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Track configuration

Daniel Perrett edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 2 revisions

The following are properties for Genoverse.Track and its MVC components. These can be overwritten to customize the way tracks get data and display it in the browser.

Track display, resizing, and reordering

name (default undefined)

The name of the track, which appears in its label on the left of the genome browser

id (default undefined)

The identifier of the track, used to determine which track to apply saved configuration to if Genoverse is saveable.

category (default undefined)

The category of the track, which enables grouping in the control panel plugin's tracks menu

height (default 12)

The initial height in pixels of the DOM element containing the track

resizable (default true)

Determines whether the track's height can changed. Can be:

  • true - the user can resize the track
  • false - the track cannot be resized
  • "auto" - the track will automatically resize to show all features, but the user cannot resize it themselves

autoHeight (default undefined)

Determines whether the track automatically resize so that all the features are visible. Can be:

  • true - identical to resizable = "auto", above
  • false - the track will not automatically resize
  • undefined - the track will use genoverse.trackAutoHeight to set track.autoHeight

hideEmpty (default undefined)

If the track automatically resizes, determines whether should it be hidden when there are no features. Can be:

  • true - the track will be hidden if there are no features in view
  • false - the track will be displayed if there are no features in view
  • undefined - the track will use genoverse.hideEmptyTracks to set track.hideEmpty

invert (default false)

If true, features are drawn from bottom of the track image, up, rather than from the top, down. This can be used to draw, for example, histograms with rising bars. The inversion is actually achieved by performing a CSS transform on the track's image container DOM element, rather than by performing different logic when positioning the features for drawing.

margin (default 2)

The whitespace in pixels between this track and the one below it in the genome browser. This will appear as extra pixels in height at the bottom of the track.

border (default true)

If true, the track will have a 1px grey bottom border

unsortable (default false)

If true, the track cannot be moved by the user. If false, a drag handle will appear next to the track's name, allowing the user to change its vertical position within the genome browser.

fixedOrder (default false)

If true, the track cannot be moved at all. Use for tracks which allways need to go at the top or bottom.

legend (default false)

Determines whether a legend will be added to the track, and what class that legend will use. Can be:

  • false - No legend
  • Genoverse.Track.Legend,
  • An extension of Genoverse.Track.Legend, i.e. Genoverse.Track.Legend.extend({ ... legend config ... })
  • A child class of Genoverse.Track.Legend, e.g. Genoverse.Track.Legend.MyLegendClass

children (default undefined)

Determines whether a track will have child tracks, which are located in the same DOM element as their parent. Can be:

  • An extension of Genoverse.Track, i.e. Genoverse.Track.extend({ ... config ... })
  • An array of extensions of Genoverse.Track

Legend can be child tracks, but if they are provided as such, the legend property should not be set.

Note: Multiple levels of children (i.e. a child track with children) is not supported.

stranded (default undefined)

If true, two tracks will be displayed instead of one, with features whose strand property is 1 appearing in one of the tracks, and those whose strand is -1 appearing in the other.

Fetching data

These options are used by Track.Model.getData to make HTTP GET requests for track data when the browser is rendered or the position changes.

url (default undefined)

The URL template used to fetch data from a server. Can contain placeholders for __ASSEMBLY__, __CHR__, __START__, and __END__, for example

These placeholders will be replaces with genoverse.assembly, genoverse.chr, and the start and end for the request respectively, before data is fetched from the server.

urlParams (default undefined)

An object of query parameters to be added to each request for data, for example:

  url       : '',
  urlParams : { foo: 'bar' },

will result in a URL like

urlParamsGenerator (default () => ({}))

A function to create a urlParams object, which is called if urlParams is falsy

data (default undefined)

Will be used instead of fetching data from a source, if defined as an array of objects (these objects should fulfill the requirements of a Genoverse feature). track.url is not required if is supplied.

allData (default false)

If true, the initial request for data is assumed to contain all the track's data for the current chromosome. No subsequent requests will be made as the user navigates the genome.

dataRequestLimit (default undefined)

The maximum region size to request data for, if any. If defined as a number, multiple jQuery.ajax requests will be made to get data for a region size which exceeds its value.

dataType (default "json")

The dataType setting to be used in the jQuery.ajax requests to get data for the track

xhrFields (default undefined)

The xhrFields setting to be used in the jQuery.ajax requests to get data for the track

Drawing features

featureHeight (default undefined)

The height of each feature, if feature.height is not set. If undefined, will be set to track.height

featureMargin (default { top: 3, right: 1, bottom: 1, left: 0 })

The space in pixels around each feature, used when positioning the feature on the canvas, and for bumping (below). If any property is left undefined, it will default to 0. Top and right margins can be overwritten for individual features using feature.marginTop and feature.marginRight. To draw features that should touch each other (e.g. bases of sequence), featureMargin should be set to { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }.

color (default "#000000")

The color for each features, if feature.color is not set

fontColor (default undefined)

The default color for feature labels. If undefined, a feature's label color will be feature.color, or track.color (above), in that order of precedence.

fontWeight (default "normal")

Combined with fontHeight and fontFamily to set the font for the canvas element used to draw the track's features

fontHeight (default 10)

Combined with fontWeight and fontFamily to set the font for the canvas element used to draw the track's features. Value is given in pixels.

fontFamily (default "sans-serif")

Combined with fontHeight and fontWeight to set the font for the canvas element used to draw the track's features

labels (default true)

Determines how feature labels are drawn. Can be:

  • true - display a feature's label directly below the feature, at the start of the feature
  • "overlay" - display a feature's label within the feature, if the feature is wide enough to contain the label, in the center of the feature
  • "separate" - display all features' labels on a separate canvas, below all of the features, in line with the start of their feature. Labels will be bumped (see below) to ensure they are all visible.
  • false - do not display feature labels

repeatLabels (default false)

If true, a feature's label is repeated along the length of the feature, such that an instance of the label will always be in view

bump (default false)

Determines whether features are moved vertically within the track so that the do not overlap horizontally. Can be:

  • true - features are moved vertically
  • false - features are not moved vertically, and can overlap
  • "labels" - features are not moved vertically, but if track.labels === true, track.labels is set to "separate", so labels can be bumped while features are not

depth (default undefined)

If set to an integer, this is the maximum bumping depth for features in the track. Features which need to be moved vertically to beyond this depth (e.g. if depth = 2 and three features have the same start and end) will not be drawn.

subFeatureJoinStyle (default false)

For features with a subFeatures property, determines what method is used to join these sub-features together. Can be:

  • "line" - sub-features are joined by a horizontal line
  • "peak" - sub-features are joined by a peak (diagonal line up, diagonal line down)
  • "curve" - sub-features are joined by a quadratic curve
  • false - sub-features are not joined

In the case of "peak" and "curve", the highest point of the join is mid-way between the end of one sub-feature and the start of the next. If the feature.strand == -1, the peak/curve will go down (a trough) instead of up.

Sub-feature join lines are only drawn for pairs of sub-features where subFeature1.end != subFeature2.start.

subFeatureJoinLineWidth (default 0.5)

The canvas lineWidth value used when drawing sub-feature join lines.

invert (default false)

Features are always drawn from the top, down (i.e. bumping moves a feature downward). If invert is true, a css class is applied to the track's images which does transform: scaleY(-1), i.e. flipping the image on the y-axis. This is useful for graph tracks, where y-axis 0 should be below positive numbers. However, as the transform is done in css, any words in the image will appear upside-down, so bespoke measures must be taken in the track's code to ensure it looks ok.

threshold (default Infinity)

The integer size of region above which the track's features are not drawn. Synonymous with [numerical key]: false (see here), such that

Genoverse.Track.extend({ threshold: 100000 })


Genoverse.Track.extend({ 100000: false })

have the same effect.

Interacting with features

clickTolerance (default 0)

Pixels of tolerance added to a click position when finding features for popup menus, when scale < 1. Increase to make it easier to click on small features (e.g. 1bp variants) when looking at large regions, at the cost of possibly showing feature menus for more features than expected.

Changing track settings

configSettings (default undefined)

An object defining properties of the track (including its models, views, and controller) which can be changed after initialization, as follows:

  example1: {
    config1: { property1: "a", property2: "b", function1: function () { ... }, ... },
    config2: { property1: "x", property2: "y", function1: function () { ... }, ... }
  example2: {
    config1: { property3: "a", property4: "b", function2: function () { ... }, ... },
    config2: { property3: "x", property4: "y", function2: function () { ... }, ... }

See track.setConfig for details of how to change between different settings.

defaultConfig (default undefined)

An object defining which configSettings are used on track initialization, in the form:

{ example1: "config1", example2: "config2" }

Required when configSettings is provided.

controls (default undefined)

An array providing users with the ability to change the track's configuration, providing the trackControls plugin is enabled. The elements of the array can be:

  • a HTML string including a "data-control" attribute that can be made into a jQuery object

  • a jQuery object with a data "control" value, which will be cloned (data and events bound to the object will be included in the clone)

  • an object as follows:

      "type": "select", // A type of DOM node
      "name": "example1", // Equivalent of data-control attribute
      "options": [ // other types of DOM node can be give, and don't require an options property
        { "value": "config1", "text": "Config 1" },
        { "value": "config2", "text": "Config 2" },

In each case, the data-control attribute will be used as keys in the configSettings property (above), and the values of the control's option DOM elements will be used as keys within that. Alternatively, for non-select controls, a click handler could be added directly to the control, to perform modifications to the track.

See here for more information about track configurations.


debug (default undefined)

If true, all calls to track functions (including those to controller, model, or view) will be logged to the console by name. The log output will include the track's id if it exists, or the track's name if not. If neither of these exist, the log output will contain "Track", e.g.

// a track with the id of "genes"

// a track with no id and the name of "Regulatory Features"
console.log('Regulatory Features.Controller.populateMenu')

// a track with no id or name

If 'time', all calls to track functions will have their execution time logged to the console according to the rules above, i.e. console.time('time: Track.View.draw').

If an object whose keys are track function names and whose values are truthy, calls to those functions will have their execution time logged to the console according to the rules above, e.g. { populateMenu: true, parseData: true } will only log for Track.Controller.populateMenu and Track.Model.parseData.