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Routes in CodeIgniter 4

CodeIgniter 4 的路由

原文: Routes in CodeIgniter 4

Routes in CodeIgniter have gone through a pretty big upgrade from version 3 to 4. This article will give a 100-foot view of some of the new changes, and give you something to look forward to.

CodeIgniter 的路由在 3 和 4 的版本中有了很大的变更,在本文中将会从零开始带你了解 CI4 的路由。

Route Basics


As a refresher, in version 3 routes were specified in a simple array, where each key was the "URI from" and the value of the element was where it should be routed to. It was simple, elegant, worked great, and looked something like this:

先来看一下 CI3 的路由。在 CI3 中路由使用一个简单的数组来指定,数组的键代表原始的 URI,值代表最终被路由到的 URI。非常简单、优雅的一种方式,并且工作良好,如下:

$route['join']   = 'home/register';
$route['login']  = 'home/login';
$route['products/(:any)/details'] = 'products/show/$1';

The capability of routers in other frameworks has surpassed the simple elegance we have enjoyed for years. Even in the CodeIgniter community, there have been several router replacements people could use. So, it was time for an upgrade.

其它很多框架中的路由功能已经变得越来越强大,而不仅仅是简单优雅了,甚至在 CodeIgniter 社区也有人提出了很多可用的替代路由方案。所以,是时候改进 CodeIgniter 的路由了。

The first thing we had to do was to make it use a class, instead of a simple array. We tried to stick with using simple arrays to increase functionality, but it became too much of an complex beast. So, the new routes would look like this:


$routes->add('join',   'Home::register');
$routes->add('login',  'Home::login');
$routes->add('products/(:segment)', 'Products::show/$1');

While the "to" portion of the route looks different, the functionality is much the same here. The join route is being directed to the Home controller, and its register() method. The products route is being directed to the Products controller, with the captured (:segment) being passed to the show() method. While it might appear that the controllers must now use static methods, that is not the case. The familiar syntax was used to specify the controller/method combination only, and methods are not allowed to be static.

与 CodeIgniter 3 相比,“路由到”的部分看起来会有一些不同,但功能是基本相同的。join路由会被定向到Home控制器的register方法;products路由将会被定向到Products控制器,并将(:segment)参数传递给show()方法。从路由上看起来控制器似乎必须要使用静态方法,并非如此。使用::只是方便用更熟悉更直观的方法来指定控制器与方法的组合,而方法是不允许使用静态方式声明的。

Module-like Functionality


Why the new format? Because we don't want to restrict you to controllers in the /application/Controllers directory. Instead, you can now route to any class/method that the system can find through its new PSR-4 compatible autoloader. This makes it a breeze to organize code in module-like directories.

为什么要使用新的语法?因为我们不想限制你必须把控制器放置在/application/Controllers目录下。相反,现在你可以路由到任意的类/方法,只要这个类/方法可以在系统中可以通过新的 PSR-4 兼容的自动加载机制加载到。这可以使以模块化的方式组织目录变得轻而易举。

For example, if you have a Blog "module" under the namespace App\Blog, you could create some routes like so:


$routes->add('blog', 'App\Blog\Blog::index');
$routes->add('blog/category/(:segment)', 'App\Blog\Blog::byCategory/$1');

If the Blog controller lives under application/Controllers, great. But if you want to move it into it's own folder, say application/Blog, you can update the autoloader config file and everything still works.




Routes no longer have to mapped to a controller. If you have a simple process you can route to an anonymous function, or Closure, that will be ran in place of any controller.


$routes->add('pages/(:segment)', function($segment)
    if (file_exists(APPPATH.'views/'.$segment.'.php'))
        echo view($segment);
        throw new CodeIgniter\PageNotFoundException($segment);



I'm sure you've noticed a different placeholder than you're used to in the routes: (:segment). This is one of a handful that come stock with CodeIgniter, and is used to replace the (:any) that is in v3 and clear up any confusion. Now, the system recognizes the following placeholders:

我确定你一定注意到了我们使用了不同于 CodeIgniter 3 中的路由占位符:(:segment)。这算是对旧版中的一项改进被用来代替 v3 版本中的(:any),并且防止混淆。现在,系统可以识别以下的占位符:

  • (:any) will match all characters from that point to the end of the URI. This may include multiple URI segments.

  • (:segment) will match any character except for a forward slash (/) restricting the result to a single segment.

  • (:num) will match any integer.

  • (:alpha) will match any string of alphabetic characters

  • (alphanum) will match any string of alphabetic characters or integers, or any combination of the two.

  • (:any) 会匹配所有字符直到 URI 的结尾。可能会包含多个 URI 段。

  • (:segment) 会匹配除了正斜线(/)外的所有字符。限制结果只包含一个 URI 段。

  • (:num) 会匹配所有整数。

  • (:alpha) 会匹配所有英文字母。

  • (:alphanum) 会匹配所有英文字母或数字,或两者混合。

It doesn't stop there, though. You can create your own at the top of the routes file by assigning a regular expression to it, and then it can be used in any of the routes, making your routes much more readable.


$routes->addPlaceholder('uuid', '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}');
$routes->add('users/(:uuid)', 'Users::show/$1');

HTTP Verbs

HTTP Verbs(HTTP动词)

So far, I've been using the generic add method to add a new route. Routes added this way will be accessible through any HTTP-verb, whether it's a GET request, POST, PATCH, or even from the command line. It's recommended, though, to restrict the route to only the type of access you need.

到目前为止,我们仅仅使用了普通的add方法添加一个新的路由。用这种方式添加的路由可以通过任意的 HTTP-verb 访问,不管是GET、POST、PATCH甚至使用命令行方式。尽管如此,我们更推荐你限制你的路由只能通过你需要的方式被访问。

$routes->get('products', 'Product::feature');
$routes->post('products', 'Product::feature');
$routes->put('products/(:num)', 'Product::feature');
$routes->delete('products/(:num)', 'Product::feature');
$routes->match(['get', 'post'], 'products/edit/(:num)', 'Product::edit/$1');
$routes->cli('maintenance/on', 'CLITools::maintenanceModeOn');

Generating standard Resource routes

生成标准的 Resource 路由

When working on API's it's best to keep a standard set of routes mapping to the same methods in each controller, just to make maintenance simpler. You can can easily do this with the resources method:



This will create the 5 standard routes for a resource:


HTTP Verb Path Action Used for...
GET /photos listAll display a list of photos
GET /photos/{id} show display a specific photo
POST /photos create create a new photo
PUT /photos/{id} update update an existing photo
DELETE /photos/{id} delete deletes an existing photo
HTTP Verb 路径 动作 用途
GET /photos listAll 显示照片列表
GET /photos/{id} show 显示指定的照片
POST /photos create 创建新的照片
PUT /photos/{id} update 更新已经存在的照片
DELETE /photos/{id} delete 删除已经存在的照片

The routes can have a fair amount of customization to them through by passing an array of options in as the second parameter, but we'll leave those for the docs.


No More Magic


By default, the URI will attempt to be matched up to a controller/method if no route exists for it. This is very convenient and, for those familiar with it, makes it a breeze to find where the code is that you're trying to use. Sometimes, though, you don't want this functionality.

默认情况下,即使没有对应的路由不存在时 URI 也总会试图去匹配一个控制器/方法。这在我们熟悉他时会显得很方便,也可以很轻易的找到与 URI 对应的代码。但有时你可能会不想要这个功能。

For example, you might be building an API, and want a single location to serve as documentation for the API. This can be easily handled by turning off the autoRoute feature:

例如,你可能在构建一个 API,并且希望在一个单独的入口中访问 API 文档。这可以通过关闭autoRoute特性轻松做到。


Now, only routes that have been defined can be served up by your application.




Routes can be grouped together under a common prefix, reducing the amount of typing needed and helping to organize the routes.


$routes->group('admin', function($routes) {
    $routes->add('users', 'Admin\Users::index');
    $routes->add('blog',  'Admin\Blog::index');

These routes would now all be available under an 'admin' segment in the URI, like:

这些路由现在都可以在 URI 中的admin段中被访问,像下面这样:


Environment Groups


Another form of grouping, environment() allows you to restrict some routes to only work in a specific environment. This can be great for building some tools that only work on develoment machines, but not on the production server.


$routes->environment('development', function($routes)
    $routes->add('builder', 'Tools\Builder::index');

Redirect Old Routes


If your site has some pages that have been moved, you can assign redirect routes that will send a 302 (Temporary) Redirect status and send the user to the correct page.


$routes->addRedirect('users/about', 'users/profile');

This will redirect any routes that match users/about to the new location at users/profile.


Using Routes In Views


One of the more fragile things when building links within views is having your URIs change, which forces you to edit the links throughout your system. CodeIgniter now provides a couple of different tools to help get around this.

在我们的代码中总会有一个很脆弱的地方,就是如果你在你的视图中写了一个链接,而这个链接对应的地址发生了变化,你就不得不在所有代码中去查找这样的链接并一一改成新的链接地址。CodeIgniter 现在可以提供一些工具来帮助你改善这种情况。

Named Routes


Anytime you create a route, a name is made for it. By default, this is the same as the "from" portion of the route definition. However, this doesn't help, so you can assign a custom name to the route. This can then be used with the route_to() function that is always available to return the correct relative URI.

任何时候当你创建一个路由,它就会有一个名字。默认情况下,路由的名字会和路由定义中的“来源”部分相同。当然这似乎并没什么用,然而你可以给路由分配一个自定义的名字。这时可以使用route_to()方法,route_to()总是返回正确的相对 URI。

// Create the route
$route->add('auth/login', 'Users::login', ['as' => 'login']);

// Use it in a view
<a href="<?= route_to('login') ?>">Login</a>

Named routes used in this way can also accept parameters:


// The route is defined as:
$routes->add('users/(:id)/gallery(:any)', 'Galleries::showUserGallery/$1/$2', ['as' => 'user_gallery');

// Generate the relative URL to link to user ID 15, gallery 12
// Generates: /users/15/gallery/12
<a href="<?= route_to('user_gallery', 15, 12) ?>">View Gallery</a>

Reverse Routing


For even more fine-grained control, you can use the route_to() function to locate the route that corresponds to the controller/method and parameters that you know won't change.

为了更细致的控制,你也可以使用route_to()函数直接指定控制器/方法以及参数,当然,前提是你确信这个控制器/方法对应的 URI 以后不会发生变化。

// The route is defined as:
$routes->add('users/(:id)/gallery/(:any)', 'Galleries::showUserGallery/$1/$2');

// Generate the relative URL to link to user ID 15, gallery 12
// Generates: /users/15/gallery/12
<a href="<?= route_to('Galleries::showUserGallery', 15, 12) ?>">View Gallery</a>

Global Options


Any of the route creation methods can be passed an array of options that can help further refine the route, doing things like:


  • assign a namespace to the controllers, reducing typing

  • restrict the route to a specific hostname, or sub-domain

  • offset the matched parameters to ignore one or more (that might have been used for language, version, etc)

  • 为控制器分配一个命名空间,以减少重复代码

  • 限制路由到一个指定的域名或子域名

  • 偏移匹配到的参数以忽略一个或多个参数(可以用于语言、版本等等)

Need More? Customize it


If you find that you need something different from the router, it's simple to replace the RouteCollection class with your own, if you want a custom solution. The RouteCollection class is only responsible for reading and parsing the routes, not for doing the actual routing, so everything will still work with your custom solutions

如果你需要让路由实现一些不同的功能,或者自己定义路由的解决方案,你可以简单的把RouteCollection类替换成你自己的。RouteCollection类仅仅负责读和解析路由,并不去执行实际的路由工作,所以 CodeIgniter 在你自定义的路由解决方案下同样可以工作的很好。

Just be sure to share what you create with the rest of us! :)


Whew! There's the goodness that you get to look forward to. At least, I think I mentioned it all.
