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2 Dice Game

Grade 11 Video Game Design

Dice Game

This unit covers the basics of coding to create a game about rolling dice. It's more interesting than it sounds, don't worry.
We will be going through the following topics in this unit :

The big project for this unit is making a Dice Game. We will create code to generate random numbers. Then we use those numbers to take away health from our players until someone wins. All the while writing a story for us to follow.
The idea is something like a basic game of Dungeons and Dragons.


To fully complete this project you must meet the following criteria :

  • Go through all the tutorials in this project.
  • A Dice Game the functions properly and creates unique stories to follow.
  • A general theme with the story.

Unity Scripting API

Unity has something called their Scripting API which is the docs for all the code built into Unity. If you'd like to know more about anything in this project or any technical details use this.
Say you wanted to know what commands you can use on one of Unity's scripts then you could just look up the name in here and find all the details. We'll also have a demo of how you might use this in a later lesson.

C# Documentation

While the Unity Scripting API has info for all the code within Unity it does not have much on the language of C#.
For questions about the code itself use the Microsoft C# Docs.
It may be confusing to use these docs at first as they are made for developers but as you become more familiar with coding it will become easier.