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➤ wl-list-item

Display an item in a list.


➤ Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
clickable clickable boolean false Makes the element clickable.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the element.
name name string Name of the native form element.
noRipple noRipple boolean false Deactivates the ripple.
readonly readonly boolean false Makes the element readonly (disabled but tabbable)
required required boolean false Makes the element required in a form context.
role role AriaRole "listitem" Role of the list item.
type type "button" | "submit" "submit" Type of the button.
value value string "" Value of the form element.


➤ CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--list-item-after-align-self Alignment of the after slot
--list-item-after-margin Margin of the after slot
--list-item-before-align-self Alignment of the before slot
--list-item-before-margin Margin of the before slot
--list-item-bg Default background
--list-item-bg-active Background when active
--list-item-bg-active-hover Background when active and hover
--list-item-bg-disabled Background when disabled
--list-item-bg-hover Background when hover
--list-item-border-radius Border radius
--list-item-color Default color
--list-item-color-active Color when active
--list-item-color-active-hover Color when active and hover
--list-item-color-disabled Color when disabled
--list-item-color-hover Color when hover
--list-item-opacity-disabled Opacity when disabled
--list-item-padding Padding
--list-item-transition Transition


➤ Slots

Name Description
Default content.
after Right content.
before Left content.


➤ Usage

Go here to try the demo.


➤ Contributors

Andreas Mehlsen You?
Andreas Mehlsen You?


➤ License

Licensed under MIT.