- Learn what Simple Storage Service is all about
- Explore different S3 related concepts like storage classes, object lifecycle, etc.
- Set up an integration with AWS S3 and AWS Lambda
- AWS S3 In-depth Introduction
- S3 Storage Classes and their Use Cases
- S3 Access Control & Encryption
- S3 Versioning, Lifecycle Management & Events
- Integration with S3 and Lambda Overview
Must Watch
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
In English
In Russian
- RU Introduction, ~1 mins
- RU Task and Lecture Goal, ~2 mins
- RU Basic Theory, ~13 mins
- RU Theory of S3 Advanced Features, ~15 mins
- RU Live Practice, ~30 mins
- RU Needed configurations (Serverless configuration), ~3 mins
- RU Homework, ~8 mins
The following content provides more info for further studies.
- Journey to the Cloud - The How, 49mins
- AWS S3 Best Practices, ~62 mins
- AWS S3 APIs Walkthrough, ~22 mins
- AWS S3 Lifecycle Rules, ~5 mins
- Deep dive on Amazon S3, ~47 mins
- AWS S3 File Upload + Lambda Trigger Tutorial, 13mins
- AWS S3 Signed URL Visual Explanation, 6mins
- Serverless Framework and AWS S3 Signed URL with, 16mins
Must Read
The following content provides enough info to complete the task.
The following content provides more info for further studies.