Example of how to setup Jenkins to install unity automatically on multiple slaves
You might want to do things differently. Here are the decisions we took:
- we install all Unity versions in the same way (i.e. same Unity platform modules for all installs)
- we store the slave root passwords in the Jenkins credentials binding.
- we depend on RVM to be present on the slaves
- Install the same version of RVM on all slaves where you will install u3d
- add one root password credential per slave in the jenkins setup. Follow the "U3D_PASSWORD_$SLAVENAME" format
Required plugins:
Set up an install job:
create a freestyle job
Add a U3D_VERSION string parameter
- Configure the nodes you might want to install on as parameters
- Enable console coloring
- Enable RVM
- Configure the slave passwords
- add an "execute Shell" step
# config. We could make this an option to the job. Or be project specific.
U3D_INSTALL_ARGS=-p Unity,Android,iOS,Linux,Windows,WebGL
# install or update u3d if it isn't already present
if [[ ! `which u3d` ]]; then
gem install u3d
gem update u3d
echo "${U3D_INSTALL_ARGS}"
# display whether or not the slave has credentials stored
u3d credentials check
# fetch the password for the slave from the credentials
echo "PASS KEY: ${PASS_KEY}"
# install the specified version with the specified arguments
u3d install --trace --verbose $U3D_VERSION $U3D_INSTALL_ARGS
u3d list