- Learn what serving an SPA is all about
- Explore different hosting related concepts like object storage, CDN, etc.
- Set up a static website hosting via AWS S3
- AWS Simple Storage Service overview
- Services & Tools overview
- AWS CloudFront overview
- Basic overview of deployment process to CloudFront and S3
- Serverless Framework overview
- AWS CLI overview
Must Watch
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
In English
- AWS Simple storage service (S3) - part1. Introduction, ~1 mins
- AWS Simple storage service (S3) - part2. Basic theory, ~11 mins
- AWS Simple storage service (S3) - part3. Advanced features, ~13 mins
- Website hosting with S3 and CloudFront - part 1, ~4 mins
- Website hosting with S3 and CloudFront - part 2. Using AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK), ~5 mins
In Russian
- RU Introduction, ~3 mins
- RU S3 Intro, ~2 mins
- RU CloudFront Intro, ~4 mins
- RU Serverless Framework Intro, ~2 mins
- RU Manual Deployment to S3, ~16 mins
- RU Deploy to S3 with serverless, ~32 mins
- RU AWS CLI Intro, ~1 mins
- RU Serverless & CloudFront, ~20 mins
- RU Homework, ~3 mins
The following content provides more info for further studies.
- Free and Easy guide how to host website on AWS Cloud in 5 minutes, ~4mins
- AWS S3 Core Concepts, 27 mins
- AWS S3 Hands-On Tutorial, ~45 mins
- AWS CloudFront Hands-On Tutorial, ~15 mins
- React App on AWS S3 with Static Hosting + Cloudfront, ~35 mins
- Getting Started with Serverless Framework, ~20mins
Must Read
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
The following content provides more info for further studies.