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Vue StoreFront proxy

OpenResty based reverse proxy serving cached pages from Redis without Vue StoreFront (VSF or VSF API) calls, using LUA.

For every GET request, this proxy does the following:

  • If requested URI is a static asset, skip and default to proxying VSF or VSF API
  • Remove unnecessary Query String params from request URI (ie. utm_ ones) to increase cache-hit ratio
  • Fetch cache version from VSF (if not already cached, cache in Redis for 60 seconds otherwise)
  • Fetch full page cache from Redis
    • If available, return it (including headers)
    • If not available, default to proxying VSF (which will then cache the page in Redis)

This allows achieving much better performances without needing to query VSF Node.js app.


Following environment variables must be set:

  • VSF_BACKEND_HOST: hostname (without HTTP or port) of VSF backend
  • VSF_BACKEND_PORT: port of VSF backend (ie. 3000)
  • VSF_API_BACKEND_HOST: hostname (without HTTP or port) of VSF API backend
  • VSF_API_BACKEND_PORT: port of VSF API backend (ie. 3000)
  • REDIS_HOST: hostname of Redis instance
  • REDIS_PORT: hostname of Redis instance (ie. 6379)
  • VSF_CACHE_REMOVE_QS_ARGS: Query String params to remove to increase cache-hit ratio (separated by a comma, no whitespace), in addition to default ones (see redis_fpc.lua)


The following patch in VSF code is required to expose the cache version:



const fs = require('fs')

function cacheVersion (req, res) {

app.get('/cache-version.json', cacheVersion)



  • Allow exluding query string params from cache key (ie. Google Analytics tracking utm_*) trough an environment variable
  • Exclude assets based on extensions (ie. .js, .css, etc.)


VSF Proxy source code is completely free and released under the MIT License.