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Vitamin provides a VitaminTextField class which handles styling, states, validation, length counting, delegation.

import Vitamin

// Here are some examples of the many possibilities for VitaminTextFields (see full 
// documentation below)
// This text field will have a label (mandatory), a placeholder, a helper text, a length counter,
// a blue rounded rectangular border and a heart shaped icon on the right, but no automatic
// validation, and no tag
let textField = VitaminTextField(
	style: .outlined,
	state: VitaminTextField.StateConfiguration(initialState: .active),
	texts: VitaminTextField.TextConfiguration(
		labelText: "Example Field 1",
		placeholderText: "placeholder",
		helperText: "helper text"),
	maxLength: 40,
	icon: VitaminTextField.IconConfiguration(initialIcon: Vitamix.Line.Health.heart.image)

// This text field will have a label (mandatory), a length counter,
// a black underline border and an automatic validation that will check 1s after each 
// change of the value that this value is at least 3 characters long, but no icon and no tag
let textField = VitaminTextField(
	style: .filled,
	state: VitaminTextField.StateConfiguration(initialState: .standard),
	texts: VitaminTextField.TextConfiguration(labelText: "Example Field 2"),
	validation: VitaminTextField.ValidationConfiguration(
		liveValidation: { fieldValue, completion in
			guard let fieldValue = fieldValue else { return }
			if fieldValue.count < 3 {
				completion(.failure(.errorWithMessage("Value must be at least 3 chatracters")))
			} else {
		liveValidationTimeInterval: 1),
	maxLength: 40)

Basic properties

You can provide different texts:

  • a mandatory labelText displayed above the text field
  • an optional helperText displayed below the text field
  • an optional placeholderText displayed in the text field when no value is present
  • an optional fieldValue that will be the default value of the text field
  • a isSecureTextEntry boolean value to indicate if the text of the field should be replaced by dots or not (default value is false)

If you instantiate your VitaminTextField programmatically, the text properties must be provided through a VitaminTextField.TextsConfiguration struct.

You can provide different property concerning icon displayed in the textField:

  • an optional icon that will be displayed on the right of the text field, and that should belong to Vitamix assets collection
  • an optional iconAction closure that takes the VitaminTextField as only parameter, to allow modify the text field properties when the user clicks on the icon
  • an optional iconActionDelegate that is an object implementing the VitaminTextFieldIconActionDelegate protocol, to allow interacting with the click on the icon if the action you want to perform is more generic than just modifying the text field properties

If you instantiate your VitaminTextField programmatically, the text properties must be provided through a VitaminTextField.IconConfiguration struct.

You can also provide the following properties:

  • an optional maxLength that will display a dynamic length counter below the text field

Styles and state

VitaminTextField handles 2 styles:

  • .filled
  • .outlined

This style can be provided and changed directly on the VitaminTextField.

If you instantiate your VitaminTextField programmatically, it can be provided in the init method.
The default style is .outlined.

VitaminTextField handles 5 states:

  • .standard
  • .active
  • .error
  • .success
  • .disabled

You can manually change the state property, or you can set the activeOnEditing boolean property to true to automatically switch the state to .active when the field gets the focus (only if its state is not .error or .success).

You can also decide if your VitamintextField should or not have leading and trailing padding, by modifying the boolean horizontalPadding property. Its default value is set to true, meaning leading and trailing padding are present.

If you instantiate your VitaminTextField programmatically, the initialState, activeOnEditing and horizontalPadding properties must be provided through a VitaminTextField.StateConfiguration struct.


You can provide two closures to launch validation of the field.
They both are of the same type: VitaminTextFieldValidation.

They take as parameter:

  • an optional String representing the value of the text field
  • a closure taking as parameter a Result<Void,VitaminTextField.ValidationError> to indicate the result of validation. If the result is .success, the text field will switch to .success state. If the result is .failure, the field will switch to .error state, and the optional error message provided in the error will be appended to the helper text (or displayed in place of the helper text if this one is nil )

You have to implement your custom validation of the value, and call the completion with a .failure or .success depending on the result of your validation.
In case you call it with a .failure, you have to provide a VitaminTextField.ValidationError that can be of two types:

  • .errorWithMessage(String) with an error message
  • .otherError if it is not relevant to display a specific error message

The two types of validation are the following:

Live validation :

You have to provide a liveValidation closure that will be called every time the value of the field changes.
If you need to delay this validation, you can provide a liveValidationTimeInterval, which is the minimum time between two call to the liveValidation closure. By default, the liveValidationTimeInterval is 0.5 seconds.

End editing validation

You have to provide a endEditingValidation closure that will be called every time the edition of the field finishes, i.e. when it loses focus.


You can provide a UITextFieldDelegate to have access to delegate methods. All methods implemented in this delegate will be forwarded to the delegate of the backing UITextField.

If you have the same delegate for multiple VitaminTextField, you can provide a tag in the textFieldTag property.
It will be propagated to the backing UITextField, and you will be able to identify the related VitaminTextField in the delegate methods, by inspecting UITextField's tag.