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Synthetic Data FAQ

Mike Eng edited this page May 6, 2021 · 24 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions about the synthetic data upgrade for:

Blue Button 2.0 API (BB2.0)

Beneficiary Claims Data API (BCDA)

Data at the Point of Care (DPC)

Medicare Claims Data to Part D Sponsors API (AB2D)

What will happen to the old synthetic data? Is it being replaced?

The previously released set of synthetic data will persist indefinitely. It is not being replaced. This new set of synthetic data is for additional beneficiaries. Either set can be used going forward.

What are the differences between this set of synthetic data and the old set?

This data will contain:

  1. more recent dates
  2. more realistic values for NPIs and ZIP Codes (e.g. not all "99999")
  3. more realistic patient information (e.g. dates of birth that are in line with most Medicare beneficiaries)
  4. more realistic clinical scenarios (e.g. prescriptions and procedures that make sense with given diagnoses)

Where can you find the latest information?

Join the Google Groups for any APIs you access for the most up to date information:

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