Stub 0.0.0. Raw bookmarks, minimal organizing.
For information on this versioning scheme, see [Status & Versioning].
Copyright ©️2020 by Christopher Allen, and is shared under CC-BY-SA-4.0 open-source license. See this repo's for more details.
Current reference implementation
JavaScript implementation
Java implementation
- An active work-in-progress Linked Data Proofs from Danube Tech
implementation of the following cryptographic suites:
- Ed25519Signature2018
- EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019
- RsaSignature2018 Highly experimental, incomplete, and not ready for production use! Use at your own risk!
- Related: an active work-in-progress implementation of the Verifiable Credentials data model from Danube Tech
Not ready for production use! Use at your own risk! Pull requests welcome.
- An active work-in-progress Linked Data Proofs from Danube Tech
Go implementation
Rust implementation
C++ implementation
- Partial or in-progress
- JSON-LD Implementation for C++ (Digital Contract Design). Currently in progress, partial as it currently it only supports the expand(), toRdf() and normalize() functions.
Unknown Status, presumed out-of-date
Out-of-Date (possibly uses Linked Data Signatures 1.0) or Deprecated
- Linked Data Signatures 1.0 Spec:
- Linked Data Proofs 1.0 Spec:
- JSON-LD Playground
- Verifiable Credential Playground
- Original 1.0 java implemention, does not support 1.1
Current "Candidate Recommendation" for JSON-LD 1.1 (next and final step is "Recommendation")
- JSON-LD 1.1 - A JSON-based Serialization for Linked Data (2020, 16 March)
- JSON-LD 1.1 Processing Algorithms and API
- All other drafts:
Other sites
Out-of-Date JSON-LD 1.0 specs
- JSON-LD Implementation Report (2015, April 7 for JSON-LD 1.0)