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Open terminal (in Applications/Utilities)
In your terminal, type the following command. If git is not yet installed, you will be prompted to install developer tools. Proceed with the installation.
git version
docker run -it --rm ubuntu /bin/bash
Enter echo hello
then enter exit
root@653eeaeb274b:/# echo hello
root@653eeaeb274b:/# exit
git clone https://github.com/DSpace-Labs/DSpace-Docker-Images.git
cd DSpace-Docker-Images/docker-compose-files/dspace-compose
docker-compose version
Check your download of DSpace Compose Files
docker-compose config | grep container_name
Note: DSpace Docker requires a minimum of 5-6G of RAM allocated to Docker in order to run.
Run the following command to verify your memory allocation for Docker.
docker info | grep Memory
If less that 5G has been allocated to Docker, you can configure memory for Docker.