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Contributor's Guide

KY Lee ( Ken ) edited this page Mar 5, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the TrainingLabs wiki! This page contains everything a contributor (most probably you are one if you are reading this) needs to know before he/she starts contributing!

First of all, many thanks by our team to you on your willingness to contribute to this repo. In order to make both your contribution experience and our constant repo update and maintenance experience a pleasant one, please read through and follow the general guidelines listed here.

General Guidelines

  1. Clear - Please document what you are trying to voice out (in Issues) or contribute (in Pull Request) in a clear manner so that we know how to help you better.
  2. Concise - There are no needs to write long jargon. Short and sweet documentations are the way to go!
  3. Assign - If you know someone from our team, feel free to assign them as the reviewer for you issue/PR.

Last but not least, if you are contributing in terms of code, here are a few things that you need to be aware of:

Technical Guidelines

  1. Java version: We are using Java version 8.
  2. Try to avoid using Lombok in your code. If Lombok is to be used in your code, do not use types like @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor. If you really, really need to use it, stick to the basic ones such as @NonNull.

That's all! You are all ready to contribute to the repo now. Happy coding =)

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