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Local usage



  • Python 3.5+ with numpy, scipy, cython, and h5py
  • C, C++, and Fortran compilers
  • CMake 3.4+
  • Boost and HDF5 C++ libraries

Clone the repository with the --recursive option to acquire all submodules.

The models must be installed into an active Python virtual environment (venv) or a conda environment (I suggest using Miniconda).

If Python and its packages are already installed on your system, the easiest choice is probably a venv:

python -m venv --system-site-packages --without-pip /path/to/venv
source /path/to/venv/bin/activate

Or if using conda:

conda create -n <env_name> numpy scipy cython h5py
source activate <env_name>

After creating and activating the environment, simply run the install script.

Possible issue: When building the trento model inside a conda environment, you may see CMake warnings about "cannot generate a safe runtime search path..." This can be solved by setting the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable and re-running the install script (on most Linux systems the prefix is /usr). Be sure to remove the trento build directory (models/trento/build) before re-running. Example:

rm -r ../models/trento/build
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr ./install

Before running events

The venv or conda environment must be active. This can of course be accomplished by sourcing the activate script as usual, but all that's actually necessary is for <environment_prefix>/bin to be in your PATH. To verify this, check if your python executable points to <environment_prefix>/bin/python (run which python).

The environment variable XDG_DATA_HOME must be set to <environment_prefix>/share so that osu-hydro can find its data files.

In the venv example above, these criteria can be satisfied by running

export PATH="/path/to/venv/bin:$PATH"
export XDG_DATA_HOME="/path/to/venv/share"

Alternatively, use run-events-wrapper, a simple script that sets the necessary variables and then forwards all arguments to run-events. It is installed to the bin directory of the environment, alongside run-events itself. It may be run using its full path:

/path/to/venv/bin/run-events-wrapper arguments...