- Fix issue where certain invisible white space characters were not being sanitized (#35)
- Fix issue where certain safe characters were being filtered out (#31 thanks @akirchmyer)
Breaking Changes
- Sanitize vbscript urls (thanks @vicnicius)
- Fixup path to type declaration (closes #25)
- Add typescript types
- Fix issue where urls with accented characters were incorrectly sanitized
Breaking Changes
- Protocol-less urls (ie: www.example.com) will be sanitised and passed on instead of sending out
(Thanks @chawes13 #18)
- Trim whitespace from urls
breaking changes
- Replace blank strings with about:blank
- Replace null values with about:blank
- Allow relative urls to be sanitized
- Sanitize malicious URLs that begin with
- Sanitize malicious URLs that begin with %20
- sanitize data: urls
- sanitize javascript: urls