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File metadata and controls

131 lines (106 loc) · 5.95 KB

#Set up:

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a private module for it
  3. Ensure the some version of the following modules are loaded before running the pipeline (in addition to use.own and the qc-pipeline module):
    • Python 2.X (PYTHON/2.7.8-anaconda-2.1.0 is the one I used on the scc)
    • AFNI
    • FSL
    • minc-toolkit
    • mricron
    • slicer (Only if .nrrd file format is required)
    • wkhtmltopdf (Only if .pdf QC pages are required. Listed as the Wkhtmltox module on the scc)
  4. Ensure the following packages are installed. "pip install --user <package_name>" will install each locally and automatically for the version of python you have loaded.
    • docopt
    • pydicom
    • nibabel
    • pdfkit (Only if .pdf QC pages are required. Depends on wkhtmltopdf)
  5. For each project to be managed, create a directory for logs and metadata. Each needed metadata configuration file has a template in the 'Config Templates' section below.

Private Modules

To use private modules on the SCC you must first load the use.own module. The first time you do this it creates a privatemodules folder in your home directory. In this directory you can create your own modules with the template below.

The name you save the module file as determines what you'll have to type to load the module and the paths on each 'prepend-path' line will have to be adjusted to where you saved the clone repositories.

qc-pipeline module template

 proc ModulesHelp { } {
 	puts stderr "This module loads the Temerty versions of some datman scripts"

 # Load dependencies
 module load PYTHON/2.7.8-anaconda-2.1.0
 module load AFNI/AFNI_MAY_2014
 module load FSL/fsl_5.0.9
 module load MINC/minc-toolkit-1.0.07
 module load MRICRON/lx64
 module load Wkhtmltox/0.12.3

 prepend-path PATH	~/current/temerty-scc-code

 prepend-path PYTHONPATH	~/current/temerty-scc-code

Config Templates


This file will be unreadable if there are any tabbed white space. It's a good idea to use a text editor that can automatically convert tabs to spaces (like atom) to edit it to avoid weird errors.

The first column after 'ExportInfo' is a tag that will be added to file names to make it easy to locate members of that series. The pattern column is a regex or simple string that will match the SeriesDescription field of the dicom headers. The site (CAMH in this case) is matched against the InstitutionName field of the header to determine which export info to use in the case of multiple scan sites for the given project.

# NEUR2MR Project Settings


  - CAMH :
      ## The data to expect from this project
      # Pattern: the regex pattern used to identify this scan from the dicom headers
      # Formats: the list of formats to convert matching series to
      # Count: the number of scans of this type to expect in a session
        - LOC:           { Pattern: '3PlaneLoc',        Formats: [],              Count: 1}
        - T1:            { Pattern: 'T1',               Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}
        - CAL:           { Pattern: 'Calibration',      Formats: [],              Count: 1}
        - RST:           { Pattern: 'Resting',          Formats: [nii],           Count: 3}
        - GNG:           { Pattern: 'GoNoGo',           Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}
        - NBK:           { Pattern: 'Back',             Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}
        - DTI60-1000:    { Pattern: 'DTI-60plus5',      Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}
        - T2:            { Pattern: 'T2',               Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}
        - FMAP-6.5:      { Pattern: 'TE65',             Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}
        - FMAP-8.5:      { Pattern: 'TE85',             Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}
        - PROC:          { Pattern: 'Processed',        Formats: [],              Count: 1}
        - ANI:           { Pattern: 'Fractional-Aniso', Formats: [nii],           Count: 1}


Another input to Not super useful unless you intend to use the rest of the datman pipeline. The series column should contain the datman style name of a series that has been blacklist. Reason can be anything, as long as it doesn't contain spaces (this breaks the parsing)

  series									                                            reason

Naming Conventions

The outputs of this qc pipeline use the datman naming conventions. All IDs created for participant data will be of the form the form STUDY_SITE_SUBJECTID_TIMEPOINT_SESSION.

Most of this information is taken from the dicom headers. To set the timepoint for some scan the PatientName field of the dicom headers must be of the form scanid_timepoint (e.g. ABCDEF_02). If there are more than two underscore separated fields or if the second field is not numeric the timepoint will be set to the default of 01.

Session number is set when is run. It finds all scans in the given directory and then among scans that match on the STUDY_SITE_SUBJECTID_TIMEPOINT fields it sorts them by comparing their dates and assigns them session numbers based on that sorted order.

WARNING: If your scans are being uploaded and converted to other formats out of order may assign the wrong id to some outputs or simply fail to convert it at all. For example, if session two for a participant is uploaded, converted to .nii format and then session one is uploaded, session one may never be converted and session two may be converted twice under both IDs. If this situation cannot be avoided, delete all outputs for the participant before running the pipeline to avoid such errors.