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Ethereum Payment on Delivery

Still work in progress, but to set up the project:


  • Install Truffle: npm install -g truffle
  • In de ./truffle folder install dependencies: npm install
  • Compile the smart contract: truffle compile
  • Enter a BIP39 mnemonic (for example the one you will create with MetaMask later) in truffle/truffle.js
  • Deploy the smart contract to the network of your choice: truffle migrate --network rinkeby

Ionic App

  • Install requirements by running npm install in de app folder.
  • Create a local-mnemonic.json file with a BIP39 mnemonic e.g.: {"mnemonic": "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat"}
  • Run ionic serve in de app folder. Navigate to http://localhost:8100/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Shop / Merchant admin

  • In ./backend folder and in a Python 3 virtualenv install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • In ./backend/paymentchannels folder create a file to overwrite at least:

    • ETH_CURRENT_NETWORK (depending on which network you are currently working on)
  • Create the tables: ./ migrate

  • Start Django dev server: ./ runserver