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Database Definition

DevAlien edited this page Jan 27, 2011 · 3 revisions

###Table: ane_dev_adminlog => Log for the ACP###

  • id int(7) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • user int(7) => userId who made the action
  • date int(12) => unixtimestamp of the moment that the user made the action
  • text varchar(255) => Text that contents a description of the action
  • ip varchar(16) => ip of the user that made the action

###Table: ane_dev_errors => Errors of the system###

  • id int(11) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • type varchar(255) => The type of the error, for example: query, PHPNotice, etc
  • url varchar(255) => Url, where happened the error
  • logged tinyint(1) => If the user was logged at the moment of the error
  • text text => Text of the error
  • date int(20) => unixtimestamp of the error
  • who int(11) => userId of the user (if it was logged)
  • ip varchar(255) => Ip of the user

###Table: ane_dev_general => Config of the CMS###

  • id int(1) PRI => ID of the table
  • language varchar(2) => Selected language, For Example: en, it, fr, de, etc
  • status int(1) => 0 = CMS Closed, 1 = CMS Open
  • title varchar(30) => Title of the website
  • descr varchar(255) => Description of the website
  • skin varchar(30) => Default skin for the CMS
  • default_module varchar(60) => default module to load for the base url
  • url_base varchar(255) => Base url, where the cms is installed (root of cms)
  • acp_skin varchar(50) => The Admin panel skin
  • acpajax int(1) => OBSOLETE
  • notes text => The Notes that the admins can write in the ACP
  • version varchar(5) => version of CMS
  • twitter_user varchar(255) => OBSOLETE (See OAUTH Issue)
  • twitter_password varchar(255) => OBSOLETE (See OAUTH Issue)
  • akismetkey varchar(255) => The key for the antispam Akismet (if is not set, the cms will not use akismet)
  • infoclosed text => The message to show when the CMS is closed

###Table: ane_dev_groups###

  • id int(11) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • name varchar(255) => Name of the group
  • description text => Description of the group

###Table: ane_dev_menus => Menus for all the CMS###

  • id int(4) PRI auto_increment =>
  • type int(1) => Type of the menu: 1 = top bar, 2 = widget menu, 104 = modules menu of the ACP
  • name varchar(50) => Name for the menu, if type = 104 the name will be the key of the language file.
  • view tinyint(1) => How can view the link: 0 = just who is not logged in, 1 = everybody, 2 = just if you are logged, 3 = just Admins
  • link varchar(255) => Link for the menu
  • position int(11) => Position of the menu, the positions can be choosed from the ACP
  • parent int(11) => parent, needed when type = 104

###Table: ane_dev_modules => Modules of the CMS###

  • id int(3) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • name varchar(60) => Name of the module
  • description varchar(255) => Description of the module
  • status int(1) => status, 1 = active, 0 = not active
  • type int(1) => type of the module: 1 = Normal Module, 2 = Admin Module(Users for example), 3 = Background Module
  • version float => Version of the module
  • author varchar(255) => Author of the module
  • email varchar(255) => E-Mail of the module
  • site varchar(255) => Web Site of the module
  • datarelease varchar(255) => Release date of the module
  • depends text => Serialized array of the dependencies of the module
  • xmlrpc int(1) => If the module has an XML-RPC interface: 1 = true, 0 = false

###Table: ane_dev_servers => Repository server###

  • id int(11) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • url varchar(255) => URL of the repository

###Table: ane_dev_themes => Themes of the CMS###

  • id int(11) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • name varchar(255) => Name of the theme (template)
  • widgetarea text => Serialized array with the names of the widget areas
  • type int(11) => Type of the theme: 1 = Normal, 2 = ACP
  • css varchar(255) => You can load a css inserting the path.

###Table: ane_dev_themewidgets => Widgets of the Themes###

  • id int(11) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • idtheme int(11) => ThemeID
  • widgetname varchar(255) => Name of the widget
  • widgetarea varchar(255) => Name of the widgetarea
  • position int(11) => Position inside the widgetarea

###Table: ane_dev_users => Users of the CMS###

  • id int(6) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • username varchar(25) => Username of the user
  • email varchar(30) => E-Mail of the user
  • password varchar(32) => Password of the user
  • language varchar(15) => Language of the user (it could be changed from a profile page)
  • skin varchar(15) => Theme of the user (it could be changed from a profile page)
  • groups text => Serialized array with the groups that the user appertain
  • status varchar(1) => Status of the user: 0 = banned, 1 = To be activated, 2 = Active,
  • web varchar(255) => Web Site of the user

###Table: ane_dev_usersgroups => Association between users and groups###

  • id int(11) PRI auto_increment => ID of the table
  • iduser int(11) => UserID
  • idgroup int(11) => Group ID
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