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simple file browser

World Wide Web Server edited this page Jul 4, 2012 · 14 revisions

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[h3]documentation[/h3] An url like[b]virtual_root[/b]/[b]path[/b] will allow people to browse directories and files that are under [b]path[/b] from [b]absolute_path[/b]. You define an [b]absolute_path[/b] (in the file system of the server) for a [b]virtual_root[/b] with this array [code] var $roots = array( 'virtual_root' => 'absolute_path', //... ); [/code] This may allow us to browse files that are outside your web root, forcing the browsing via CI, and allowing us full control on accesses (not provided for the moment).


  • stats for directories and files
  • links for sorting directories and files
  • clever css markup
  • several examples of stylesheets
  • bells and hooks and whistles and filters to check accesses
  • ...

[h3]the controller[/h3] [code] <?php

// may only work if this controller is not in a subfolder

class Browser extends Controller {

var $roots = array(
    'test' => '/home'

function Welcome()
    // FAL check here

function _remap()
    $segment_array = $this->uri->segment_array();
    // first and second segments are our controller and the 'virtual root'
    $controller = array_shift( $segment_array );
    $virtual_root = array_shift( $segment_array );
    if( empty( $this->roots )) exit( 'no roots defined' );
    // let's check if a virtual root is choosen
    // if this controller is the default controller, first segment is 'index'
    if ( $controller == 'index' OR $virtual_root == '' ) show_404();
    // let's check if a virtual root matches
    if ( ! array_key_exists( $virtual_root, $this->roots )) show_404();
    // build absolute path
    $path_in_url = '';
    foreach ( $segment_array as $segment ) $path_in_url.= $segment.'/';
    $absolute_path = $this->roots[ $virtual_root ].'/'.$path_in_url;
    $absolute_path = rtrim( $absolute_path ,'/' );
    // is it a directory or a file ?
    if ( is_dir( $absolute_path ))
        // we'll need this to build links
        $dirs = array();
        $files = array();
        // let's traverse the directory
        if ( $handle = @opendir( $absolute_path ))
            while ( false !== ($file = readdir( $handle )))
                if (( $file != "." AND $file != ".." ))
                    if ( is_dir( $absolute_path.'/'.$file ))
                        $dirs[]['name'] = $file;
                        $files[]['name'] = $file;
            closedir( $handle );
            sort( $dirs );
            sort( $files );
        // parent directory
        // here to ensure it's available and the first in the array
        if ( $path_in_url != '' )
            array_unshift ( $dirs, array( 'name' => '..' ));
        // send the view
        $data = array(
            'controller' => $controller,
            'virtual_root' => $virtual_root,
            'path_in_url' => $path_in_url,
            'dirs' => $dirs,
            'files' => $files,
        $this->load->view( 'browser', $data );
        // it's not a directory, but is it a file ?
        if ( is_file&#40; $absolute_path &#41;)
            // let's serve the file
            header ('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
            header ('Cache-Control: pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0');
            header ('Pragma: no-cache');
            header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
            header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
            header('Content-Length: ' . filesize( ".$absolute_path." ));
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . basename( $absolute_path ));
            @readfile&#40; $absolute_path &#41;;

} [/code]

[h3]the view[/h3] [code]



<?php $prefix = $controller.'/'.$virtual_root.'/'.$path_in_url; if (!empty($dirs)) foreach( $dirs as $dir ) echo 'd '.$dir['name'].''.'
if (!empty($files)) foreach( $files as $file )
    echo '<a href="/'.site_url($prefix.$file['name']).'">'.$file['name'].'</a>'.'<br>';

?> [/code]

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