For this follow the 3 classes we took under Computer Club during the month of May: here
Best way to start is to head on to and press the ‘Get Started’ button. The official docs of Flutter are very great for learning.
Flutter Courses:
- Flutter: Flutter Tutorial for Beginners using Dart: Develop Android and iOS mobile app - YouTube
- Dart: Dart Tutorial for Beginners: Basics and Fundamentals for Flutter - YouTube
- Build App with Flutter SDK from scratch - YouTube
- Flutter & Firebase App Build - YouTube
- E-commerce App using flutter - YouTube
REST APIs can be made using different languages and frameworks. Popular frameworks are as follows
- ExpressJs (NodeJS)
- Flask/Django (Python)
For making database operations in backend, ORMs are generally used which makes DB operations easier to handle.
Widely used ORMs are as follows
- SequelizeJS for SQL DB
- Mongoose for MongoDB
REST APIs calls can be convinietly handled using Retrofit library. Quick overview of Retrofit
Note: It is highly recommended to refer the official documentation of each library/framework which has to be used both in FE and BE, video/third party resources can be referred in case of roadblocks and bugs