diff --git "a/userdefined/4\351\235\242\345\205\267+3\345\256\271\345\231\250\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss" "b/userdefined/4\351\235\242\345\205\267+3\345\256\271\345\231\250\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1ec0ff
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/userdefined/4\351\235\242\345\205\267+3\345\256\271\345\231\250\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss"
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ Hollow Knight
+ 00:00:00
+ 0
+ 劈蚊子碎片
+ 白波
+ 苍绿之径
+ 好姐姐or坏姐姐?
+ 王后驿站 车站
+ 螳螂真的有爪嘛?
+ 驿站碎片
+ 苍绿容器碎片
+ 祖师爷!
+ 别氵了啦
+ 国王驿站容器
+ 金光灿烂的胖纸
+ 150geo
+ 500geo
+ 500geo
+ True
+ True
+ MaskFragment1
+ VengefulSpirit
+ Greenpath
+ MothwingCloak
+ QueensStationStation
+ MantisClaw
+ MaskFragment2
+ VesselFragment1
+ SlyRescued
+ BlueLake
+ VesselFragment2
+ GorgeousHusk
+ MaskFragment3
+ Mask1
+ Vessel1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/userdefined/\344\270\200\345\215\212\346\212\244\347\254\246\346\224\266\351\233\206\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss" "b/userdefined/\344\270\200\345\215\212\346\212\244\347\254\246\346\224\266\351\233\206\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab569bc
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/userdefined/\344\270\200\345\215\212\346\212\244\347\254\246\346\224\266\351\233\206\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss"
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ Hollow Knight
+ 一半护符收集
+ 00:00:00
+ 0
+ 亡者之怒
+ 十字路 车站
+ 白波
+ 噬魂者的弟弟
+ 好姐姐or坏姐姐?
+ 苦痛荆棘
+ 大型白给冲锋者
+ 螳螂爪
+ 冲刺大师
+ GM
+ 对话萨鲁巴
+ 拯救祖师爷
+ 蓝湖
+ 无用之物
+ 梦之盾
+ 安息之地 车站
+ 国王驿站 车站
+ 金闪闪的胖子
+ 圣所
+ 错误围攻者
+ 下砸
+ 里姆商店对话
+ 水晶山峰
+ 店主的钥匙
+ 幼虫之歌
+ 易碎三护符
+ 任性的指南针
+ 祖师爷对话
+ 噬魂者
+ True
+ True
+ FuryOfTheFallen
+ CrossroadsStation
+ VengefulSpirit
+ SoulCatcher
+ MothwingCloak
+ ThornsOfAgony
+ MegaMossCharger
+ MantisClaw
+ Dashmaster
+ GruzMother
+ SteadyBody
+ SlyRescued
+ BlueLake
+ DreamNail
+ Dreamshield
+ RestingGroundsStation
+ KingsStationStation
+ GorgeousHusk
+ EnterSanctum
+ SpellTwister
+ DesolateDive
+ Lemm2
+ CrystalPeak
+ SlyKey
+ Grubsong
+ FragileHeart
+ WaywardCompass
+ StalwartShell
+ SoulEater
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/userdefined/\344\270\211\345\256\271\345\231\250\347\242\216\347\211\207\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss" "b/userdefined/\344\270\211\345\256\271\345\231\250\347\242\216\347\211\207\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ffce5
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/userdefined/\344\270\211\345\256\271\345\231\250\347\242\216\347\211\207\357\274\210\345\210\235\345\247\213\347\211\210\357\274\211.lss"
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ Hollow Knight
+ 3 Vessel Fragments
+ 00:00:00
+ 0
+ 复仇之魂
+ 苍绿之径
+ 蛾翼披风
+ 螳螂爪
+ 冲刺大师
+ 苍绿容器碎片
+ 城市仓库 车站
+ 十字路容器碎片
+ 斯莱营救
+ 祖师爷是神!
+ True
+ True
+ VengefulSpirit
+ EnterGreenpath
+ MothwingCloak
+ MantisClaw
+ Dashmaster
+ VesselFragment1
+ StoreroomsStation
+ VesselFragment2
+ SlyRescued
+ Vessel1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/userdefined/\345\205\250\346\210\220\345\260\261.lss" "b/userdefined/\345\205\250\346\210\220\345\260\261.lss"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c74b71
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/userdefined/\345\205\250\346\210\220\345\260\261.lss"
@@ -0,0 +1,2059 @@
+ Hollow Knight
+ All Achievements
+ 00:00:00
+ 0
+ -Forgotten Crossroads Stag
+ -False Knight
+ -Vengeful Spirit
+ -Enter Greenpath
+ -Greenpath Stag
+ -Mothwing Cloak
+ -Mantis Claw
+ -City Gate
+ -Desolate Dive
+ -Crystal Heart
+ -Has Descending Dark
+ -Dream Nail
+ -King's Station Stag
+ -Shaman Stone
+ -Elegant Key
+ -Shade Soul
+ -Lurien
+ -Broken Vessel
+ -Lost Kin Essence
+ -Based Ore
+ -Grimmchild
+ -Crown Ore
+ -Grimmchild Lvl 2
+ -Begin Colosseum Trials
+ -Trial of the Warrior
+ -Trial of the Conquerer
+ -Grimmchild Lvl 3
+ -Uumuu
+ -Nosk
+ -Brumm flame
+ -Herrah
+ -Banishment
+ -Grubdaddy Ore
+ -Murder
+ Save 1
+ Fury of the Fallen
+ Vengeful Spirit
+ Enter Greenpath
+ Mothwing Cloak
+ Mantis Claw
+ City Gate
+ Enter Soul Sanctum
+ Spell Twister
+ Desolate Dive
+ City Storerooms Stag
+ Crystal Heart
+ Descending Dark
+ Resting Grounds Stag
+ Elegant Key
+ Shade Soul
+ Soul Tyrant Essence
+ Isma's Tear
+ Basin Bench
+ Monarch Wings
+ Lost Kin Essence
+ Failed Champion Essence
+ Dream Gate
+ Cyclone Slash
+ Joni's Blessing
+ Shape of Unn
+ Pale Ore 2
+ Great Slash
+ Massive Moss Charger
+ Howling Wraiths
+ Mask Shard 2
+ Storerooms Vessel Fragment
+ Mask Shard 3
+ Grimm Flame 1
+ Deep Focus
+ Enter Kingdom's Edge
+ King's Brand
+ Abyss Shriek
+ Shade Cloak
+ Markoth Essence
+ Quick Slash
+ Grimm Notch
+ Lurien
+ Enter Waterways Manhole
+ Bretta Rescued
+ Mantis Lords
+ Mask Shard 5
+ Enter Fog Canyon
+ Elder Hu Essence
+ Monomon
+ Love Key
+ Queen's Garden Bench
+ Marmu Essence
+ Queen Fragment
+ Herrah
+ Galien Essence
+ Zote Rescued - Deepnest
+ Pale Ore 3
+ Vessel Fragment 7
+ Enter Hive
+ Mask Upgrade 8
+ Hiveblood
+ Collector
+ Nail 3
+ 1xx% Sly Final Shop
+ Awoken Dream Nail
+ Met Grey Mourner
+ Flower Quest (Mask)
+ [2D] White Palace
+ Lifeblood Core
+ Void Heart
+ Begin Colosseum Trials
+ Trial of the Warrior
+ Trial of the Conqueror
+ Trial of the Fool
+ Nail 4
+ Flukenest
+ Enter Pantheon 1
+ -Vengefly King
+ -Gruz Mother
+ -False Knight
+ -Massive Moss Charger
+ -Hornet 1
+ -Gorb
+ -Dung Defender
+ -Soul Warrior
+ -Brooding Mawlek
+ Oro & Mato Nail Bros
+ -Xero
+ -Crystal Guardian
+ -Soul Master
+ -Oblobbles
+ -Mantis Lords
+ -Marmu
+ -Nosk
+ -Flukemarm
+ -Broken Vessel
+ Paintmaster Sheo
+ -Hive Knight
+ -Elder Hu
+ -Collector
+ -God Tamer
+ -Troupe Master Grimm
+ -Galien
+ -Grey Prince Zote
+ -Uumuu
+ -Hornet 2
+ Great Nailsage Sly
+ -Enraged Guardian
+ -Lost Kin
+ -No Eyes
+ -Traitor Lord
+ -White Defender
+ -Failed Champion
+ -Markoth
+ -Watcher Knights
+ -Soul Tyrant
+ Pure Vessel
+ Enter Pantheon 5
+ -Vengefly King
+ -Gruz Mother
+ -False Knight
+ -Massive Moss Charger
+ -Hornet 1
+ -Gorb
+ -Dung Defender
+ -Soul Warrior
+ -Brooding Mawlek
+ -Oro & Mato Nail Bros
+ -Xero
+ -Crystal Guardian
+ -Soul Master
+ -Oblobbles
+ -Mantis Lords
+ -Marmu
+ -Flukemarm
+ -Broken Vessel
+ -Galien
+ -Paintmaster Sheo
+ -Hive Knight
+ -Elder Hu
+ -Collector
+ -God Tamer
+ -Troupe Master Grimm
+ -Watcher Knights
+ -Uumuu
+ -Winged Nosk
+ -Great Nailsage Sly
+ -Hornet 2
+ -Enraged Guardian
+ -Lost Kin
+ -No Eyes
+ -Traitor Lord
+ -White Defender
+ -Soul Tyrant
+ -Markoth
+ -Grey Prince Zote
+ -Failed Champion
+ -Nightmare King Grimm
+ -Pure Vessel
+ Embrace the Void
+ Nightmare King Grimm
+ Grey Prince Zote Essence
+ Happy Couple
+ Hunter's Mark
+ Maps Done
+ Almost done
+ Any Bench
+ Done
+ True
+ True
+ CrossroadsStation
+ FalseKnight
+ VengefulSpirit
+ EnterGreenpath
+ GreenpathStation
+ MothwingCloak
+ MantisClaw
+ CityGateOpen
+ DesolateDive
+ CrystalHeart
+ TransDescendingDark
+ DreamNail
+ KingsStationStation
+ ShamanStone
+ ElegantKey
+ ShadeSoul
+ Lurien
+ BrokenVessel
+ LostKinEssence
+ Ore1
+ Grimmchild
+ Ore2
+ Grimmchild2
+ ColosseumBronzeUnlocked
+ ColosseumSilverUnlocked
+ ColosseumSilverExit
+ Grimmchild3
+ Uumuu
+ Nosk
+ Flame2
+ Hegemol
+ NightmareLanternDestroyed
+ Ore6
+ NailsmithKilled
+ EndingSplit
+ FuryOfTheFallen
+ VengefulSpirit
+ EnterGreenpath
+ MothwingCloak
+ MantisClaw
+ CityGateOpen
+ EnterSanctum
+ SpellTwister
+ DesolateDive
+ StoreroomsStation
+ CrystalHeart
+ DescendingDark
+ RestingGroundsStation
+ ElegantKey
+ ShadeSoul
+ SoulTyrantEssence
+ IsmasTear
+ TollBenchBasin
+ MonarchWings
+ LostKinEssence
+ FailedChampionEssence
+ DreamGate
+ CycloneSlash
+ JonisBlessing
+ ShapeOfUnn
+ Ore2
+ GreatSlash
+ MegaMossCharger
+ HowlingWraiths
+ MaskFragment2
+ Vessel1
+ MaskFragment3
+ Flame1
+ DeepFocus
+ KingdomsEdgeEntry
+ KingsBrand
+ AbyssShriek
+ ShadeCloak
+ MarkothEssence
+ QuickSlash
+ NotchGrimm
+ Lurien
+ WaterwaysEntry
+ BrettaRescued
+ MantisLords
+ MaskFragment5
+ FogCanyonEntry
+ ElderHuEssence
+ Monomon
+ LoveKey
+ TollBenchQG
+ MarmuEssence
+ WhiteFragmentLeft
+ Hegemol
+ GalienEssence
+ Zote2
+ Ore3
+ VesselFragment7
+ HiveEntry
+ Mask2
+ Hiveblood
+ Collector
+ NailUpgrade3
+ SlyShopFinished
+ DreamNail2
+ MetGreyMourner
+ Mask4
+ Kingsoul
+ LifebloodCore
+ VoidHeart
+ ColosseumBronzeUnlocked
+ ColosseumSilverUnlocked
+ ColosseumGoldUnlocked
+ ColosseumGoldExit
+ NailUpgrade4
+ Flukenest
+ Pantheon1to4Entry
+ VengeflyKingP
+ GruzMotherP
+ FalseKnightP
+ MassiveMossChargerP
+ Hornet1P
+ GorbP
+ DungDefenderP
+ SoulWarriorP
+ BroodingMawlekP
+ OroMatoNailBrosP
+ XeroP
+ CrystalGuardianP
+ SoulMasterP
+ OblobblesP
+ MantisLordsP
+ MarmuP
+ NoskP
+ FlukemarmP
+ BrokenVesselP
+ SheoPaintmasterP
+ HiveKnightP
+ ElderHuP
+ CollectorP
+ GodTamerP
+ TroupeMasterGrimmP
+ GalienP
+ GreyPrinceZoteP
+ UumuuP
+ Hornet2P
+ SlyP
+ EnragedGuardianP
+ LostKinP
+ NoEyesP
+ TraitorLordP
+ WhiteDefenderP
+ FailedChampionP
+ MarkothP
+ WatcherKnightsP
+ SoulTyrantP
+ PureVesselP
+ Pantheon5Entry
+ VengeflyKingP
+ GruzMotherP
+ FalseKnightP
+ MassiveMossChargerP
+ Hornet1P
+ GorbP
+ DungDefenderP
+ SoulWarriorP
+ BroodingMawlekP
+ OroMatoNailBrosP
+ XeroP
+ CrystalGuardianP
+ SoulMasterP
+ OblobblesP
+ MantisLordsP
+ MarmuP
+ FlukemarmP
+ BrokenVesselP
+ GalienP
+ SheoPaintmasterP
+ HiveKnightP
+ ElderHuP
+ CollectorP
+ GodTamerP
+ TroupeMasterGrimmP
+ WatcherKnightsP
+ UumuuP
+ NoskHornetP
+ SlyP
+ Hornet2P
+ EnragedGuardianP
+ LostKinP
+ NoEyesP
+ TraitorLordP
+ WhiteDefenderP
+ SoulTyrantP
+ MarkothP
+ GreyPrinceZoteP
+ FailedChampionP
+ NightmareKingGrimmP
+ PureVesselP
+ EndingSplit
+ NightmareKingGrimm
+ GreyPrinceEssence
+ HappyCouplePlayerDataEvent
+ HuntersMark
+ mapDeepnest
+ EndingSplit
+ BenchAny
+ EndingSplit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/userdefined/\347\254\254\344\270\211\350\241\214\346\212\244\347\254\246\346\224\266\351\233\206.lss" "b/userdefined/\347\254\254\344\270\211\350\241\214\346\212\244\347\254\246\346\224\266\351\233\206.lss"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53b5c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/userdefined/\347\254\254\344\270\211\350\241\214\346\212\244\347\254\246\346\224\266\351\233\206.lss"
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+ Hollow Knight
+ 第三行护符收集
+ 00:00:00
+ 0
+ 劈蚊子虫
+ 十字路酸水虫
+ 劈蚊子面具
+ 十字路 车站
+ 隐藏墙虫
+ 复仇之魂
+ 灵魂捕手
+ 苍绿之径
+ 苍绿骑士虫
+ 蛾翼披风
+ 苦痛荆棘
+ 苍绿猎人虫
+ 大型苔藓冲锋者
+ 摸黑庇护所
+ 王后驿站 车站
+ 拜年菇
+ 易碎心脏
+ 螳螂爪
+ 冲刺大师
+ 布蕾塔营救
+ 王后驿站碎片
+ 生命血之心
+ 蓝湖
+ 华丽躯壳
+ 灵魂圣所
+ 灵魂大师
+ 荒芜俯冲
+ 简单钥匙
+ 里姆商店对话
+ 国王驿站 车站
+ 水晶山峰
+ 水晶之心
+ 深度聚集
+ 吸虫之巢
+ 防御者纹章
+ 帝王之翼
+ 隐藏的鹿角站
+ 王之印记
+ 快速聚集
+ 发光子宫
+ 布蕾塔的房间
+ 虫爷爷
+ 毛里克
+ 祖师爷的交易
+ 巴德尔之壳
+ 乔尼的祝福
+ 生命血核心
+ True
+ True
+ Grub1
+ Grub2
+ MaskFragment1
+ CrossroadsStation
+ Grub3
+ VengefulSpirit
+ SoulCatcher
+ EnterGreenpath
+ Grub4
+ MothwingCloak
+ ThornsOfAgony
+ Grub5
+ MegaMossCharger
+ MaskFragment2
+ QueensStationStation
+ NotchShrumalOgres
+ FragileHeart
+ MantisClaw
+ Dashmaster
+ BrettaRescued
+ MaskFragment3
+ LifebloodHeart
+ BlueLake
+ GorgeousHusk
+ EnterSanctum
+ SoulMaster
+ DesolateDive
+ OnObtainSimpleKey
+ Lemm2
+ KingsStationStation
+ CrystalPeak
+ CrystalHeart
+ DeepFocus
+ Flukenest
+ DefendersCrest
+ MonarchWings
+ HiddenStationStation
+ KingsBrand
+ QuickFocus
+ GlowingWomb
+ Mask1
+ MaskFragment5
+ MaskFragment6
+ Mask2
+ BaldurShell
+ JonisBlessing
+ LifebloodCore
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/userdefined/\350\230\221\350\217\207\345\255\242\345\255\220Any%.lss" "b/userdefined/\350\230\221\350\217\207\345\255\242\345\255\220Any%.lss"
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2248730
--- /dev/null
+++ "b/userdefined/\350\230\221\350\217\207\345\255\242\345\255\220Any%.lss"
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ Hollow Knight
+ Any%
+ 00:00:00
+ 0
+ 面膜
+ 苍绿
+ 小改改
+ 爪爪
+ 象鼻虫之母
+ 钉钉
+ 从天而降
+ Enemy of life
+ 罐装萤火虫
+ Pure Garbage
+ 温泉泡澡
+ 《好朋友》
+ 赫拉
+ Bro?!
+ False
+ False
+ VengefulSpirit
+ Greenpath
+ MothwingCloak
+ MantisClaw
+ GruzMother
+ DreamNail
+ WatcherChandelier
+ BlackKnight
+ LumaflyLantern
+ CrystalHeart
+ Uumuu
+ DeepnestSpa
+ BeastsDenTrapBench
+ Hegemol
\ No newline at end of file