Program and video lectures from the OHBM 2018 Educational Course Pattern Recognition for NeuroImaging organised by Janaina Mourao-Miranda and Christophe Phillips.
Most symposia, keynote and oral sessions from OHBM2018 program are available and so are the individual lectures from the Educational Courses. Unfortunately these are dumped together, without any specific ordering or grouping but for titles' alphabetical order.
Here are the lectures from the PR4NI course, as originally planned:
Speaker | Title & Link to on-demand lecture |
J. Mourao-Miranda | Pattern recognition in neuroimaging: fundamentals |
P. Raamana | Cross-validation: what, which and how? |
C. Allefeld | A primer on permutation testing (not only) for MVPA |
J. Schrouff | What can we say about weight maps from linear decoding models? |
B. Thirion | What makes a good multivariate model for fMRI-based decoding ? |
N. Burgos | Pattern recognition for clinical neuroimaging: questions, approaches, and validation |
J. Richiardi | Learning and predicting with brain connectivity for clinical neuroscience |
V. Kebets | Supervised vs. unsupervised approaches in psychiatric neuroimaging |
V. Calhoun | Deep learning approaches applied to neuro-imaging |