This repository contains a Python SDK and a command line CLI (based on the SDK) to interact with the CenturyLink Cloud API. The SDK documented at this page aligns to the to API V1.
- Accounts - Account level activities: list,
- Users - User level activities (list, create, modify)
- Servers - Server level activities (list, create, modify)
- Groups - Group level activities (list, create, modify)
- Billing - Billing activities
- Networks - Network activities
- Queue - Work queue
- Blueprints - Blueprints
- Global Options - Formatting and execution options
All API calls require authentication using your API V1 credentials.
>>> import clc
>>> clc.v1.SetCredentials("api_key","api_password")
Custom http settings can be provided to the SDK through an optional requests session object. Once provided, this session is stored by the SDK and used for all API requests. Requests sessions can be used to specify proxies or to provide site-specific http headers:
>>> import requests
>>> ses = requests.Session()
>>> ses.proxies = {
"http": "",
"https": "",
>>> ses.headers.update({"X-PROXY-AUTH": "12345abcdef"})
>>> clc.SetRequestsSession(ses)
Each API token is associated with a specific account alias and each alias has a primary datacenter location. Get the default alias and location with these calls. These calls are often made within the SDK itself in functions where alias and location are optional.
>>> clc.v1.Account.GetAlias()
>>> clc.v1.Account.GetLocation()
Retrieves deep list of current account and all subaccounts your API credentials have access to. The first result is the root account within the list followed by all other accounts. Account relationship can nbe determined by reviewing the ParentAlias field associated with each result set.
>>> clc.v1.Account.GetAccounts(alias="BTDI")
[{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'BusinessName': u'CLC Solutions Demo',
u'IsActive': True,
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'ParentAlias': u'T3N'},
{u'AccountAlias': u'QATI',
u'BusinessName': u'QATier3',
u'IsActive': True,
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'ParentAlias': u'BTDI'},
{u'AccountAlias': u'T3DE',
u'BusinessName': u'DE1 Test Account',
u'IsActive': True,
u'Location': u'DE1',
u'ParentAlias': u'BTDI'}]
Retrieves a list of all cloud datacenter locations accessible by provided credentials.
>>> clc.v1.Account.GetLocations()
[{u'Alias': u'WA1', u'Region': u'US West'},
{u'Alias': u'UT1', u'Region': u'US Central'},
{u'Alias': u'IL1', u'Region': u'US Central'},
{u'Alias': u'NY1', u'Region': u'US East'},
{u'Alias': u'GB1', u'Region': u'Europe'},
{u'Alias': u'CA1', u'Region': u'Canada'},
{u'Alias': u'CA2', u'Region': u'Canada'},
{u'Alias': u'DE1', u'Region': u'Germany'},
{u'Alias': u'UC1', u'Region': u'US West'},
{u'Alias': u'VA1', u'Region': u'US East'},
{u'Alias': u'CA3', u'Region': u'Canada'},
{u'Alias': u'GB3', u'Region': u'Europe'}]
Retrieves details from specific alias or credentials default alias if none is provided.
>>> clc.v1.Account.GetAccountDetails(alias="BTDI")
{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'Address1': u'110 110th Ave NE',
u'Address2': u'Ste 520',
u'BusinessName': u'CLC Solutions Demo',
u'City': u'Bellevue',
u'Country': u'USA',
u'Fax': None,
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'ParentAlias': u'T3N',
u'PostalCode': u'98004',
u'ShareParentNetworks': False,
u'StateProvince': u'WA',
u'Status': 'Demo',
u'Telephone': u'8773884373',
u'TimeZone': u'Pacific Standard Time'}
List all users associated with the specified alias.
>>> clc.User.GetUsers(alias="BTDI")
[{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'AllowSMS': True,
u'AlternateEmailAddress': None,
u'EmailAddress': u'[email protected]',
u'FaxNumber': None,
u'FirstName': u'Joe',
u'LastName': u'Smith',
u'MobileNumber': u'202-555-5555',
u'OfficeNumber': None,
u'Roles': [9],
u'SAMLUserName': None,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TimeZoneID': None,
u'Title': u'Sr Product Manager',
u'UserName': u'joesmith'},
{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'AllowSMS': True,
u'AlternateEmailAddress': None,
u'EmailAddress': u'[email protected]',
u'FaxNumber': None,
u'FirstName': u'Kim',
u'LastName': u'Smith',
u'MobileNumber': u'202-555-5555',
u'OfficeNumber': None,
u'Roles': [9],
u'SAMLUserName': None,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TimeZoneID': None,
u'Title': u'Developer Manager',
u'UserName': u'Kimsmith'},]
Create new user account and return account details. Alias is optional.
>>> clc.v1.User.CreateUser(user="test12665",email="[email protected]",first_name="Joe",last_name="Smith",roles=["ServerAdministrator",],alias="BTDI")
{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'AllowSMS': False,
u'AlternateEmailAddress': None,
u'EmailAddress': u'[email protected]',
u'FaxNumber': None,
u'FirstName': u'Joe',
u'LastName': u'Smith',
u'MobileNumber': None,
u'OfficeNumber': None,
u'Roles': ['ServerAdministrator'],
u'SAMLUserName': None,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TimeZoneID': u'Pacific Standard Time',
u'Title': None,
u'UserName': u'test12665'}
Update existing account and return details
>>> clc.v1.User.UpdateUser(user="test12665",email="[email protected]",first_name="Jenny",last_name="Smith",roles=["ServerAdministrator",],alias="BTDI")
{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'AllowSMS': False,
u'AlternateEmailAddress': None,
u'EmailAddress': u'[email protected]',
u'FaxNumber': None,
u'FirstName': u'Jenny',
u'LastName': u'Smith',
u'MobileNumber': None,
u'OfficeNumber': None,
u'Roles': ['ServerAdministrator'],
u'SAMLUserName': None,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TimeZoneID': u'Pacific Standard Time',
u'Title': None,
u'UserName': u'test12665'}
Return user details
>>> clc.v1.User.GetUserDetails("joesmith")
{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'AllowSMS': False,
u'AlternateEmailAddress': None,
u'EmailAddress': u'[email protected]',
u'FaxNumber': None,
u'FirstName': u'Joe',
u'LastName': u'Smith',
u'MobileNumber': None,
u'OfficeNumber': None,
u'Roles': ['AccountAdministrator'],
u'SAMLUserName': None,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TimeZoneID': u'Pacific Standard Time',
u'Title': None,
u'UserName': u'joesmith'}
Account status modifications return no results.
>>> clc.User.SuspendUser("test12665")
>>> clc.User.UnsuspendUser("test12665")
>>> clc.User.DeleteUser("test12665")
List all templates available from the specified location or if Nnone specified the primary location associated with the provided API credentials. These include system templates (available globally) and customer created templates (available in the location where they were created).
>>> clc.v1.Server.GetTemplates(alias=None,location=None)
[{u'Cpu': 0,
u'Description': u'CentOS 5 | 32-bit',
u'DiskCount': 3,
u'ID': 0,
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'MemoryGB': 0,
u'Name': u'CENTOS-5-32-TEMPLATE',
u'OperatingSystem': 32,
u'TotalDiskSpaceGB': 17},
u'Description': u'Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition | 64-bit',
u'DiskCount': 1,
u'ID': 0,
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'MemoryGB': 0,
u'Name': u'WIN2012R2DTC-64',
u'OperatingSystem': 28,
u'TotalDiskSpaceGB': 60}]
Each template has a unique Int ID. Given a name get this ID.
>>> clc.v1.Server.GetTemplateID(alias=None, location=None, name='WIN2012DTC-64')
Restore archived server into a live server.
>>> clc.v1.Server.RestoreServer(server, group, alias, location)
List all servers in the specified location.
>>> clc.v1.Server.GetServers(location='WA1',group=None,alias=None)
[{u'Cpu': 2,
u'CustomFields': [],
u'DateModified': u'/Date(1418190460000)/',
u'Description': u'App server',
u'DiskCount': 1,
u'DnsName': u'wa1btdisub01',
u'HardwareGroupID': 2487,
u'ID': -1,
u'IPAddress': u'',
u'IPAddresses': [{u'Address': u'', u'AddressType': u'RIP'},
{u'Address': u'', u'AddressType': u'RIP'},
{u'Address': u'', u'AddressType': u'MIP'}],
u'InMaintenanceMode': False,
u'IsHyperscale': False,
u'IsTemplate': False,
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'MemoryGB': 1,
u'ModifiedBy': u'[email protected]',
u'Name': u'WA1BTDISUB01',
u'OperatingSystem': 6,
u'PowerState': u'Started',
u'ServerType': 2,
u'ServiceLevel': 2,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TotalDiskSpaceGB': 16},
{u'Cpu': 1,
u'CustomFields': [{u'CustomFieldID': -1,
u'ID': u'88e35072c1e14d479e09fa4f60a401f0',
u'Name': u'Cost Center',
u'Type': u'Text',
u'Value': u'IT-DEV'},
{u'CustomFieldID': -1,
u'ID': u'ed02166d55bc4ee4857b7ce248962dca',
u'Name': u'CMDB ID',
u'Type': u'Text',
u'Value': u'1100003'}],
u'DateModified': u'/Date(1410821481000)/',
u'Description': u'Web server',
u'DiskCount': 1,
u'DnsName': None,
u'HardwareGroupID': 3728,
u'ID': -1,
u'IPAddress': u'',
u'IPAddresses': [{u'Address': u'', u'AddressType': u'MIP'},
{u'Address': u'', u'AddressType': u'RIP'},
{u'Address': u'', u'AddressType': u'RIP'}],
u'InMaintenanceMode': False,
u'IsHyperscale': False,
u'IsTemplate': False,
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'MemoryGB': 4,
u'ModifiedBy': u'[email protected]',
u'Name': u'WA1BTDISAML0101',
u'OperatingSystem': 5,
u'PowerState': u'Stopped',
u'ServerType': 1,
u'ServiceLevel': 2,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TotalDiskSpaceGB': 50}]
Perform a deep list of all servers in all locations.
>>> clc.v1.Server.GetAllServers(alias=None)
. (same output as above)
Retrieve details on one or more servers.
>>> clc.v1.Server.GetServerDetails(alias=None, servers=['UC1BTDISERO2201',])
[{u'Cpu': 2,
u'CustomFields': [],
u'DateModified': u'/Date(1413312404000)/',
u'Description': u'Hyperscale Windows Server',
u'DiskCount': 1,
u'DnsName': u'uc1btdisero2201',
u'HardwareGroupID': 11703,
u'ID': -1,
u'IPAddress': u'',
u'IPAddresses': [{u'Address': u'', u'AddressType': u'RIP'}],
u'InMaintenanceMode': False,
u'IsHyperscale': True,
u'IsTemplate': False,
u'Location': u'UC1',
u'MemoryGB': 4,
u'ModifiedBy': u'[email protected]',
u'Name': u'UC1BTDISERO2201',
u'OperatingSystem': 28,
u'PowerState': u'Started',
u'ServerType': 1,
u'ServiceLevel': 2,
u'Status': u'Active',
u'TotalDiskSpaceGB': 60}]
Retrieve administrative credentials for specified server(s).
>>> clc.Server.GetCredentials(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server credentials retrieved',
u'Password': u'#A$zids90djvRhH)',
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True,
u'Username': u'administrator'}]
Create new server. This is an asynchronous activity so a RequestID is returned which can be used to follow progress.
>>> clc.v1.Server.Create(alias=None,location='WA1',name='TSTSER',template='CENTOS-5-32-TEMPLATE',cpu=1,ram=1,backup_level='Standard',
group='Default Group', network='vlan_948_10.80.148',description='Test server',password='')
{u'Message': u'Server queued for creation',
u'RequestID': 123586,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
Convert existing server to a template. This is an asynchronous activity so a RequestID is returned which can be used to follow progress.
>>> clc.v1.Server.ConvertToTemplate(server="CA1KRAPTPL03",template="test3",alias="KRAP")
{u'Message': u'Server queued for conversion',
u'RequestID': 21998,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
List all disks associated with the servere also querying the guest for disk names and mount points.
>>> clc.v1.Server.GetDisks(server='UC1BTDISERO2201',alias=None,guest_names=True)
[{u'Name': u'C:\\', u'ScsiBusID': u'0', u'ScsiDeviceID': u'0', u'SizeGB': 60}]
Delete specific disk. This request over-rides any safeguards which may be in place to protect system disks.
>>> clc.v1.Server.DeleteDisk(server='UC1BTDISERO2201',alias=None,scsi_bus_id=0,scsi_device_id=0)
[{u'Message': u'OK',
u'RequestID': 36357,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
These asynchronous operations can be run on one more more servers. Currently implemented are: pause, delete, archive, poweron, poweroff, reset, shutdown, snapshot. Rather than waiting for process to complete execute asynchronously and return a job ID.
>>> clc.v1.Server.Snapshot(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for snapshot',
u'RequestID': 123587,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Poweroff(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for power off',
u'RequestID': 123588,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Poweron(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Group queued for power on',
u'RequestID': 123589,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Reset(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for reset',
u'RequestID': 123590,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Reboot(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for reboot',
u'RequestID': 123591,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Shutdown(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for shutdown',
u'RequestID': 123592,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Pause(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for pause',
u'RequestID': 123593,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Archive(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for archive',
u'RequestID': 123595,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
>>> clc.v1.Server.Delete(servers=['WA1BTDITSTSER01',],alias=None)
[{u'Message': u'Server queued for deletion',
u'RequestID': 123594,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}]
Lookup unique Int group ID given name.
>>> clc.v1.Group.GetGroupID(group="Default Group",alias=None,location=None)
List all groups in the specified datacenter or if None specified the primary location associated with the provided API credentials.
>>> clc.v1.Group.GetGroups(alias=None,location='WA1')
[{u'UUID': 837,
u'IsSystemGroup': True,
u'Name': u'WA1 Hardware',
u'ParentUUID': 557},
{u'UUID': 1798, u'IsSystemGroup': True, u'Name': u'Archive', u'ParentUUID': 837},
{u'UUID': 4416,
u'IsSystemGroup': False,
u'Name': u'Default Group',
u'ParentUUID': 837},
{u'UUID': 33853,
u'IsSystemGroup': False,
u'Name': u'Test dev',
u'ParentUUID': 4416},
{u'UUID': 1045,
u'IsSystemGroup': False,
u'Name': u'Development',
u'ParentUUID': 837}]
Create new group rooted under the specified parent group or if None is specified will be a top-level group in the specified location.
>>> clc.v1.Group.Create(group="Test Group",parent="WA1 Hardware",description='sdk test',alias=None,location='WA1')
{u'UUID': 34051,
u'IsSystemGroup': False,
u'Name': u'Test Group',
u'ParentUUID': 837}
These asynchronous operations can be run on the specified group. Currently implemented are: pause, delete, archive, poweron. Rather than waiting for process to complete executes asynchronously and returns a job ID.
>>> clc.v1.Group.Pause(group="Test Group",alias=None,location='WA1')
{u'Message': u'Group queued for pause',
u'RequestID': 123909,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
>>> clc.v1.Group.Poweron(group="Test Group",alias=None,location='WA1')
{u'Message': u'Group queued for power on',
u'RequestID': 123910,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
>>> clc.v1.Group.Archive(group="Test Group",alias=None,location='WA1')
{u'Message': u'Group queued for archive',
u'RequestID': 123911,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
>>> clc.v1.Group.Delete(group="Test Group",alias=None,location='WA1')
{u'Message': u'Group successfully queued for deletion.',
u'RequestID': 123912,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
Return current billing summary for account.
>>> clc.v1.Billing.GetAccountSummary(alias='BTDI')
{u'CurrentHour': 4.4367719,
u'Message': u'OK',
u'MonthToDate': 2592.1229057,
u'MonthToDateTotal': 2592.1229057,
u'MonthlyEstimate': 4211.5525992,
u'OneTimeCharges': 0,
u'PreviousHour': 4.4367719,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
Return group-level billing summaries. Optionally specifiy a start and end date (YYYY-MM-DD) to filter the summation term. If None specified returns summary beginning with first day of current month ending on the current date.
>>> clc.v1.Billing.GetGroupSummaries(alias='BTDI',date_start='2014-01-01',date_end=None)
[{u'CurrentHour': 0.1038,
u'GroupID': 4416,
u'GroupName': u'Default Group',
u'LocationAlias': u'WA1',
u'MonthToDate': 941.47,
u'MonthlyEstimate': 941.47,
u'ServerTotals': [{u'CurrentHour': 0.0,
u'MonthToDate': 302.15,
u'MonthlyEstimate': 302.15,
u'ServerName': u'WA1BTDITEST11'}]},
{u'CurrentHour': 0.401,
u'GroupID': 1003,
u'GroupName': u'Production',
u'LocationAlias': u'VA1',
u'MonthToDate': 3147.62,
u'MonthlyEstimate': 3147.62,
u'ServerTotals': [{u'CurrentHour': 0.0,
u'MonthToDate': 866.0,
u'MonthlyEstimate': 866.0,
u'ServerName': u'VA1BTDIAPITST58'}]}]
Group-level estimate of current run rate for specified group.
>>> clc.v1.Billing.GetGroupEstimate(group='Default Group',alias='BTDI',location='WA1')
{u'CurrentHour': 0.00357,
u'Message': u'OK',
u'MonthToDate': 6.58,
u'MonthlyEstimate': 7.88,
u'PreviousHour': 0,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
Server-level estimate of current run rate for specified server.
>>> clc.v1.Billing.GetServerEstimate(server='IL1BTDIWEB104',alias='BTDI')
{u'CurrentHour': 0.0926,
u'Message': u'OK',
u'MonthToDate': 35.1,
u'MonthlyEstimate': 68.89,
u'PreviousHour': 0,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}
List networks associated with the specified location or if None is specified will be a top-level group in the specified location.
>>> clc.v1.Network.GetNetworks(alias='BTDI')
[{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'Description': u'Web server network (946_10.80.144)',
u'Gateway': u'',
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'Name': u'vlan_946_10.80.144'},
{u'AccountAlias': u'BTDI',
u'Description': u'vlan_948_10.80.146',
u'Gateway': u'',
u'Location': u'WA1',
u'Name': u'vlan_948_10.80.146'}]
Retrieve IP allocation summary for specied network.
>>> clc.Network.GetNetworkDetails(alias='BTDI',network='vlan_948_10.80.148')
[{u'Address': u'',
u'AddressType': u'MIP',
u'IsClaimed': True,
u'ServerName': u'WA1BTDITSDEMO02'},
{u'Address': u'',
u'AddressType': u'RIP',
u'IsClaimed': True,
u'ServerName': u'WA1BTDIUBUNTU02'},
{u'Address': u'',
u'AddressType': u'RIP',
u'IsClaimed': False,
u'ServerName': None},
{u'Address': u'',
u'AddressType': u'RIP',
u'IsClaimed': False,
u'ServerName': None}]
List items in the work queue. Specify a type to filter the list (All, Pending, Complete, or Error)
>>> clc.v1.Queue.List(type='Error')
[{u'CurrentStatus': u'Failed',
u'PercentComplete': 50,
u'ProgressDesc': u'Unexpected error while processing the request.',
u'RequestID': 37847,
u'RequestTitle': u"Delete cross data center firewall policy '290' between and",
u'StatusDate': u'/Date(1417239472590)/',
u'StepNumber': 1},
{u'CurrentStatus': u'Failed',
u'PercentComplete': 0,
u'ProgressDesc': u'ERROR: Power On Server',
u'RequestID': 20327,
u'RequestTitle': u'Power On Server: WA1BTDIDJB101',
u'StatusDate': u'/Date(1326494970980)/',
u'StepNumber': 1}]
>>> clc.v1.Queue.List(type='Pending')
[{u'CurrentStatus': u'Executing',
u'PercentComplete': 45,
u'ProgressDesc': u'Run Sysprep',
u'RequestID': 15567,
u'RequestTitle': u'WA1BTDIDB03 (via Blueprint)',
u'StatusDate': u'/Date(1314169350723)/',
u'StepNumber': 10}]
Given a request ID get real-time status on blueprint deployment. Throughout the deployment cycle data within the response will very as more is known (e.g. server names are unavailable until assigned shortly after execution begins).
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.GetStatus(request_id=124091,location='WA1',alias='BTDI',silent=False)
{u'CurrentStatus': u'NotStarted',
u'Description': u'Submitted for processing',
u'Message': u'Success',
u'PercentComplete': 0,
u'RequestID': 124091,
u'Servers': [],
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'StatusDate': u'/Date(1418757403520)/',
u'Step': u'0',
u'Success': True}
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.GetStatus(request_id=124091,location='WA1',alias='BTDI',silent=False)
{u'CurrentStatus': u'Executing',
u'Description': u'Execution Started',
u'Message': u'Success',
u'PercentComplete': 33,
u'RequestID': 124091,
u'Servers': [u'WA1BTDIKEITH01'],
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'StatusDate': u'/Date(1418757422287)/',
u'Step': u'1',
u'Success': True}
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.GetStatus(request_id=124091,location='WA1',alias='BTDI',silent=False)
{u'CurrentStatus': u'Failed',
u'Description': u'Error Building Blueprint',
u'Message': u'Success',
u'PercentComplete': 77,
u'RequestID': 124091,
u'Servers': [u'WA1BTDIKEITH01'],
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'StatusDate': u'/Date(1418757923657)/',
u'Step': u'0',
u'Success': True}
List all packages in inventory, optionally filtering by package classification (System, Script, Software) and visibility (Public, Private, Shared).
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.GetAllSystemPackages()
[{u'Classification': 1,
u'ID': 2,
u'Name': u'Add Disk',
'Visibility': 'Public'},
{u'Classification': 1,
u'ID': 5,
u'Name': u'Snapshot Server',
'Visibility': 'Public'}]
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.GetAllScriptsPackages()
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.GetAllSoftwarePackages()
Upload properly formatted package zip file using the ftp credentials provided in the command line or the configuration file.
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.PackageUpload('','ftp://user:passwd@ftpserver'))
List all packages which have been uploaded but not yet submitted for publishing.
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.GetPendingPackages()
[{u'Classification': 0, u'ID': 0, u'Name': u''},
{u'Classification': 0, u'ID': 0, u'Name': u''}]
Publish the specified package. Specify clasification (Script, Software), visibility (Public, Private, Shared) and optionally one or more supported operating systems. If no operating systems listed will allow selection of prefered OS.
>>> clc.v1.Blueprint.PackagePublish(package='',classification='Script',visibility='Private',os=[30,])
{u'Message': u'Success',
u'RequestID': 124094,
u'StatusCode': 0,
u'Success': True}