diff --git a/DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md b/DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md index 2f40f462..483b6e87 100644 --- a/DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md +++ b/DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md @@ -20,30 +20,51 @@ CV-CUDA includes: | Pre/Post-Processing Operators | Definition | |-------------------------------|------------| +| Adaptive Thresholding | Chooses threshold based on smaller regions in the neighborhood of each pixel. | +| Advanced Color Format Conversions | Performs color conversion from interleaved RGB/BGR <-> YUV/YVU and semi planar. Supported standards: BT.601. BT.709. BT.2020 | | AverageBlur | Reduces image noise using an average filter | | BilateralFilter | Reduces image noise while preserving strong edges | +| Bounding Box | Draws an rectangular border using the X-Y coordinates and dimensions typically to define the location and size of an object in an image | +| Box Blurring | Overlays a blurred rectangle using the X-Y coordinates and dimensions that define the location and size of an object in an image | +| Brightness_Contrast | Adjusts brightness and contrast of an image | | CenterCrop | Crops an image at its center | | ChannelReorder | Shuffles the order of image channels | +| Color_Twist | Adjusts the hue saturation brightness and contrast of an image | | Composite | Composites two images together | | Conv2D | Convolves an image with a provided kernel | | CopyMakeBorder | Creates a border around an image | | CustomCrop | Crops an image with a given region-of-interest | | CvtColor | Converts an image from one color space to another | -| DataTypeConvert | Converts an image’s data type, with optional scaling | +| DataTypeConvert | Converts an image’s data type with optional scaling | | Erase | Erases image regions | +| Find Contours | Extract closed contours from an input binary image | | Flip | Flips a 2D image around its axis | | GammaContrast | Adjusts image contrast | | Gaussian | Applies a gaussian blur filter to the image | -| JointBilateralFilter | Reduces image noise while preserving strong edges
based on a guidance image | +| Gaussian Noise | Generates a statistical noise with a normal (Gaussian) distribution | +| Histogram | Provides a grayscale value distribution showing the frequency of occurrence of each gray value. | +| Histogram Equalizer | Allows effective spreading out the intensity range of the image typically used to improve contrast | +| Inpainting | Performs inpainting by replacing a pixel by normalized weighted sum of all the known pixels in the neighborhood | +| Joint Bilateral Filter | Provides a edge-preserving denoising filter | | Laplacian | Applies a Laplace transform to an image | | MedianBlur | Reduces an image’s salt-and-pepper noise | +| MinArea Rect | Finds the minimum area rotated rectangle typically used to draw bounding rectangle with minimum area | +| MinMaxLoc | Finds the maximum and minimum values in a given array | | Morphology | Performs morphological erode and dilate transformations | +| Morphology (close) | Performs morphological operation that involves dilation followed by erosion on an image | +| Morphology (open) | Performs morphological operation that involves erosion followed by dilation on an image | +| Non-max Suppression | Enables selecting a single entity out of many overlapping ones typically used for selecting from multiple bounding boxes during object detection | | Normalize | Normalizes an image pixel’s range | -| PadStack | Stacks several images into a tensor, with border extension | +| OSD (Polyline Line Text Rotated Rect Segmented Mask) | Displays an overlay on the image of of different forms including polyline line text rotated rectangle segmented mask | +| PadStack | Stacks several images into a tensor with border extension | | PillowResize | Changes the size and scale of an image using python-pillow algorithm | +| RandomResizedCrop | Crops a random portion of an image and resizes it to a specified size. | | Reformat | Converts a planar image into non-planar and vice versa | +| Remap | Maps pixels in an image with one projection to another projection in a new image. | | Resize | Changes the size and scale of an image | | Rotate | Rotates a 2D array in multiples of 90 degrees | +| SIFT | Identifies and matches features in images that are invariant to scale rotation and affine distortion. | +| Thresholding | Chooses a global threshold value that is the same for all pixels across the image. | | WarpAffine | Applies an affine transformation to an image | | WarpPerspective | Applies a perspective transformation to an image | diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index d8018188..155bcd8a 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ [![Cuda](https://img.shields.io/badge/CUDA-v11.7-%2376B900?logo=nvidia)](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit-archive) [![GCC](https://img.shields.io/badge/GCC-v11.0-yellow)](https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-11/changes.html) -[![Python](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-v3.7_%7c_v3.8_%7c_v3.9_%7c_v3.10-blue?logo=python)](https://www.python.org/) +[![Python](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-v3.7_%7c_v3.8_%7c_v3.10-blue?logo=python)](https://www.python.org/) [![CMake](https://img.shields.io/badge/CMake-v3.22-%23008FBA?logo=cmake)](https://cmake.org/) CV-CUDA is an open-source project that enables building efficient cloud-scale