) |
+| ERA5 | 17T | IAC[4](#4) | direct | updated | 1940 - present | 2t, tp, 10si, mn2t, mx2t | monthly, hourly (variable dependent) | 0.25° x 0.25° [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels-monthly-means?tab=overview), [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview), need to delete original data after processing because of size |
+| ERA5-Land | 40T | IAC[5](#5) | direct | updated | 1950 - present | 2t, snom | hourly (variable dependent) | 0.1° x 0.1° [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form), need to delete original data after processing because of size |
+| CERRA | 16T | IAC[6](#6) | direct | updated | 1985 - present | 2t, t, r, ... | 3-hourly | 5x5km | sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe, [Wishlist](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YtIabO5PMTsD_i_PqycmzIbrOYigNmuublt_i6FKrhY/edit#heading=h.brsa23yzcugp), [Download Status](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xfM4TZCGXZm4M4VLQW3XPyAk6IX9vjlwj_p6ymX4aDU/edit#gid=0), space constraints prevent us from keeping all the 3-hourly data which have been processed into daily data, see sheet on download process |
+| CERRA-Land | 12T | IAC[7](#7) | direct | updated | 1985 - present | snom, sro, tp, ... | 3-hourly | 5x5km | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-land?tab=overview), [Wishlist](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YtIabO5PMTsD_i_PqycmzIbrOYigNmuublt_i6FKrhY/edit#heading=h.brsa23yzcugp), [Download Status](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e58ps_yBmxUG0jvL8ZmNNr7Zz_UXuqIZsz4MdRAzvbM/edit#gid=0), space constraints prevent us from keeping all the 3-hourly data which have been processed into daily data, see sheet on download process |
+## Processed Archives (e.g. aggregated or regridded)
+| Archive | Size[1](#1) | Location | Access | Status | time period | Variables | Temporal Resolution | Spatial Resolution | more information |
+| ------- | --------------- | -------- | ------ | ------ | ----------- | ---------- | ------------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |
+| E-OBS and MCH | 50G | IAC[8](#8) | direct | static | 1971-2020 | tas, tasmax, tasmin, pr | daily | 0.11° | E-OBS (v23.1e and v26.0e) data with higher resolution MCH data over Switzerland (prepared for CH2025) |
+| MCH | 7G | IAC[9](#9) | direct | static | 1971-2021 | tas, tasmax, tasmin, pr | daily | ~2km | gridded observational data from MeteoSwiss over Switzerland |
+| MERRA2 | 17G | IAC[10](#10) | direct | updated | 1980-2015 (v0), 1980-2018 (v1) | tas, tasmax, tasmin, huss, psl, pr, hfss, hfls, rlus, rlds, rsds, rsus, tos | daily, monthly | 2.5 lat x 2.5 lon (same as cmip6-ng) files are consistent with cmip-ng archives, no time period is indicated in filenames |
+| CERRA | 6T | IAC[11](#11) | direct | updated | 1985 - 2020 (v1) | 2t, t, r, ... | daily, monthly | 5x5km | sub-daily regional reanalysis data for Europe, [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-single-levels?tab=overview), [Download Status](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xfM4TZCGXZm4M4VLQW3XPyAk6IX9vjlwj_p6ymX4aDU/edit#gid=0) |
+| CERRA-Land | 1.8T | IAC[12](#12) | direct | updated | 1985 - 2020 (v1) | snom, sro, tp, ... | daily, monthly | 5x5km | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-cerra-land?tab=overview), [Link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e58ps_yBmxUG0jvL8ZmNNr7Zz_UXuqIZsz4MdRAzvbM/edit#gid=0) |
+| ERA5 | 500G | IAC[13](#13) | direct | updated | 1940 - present | 2t, tp, mx2t, mn2t | daily, monthly | 0.25° x 0.25° | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-single-levels?tab=overview) |
+| ERA5-Land | 2.2T | IAC[14](#14) | direct | updated | 1950 - present | 2d, 2t, sd, snom | daily, monthly | 0.1° x 0.1° | [Link](https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=form) |
+1 As of May 2022
+2 `/store/c2sm/c2sme/reanalyses_dkrz/ERAInterim`
+3 `/store/c2sm/c2sme/reanalyses_dkrz/ERA5`
+4 `/net/atmos/data/era5_cds/original`
+5 `/net/atmos/data/era5-land_cds/original`
+6 `/net/atmos/data/cerra/original`
+7 `/net/atmos/data/cerra-land/original`
+8 `/net/co2/c2sm-data/ch202X/Obs_Data/EOBS/0.1deg_reg_v23.1e/processed/, /net/co2/c2sm-data/ch202X/Obs_Data/EOBS/0.1deg_reg_v26.0e/processed/`
+9 `/net/co2/c2sm-data/ch202X/Obs_Data/MCH/processed/`
+10 `/net/co2/c2sm-data/rlorenz/MERRA2/`
+11 `/net/atmos/data/cerra/processed/v1/`
+12 `/net/atmos/data/cerra-land/processed/v1/`
+13 `/net/atmos/data/era5_cds/processed/v1/`
+14 `/net/atmos/data/era5-land_cds/processed/v1/`