Releases: CSSLint/csslint
Releases · CSSLint/csslint
- Added total headings count to unique-headings rule (fixes #108)
- Fixed bug with box model rule (fixes #135)
- Added rule to check property name against list of known properties (fixes #136)
- Ensure consistency across error messages (fixes #89)
- Updated parser to handle CSS escaping (fixes #97)
- Added a rule to check for high text-indent for RTL (fixes #109)
- Add rule to warn for universal selector (fixes #38)
- Changed too many !important error to warning (fixes #105)
- Updated parser to allow parsing of CSS3 keyframes
- Fixed error where Rhino CLI could not read directories (fixes #106)
- Added user-select to vendor prefix rule (fixes #98)
- Changed wording of !important error to include max usage recommendation (fixes #104)
- Updated parser (fixes #49)
- Added rule for compatible vendor prefixes (pull #78)
- Added rule for duplicate properties (fixes #51)
- Updated error message for display:inline used with float (fixes #16)
- Vendor prefix rule only checks for known rules (fixes #93, #54, #27)
- Make sure @font-face doesn't break vendor-prefix rule (fixes #90)
- Make sure that url() with spaces before the URI works (fixes #94)
- Rhino and Node CLIs both exit with code 1 when there are errors (pull #72)
- Changed description of adjoining classes to be unsupported in IE6 (fixes #11)
- Made license comment important in build files (fixes #46)
- Code cleanup (pull #70)
- Cleanup of whitespace (pull #74)
- Standardization of CLI interface (pull #81)
- Switched display-property-grouping to allow padding, margin-left, and margin-right for display: inline (fixes #3)
- Changed messaging for float rule (fixes #26)
- border:none with width/height is okay (fixes #45)
- Updated web worker to accept JSON-encoded input
- Allow turning on/off rules in web interface and CLIs (fixes #77)
- Introduced release directory that will hold official release version
- Build directory will be removed in next release
- Make sure headings are counted correctly (fixes #25)
- Make sure float: none doesn't count as a float for rules that care (fixes #10)
- Fix erroneous missing standard border warning (fixes #7)
- Ensure width: 100% is okay when box-sizing is specified (fixes #5)
- Fixed up width/height properties for box model rule (fixes #8)
- Incorporated Rhino CLI and updated contributors list
- Include build file in Git repo so people can grab directly (fixes #59)
- Added rule for tracking using of !important from shinuza (fixes #50)