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Deploy.RB / Rails 5 App

This is a part of the Deploy.RB project.

Deploy.RB consists of:

  1. Rails 5 App (You are here)
  2. Server Installation Script & Manual
  3. Deployment Tool

Please, visit Deploy.RB page to get more information.

Rails 5 App

Simple Rails 5 App for deploy.rb project

With this App we demonstrate how basic Rails 5 can be configurated for deployment process

The app uses the following tools:

  • PostgreSQL (as main DB Storage)
  • Devise (Authentication)
  • Redis (Cache store and store for SideKiq)
  • SideKiq (Delayed jobs)
  • Thinking Sphinx (Full-text search)
  • mysql2 adapter to work with Thinking Sphinx
  • foreman to start/stop services
  • WebSockets (ActionCable)
  • Whenever (Cron tasks)
  • kaminari for pagination

How to run on local machine

System requirements

[open ▾] How to check required software?
$ which rvm

$ which node

$ which redis-server

$ which searchd

$ which psql

$ which mysql

1. Clone & install

git clone
cd Rails5App

gem install bundler
bundle install

2. Create a folder for config files for your environment

cp -av config/ENV/production.example config/ENV/development

3. Edit files in folders were copied

  1. Edit files were copied and replace /ABS/PATH/TO with real absolute path to your Rails5App app path

    For example, /ABS/PATH/TO/Rails5App => /Users/the-teacher/rails/Rails5App

  2. Edit files were copied and replace production.example with a name of your environment

For example:

  sed -i '' 's/production.example/development/g' config/ENV/development/services/*

4. Setup database.yml

cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

Edit file and set required parameters.

[open ▾] How to create PQSL user?
createuser rails5app -sW
> qwerty
psql -U postgres

CREATE USER "rails5app" WITH PASSWORD 'qwerty';


5. Initialize your App

bundle exec rake app:init

6. Build Search index

bundle exec rake ts:configure ts:index

7. Start services

Start cron tasks

[open ▾] CRON. Notes
  • tasks list crontab -l
  • remove all tasks crontab -r
bundle exec whenever --clear-crontab Rails5App
bundle exec whenever --update-crontab \
  -i Rails5App \
  --load-file config/ENV/development/services/schedule.rb \
  --set 'environment=development'

Start services with foreman

bundle exec foreman start

8. Start Rails server

bundle exec puma -b tcp://localhost -p 3000

or just

bundle exec rails s

Finally App is ready to use


Async tasks

login: admin
password: qwerty