(std.list.map (inference.infer [] (std.capture stockholm)) (fn x {type x}))
let body (.body (expect (^Await (^HTTP (std.http.get "gleam.run"))))) let nodes (parse_html body) let filter (std.list.filter (fn node (|Element (fn value (std.equal value.tag "a")) (fn _ false) node.node))) (std.list.map as (fn a a.parent))
Need a filter_map -> maybe always this way
let body (.body (expect (^Await (^HTTP (std.http.path (std.http.get "www.simplyrecipes.com") "/copycat-chipotle-chicken-recipe-7967281"))))) let body (.body (expect (^Await (^HTTP (std.http.path (std.http.get "www.bbcgoodfood.com") "/recipes/naughty-chocolate-fudge-cake"))))) Note this needs the singular parser
let data (.head (expect (std.list.pop (projects.recipe.process "www.simplyrecipes.com/copycat-chipotle-chicken-recipe-7967281")))) let data (.head (expect (std.list.pop (projects.recipe.process "www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/naughty-chocolate-fudge-cake")))) let triples (json.triples data) (^Await (^LoadDB triples)) let steps (^Await (^QueryDB "?[e,v] := *eav[e, x, 'HowToStep'], *eav[e, 'text', v]")) (std.list.map steps .v) // need to fix arrays but also null in db
https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/naughty-chocolate-fudge-cake is if an interesting functio (std.list.filter (std.equal 2) [2])
let stop (serve 5000 (fn request (let _ (^Log request.path) (std.http.ok (std.http.html "hello")))))
let data (^Await (receive 5000 try_receive)) let stop (serve 5000 (static (projects.website.build ""))) let stop (serve 5000 (multi_tenent [{key "localhost:5000" value projects.laura}]))
let stop (serve 5000 ctrl.serve) let stop (serve_page 5000 projects.counters)
let s (^Read_Source "./saved/saved.json") let db (cozo.ast s) (^Await (^LoadDB db)) (std.string.length db)
(^Await (^QueryDB "?[] <- [['hello', 'world!']]")) (^Await (^QueryDB "?[label] := *eav[id, 'label', label], *eav[id, 'expression', 'Let'],")) (^Await (^QueryDB "?[id, comment] := *eav[id, 'comment', comment], *eav[id, 'expression', 'Vacant'],")) (^Await (^QueryDB "?[id] := *eav[id, a, attr], *eav[id, 'expression', 'Vacant'],"))
(^Await (^LoadDB (cozo.ast (std.capture file)))) (^Await (^QueryDB "?[id, attr] := *eav[id, 'label', attr], *eav[id, 'expression', 'Lambda'],"))
let client (facilities.netlify.auth {}) (.status (expect (^Await (client.deploy client.scratch [(file "index.html" "Yo!") (file "_headers" "/*.html\n content-type: text/html")])))) weird happenings with _headers (file "_headers" _headers)]))) (.status (expect (client.deploy client.scratch (spa (fn x x)))))
(.status (expect (client.deploy client.scratch [(file "index.html" (app reactive.app)) (file "_headers" _headers)])))
let client (facilities.fly.auth "local") (^Await (client.update_machine facilities.fly.app facilities.fly.machine (fn _ "Yo"))) (client.update_machine facilities.fly.app facilities.fly.machine (fn _ (app simple)))
(facilities.dnsimple.auth 1) let client (facilities.dnsimple.auth {}) (expect (client.records dnsimple_me "petersaxton.uk"))
((fn x ((fn _ x.request) (x.reply "hello"))) (expect (^Await (^Receive 8080))))
(let server (fn req (!string_append "hey" req.query)))
(let server (fn req (std.string.append "hey" req.query)))
(let x (let _ (^Log "yo") (let _ (^Log "second"))))
List with effect types OR deploying a continuation lisp docs, everything first class so partial cases, but need record syntax
// read_text and read_tag are arity2 curried functions
let update = fn (state, char) {
match state {
ReadText(params) -> read_text(params, char)
ReadTag(params) -> read_tag(params, char)
// extract call with char arg
let update = fn (state, char) {
match state {
ReadText(params) -> read_text(params)
ReadTag(params) -> read_tag(params)
// return a function that accepts char later
let update = fn (state) {
match state {
ReadText(params) -> read_text(params)
ReadTag(params) -> read_tag(params)
// branches are function calls
let update = fn (state) {
match state {
ReadText read_text
ReadTag read_tag
// matches are first class
let update = match {
ReadText read_text
ReadTag read_tag
(let client (facilities.google.auth 1)) (client.send "[email protected]" "somemessage") (client.events "2023-10-10T00:00:00Z") ((.events (facilities.google.auth 1)) "2023-10-10T00:00:00Z")
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
hello there