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Ocular Layout Library

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 20 revisions

[b]Ocular Layout Library v0.10[/b]


The Ocular Layout Library is a set of functions for the Code Igniter PHP framework. It is heavily inspired by the Rails ActionView functionality (and it’s associated helpers). It was designed with Code Igniter version 1.5.4 and PHP 5. No testing has been done to verify whether it works on PHP 4 or not.

Here are a few of the features that it provides you, simply by installing the library.

* Automatically finds and uses views based upon the controller/function name in the URI.
* Uses “application” as a default name for your main template, your css and javascript files. This can be overridden, but makes for a nice default.
* Built in function to render view partials from within other views. This helps us to “Don’t Repeat Yourself”.
* Simple mechanic for passing data to views and partials.
* Automatically combines multiple stylesheets and javascript files to speed up page display for the user.

[b]Changelog:[/b] 11-19-07:

  • minor bugfixes.
  • modified to allow AutoPages.

[h2]How to use Ocular[/h2] [h3]Getting Started[/h3]

First, extract and install the files into the proper directories. This should be apparent from the zip file, but a list of files is included at the bottom of these docs for your reference.

In your autoload.php file, you need to autoload the ‘Ocular’ library, and the ‘ocular’ and ‘url’ helpers.

Once the files are installed, you should create the basic template for your site. This could include things like the header and footer that are common throughout the site. Wherever you want your content to be inserted, just add the following line:

[code]<?= ocular::yield() ?>[/code]

The yield() function will automatically insert a view based on the controller and function listed in the uri. If you’re writing a blog, you might have a uri that looks like: [i][/i]. Ocular will look in the views directory for a directory named [i]blog[/i] and a view named [i]post.php[/i]. This view will be automatically inserted.

A sample application.php view file might look like this:

[code] <html> <head> <title>My Great App</title> </head> <body>

My Great App

<?= ocular::yield() ?>

Copyright © by someone

</body> </html> [/code]

[h3]The Blog Post view[/h3]

The file [i]views/blog/posts.php[/i] might look something like this:


{blog_entries} <?= render_partial("post") ?> {/blog_entries}

There are two important things to note from this. The first is that we’re using Code Igniter’s built-in Template Parser class to render our individual posts. The second is the action that is called for each blog entry in the loop:

[code]<?= render_partial("post") ?>[/code]

This tells Ocular to render a partial. A partial is a small snippet of html/php that is used to keep us from repeating lots of code, and helps keep everything simple and organized. The partial should be located in the same directory as the view that is calling it (blog in this case) and must have a name that starts with an underscore. So our post partial that is called here would be named [i]views/blog/_post.php[/i].

[h3]Inserting Stylesheets and Scripts[/h3]

The following commands provide easy ways to insert scripts and stylesheets into your view.

[b]stylesheet_link_tag(“file1”, “file2”)[/b] This inserts two external stylesheet links, one for “file1.css” and another for “file2.css”. The ”.css” extension is optional for files passed in. If no arguments are passed with the file, it inserts a link for a stylesheet named “application.css”. This allows for as much separation (and code reuse) in your stylesheets as you want, without slowing down page display time. Since most browsers only allow 2 simultaneous connections to a server, this helps to speed up the display of your page.

[b]javascript_include_tag(“file1”, “file2”)[/b] This inserts the external javascript links. The ”.js” extension is optional for filenames. If no arguments are passed in, it inserts a link for a javascript named “application.js”. One of the benefits of this tag is that you can place it toward the bottom of your template page, and then [i]set_view_data[/i] (see below) with a variable that holds your javascript files. This will increase page display time, since the browser pauses it’s display while downloading scripts.

Note: Both of the above functions generate code that helps to optimize your page load times. It does this by creating a link to the [i]assets[/i] controller which simply combines all of the files into one file. This reduces load on the server by reducing page hits, and speeds up display of your pages by only having to wait for 1 call to the server. This is especially helpful on slow or busy servers.

[h3]Passing Data to Your Views[/h3]

Passing data into your views is easy. The data is stored in the [i]$this->ocular[/i] object and is automatically passed into the views during render.

[b]set_view_data($name, $data)[/b] You can pass an array of data, just like you would for any standard Code Igniter Views, into this function. [i]$name[/i] is the index in the $vars array. Inside your views, this will be the variable to access to display or work with this data. [i]$data[/i] is a string or an array that you want made available within your views.

[b]get_view_data($name)[/b] Retrieves the contents of the variable named [i]$name[/i] that you set earlier. This won’t be needed very often, but it is here if you need it.

[h2]Displaying your pages.[/h2]

In your controllers, instead of using [i]$this->load->view(‘view_name’)[/i] just call [i]$this->ocular->render();[/i] instead. If you want to use a different template for that page, just pass [i]path/to/layout[/i] into the function. For example, you might call [i]$this->ocular->render(‘admin’)[/i] for your admin pages.

[h2]Auto Pages[/h2] As of version 0.11, creating a number of static pages is a breeze. Let's say you want to create a series of help files for your site. First, build a controller called help.php. It just needs a few lines to automate it all for you:

[code] <?php

class Help extends Controller {

function _remap() { // Store our page name if ($this->uri->segment(2)) { $this->ocular->set_view_data('_viewName', $this->uri->segment(2)); }



function index() { $this->ocular->render(); }


?> [/code]

Now, just put the html partials that you want displayed for your help files in the [i]views/help/[/i] directory, and they'll immediately be accessible by the name of the partial.

So, if you had a [i]views/help/formatting.php[/i] file, it could be accessed by going to [i][/i].


The following files are included as a part of the library. The paths shown are where the files should be placed within your project.


  • public
    • images - the default image location
    • javascripts - the default javascript location
    • stylesheets - the default stylesheet location
  • system
    • application
      • config
        • ocular.php: Stores the library settings.
      • controllers
        • assets.php: Handles combining the stylesheets and javascripts into one file.
      • libraries
        • MY_URI.php: Extends the URI class to allow Ocular access to the default controller name.
        • Ocular.php: The main library. Takes care of rendering the pages in an intelligent way.
    • helpers
      • ocular_helper.php: Provides functions that can be used within your views to add stylesheets, images, javascript, render partial views, and more. [/code]


* Make the render function work with controllers that are in subdirectories.
* Provide the option to remove comments and whitespace from stylesheets and javascripts.
* Add the image_tag() function.
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