Set the StoredConnectionString:
StoredConnectionString.SetConnectionString("Driver={IBM i Access ODBC Driver};System=AS400;TRANSLATE=1;SIGNON=4;SSL=1");
Create a new instance:
IOdbcDataAccess odbcDataAccess = new OdbcDataAccess();
Get the data:
var records = odbcDataAccess.GetData<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM library.member");
Console.WriteLine("Result:" + records.FirstOrDefault());
Result: 100
You can use logging via the ICustomLogger (Library.NET.Logging) that comes with this package.
ICustomLogger logger = new CustomLogger(new FileInfo("logfile.log"), true, LogLevel.Information);
You can then add it to DI as a singleton.
: Full query or Stored Procedure NameconnectionString
(optional): Connection string for the query. Defaults toStoredConnectionString.ConnectionString
(optional): Parameters for the stored procedure. Type can be eitherDapper.DynamicParameter
orDictionary<string, object>
. Defaults tonull
(optional): Boolean confirming whetherqueryOrStoredProcedure
is a stored procedure. Defaults tofalse
(optional): How long before the query times out in seconds. Defaults tonull
var model = sqlDataAccess.GetData<MODELorTYPE, Dictionary<string, object>>(queryOrStoredProcedure, connectionString, parameters, isStoredProcedure, commandTimeout);
var records = sqlDataAccess.GetData<TableNameModel>("QueryString", "[Full Connection String]", false, 60);
var asyncRecords = await sqlDataAccess.GetDataAsync<TableNameModel>("sp_TableNameGetAll", StoredConnectionString.ConnectionString, true, 60 );
var parameterRecords = sqlDataAccess.GetData<MODELorTYPE, Dictionary<string, object>("sp_TableNameGetByParameters", connString, parameters, true)
int recordsAffected = sqlDataAccess.PostData(queryOrStoredProcedure, connectionString, isStoredProcedure, commandTimeout);
int recordsAffected = sqlDataAccess.PutData("QueryString", "[Full Connection String]", false, 60);
int recordsAffected = await sqlDataAccess.DeleteDataAsync("sp_TableNameDeleteAll", StoredConnectionString.ConnectionString, true, 60 );
int recordsAffected = sqlDataAccess.PostData<Dictionary<string, object>("sp_TableNamePostByParameters", connString, parameters, true)
int recordsAffected = await sqlDataAccess.PostDataTransactionAsync("QueryString", connectionString, parameters, customLogger, isStoredProcedure, commandTimeout);
These are different since, instead of Posting all at once, they are transactional, so not all have to pass field restrictions in order for the process to work.
Same as above with the exception of:
: Will note Posts that did not succeed.
- MongoDb
- PostgreSQL