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136 lines (134 loc) · 7.42 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (134 loc) · 7.42 KB

Maestro features checklist

  • Real-time validation on sign up and login form fields.
  • Direct login after sign up.
  • The user name is editable on settings' Profile section.
  • The user picture is changeable on settings' Profile section.
  • The user password is changeable on settings' Account section.
  • The Organizations section on setting shows organizations which user belongs to.
  • Name (required): length and duplicate existence check when adding or editing an entity (release, project, nugget).
  • Cutoff (required for releases): Refuse incorrect dates.
  • Cutoff calendar widget functionality.
  • Cutoff derived from underlying fields.
  • Description (optional): Should not fill it all with white-spaces.
  • Description's character counter.
  • Form fields get focus by clicking on the field's name or value box.
  • "Leave new release view?" alert appears when a new release form is losing focus.
  • "Save changes?" alert appears when an existing release form is losing focus.
  • Alert prevents page to reload or load another URL.
  • Alert should have focus to accept keyboard key-press.
  • "Save" button appears after a change in form.
  • "Save" reverts to the previous state when changes reverted.
  • "New Release" appears when an existing unchanged release selected.
  • Releases list columns: Name, Target, Created At, Cutoff
  • Double-click on a release opens its projects at
  • Sort the list by each column.
  • Reverse sort is available too.
  • List items selection using arrow keys.
  • Sorted by "Created At" column "oldest to newest" on page load.
  • Click on a list item, fills right side panel and chat section.
  • Right side panel stays on the selected tab when changing project or nugget.
  • Right side panel loads new data when changing list item. (not worked for nuggets !!)
  • Audit logs tab is enabled only in existing nuggets.
  • Red notification indicator on logs icon meaning subscribed nuggets modified.
  • Audit logs sorted from the oldest change to the newest.
  • Audit logs columns are: Event, Old, New, User, Date
  • Attachments tab is disabled in any new entity.
  • Attachments tab is available on editing projects or nuggets.
  • Search on attachments available.
  • Add an attachment with "+ Add Attachment" which uploads a file.
  • "Change Attachment" appears to change the added file.
  • The file removed by select nothing after "Change Attachment" clicked.
  • Attachment file size and extension check.
  • Stay on Add Attachment box while changing nuggets or projects.
  • Attachment has description.
  • "Save" button does not appear until a file upload done.
  • Adding a file caption only does not enable "Save" button.
  • Delete attachment by creator.
  • Viewing attachments on a frame showing file and creator and creation date & time.
  • Links tab is disabled in any new entity.
  • Chat is enabled on projects and nuggets.
  • Send chat message with Enter key and arrow icon.
  • Markdown support in chat.
  • Mention with @ in chat.
  • Search users to mention after inserting @ in chat.
  • Immediately showing the sent message in chat.
  • Sender name on a sent message.
  • "replies to" quoted message if required on sent message.
  • Read check-marks of a sent message.
  • Date and time of a sent message.
  • Edit a message by sender.
  • Edit label for edited messages.
  • Edit a message attachment or remove it.
  • Editing mode banner on top of input box.
  • Cancel edit with Esc key or close icon.
  • Replies to an edited message showing edited message quoted.
  • Reply to a deleted message is not available.
  • Click on quoted message, jumps to that message.
  • Delete a message by sender.
  • Delete confirm with alert.
  • Delete confirm alert focus to accept keyboard key-press.
  • Show "This message is deleted" with date, time, read check-marks without sender name for a deleted message.
  • Replies to a deleted message showing "This message is deleted" quoted.
  • Unread messages horizontal white line indication.
  • Unread jump circle button having unread messages count.
  • Attachments files size and extensions check on chats.
  • Multi-file attachments on chats.
  • Status (required for new projects): Accepts from options only.
  • Status for projects options: Queued, Active, On Hold, Done
  • Workflow (required for projects): Accepts from options only.
  • Workflow options: Default
  • Group (required for projects): Accepts from options only.
  • Group options: Public
  • Launch (required for projects): Accepts from options only.
  • Launch is filled on page load with current selected release.
  • Launch options are all releases.
  • "Leave new project view?" alert appears when a new project form is losing focus.
  • "Save changes?" alert appears when an existing projects form is losing focus.
  • "New Project" appears when an existing unchanged project selected.
  • Project list columns are: Name, Group, Pace, Status, Launch, Member, Target, Created At
  • Filter projects list by: Pace, Status.
  • Enables Nugget icon on the left sidebar by selecting a project.
  • Double-click on a project opens its nuggets at
  • Status for nuggets options: To Do, In Progress, On Hold, Done, Complete
  • Priority (required for nuggets): Accepts from options only.
  • Priority options: Low, Normal, High
  • Tags (required for nuggets): Accepts from drop-down list only.
  • Search on tags.
  • Multiple tag selection.
  • Highlight selected tags.
  • Prevent adding a tag several times.
  • Delete a tag.
  • Prevent adding a non-existent tag. Returns: "Sorry, no matching options".
  • Target (required for nuggets): Refuse incorrect dates.
  • Target calendar widget functionality.
  • Type (required for nuggets): Accepts from options only.
  • Types are: Bug, Feature
  • Phase (required, on editing a nugget): Accepts from options only.
  • Phase options are: Backlog, Triage (default), Design, Development, Test
  • Resource (on editing a nugget): Accepts from options only.
  • Resource accepts empty value. (fills random !!)
  • Search on resources.
  • Multiple resource selection.
  • Highlight selected resources.
  • Prevent adding a resource several times.
  • Delete a resource.
  • Prevent adding a non-existent resource. Returns: "No resources". (but accepts non-existent resources !!)
  • "Are you sure leave the new nugget?" alert appears when a new nugget form is losing focus.
  • "Are you sure leave the update nugget?" alert appears when an existing nugget form is losing focus.
  • "New Nugget" appears when an existing unchanged nugget selected.
  • Nugget list columns are: ID, Subscribe, Name, Pace, Status, Priority, Type, Phase, Tags, Days, Target, Created At
  • Filter nuggets list by: Subscribe, Pace, Status, Priority, Type, Phase, Tags
  • List of subscribed modified nuggets at "Unread" part.
  • Red notification indicator when nugget change recorded.
  • Chat mentions will be counts as notifications.