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Unity 5 World Space Correction Template

This template has been updated to work with Unity 5.3 and 5.4 games. For these games, use instead of

This template can be used as a starting point to fix any DX11 Unity game. It includes:

  • d3dx.ini excerpts
  • Lighting vertex shaders

The vast majority of the fix is now performed with is a shell script that can be run from cygwin (or any other Unix environment) to perform these fixes automatically. It will fix:

  • Almost all halo issues in vertex shaders (some of these relate to the lighting)
  • All lighting pixel shaders, including all known 3rd party replacement Unity lighting shaders.
  • World space camera position in both vertex and pixel shaders

This script will also add sections to the d3dx.ini as it fixes shaders. In particular it will add:

  • Sections to copy the MVP and _Object2World matrices from any shaders that were found to have them during the world space camera position fix, provided that it is not a shadow caster (you may need to add additional shaders if this is not sufficient - see below).

  • Sections to copy the MVP and _Object2World matrices to any shader that needs them for either a lighting fix and/or a world space camera position fix.

Unity likes to throw curve balls, so expect the unexpected. You may have to adjust the script for the given game, and may need to edit some shaders by hand. This script is subject to the 3DMigoto decompiler, so you may have to hand-edit some shaders to fix decompile bugs, but these are generally minor. Any that fail a compile test will have ~failed appended to their filename.

If you find that the shadows are still broken after applying this template and running the scripts, the most likely explanation is that none of the shaders that the script added to copy the matrices from are in use. There is a script in the DX9 template that can find more shaders that could be adapted to work with DX11 relatively easily.

UI adjustments are very game specific and as such are not included in the template. hlsltool will add sections to the d3dx.ini to copy the depth buffer and Z Buffer params from various shaders to ease the process of adding an automatic depth adjustment.