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File metadata and controls

115 lines (95 loc) · 4.23 KB

Annotation of Word files

All instructions are assumed to be executed from the root directory of the project, with the python virtual environment activated and all necessary dependencies installed. In this example, we will be processing the word files downloaded in the previous step of the WordScape pipeline.

This part of WordScape assumes that you have input files (i.e. Word .doc or .docx files) stored in gzip compressed tar archives:

├── archive_1.tar.gz
    ├── file_1.doc
    ├── file_2.docx
    ├── file_k.doc
├── archive_2.tar.gz
    ├── file_1.doc
├── archive_n.tar.gz

The Word Scape pipeline will process each archive in parallel. The output will have the following components:

  • A failed directory with jsonl files that contain the filenames of Word files that failed to process, including the reason for failure.
  • A logs directory with log files from each worker.
  • A meta directory with jsonl files that contain metadata on document level, and metadata on page level.
  • A multimodal directory with tar.gz files that contain multimodal data for each document. The multimodal data includes images of each page, and json files that contain OCR text, word bounding boxes, and entity bounding boxes.
  • A text directory with jsonl files that contain OCR text for each document and each page.
  • A version_info.txt file that contains the timestamp and git branch and commit hash of the code used to process the data.
  • A args.json file that contains the arguments used to run the pipeline.
  • A config.yaml file that contains the configuration used to run the pipeline.

The output directory structure will look like this:

├── failed
    ├── failed_<shard_id>.jsonl
├── logs
    ├── <worker_id>.log
├── meta
    ├── doc_meta_<shard_id>.jsonl
    ├── page_meta_<shard_id>.jsonl
├── multimodal
    ├── docs_<shard_id>.tar.gz
        ├── doc_<url_hash>_p<page_num>.jpg
        ├── entities_<url_hash>_p<page_num>.json
        ├── text_<url_hash>_p<page_num>.json
        ├── words_<url_hash>_p<page_num>.json
├── text
    ├── doc_text_<shard_id>.jsonl
    ├── page_text_<shard_id>.jsonl
├── version_info.txt
├── args.json
├── config.yaml

Running annotation scripts

Here we describe how to run the annotation scripts. The scripts are designed to be run on a Slurm cluster, but can also be run locally.

Running on a Slurm cluster

To run WordScape on a Slurm cluster, you can use the script from the scripts directory. This script will divide all files ending in .tar.gz into partitions. Each partition will be processed by a separate Slurm job. To run using slurm, use

bash scripts/ $CRAWL_ID $DATA_DIR

where the environment variables $CRAWL_ID corresponds to the id of the crawl (e.g., "CC-MAIN-2022-49") and $DATA_DIR is the directory of the Word source files. After creating the partitions, the script submits the jobs to the slurm cluster by calling the script scripts/annotation-launch.sbatch.

Running locally

Alternatively, you can also run the annotation script locally. To do so, you can directly call the script:

python \
  --data_dir $DATA_DIR \
  --crawl_id $CRAWL_ID \
  --max_docs -1 \
  --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR

Computing perplexity scores

Perplexity scores can be computed using the script. This script will download the 5-gram Kneser-Ney models and SentencePiece tokenizers used in the CCNet pipeline. You can run the script with the following command:

python \
  --lang $LANG \

After downloading the language model for the specified language, the script will compute the perplexity scores for each document in the annotations directory, and write the results to the meta_ppl directory, that contains the same data as the meta directory, but with the perplexity scores added to the document level metadata.