We use virtual machines (VMs) in order to carry out hands-on exercises using the ContentMine software. This allows all attendees to run the software without having to modify their own systems.
Before the workshop, all attendees should do the following (instructions below):
- Download and install the VirtualBox
- Download the ContentMine virtual machine image
Please download the VirtualBox platform installer for your operating system from the VirtualBox website.
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Please download the direct link
for the virtual image corresponding to the relevant workshop from the list here. This should be a .ova
file. Note, this is a large file ~2GB.
When the file has downloaded, double-clicking it should open VirtualBox and offer to import the virtual machine. Please follow the on-screen instructions to complete the import.
- 64-bit architecture (unless otherwise stated)
- 3 GB RAM
- Adequate hard drive space for the VM (at least 2 GB)
When this is done, you're ready to start exploring the VM!
If you have any problems getting VirtualBox, or downloading and importing the virtual image, don't worry. We wil set aside time during workshops to make sure everyone has access to the software.