Releases: CopernicaMarketingSoftware/AMQP-CPP
Releases · CopernicaMarketingSoftware/AMQP-CPP
AMQP-CPP 4.3.17
- More efficient assignment of callbacks (using move semantics)
- Fixed handling of large messages (size is now stored in 64 bit integers instead of 32 bit integers)
- Fixed issue with message brokers without a max frame size (we incorrectly treated this as max=0, so nothing was sent)
- Fixed race condition when setting up a TCP connection
- Fixed destructor of the Tagger class (used for publish-confirms) to unregister the callbacks that were installed on the wrapped channel
AMQP-CPP 4.3.16
- Added support for exchange type "x-message-deduplication"
- Implemented heartbeats (again) for libboostasoi
- The LibEvHandler::monitor() method is no longer private to allow user-space programs to further enhance it
AMQP-CPP 4.3.15
AMQP-CPP 4.3.14
- Avoid that multiple frames are sent by the channel-on-ready handler
- Prefer make_shared over calling std::shared_ptr constructor
- Improve Table copy assignment operator
- Fix: cannot call size() on a moved-from Field
- Check if the callback is null again after flush()
- Monitor earlier in case flush() calls reportError
- Print a better error message for openssl
- Replace shared_ptr by unique_ptr for Fields (#402)
- Remove unused ConsumedMessage class
- Fix SSL state bugs (#413)
- Add ON value for CMake build flags
- Fixed tiny typo in example
AMQP-CPP 4.3.13
- avoid that multiple frames are sent by the channel-on-ready handler
AMQP-CPP 4.3.12
- Make sure the deferred objects stay in scope
- Find and link OpenSSL in cmake
AMQP-CPP 4.3.11
- Set default verify paths for SSLHandshake to prevent secure connections from being marked as unverified.
- Allow user space programs to initialize the SSL structure before a connection is set up
- The deferred parameter indicates if it failed, while the call in Tagger:close assumed that the parameter indicated usable. This is now fixed.
AMQP-CPP 4.3.10
- retry poll when interrupted by a signal
AMQP-CPP 4.3.9
- Add option to select an IP randomly instead of using the order provided by getaddrinfo, which is proximity based.
AMQP-CPP 4.3.8
- select only supports upto fd 1024, which can cause stack smashing if using higher ones
- <boost/bind.hpp> is deprecated, using <boost/bind/bind.hpp>.