#Contibuting to HomeDoctor
Welcome to HomeDoctor! Thank you for looking at our application and trying to contribute.
- Start with the latest API.AI zip file
- Make your changes
- Create a pull request with a well documented, STEP-BY-STEP list of changes you made to the API.AI training model.
- We will likely ask additional questions; please provide prompt feedback. Your changes will be added once deemed acceptable.
- Submit a pull request.
- Ensure proper style by looking at the [Python Style Guide] (https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html).
- Ensure that your code is tested.
- A main contributor will respond to your issue promptly.
- The change will be added once deemed acceptable.
- Firebase reporting
- Recommend nearby doctors and specialists
- Take into account risk factors
Please test using a real Google Home or the web simulator.
Please file an issue containing all available information.
[Python Style Guide] (https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html).
You will be mentioned in the contributors file.
You can submit an issue on this project.