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Releases: Dr-TSNG/Hide-My-Applist

V1.5.3.2 Release

10 May 14:21
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  • Add syscall detections (Impossible to intercept for a while)

  • Add invalid template name notification

  • Make search bar case insensitive

  • Fix file detection bugs

  • Provide two version with and without native hooks, since third-party lib Dobby crashes on some devices

  • 添加syscall检测

  • 添加非法模板名提示

  • 搜索框不区分大小写

  • 修复文件检测bug

  • 提供两个版本,一个带native hooks一个不带,因为第三方库Dobby在某些设备上会崩溃

V1.5.3 Release

08 May 15:01
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  • Add hide module icon in launcher option

  • Add stop system service option

  • Add interception counts

  • No longer need to allow module app autostart

  • Provide two version with and without native hooks, since third-party lib Dobby crashes on some devices

  • 添加隐藏桌面图标功能

  • 添加停止系统服务功能

  • 添加拦截次数统计

  • 加入配置缓存,不再需要自启动

  • 提供两个版本,一个带native hooks一个不带,因为第三方库Dobby在某些设备上会崩溃

V1.5.2.1 Release

06 May 13:02
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  • Fix intent queries interception not work on realme devices

  • Change file interception strategies to prevent some crashes

  • 修复intent queries拦截在realme手机上失效的问题

  • 更改文件拦截策略,解决部分qq模块(QN、QQCleaner)崩溃的问题(用pm的模块照样会炸)

V1.5.1 Release

03 May 06:23
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  • Add icon

  • Add select all

  • No longer load file hooks to system apps, for there is no need as well as leading to some problems

  • Fix a crash caused by returning before loaded app list

  • Provide two version with and without native hooks, since third-party lib Dobby crashes on some devices

  • 添加图标

  • 加入全选

  • 不再对系统app加载file hooks,因为没必要且容易造成问题

  • 修复未加载完列表就返回造成闪退的问题

  • 提供两个版本,一个带native hooks一个不带,因为第三方库Dobby在某些设备上会崩溃

V1.5 Release

01 May 10:35
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  • UI redesign and add search bar

  • Add hide system apps

  • Fix crashes on some devices

  • 美化界面,添加搜索框

  • 支持隐藏系统app

  • 修复一些卡开机/崩溃问题

V1.4.2 Release

27 Apr 09:16
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  • Fix some crashes

  • Provide two version with and without native hooks, since third-party lib Dobby crashes on some devices

  • 修复一些崩溃问题

  • 提供两个版本,一个带native hooks一个不带,因为第三方库Dobby在某些设备上会崩溃

V1.4.1 Beta

20 Apr 12:24
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V1.4.1 Beta Pre-release
  • Changed System Hook initialization method

  • Elementarily realizes Native hook (Still cannot bypass momo TWRP detection)

  • 更改System Hook入口函数

  • 已初步实现Native hook(momo的检测方法太强了,暂时无法拦截)

V1.4.0.1 Release

19 Apr 07:34
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  • Finally, users of Xposed API lower than 93 can also enjoy this module now

  • Add exclude webview to prevent crashes of internal browsers

  • Add detail logs. Use this version to report bug

  • 现在Xposed API小于93的用户也能使用本模块了(包括太极阳)

  • 添加排除Webview功能以避免内置浏览器崩溃

  • 增加详细日志,请使用这个版本进行抓取log上报bug

V1.3.4 Release

16 Apr 06:51
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  • Fix file hook

  • add hide TWRP directory function (not make sense for momo, for nativeFile interception not completed yet)

  • 修复file hook

  • 添加隐藏TWRP文件夹功能(对momo无效,因为还没写nativeFile拦截)

V1.3.3 Release

15 Apr 16:22
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  • Change the text of Detection Test, for emojis not showing on some devices

  • Remove Exclude Self button, since if not check, the target apps are sure to crash

  • Now all template changes take effect in real time

  • Change logging

  • 更改检测结果图示,因为部分设备无法显示emoji

  • 删除“排除自身”按钮,因为不排除肯定闪退

  • 现在所有模板修改都是实时生效的了

  • 更改日志记录