The goal of SEEEapi is to provide an easy way to access the indicator calculation services from the French system for evaluating water status
You can install the released version of SEEEapi from GitHub with:
You can list all available indicators :
#> # A tibble: 53 x 4
#> Type Indicator Version `Input files`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Outil d'évaluation EBio_CE_2015 1.0.0 5
#> 2 Outil d'évaluation EBio_CE_2018 1.0.0 5
#> 3 Outil d'évaluation EBio_CE_Reunion 1.0.0 4
#> 4 Outil d'évaluation EBio_PE_2015 1.0.0 4
#> 5 Outil d'évaluation EBio_PE_2018 1.0.0 4
#> 6 <NA> I2M2 1.0.2 1
#> 7 Outil d'évaluation I2M2 1.0.3 1
#> 8 Outil d'évaluation I2M2 1.0.4 1
#> 9 Outil d'évaluation I2M2 1.0.5 1
#> 10 Outil d'évaluation I2M2 1.0.6 1
#> # ... with 43 more rows
You can also list only the indicators from a given type:
get_indic(type = "diagnostic")
#> # A tibble: 7 x 4
#> Type Indicator Version `Input files`
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Outil de diagnostic IIR 1.0.0 3
#> 2 Outil de diagnostic IPRplus 1.0.0 2
#> 3 Outil de diagnostic IPRplus 1.0.1 2
#> 4 Outil de diagnostic IPRplus 1.0.2 2
#> 5 Outil de diagnostic IPRplus 1.0.3 2
#> 6 Outil de diagnostic ODInvertebres 1.0.1 1
#> 7 Outil de diagnostic ODInvertebres 1.0.2 1
The calculations can be executed online on the SEEE server:
calc_indic(indic = "IPR",
version = "1.0.3",
file_paths = c("IPR_entree_01_env.txt", "IPR_entree_02_faun.txt"))
#> $info
#> [1] "IPR v1.0.3 31/03/2020 Temps d'execution : 2.98secs"
#> $result
#> # A tibble: 900 x 6
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 <NA> ALT 5
#> 2 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7744 Score NER 0.161168846721986
#> 3 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7743 Score NEL 0.0523349458608265
#> 4 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7644 Score NTE 2.56594296178653
#> 5 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7786 Score DIT 0.880800094018145
#> 6 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7746 Score DIO 3.47592937201397
#> 7 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7745 Score DII 4.31585732740989
#> 8 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7787 Score DTI 5.14337534155021
#> 9 9860695 1141000 24/09/2008 7036 IPR 16.5954088893616
#> 10 9860163 2000011 11/10/2007 <NA> ALT 220
#> # ... with 890 more rows
The calculation can also be executed locally by providing a directory
where the scripts will be saved (either using get_algo
or directly by
calc_indic(indic = "IPR",
version = NULL, # default value, will use the most
# recent version available
data = list(IPR_entree_01_env, # can use data from the environment
IPR_entree_02_faun), # instead of file paths
locally = TRUE,
dir_algo = "my/path/to/algos")