In this tutorial, you are going to set up a automatic cost control by capping Google Cloud billing.
When you remove Cloud Billing from your project, all resources are shut down. The resources may not shut down gracefully and be irretrievably deleted. There is no gracefully recovery if you disable Cloud Billing. You can re-enable Cloud Billing, but there is no guarantee that the service will be restored and manual configuration is required. |
Click the Start button to move to the next step.
Initial setup:
terraform init
Set the project that should be stopped when a certain amount is exceeded:
gcloud config set project YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT
Enable required APIs and services:
Now you can create a budget alert and Cloud Function:
terraform apply \
-var="project_id=$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT" \
You can now perform a test. The billing account will be removed. Do it only if you are sure and the project is not important.
Check active billing account:
gcloud beta billing projects describe "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT" | grep billingAccountName
Send a message that triggers the Cloud Function and disables billing:
gcloud pubsub topics publish "cap-billing-alert" --message='{ "costAmount" : 2, "budgetAmount": 1 }'
Wait a while... Billing should then be disabled.
gcloud beta billing projects describe "$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT" | grep billingAccountName