diff --git a/Editor/DeNA.Anjin.Editor.asmdef b/Editor/DeNA.Anjin.Editor.asmdef
index bd1b086..bf7a167 100644
--- a/Editor/DeNA.Anjin.Editor.asmdef
+++ b/Editor/DeNA.Anjin.Editor.asmdef
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
"name": "DeNA.Anjin.Editor",
"rootNamespace": "DeNA.Anjin",
"references": [
- "DeNA.Anjin"
+ "DeNA.Anjin",
+ "TestHelper.Monkey.Annotations",
+ "TestHelper.Monkey"
"includePlatforms": [
diff --git a/Editor/Localization/ja.po b/Editor/Localization/ja.po
index b2eb6ba..75233f7 100644
--- a/Editor/Localization/ja.po
+++ b/Editor/Localization/ja.po
@@ -267,6 +267,49 @@ msgstr "操作間隔[ミリ秒]"
msgid "Delay time between random operations [ms]"
msgstr "ランダム操作ごとの遅延時間[ミリ秒]"
+# timeout
+msgid "Secs Searching Components"
+msgstr "コンポーネント探索時間[秒]"
+# timeout tooltip
+msgid "Seconds to determine that an error has occurred when an object that can be interacted with does not exist"
+msgstr "インタラクティブな要素を探索する秒数を指定します。探索時間がこれを超えるとエラーを発生させます"
+# touchAndHoldDelayMillis
+msgid "Touch and Hold Millis"
+msgstr "タッチ&ホールド時間[ミリ秒]"
+# touchAndHoldDelayMillis tooltip
+msgid "Delay time for touch-and-hold [ms]"
+msgstr "タッチ&ホールドの継続時間[ミリ秒]"
+# gizmos
+msgid "Enable Gizmos"
+msgstr "Gizmos を有効"
+# gizmos tooltip
+msgid "Show Gizmos on GameView during running monkey test if true"
+msgstr "もし有効ならモンキー操作中の GameView に Gizmo を表示します。もし無効なら GameView に Gizmo を表示しません"
+# random string parameters table
+msgid "Random String Parameters Table"
+msgstr "ランダム文字列パラメータ表"
+# random string parameters table game object name
+msgid "Game Object Name"
+msgstr "Game Object の名前"
+# random string parameters table characters kind
+msgid "Characters Kind"
+msgstr "文字種"
+# random string parameters table minimum length
+msgid "Minimum Length"
+msgstr "最小文字列長"
+# random string parameters table maximum length
+msgid "Maximum Length"
+msgstr "最大文字列長"
#: Editor/UI/Agents/UGUIPlaybackAgentEditor.cs
diff --git a/Editor/UI/Agents/UGUIMonkeyAgentEditor.cs b/Editor/UI/Agents/UGUIMonkeyAgentEditor.cs
index 6cbcdbe..dc723c3 100644
--- a/Editor/UI/Agents/UGUIMonkeyAgentEditor.cs
+++ b/Editor/UI/Agents/UGUIMonkeyAgentEditor.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using DeNA.Anjin.Agents;
using UnityEditor;
+using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
namespace DeNA.Anjin.Editor.UI.Agents
@@ -17,25 +18,165 @@ public class UGUIMonkeyAgentEditor : UnityEditor.Editor
private static readonly string s_description = L10n.Tr("Description");
private static readonly string s_descriptionTooltip = L10n.Tr("Description about this agent instance");
+ private SerializedProperty _descriptionProp;
+ private GUIContent _descriptionGUIContent;
private static readonly string s_lifespanSec = L10n.Tr("Lifespan Sec");
private static readonly string s_lifespanSecTooltip =
L10n.Tr("Agent running lifespan [sec]. When specified zero, so unlimited running");
+ private SerializedProperty _lifespanProp;
+ private GUIContent _lifespanGUIContent;
private static readonly string s_delayMillis = L10n.Tr("Delay Millis");
private static readonly string s_delayMillisTooltip = L10n.Tr("Delay time between random operations [ms]");
+ private SerializedProperty _delayMillisProp;
+ private GUIContent _delayMillisGUIContent;
+ private static readonly string s_timeout =
+ L10n.Tr("Secs Searching Components");
+ private static readonly string s_timeoutToolTip = L10n.Tr(
+ "Seconds to determine that an error has occurred when an object that can be interacted with does not exist"
+ );
+ private SerializedProperty _timeoutProp;
+ private GUIContent _timeoutGUIContent;
+ private static readonly string s_touchAndHoldDelayMillis = L10n.Tr("Touch and Hold Millis");
+ private static readonly string s_touchAndHoldDelayMillisTooltip = L10n.Tr("Delay time for touch-and-hold [ms]");
+ private SerializedProperty _touchAndHoldDelayMillisProp;
+ private GUIContent _touchAndHoldDelayMillisGUIContent;
+ private static readonly string s_gizmos = L10n.Tr("Enable Gizmos");
+ private static readonly string s_gizmosTooltip =
+ L10n.Tr("Show Gizmos on GameView during running monkey test if true");
+ private SerializedProperty _gizmosProp;
+ private GUIContent _gizmosGUIContent;
+ private static readonly string s_randomStringParams = L10n.Tr("Random String Parameters Table");
+ private static readonly string s_randomStringParamsEntryKey = L10n.Tr("Game Object Name");
+ private static readonly string s_randomStringParamsEntryKind = L10n.Tr("Characters Kind");
+ private static readonly string s_randomStringParamsEntryMinLength = L10n.Tr("Minimum Length");
+ private static readonly string s_randomStringParamsEntryMaxLength = L10n.Tr("Maximum Length");
+ private SerializedProperty _randomStringParametersMapProp;
+ private ReorderableList _randomStringParamsMapList;
+ private const float Padding = 2f;
+ private const int NumberOfLines = 4;
+ private static readonly float s_elementHeight =
+ EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight * NumberOfLines + Padding * (NumberOfLines + 1);
+ private GUIContent _randomStringParamsEntryKeyGUIContent;
+ private GUIContent _randomStringParamsEntryKindGUIContent;
+ private GUIContent _randomStringParamsEntryMinLengthGUIContent;
+ private GUIContent _randomStringParamsEntryMaxLengthGUIContent;
+ private void OnEnable()
+ {
+ Initialize();
+ }
+ private void Initialize()
+ {
+ _descriptionProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.description));
+ _descriptionGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_description, s_descriptionTooltip);
+ _lifespanProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.lifespanSec));
+ _lifespanGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_lifespanSec, s_lifespanSecTooltip);
+ _delayMillisProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.delayMillis));
+ _delayMillisGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_delayMillis, s_delayMillisTooltip);
+ _timeoutProp =
+ serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.secondsToErrorForNoInteractiveComponent));
+ _timeoutGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_timeout, s_timeoutToolTip);
+ _touchAndHoldDelayMillisProp =
+ serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.touchAndHoldDelayMillis));
+ _touchAndHoldDelayMillisGUIContent = new GUIContent(
+ s_touchAndHoldDelayMillis,
+ s_touchAndHoldDelayMillisTooltip
+ );
+ _gizmosProp = serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.gizmos));
+ _gizmosGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_gizmos, s_gizmosTooltip);
+ _randomStringParamsEntryKeyGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_randomStringParamsEntryKey);
+ _randomStringParamsEntryKindGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_randomStringParamsEntryKind);
+ _randomStringParamsEntryMinLengthGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_randomStringParamsEntryMinLength);
+ _randomStringParamsEntryMaxLengthGUIContent = new GUIContent(s_randomStringParamsEntryMaxLength);
+ _randomStringParametersMapProp =
+ serializedObject.FindProperty(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.randomStringParametersMap));
+ _randomStringParamsMapList = new ReorderableList(serializedObject, _randomStringParametersMapProp)
+ {
+ drawHeaderCallback = rect => EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, s_randomStringParams),
+ elementHeightCallback = _ => s_elementHeight,
+ // XXX: Discarding parameters cannot be used on Unity 2019.x .
+ // ReSharper disable UnusedParameter.Local
+ drawElementCallback = (rect, index, isActive, isFocused) =>
+ // ReSharper enable UnusedParameter.Local
+ {
+ var elemProp = _randomStringParametersMapProp.GetArrayElementAtIndex(index);
+ var rect1 = new Rect(rect) { y = rect.y + Padding, height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight };
+ EditorGUI.PropertyField(
+ rect1,
+ elemProp.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.RandomStringParametersEntry.GameObjectName)),
+ _randomStringParamsEntryKeyGUIContent
+ );
+ var rect2 = new Rect(rect)
+ {
+ y = rect1.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + Padding,
+ height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight
+ };
+ EditorGUI.PropertyField(
+ rect2,
+ elemProp.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.RandomStringParametersEntry.CharactersKind)),
+ _randomStringParamsEntryKindGUIContent
+ );
+ var rect3 = new Rect(rect)
+ {
+ y = rect2.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + Padding,
+ height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight
+ };
+ EditorGUI.PropertyField(
+ rect3,
+ elemProp.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.RandomStringParametersEntry.MinimumLength)),
+ _randomStringParamsEntryMinLengthGUIContent
+ );
+ var rect4 = new Rect(rect)
+ {
+ y = rect3.y + EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + Padding,
+ height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight
+ };
+ EditorGUI.PropertyField(
+ rect4,
+ elemProp.FindPropertyRelative(nameof(UGUIMonkeyAgent.RandomStringParametersEntry.MaximumLength)),
+ _randomStringParamsEntryMaxLengthGUIContent
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ }