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Options list

Below is a list of all available options.

In gtp2ogs, options need to be inputted as command-line arguments.

The number of options (and of bot arguments) is free, use the ones you want.


Also, some options come provided with a default, so even if you don't input any value, it will work as-is

However, you can also use your own value if you want: this will overwrite the default one

For easier reference, you can see below all default values gtp2ogs currently provides:

--port 443
--startupbuffer 5
--timeout 0
--maxconnectedgames 20
--maxconnectedgamesperuser 3
--rejectnewmsg "Currently, this bot is not accepting games, try again later"
--boardsizes 9,13,19
--komis automatic
--speeds all
--timecontrols fischer,byoyomi,simple,canadian
--minmaintimeblitz 15
--maxmaintimeblitz 300
--minmaintimelive 60
--maxmaintimelive 7200
--minmaintimecorr 259200
--maxmaintimecorr 604800
--minperiodsblitz 3
--maxperiodsblitz 20
--minperiodslive 3
--maxperiodslive 20
--minperiodscorr 3
--maxperiodscorr 10
--minperiodtimeblitz 5
--maxperiodtimeblitz 10
--minperiodtimelive 10
--maxperiodtimelive 120
--minperiodtimecorr 14400
--maxperiodtimecorr 259200

note: command-line arguments should not be separated by skipping lines, it was done here only for clearer display.

note2: additional details are also available here.


Options in this category work the same way no matter what the ranked/unranked status is.

Note: about the "messages" options, some combinations of characters in messages make gtp2ogs crash !! see for details notes G


--username Specify the username of the bot, for example --username GnuGo


--apikey Specify the API key for the bot, for example --apikey 5srvb5es4se7651741r61devr864re

note: in debug, the apikey is replaced with a "hidden" for security reasons


--greeting "Hello, have a nice game" Greeting message to appear in chat at first move (ex: Hello, have a nice game)

see for details notes G


--greetingbotcommand Additional greeting message displaying bot command

for example:

You are playing against: sai-0.17.5.exe --gtp -w saiNetwork337.gz --noponder -v 12800 -r 2 --precision half --lagbuffer 1000 --nrsymm --lambda 0.5

This gives valuable information to the users who desire it.

And due to its nature, this supports all bots.

You may rename your bot command files and arguments to be self-explanatory, for example:

  • saiNetwork337.gz is shorter than 6470f77e4768bef4ef85641c04a0e3a068cf097c760b4a9c1b9c4d58b304b031.gz (you may want to trim it), and clearer than network.gz
  • sai-0.17.5.exe or sai-fb36e42.exe is clearer than sai.exe.


--farewell "Thank you for playing" Thank you message to appear in chat at end of game (ex: Thank you for playing)

see for details notes G


--farewellscore Asks the bot for the score using final_score and sends it to the chat if the game ended by passing. The command is sent regardless of whether the game ends by passing or by resignation, to allow bots to process the end of the game and (e.g.) save it locally.

rejectnew options

rejectnew and rejectnewfile cannot be both used at the same time.

--rejectnew Reject all new challenges with the default reject message

--rejectnew --rejectnewmsg "not accepting games because blablablah" if you add the rejectnewmsg option, Reject all new challenges with a customized message instead of the default message.

--rejectnewfile ~/rejectnew-file.txt Reject new challenges if file (ex: rejectnew.status, rejectnew-file.txt, etc.) exists at specified location.

Rejectnewfile is checked again at every challenge, can use for load-balancing)

see for details notes G


--debug Output GTP command and responses from your Go engine


--ogspv Send winrate and variations for supported AIs with supported settings

Example of output (Leela Zero):

Variation: Winrate: 57.93%, Visits: 19821, Playouts: 19820

see a live example in:

Supported AIs:

for example --ogspv LeelaZero

IMPORTANT: see notes H for details


--aichat Allow bots to send messages to the chat and malkovich log.

Bots should output messages to standard error output in the format:

DISCUSSION: What an interesting move you played!
MALKOVICH: Let him think on that for a bit, clearly BA1 kills him here.


--logfile In addition to logging to the console, also log gtp2ogs output to a text file.

Filename can only be composed of letters (A-Z a-z), numbers (0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), spaces ( ), dots (.), any other character will be replaced with a hyphen (-).

Filename argument is optional (using only --logfile will use default filename based on start date and time, for example gtp2ogs-logfile-2020-05-21T21-40-22-910Z)

note: starting gtp2ogs from a different directory used specifically to store your logs will keep your gtp2ogs main directory clean.

For example: cd ~/gtp2ogs_logs && node ~/gtp2ogs/gtp2ogs.js --beta --apikey stubapikey --username testuserbot --persist --noclock --debug --logfile -- ~/sai/build/sai-0.17-d2c82fc0 --gtp -w ~/networks/sai/9b/e1eab1d6_1913000.gz --noponder -v 400 --symm -r -1 --lambda 1.0 --mu 0

will store all logfiles in ~/gtp2ogs_logs.


--json Send and receive GTP commands in a JSON encoded format


--beta Connect to the beta server instead of OGS (changes host automatically)


--host OGS Host to connect to


--port OGS Port to connect to


--insecure Do not use ssl to connect to the ggs/rest servers


--hidden Hides the botname from the OGS game "Play against computer" bot list (but it can still accept challenges)


--startupbuffer Subtract this many seconds from time available on first move (if set)


--timeout Disconnect from a game after this many seconds (if set)


--showboard Set this if bot understands the showboard GTP command, and if you want to display the showboard output

  • This breaks some bots which dont support it (ex: PhoenixGo)
  • And this makes the log much bigger, so may not be desired even if supported

So default is disabled

persist persistnoncorr

The below options cannot be both used at the same time.

--persist Bot process remains running between moves

--persistnoncorr Bot process remains running between moves, except for correspondence games where bot is always killed


--noclock Do not send any clock/time data to the bot


--corrqueue Process correspondence games one at a time


--maxconnectedgames Maximum number of connected games for all users against your bot (correspondence games are currently included in the connected games count, see #59 for details), which means the maximum number of games your bot can play at the same time (choose a low number to regulate your computer performance and stability)


--maxconnectedgamesperuser Maximum number of connected games per user against this bot

rankedonly unrankedonly

The below options cannot be both used at the same time.

--rankedonly Only accept ranked matches

--unrankedonly Only accept unranked matches


Options in this category allow us to accept or reject a challenge based on the notification (challenge settings)


Here the general option (ex: bans) does not confict with the ranked and unranked options for accepting/rejecting matches.

example: --bans A,B --bansranked X,Y --bansunranked Z

result of these bans arguments:

  • banned users for ranked games: A,B,X,Y
  • banned users for unranked games: A,B,Z


--bans Comma separated list of user names or IDs who are banned from ranked and unranked games

--bansranked Comma separated list of user names or IDs who are banned from ranked games

--bansunranked Comma separated list of user names or IDs who are banned from unranked games


Here you can either use:

  • only the general option (ex: --maxhandicap 2), the same setting will be used for ranked and unranked games

  • OR both the ranked AND the unranked option (ex: --maxhandicapranked 0 --maxhandicapunranked 9), and in that case, the general option will be ignored and instead the ranked and unranked will be used depending on whether the game is ranked or unranked.


For the allowed groups arguments, you can either use the value:

  • all: will allow ALL possible values
  • for text-only groups (ex: speeds ("blitz", "fischer", "white", etc.)), comma-separated values (without space) will allow every value inputted, every other value will be rejected
  • for numbers groups +/- text groups (ex: komis contain comma-separated numbers (5.5,6.5,7.5) or text ("automatic"), (ex: boardsizes contain only comma-separated numbers (9,13,19).

example: --speeds blitz,live example 2: --speedsranked live,correspondence --speedsunranked blitz,live example 3: --komis 0.5,5.5,7.5,automatic


--boardsizes Board size(s) to accept

--boardsizesranked Board size(s) to accept for ranked games

--boardsizesunranked Board size(s) to accept for unranked games

Possible boardsize width value(s):

  • all (allows all board sizes)
  • comma separated and : separated values, for example 25 (allows 25x25), or 9,13,15:17,19 (allows 9x9, 13x13, 15x15, 16x16, 17x17, 19x19)

note: it is possible to allow non-square boardsizes by using all (which will allow possible boardsizes)

see notes B for details:


--komis Allowed komi values

--komisranked Allowed komi values for ranked games

--komisunranked Allowed komi values for unranked games

Possible komi value(s):

  • all (allows all komis)
  • comma separated and : separated values, for example 7.5 (allows komi 7.5), or 5.5:7.5,0.5,automatic allows komis (5.5, 6.5, 7.5, 0.5, automatic), or -2:3:0.5 (allows komis (-2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3).

For extra komi explanations, see:


--speeds Comma separated list of Game speed(s) to accept

--speedsranked Comma separated list of Game speed(s) to accept for ranked games

--speedsunranked Comma separated list of Game speed(s) to accept for unranked games

Possible speed value(s):

  • all (allows all speeds)
  • comma separated values, for example blitz, or live, correspondence

Full list of possible values: blitz, live, correspondence.


--timecontrols Time control(s) to accept

--timecontrolsranked Time control(s) to accept for ranked games

--timecontrolsunranked Time control(s) to accept for unranked games

Possible timecontrol value(s):

  • all (allows all timecontrols)
  • comma separated values, for example byoyomi, or fischer, byoyomi, simple

Full list of possible values: fischer, byoyomi, canadian, simple, absolute, none.

see notes E for details


Arguments in this category are not comma-separated, they are either booleans (enabled just from enabling the option, nothing else to specify, for example --noautohandicap), or single values (for example --maxhandicap 9)


--proonly For all games, only accept those from professionals

--proonlyranked For ranked games, only accept those from professionals

--proonlyunranked For unranked games, only accept those from professionals


--noprovisional Do not accept challenges from provisional players

--noprovisionalranked Do not accept challenges from provisional players for ranked games

--noprovisionalunranked Do not accept challenges from provisional players for unranked games


--nopause Disable pausing during games

--nopauseranked Disable pausing during ranked games

--nopauseunranked Disable pausing during unranked games


note: this setting has no effect on pausing DURING games, here we only accept or reject a match if it comes with the setting "Pause on week-ends" (specific to correspondence games)

--nopauseonweekends Do not accept matches that come with the option -pauses on weekends- (specific to correspondence games)

--nopauseonweekendsranked Do not accept ranked matches that come with the option -pauses on weekends- (specific to correspondence games)

--nopauseonweekendsunranked Do not accept unranked matches that come with the option -pauses on weekends- (specific to correspondence games)


--noautohandicap Do not allow handicap to be set to -automatic-

--noautohandicapranked Do not allow handicap to be set to -automatic- for ranked games

--noautohandicapunranked Do not allow handicap to be set to -automatic- for unranked games

important note: see notes F for details

min/max handicap


--minhandicap Minimum handicap to accept

--minhandicapranked Mininimum handicap to accept for ranked games

--minhandicapunranked Minimum handicap to accept for unranked games


--maxhandicap Maximum handicap to accept for all games

--maxhandicapranked Maximum handicap to accept for ranked games

--maxhandicapunranked Maximum handicap to accept for unranked games

important note: see notes F for details

min/max rank


--minrank Minimum opponent rank to accept (e.g. 15k)

--minrankranked Minimum opponent rank to accept for ranked games (e.g. 15k)

--minrankunranked Minimum opponent rank to accept for unranked games (e.g. 15k)


--maxrank Maximum opponent rank to accept (e.g. 1d)

--maxrankranked Maximum opponent rank to accept for ranked games (e.g. 1d)

--maxrankunranked Maximum opponent rank to accept for unranked games (e.g. 1d)

min/max maintime blitz/live/corr


--minmaintimeblitz Minimum seconds of main time for blitz games (default 15 , which is 15 seconds)

--minmaintimeblitzranked Minimum seconds of main time for blitz ranked games

--minmaintimeblitzunranked Minimum seconds of main time for blitz unranked games

--minmaintimelive Minimum seconds of main time for live games (default 30 , which is 30 seconds)

--minmaintimeliveranked Minimum seconds of main time for live ranked games

--minmaintimeliveunranked Minimum seconds of main time for live unranked games

--minmaintimecorr Minimum seconds of main time for correspondence games (default 259200 , which is 3 days)

--minmaintimecorrranked Minimum seconds of main time for correspondence ranked games

--minmaintimecorrunranked Minimum seconds of main time for correspondence unranked games


--maxmaintimeblitz Maximum seconds of main time for blitz games (default 300, which is 5 minutes)

--maxmaintimeblitzranked Maximum seconds of main time for blitz ranked games

--maxmaintimeblitzunranked Maximum seconds of main time for blitz unranked games

--maxmaintimelive Maximum seconds of main time for live games (default 7200, which is 2 hours)

--maxmaintimeliveranked Maximum seconds of main time for live ranked games

--maxmaintimeliveunranked Maximum seconds of main time for live unranked games

--maxmaintimecorr Maximum seconds of main time for correspondence games (default 604800, which is 7 days)

--maxmaintimecorrranked Maximum seconds of main time for correspondence ranked games

--maxmaintimecorrunranked Maximum seconds of main time for correspondence unranked games

min/max periods blitz/live/corr


--minperiodsblitz Minimum number of periods for blitz games

--minperiodsblitzranked Minimum number of periods for blitz ranked games

--minperiodsblitzunranked Minimum number of periods for blitz unranked games

--minperiodslive Minimum number of periods for live games

--minperiodsliveranked Minimum number of periods for live ranked games

--minperiodsliveunranked Minimum number of periods for live unranked games

--minperiodscorr Minimum number of periods for correspondence games

--minperiodscorrranked Minimum number of periods for correspondence ranked games

--minperiodscorrunranked Minimum number of periods for correspondence unranked games


--maxperiodsblitz Maximum number of periods for blitz games

--maxperiodsblitzranked Maximum number of periods for blitz ranked games

--maxperiodsblitzunranked Maximum number of periods for blitz unranked games

--maxperiodslive Maximum number of periods for live games

--maxperiodsliveranked Maximum number of periods for live ranked games

--maxperiodsliveunranked Maximum number of periods for live unranked games

--maxperiodscorr Maximum number of periods for correspondence games

--maxperiodscorrranked Maximum number of periods for correspondence ranked games

--maxperiodscorrunranked Maximum number of periods for correspondence unranked games

min/max periodtime blitz/live/corr

For period times below, if timecontrol is canadian, divide the wanted period time for all the stones by the number of stones per period,

for example max periodtime 5 minutes / 25 stones = 5*60 /25 = maxperiodtime = 12 (seconds)


--minperiodtimeblitz Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz games (default 5 , which is 5 seconds)

--minperiodtimeblitzranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz ranked games

--minperiodtimeblitzunranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz unranked games

--minperiodtimelive Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live games (default 10 , which is 10 seconds)

--minperiodtimeliveranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live ranked games

--minperiodtimeliveunranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live unranked games

--minperiodtimecorr Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence games (default 14400 , which is 4 hours)

--minperiodtimecorrranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence ranked games

--minperiodtimecorrunranked Minimum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence unranked games


--maxperiodtimeblitz Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz games (default 10 , which is 10 seconds)

--maxperiodtimeblitzranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz ranked games

--maxperiodtimeblitzunranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for blitz unranked games

--maxperiodtimelive Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live games (default 120 , which is 2 minutes)

--maxperiodtimeliveranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live ranked games

--maxperiodtimeliveunranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for live unranked games

--maxperiodtimecorr Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence games (default 259200 , which is 3 days)

--maxperiodtimecorrranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence ranked games

--maxperiodtimecorrunranked Maximum seconds per period (average time per stone if timecontrol is canadian) for correspondence unranked games