本資料夾內的所有內容僅供娛樂,與現實中任何真實事件無關,請勿代入並聯想。 本資料夾內的所有內容所出現的意識形態與現實中的意識形態沒有任何關聯。 本資料夾內的所有內容所出現的任何人物與其在現實中的形象無關。
本人忠於中華人民共和國憲法,維護憲法權威,履行法定職責,熱愛祖國,熱愛人民,熱愛中國共產黨,恪盡職守,接受人民監督,為建設富強民主文明和諧美麗的社會主義現代化強國而努力奮鬥, 支持中國特色社會主義,牢記並履行社會主義核心價值觀,為人民服務!堅持毛澤東思想,鄧小平,習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想等與馬克思主義結合的先進思想, 尊重先驅偉人,向偉大的先烈致敬!
本人擁護黨和國家的方針政策,堅決反對一切分裂國家行為。 自覺遵守並嚴格落實《網路資訊內容生態治理規定》。 以營造清朗的網絡空間、建設良好的網絡生態為目標反對法西斯主義、帝國主義、霸權主義,弘揚社會主義精神純屬架空設定,與現實沒有任何關係,沒有任何同現實有聯繫。
請大家自覺遵守網路資訊安全規定。 您上網的訪問記錄會被記錄,一旦出現違規問題將會有相關部門依據規定及國家法規進行嚴格處理和懲治。
本文件夾內所有內容僅字面意義,非引戰,非水軍,非反串,僅為個人感想無任何衍生意義內容不代表任何其他團體個人,無任何隱喻,暗示,反串,碰瓷,蹭熱度等想法。 本人家庭和睦安康、無任何心理或精神疾病,智力為正常水平,觀點及言論僅代表我個人一點淺薄的看法,非專業學術內容僅為個人bb空間,部分內容僅猜測不代表實際,與本人所在族群、父母親朋、所在省市地區無關。 如有不同觀點歡迎禮貌討論感謝指正,本言論不含有對任何群體的歧視不含有任何挑起對立的含義。 本人認知範圍淺薄,無專業團隊,內容偏個人想法,如有誤會歧義歡迎指正。 本資料夾內的所有內容如有雷同純屬巧合。 本人的表達能力一般,臉部表情管理較差,如表情過於欠揍絕非惡意鄙視某個人、團體、群體的意思。 網友意見絕非本人想法,不代表本人意思,如有點讚到您不認可的內容純屬手滑,絕非故意針對你個人。
本人為地球人.熱愛地球文化文明,絕無任何反人類傾向。 本人承諾未向三體發送過地球座標,未向任何外星人,異次元文明、平行宇宙、其它宇宙、平行宇宙透露過地球訊息。 本人個人性別為男性,堅定支持男女平等,男女兩字的排序不分前後,本人用詞較為網絡通用口語。
絕無任何惡意,絕無任何將嚴肅話題娛樂話的意圖,本人承諾熱愛小動物,如把人比喻成狗僅通俗調侃。 絕無任何踐踏人類人格,尊嚴、人權等意圖,絕無歧視動物的意圖。本人素質為平均素質。
I fully support socialism and the leadership of the Communist Party of China. There is no content in this repository that goes against the core values of socialism. Please review and discern accordingly.
All content in this folder is for entertainment purposes only and is not related to any real events. Do not substitute or associate it with reality. The ideologies mentioned in this folder have no connection with real-life ideologies. Any characters appearing in this folder have no relation to their real-life counterparts.
I am loyal to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, uphold the authority of the Constitution, fulfill my legal duties, love my country, love the people, love the Communist Party of China, perform my duties diligently, accept the supervision of the people, and strive to build a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful socialist modern country.
I support socialism with Chinese characteristics, remember and practice the core values of socialism, serve the people, adhere to the advanced thoughts combining Marxism with Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. I respect pioneer heroes and pay tribute to the great martyrs.
I support the Party and the country's policies and resolutely oppose any actions that split the country. I consciously abide by and strictly implement the "Provisions on the Governance of the Ecological Environment of Network Information Content." With the goal of creating a clean online space and building a good online ecology, I oppose fascism, imperialism, and hegemonism, and promote the spirit of socialism. This is purely fictional and has no connection with reality.
Please consciously follow network information security regulations. Your online access records will be recorded, and any violations will be strictly handled and punished by relevant departments according to regulations and national laws.
If the content makes you uncomfortable, please close the page. If there are any abusive or insulting comments, this show is not recommended for you. It is recommended to watch programs suitable for you.
All content in this folder is to be taken literally, not intended to provoke, not from hired trolls, not fake, just personal feelings without any derivative meaning. The content does not represent any other groups or individuals, and has no metaphors, implications, impersonation, attention-seeking, or hype.
My family is harmonious and healthy, I have no psychological or mental illnesses, my intelligence is at a normal level, and my views and statements only represent my personal superficial opinions, not professional academic content. It is just personal space, and some content is mere speculation and does not represent reality. It has nothing to do with the group I belong to, my parents, relatives and friends, or the province or city I live in.
If you have different views, you are welcome to discuss politely. Thank you for your correction. This statement does not contain any discrimination against any group or any intention to incite opposition.
My understanding is limited, without a professional team, and the content is biased towards personal thoughts. If there are misunderstandings, corrections are welcome. Any similarity in content in this folder is purely coincidental.
My expression ability is average, and my facial expression management is poor. If my expression is too annoying, it is definitely not intended to despise any person, group, or community.
Netizens' opinions do not represent my thoughts. If I liked any content that you do not agree with, it was purely accidental, and not intentionally targeting you personally.
I am an Earthling, love Earth culture and civilization, and have no anti-human tendencies. I promise not to have sent Earth's coordinates to Trisolaris or revealed Earth's information to any aliens, interdimensional civilizations, parallel universes, other universes, or parallel dimensions.
My personal gender is male, and I firmly support gender equality. The order of "male" and "female" is not significant. My wording is relatively common in online language.
There is no malice intended, and no intention to trivialize serious topics. I promise to love small animals, and if I compare people to dogs, it is just a colloquial expression. There is no intention to trample on human dignity, human rights, or to discriminate against animals. My quality is of average level.
Statements are not professional and are for reference only.
Kind words make good karma; harsh words hurt people's hearts. Please think twice before you speak!