- Learn what Cloud Development is all about
- Explore different Cloud Sevice Models and architecture approaches
- Set up AWS account and development environment
- Fundamental Theory about Cloud Computing
- Cloud Service Models, Cloud Deployment Models, Infrastructure-as-Code
- Monolith vs Microservices vs Serverless
- AWS Intro, Registration, Cloud Watch, IAM
- Repository structure
Must Watch
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
In English
- Introduction - part1, ~1 mins
- Introduction - part2, ~1 mins
- Introduction - part3, ~2 mins
- Introduction - part4 - AWS essentials, ~1 mins
- Introduction - part5, ~3 mins
- Introduction - part6, ~2 mins
- Introduction - part7 - hometask overview, ~3 mins
- Introduction - part8 - SPA boilerplate overview, ~1 mins
- Introduction - part9 - registration in AWS, ~2 mins
- Introduction - part10 - registration in AWS, ~1 mins
- Introduction - part11 - registration issues overview, ~1 mins
- Introduction - part12 - AWS support case for registration, ~1 mins
- Introduction - part13 - configuring budget alert, ~4 mins
- Introduction - part14 - IAM and module 1 summary, ~2 mins
In Russian
- RU Basic Part, ~40 mins
- RU Advanced Part, ~20 mins
- RU Practical Part, ~24 mins
The following content provides more info for further studies.
- AWS IAM Core Concepts, ~21 mins
- AWS IAM Hands-On Tutorial, ~46 mins
- AWS IAM Best Practices, ~53 mins
- Getting Started with the IAM Policy Simulator, ~6 mins
Must Read
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
The following content provides more info for further studies.