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Helm chart for large scale LLM

Deployment of LLM at a large scale using VLL server for inference.


This project originates in the need to optimize the use of GPUs by providing a way to use the same LLM for several concurrent uses and prioritize the most important ones. The prioritization uses a token-based authentication system, where each token has a priority level.


There are several possible architectures, but two fundamental criteria made us choose this one:

  • Open AI standards must be respected, so that the system is completely transparent to the customer.
  • We don't want to re-implement the Open AI API by hand and to maintain it. The LLM has to respond to errors, and all we do is forward them.

To respect these requirements, we divided the project into three main components:

  • The sender exposes an API to send tasks to the queue. It is responsible for checking the token and sending the task to the right queue (one queue per model), with the right priority.
  • A RabbitMQ server is responsible for managing queues and the prioritization of the tasks.
  • The consumer keeps track of the use of the model and pulls the tasks off the model queue when ready.

To improve performances, instead of having the consumer sending tasks to the LLM, it sends back to the sender an authorization to access the LLM directly. This way, the consumer can keep track of the use of the LLM and the sender can send the task directly to the LLM and act as a proxy for the consumer.


Let's dive into the steps shown above:

  1. A user makes a request to the API as if it was a regular LLM following Open AI's standards.
  2. The API use a bearer token to authenticate the user and retrieve its priority and threshold.
    • POST requests: Provide a model attribute in a JSON Body, therefore we can check the number of messages in the queue for this model and accept or deny the request of the user.
    • GET requests: No body and we must reimplement the behaviour of the desired route. For the endpoint /v1/models, we list all the models behind our queues (accordingly to the Open AI standard so it is possible to use OpenWebUI Interface).
  3. If accepted, the request will be pushed into the right queue with its priority. The API makes a RPC call and wait for a response in a callback queue which will specify the LLM address available to handle the request.
  4. There's a consumer for each LLM on each GPU. At its startup, it declares a queue corresponding to its model and consumes messages from it.
  5. Before consuming each message, it checks the average throughput of token per user of the LLM and consume it only if it is greater than a certain value to ensure a pleasant use.
  6. It then confirms to the API that the LLM can handle the request, including the LLM's address in the confirmation message.
  7. The API has forwarded the request directly to the LLM.
  8. The sender finally sends a response to the user.


In this section, we detail all the environment variables you can set to configure the sender and the consumer, the required and optional ones and their default value. You can configure these variables using Helm Chart (more information in the at the root of this repository).


External chart :

  • MySQL/PostgreSQL chart to have a database for identification tokens


List of all the models to deploy in the application.

Name Description Value
name Name for the model in the cluster. Use Kebab case ""
model Model name from HuggingFace ""
quantization Quantization alogrithm of the used model ""
dtype Dtype of the model ""
gpuMemoryUtilisation Maximum GPU memory usage 0.90
huggingface_token Token used for pulling models from huggingface ""
replicaCount Replica count for the model 1
ropeScaling Object representing RoPE scaling configuration to apply for the model {enabled: false, jsonConfiguration: "{}", theta: ""}
pvc.enabled Store model in a PVC to allow vllm to restart faster false
pvc.storageSize Choose the size of the PVC if enabled. Should fit model size "16Gi"

jsonConfiguration and theta parameters of the ropeScaling configuration correspond to --rope-scaling and --rope-theta arguments of the vLLM engine.


This should be a list of all the tokens wanted and their respective priority. The highest priority is the first one to be answered. It's their weight rather than their order.

This is mandatory for an internal database, as it will be used to set up the database. If you are using an external database, you can fill it by yourself.

Name Description Value
token String for the token ""
priority Priority of the token 1
threshold Maximum number of request in the queue for the token 10


The sender is the Python block which reproduces the API and sends the message down to RabbitMQ.

Name Description Value
sender.image.repository Repository of the image centralesupelec/aristote-dispatcher-sender
seneder.image.pullPolicy Pull policy of the image IfNotPresent
sender.image.tag Tag of the image latest
sender.port Port used by the sender 8080
sender.resources Resources specified for the container ""
sender.replicaCount Replica count for the sender 1
sender.logLevel Log level for the container (Debug: 10; Info: 20; Warn: 30, Error: 40; Fatal: 50) "20"
sender.env Environment variables to add to the container []
sender.podAnnotations Pod annotations for the sender {}
sender.podSecurityContext Security context for the pod {}
sender.securityContext Security context for the container {}
sender.tolerations Tolerations for the container []
sender.affinty Node affinity and pod affinity for the pod: useful to separate CPU and GPU for example {}
sender.nodeSelector Node selector for the pod {}
sender.rpcReconnectAttempts Number of attemps to reconnect to RPC channel before setting pod to unhealthy 10


The consumer is the Python block which pulls messages from the RabbitMQ queue and sends them to the inference server.

Name Description Value
consumer.image.repository Repository of the image centralesupelec/aristote-dispatcher-consumer
consumer.image.pullPolicy Pull policy of the image IfNotPresent
consumer.image.tag Tag of the image latest
consumer.port Port used by the consumer 8080
consumer.resources Resources specified for the container ""
consumer.replicaCount Replica count for the consumer 1
consumer.env Environment variables to add to the container []
consumer.podAnnotations Pod annotations for the sender {}
consumer.podSecurityContext Security context for the pod {}
consumer.securityContext Security context for the container {}
consumer.tolerations Tolerations for the container []
consumer.affinty Node affinity and pod afinity for the pod: useful to separate CPU and GPU for example {}
consumer.nodeSelector Node selector for the pod {}
consumer.rpcReconnectAttempts Number of attemps to reconnect to RPC channel before setting pod to unhealthy 10
consumer.rpcQueueExpiration Number of milliseconds to wait before removing queue in RabbitMQ if consumer doesn't respond 30000
consumer.maxVLLMConnectionAttempts Number of attemps to connect to vLLM before setting pod to unhealthy 100
consumer.probe.enabled The pod uses routes to communicate its status to Kubernetes true
consumer.probe.port Port used for probes (if probes are enabled) 8081

Inference server

The inference server is using the GPU for inferring on the LLM. We are using the vLLM inference server.

Name Description Value
inferenceserver.image.repository Repository for the image vllm/vllm-openai
inferenceserver.image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the image IfNotPresent
inferenceserver.image.tag Tag for the image latest
inferenceserver.port Port used by the inference server 8000
inferenceserver.resources Resources specified for the container. Specifiy the GPU count ""
inferenceserver.replicaCount Replica count for the inference server 1
inferenceserver.env Environment variables to add to the container []
inferenceserver.monitoring Monitor vLLM using Prometheus False

Useful Grafana Dashboard to use if monitoring is enabled.


RabbitMQ is used as a priority in the queue system as well as an intermediary between sender and consumer. We are using the RabbitMQ cluster operator to create the cluster. The file is rabbitmq.yaml. It is also compatible with an external RabbitMQ cluster.

Name Description Value
rabbitmq.internal Use an internal RabbitMQ cluster True
rabbitmq.auth.user Username for RabbitMQ (if external) ""
rabbitmq.auth.password Password for RabbitMQ (if external) "" Host for external RabbitMQ cluster ""
rabbitmq.monitoring Monitor RabbitMQ using Prometheus (if internal) False

Useful Grafana dashboard to use if monitoring is enabled.


Database used by the sender to store authentication tokens.

Name Description Value
database.internal Use an internal database True
database.type Type of database: mysql or postgresql mysql
database.auth.rootPassword Root password for the database root
database.auth.username Username for the database user
database.auth.password Password for the database password
database.auth.database Database name test Host for the database (if external) ""
database.initdbScriptsConfigMap init script for database (if internal) database-config-map

Note that, if the database is external, you will have to initialize it and populate it with your tokens by hand.



CREATE TABLE users (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, token VARCHAR(255), priority INT NOT NULL, threshold INT NOT NULL, client_type ENUM('chat'));


CREATE TYPE client_type as ENUM ('chat');
CREATE TABLE users (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, token VARCHAR(255), priority INT NOT NULL, threshold INT NOT NULL, client_type client_type);


INSERT INTO users (token, priority, threshold, client_type) VALUES ('token', priority, threshold, 'client-type');


Nginx ingress template.


Aristote Dispatcher is designed to be monitored using Prometheus. Provided that monitoring is enabled (see section above), you can use Grafana to track cluster metrics and configure alerts.

Everything related to Grafana is stored inside grafana. You will find various dashboards and alerts as JSON.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.