This README contains information related to developing the SDK.
It is intended for BB2 team members or others performing sample application development work.
Configure the remote target BB2 instance where the tested app is registered (as described above "Running the Back-end & Front-end")
Change your callback_url
configuration to use server
instead of localhost
. For example:
"callback_url": "http://server:3001/api/bluebutton/callback/"
You can also start your configuration by following the sample config template for selenium tests:
cp server/sample-bluebutton-selenium-config.json server/.bluebutton-config.json
You will also need to add this URL to your redirect_uris
list in your application's configuration on the BB2 Sandbox UI.
Go to local repository base directory and run docker compose as below:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.selenium.yml up --abort-on-container-exit
Note: --abort-on-container-exit will abort client and server containers when selenium tests ends
Note: You may need to clean up already existing Docker containers, if you are having issues or have changed your configuration file.
Instead of using the BB2 API to retrieve data from a BB2 server every time you run the
sample client, you can alternatively pre-populate json content to be loaded. To do so,
replace the json files in server/default_datasets/Dataset 1
with your desired default
data, and then in client/src/components/patientData.tsx
, update the
const to true
Then on the landing page of the sample client, in addition to the normal button
which can be used to query a BB2 server, there will also be a
Load default data
button which can be used to load the data from the json files.
This is useful when developing front-end content since it shortens the amount of time it takes to load sample data.
Install VNC viewer and point browser to http://localhost:5900 to monitor web UI interactions
The package can be installed from the test instance of the PyPI site for development testing. The default behavior is to install from the main site.
To utilize the repository use the following commands:
To create and start the containers:
BUILD_DEVELOPMENT="True" docker-compose up -d
To build just the server
BUILD_DEVELOPMENT="True" docker-compose up -d --build server
docker-compose build server --build-arg BUILD_DEVELOPMENT="True"
To show the version installed:
docker-compose exec server pip show cms-bluebutton-sdk