Let's read cities.csv.
If our purpose is to see what is the largest city in China between Shanghai and Beijing, we might be not interested in the other cities'areas. To do so we subset our initial data frame, and then we order it considering the criteria we prefer. It doesn't make much sense with 2 items, but when we are analysing thousands of items it's far more useful.
## grep function finds the character vector (e.g. "China") in the
## data$countries factor, and returns a vector of indexes.
## > data$countries
## [1] China China USA USA UK UK
## Levels: China UK USA
## > grep("China",data$countries)
## [1] 1 2
## We then subset the main data frame, data, by these indexes
## > data [grep("China",data$countries),]
## cities countries areakm2 populationk
## 1 Shanghai China 2643 21766
## 2 Beijing China 1368 21500
sort_country <- function (data, country, column){
countrydata <- data [grep(country,data$countries),]
orderdata <- countrydata[order(countrydata[,column]),]
return (orderdata)
> sort_country(data, "USA", 4)
cities countries areakm2 populationk
4 LA USA 1302 3884
3 NYC USA 1214 8406
> sort_country(data, "UK", 1)
cities countries areakm2 populationk
5 London UK 1737 9789
6 Manchester UK 116 255