diff --git a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
index 96a10f616a..f1b81b7c00 100644
--- a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
+++ b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
@@ -3295,7 +3295,7 @@ Enables the "new" SILHS importance sampling scheme with prescribed probabilities
-Determine starting SILHS first sampling level (k_lh_start) based on maximum within-cloud rcm. If false, and if l_random_k_lh_start is also false, then the SILHS first sampling level is the column maximum of liquid cloud water.
+Determine starting SILHS first sampling level (k_lh_start) based on maximum within-cloud rcm. If false, and if l_random_k_lh_start is also false, then the SILHS first sampling level is the column maximum of liquid cloud water.
Flag to use shear in the calculation of Richardson number.
-Default: .false.
+Default: .false.
-Flag to run CLUBB with E3SM settings.
+Flag to run CLUBB with E3SM settings.
Default: .true.
@@ -4039,34 +4039,34 @@ Default: .false.
Flag to use Total Kenetic Energy (TKE) in eddy diffusion for wp2 and wp3.
-Default: .false.
+Default: .false.
-Flag to use Total Kenetic Energy (TKE) formulation for wp3 pr_turb (turbulent
+Flag to use Total Kenetic Energy (TKE) formulation for wp3 pr_turb (turbulent
production) term.
-Default: .false.
+Default: .false.
Flag to use smooth Heaviside 'Peskin' in computation of invrs_tau.
-Default: .false.
+Default: .false.
-This flag determines whether we want to use an upwind differencing approximation
-rather than a centered differencing for turbulent advection terms. It affects
+This flag determines whether we want to use an upwind differencing approximation
+rather than a centered differencing for turbulent advection terms. It affects
wpxp only.
Default: .false.
-This flag determines whether we want to use an upwind differencing approximation
-rather than a centered differencing for turbulent advection terms. It affects
+This flag determines whether we want to use an upwind differencing approximation
+rather than a centered differencing for turbulent advection terms. It affects
xpyp only.
Default: .false.
@@ -5551,6 +5551,79 @@ Force scam to use the lat lon fields specified in the scam namelist not what is
Default: FALSE
+SCAM to calculate or read tendencies from a global analysis/dycore
+Default: FALSE
+Use 1st order upwind for analysis tendencies (instead of 2nd order space centered)
+Default: FALSE
+Use scam state as center column in stencil for analysis advective tendencies
+Default: FALSE
+Use scam state as center column in stencil for analysis advective tendencies
+Default: FALSE
+Use scam state as center column in stencil for analysis advective tendencies
+Default: FALSE
+Use scam state as center column in stencil for analysis advective tendencies
+Default: FALSE
+Force scam to use tendencies directly from dycore or analysis (not recalculated)
+Default: FALSE
+Force scam to use omega directly from dycore or analysis (not recalculated)
+Default: FALSE
+Interpolate analysis fields to constant pressure surfaces
+Default: FALSE
+template for analysis forcing dataset.
+Default: set by build-namelist.
+templatefull path for analysis forcing dataset.
+Default: set by build-namelist.
+Force scam to compute large-scale forcing from renalysis or 3D model output
+Default: FALSE
= ptop_ref .and. ptop_ref > 1.e-5_r8 ) then ! around waccm top, below top of waccmx
cnst_fixed_ubc(1) = .true.
else if ( 1.e1_r8 > ptop_ref .and. ptop_ref > 1.e-2_r8 ) then ! well above top of cam and below top of waccm
- call endrun('chem_init: do not know how to set water vapor upper boundary when model top is near mesopause')
+ if(.not.(single_column)) then
+ call endrun('chem_init: do not know how to set water vapor upper boundary when model top is near mesopause')
+ else
+ cnst_fixed_ubc(1) = .true.
+ endif
if ( masterproc ) write(iulog,*) 'chem_init: addfld done'
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/upper_bc.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/upper_bc.F90
index 71a4a65b0c..8b076623e7 100644
--- a/src/chemistry/mozart/upper_bc.F90
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/upper_bc.F90
@@ -157,11 +157,16 @@ subroutine ubc_init()
use mo_snoe, only: snoe_inti
use mo_msis_ubc, only: msis_ubc_inti
use constituents,only: cnst_get_ind
+ use scamMod,only: single_column
!---------------------------Local workspace-----------------------------
logical :: zonal_avg
- apply_upper_bc = ptop_ref<1._r8 ! Pa
+ if (single_column) then
+ apply_upper_bc = .FALSE.
+ else
+ apply_upper_bc = ptop_ref<1._r8 ! Pa
+ endif
if (.not.apply_upper_bc) return
diff --git a/src/control/history_scam.F90 b/src/control/history_scam.F90
index 2c81ce1a78..5088de5bce 100644
--- a/src/control/history_scam.F90
+++ b/src/control/history_scam.F90
@@ -45,7 +45,10 @@ subroutine scm_intht()
call addfld ('UDIFF', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'K','difference from observed u wind', gridname='gauss_grid')
call addfld ('VDIFF', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'K','difference from observed v wind', gridname='gauss_grid')
- call addfld ('TOBS', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'K','observed temp')
+ call addfld ('TOBS', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'K','observed temp', gridname='gauss_grid')
+ call addfld ('UOBS', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm/s','observed zonal wind', gridname='gauss_grid')
+ call addfld ('VOBS', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm/s','observed meridional wind', gridname='gauss_grid')
call addfld ('QDIFF', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'kg/kg','difference from observed water', gridname='gauss_grid')
call addfld ('QOBS', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'kg/kg','observed water', gridname='physgrid')
@@ -100,6 +103,58 @@ subroutine scm_intht()
call addfld ('NLTEN_PHYS', (/ 'lev' /), 'I','#/kg/s', 'NL vertical advective forcing', gridname='gauss_grid' )
call addfld ('NITEN_PHYS', (/ 'lev' /), 'I','#/kg/s', 'NI vertical advective forcing', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('U_IOP', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s', 'Zonal Wind from IOP ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('V_IOP', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s', 'Mer. Wind from IOP ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('OMEGA_IOP', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'Pa/s', 'Vertical velocity (from IOP) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('OMEGA_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'Pa/s', 'Vertical velocity (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('ETAD_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'Pa/s', 'Eta_dot (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('ZETA_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', '1/s', 'Rel. Vorticity (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('T_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K', 'Temperature (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('Q_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'g/g', 'Spec. humidity (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('U_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s', 'Zonal wind (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('V_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s', 'Mer. Wind (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('TV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K', 'Temperature (analysis) ', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('TTEN_TOTDYN_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_TOTDYN_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_TOTDYN_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('QTEN_TOTDYN_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'kg/kg/s', 'tracer tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_TOTDYN_ANAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_TOTDYN_ANAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('TTEN_DYCORE_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('OMEGA_DYCORE_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'Pa/s','Pressure tendency/velocity (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('OMEGA_RECALC_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'Pa/s','Pressure tendency/velocity (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_DYCORE_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_PRG_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_PHIG_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_KEG_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_VORT_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_PFRC_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_VADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_HADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('UTEN_CORIOL', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Zonal wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_DYCORE_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_VORT_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_PFRC_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_VADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_HADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('VTEN_CORIOL', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'm/s/s', 'Meridional wind tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('TTEN_VADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('TTEN_HADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('TTEN_COMP_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('TTEN_COMP_IOP', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('QTEN_VADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', '1/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('QTEN_HADV_ANA', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', '1/s', 'Temperature tendency (analysis)', gridname='gauss_grid' )
+ call addfld ('PS_ANA', horiz_only, 'A', 'Pa','Ana. Surface Pressure', gridname='gauss_grid')
+ call addfld ('PHIS_ANA', horiz_only, 'A', 'm2/s2','Ana. Surface geopotential', gridname='gauss_grid')
end subroutine scm_intht
diff --git a/src/control/scamMod.F90 b/src/control/scamMod.F90
index b18169b340..97b62325c6 100644
--- a/src/control/scamMod.F90
+++ b/src/control/scamMod.F90
@@ -76,6 +76,20 @@ module scamMod
character*(max_path_len), public :: lsmsurffile
character*(max_path_len), public :: lsminifile
+logical, public :: use_scm_ana_frc = .false.
+character*(max_path_len), public :: scm_ana_frc_file_template
+character*(max_path_len), public :: scm_ana_frc_path
+logical, public :: scm_ana_x_plevels = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_ana_direct_omega = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_ana_direct_ttend = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_ana_t_react = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_ana_q_react = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_ana_u_react = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_ana_v_react = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_ana_upwind = .false.
+logical, public :: scm_use_ana_iop = .false.
! note that scm_zadv_q is set to slt to be consistent with CAM BFB testing
@@ -250,7 +264,11 @@ subroutine scam_readnl(nlfile,single_column_in,scmlat_in,scmlon_in)
scm_use_obs_T, scm_use_obs_uv, scm_use_obs_qv, &
scm_relax_linear, scm_relax_tau_top_sec, &
- scm_relax_tau_bot_sec, scm_force_latlon, scm_relax_fincl, scm_backfill_iop_w_init
+ scm_relax_tau_bot_sec, scm_force_latlon, scm_relax_fincl, scm_backfill_iop_w_init, &
+ use_scm_ana_frc, scm_ana_frc_path, scm_ana_frc_file_template, &
+ scm_ana_x_plevels, scm_ana_direct_omega, &
+ scm_ana_t_react, scm_ana_q_react, scm_ana_u_react, scm_ana_v_react, &
+ scm_ana_upwind, scm_ana_direct_ttend, scm_use_ana_iop
@@ -306,6 +324,7 @@ subroutine scam_readnl(nlfile,single_column_in,scmlat_in,scmlon_in)
use_camiop = .false.
! If we are not forcing the lat and lon from the namelist use the closest lat and lon that is found in the IOP file.
if (.not.scm_force_latlon) then
call shr_scam_GetCloseLatLon( ncid, scmlat, scmlon, ioplat, ioplon, latidx, lonidx )
@@ -316,7 +335,8 @@ subroutine scam_readnl(nlfile,single_column_in,scmlat_in,scmlon_in)
scmlat = ioplat
scmlon = ioplon
end if
if (masterproc) then
write (iulog,*) 'Single Column Model Options: '
write (iulog,*) '============================='
diff --git a/src/dynamics/eul/dyn_comp.F90 b/src/dynamics/eul/dyn_comp.F90
index 442c9f3228..9450a73aa9 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/eul/dyn_comp.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/eul/dyn_comp.F90
@@ -842,8 +842,8 @@ subroutine process_inidat(fieldname, m_cnst, fh)
ret = pio_inq_varid(fh, cnst_name(m_cnst), varid)
ret = pio_get_att(fh, varid, 'units', trunits)
if (trunits(1:5) .ne. 'KG/KG' .and. trunits(1:5) .ne. 'kg/kg') then
- call endrun(sub//': ERROR: Units for tracer ' &
- //trim(cnst_name(m_cnst))//' must be in KG/KG')
+ !call endrun(sub//': ERROR: Units for tracer ' &
+ ! //trim(cnst_name(m_cnst))//' must be in KG/KG')
end if
else if (.not. analytic_ic_active()) then
diff --git a/src/dynamics/eul/get_ana_dynfrc_4scam.F90 b/src/dynamics/eul/get_ana_dynfrc_4scam.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44dc6dee88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dynamics/eul/get_ana_dynfrc_4scam.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1557 @@
+module get_ana_dynfrc_4scam
+ use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
+ use cam_logfile, only: iulog
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, i8 => shr_kind_i8, &
+ use shr_const_mod, only: rearth => shr_const_rearth , & ! =6.37122e6_R8 meters
+ pi => shr_const_pi , &
+ OOmega => shr_const_omega , &
+ rdair => shr_const_rdair , &
+ cpair => shr_const_cpdair
+ use scamMod, only: use_scm_ana_frc, &
+ scm_ana_frc_path, &
+ scm_ana_frc_file_template, &
+ scm_ana_x_plevels, &
+ scm_ana_direct_omega, &
+ scm_ana_t_react, &
+ scm_ana_q_react, &
+ scm_ana_u_react, &
+ scm_ana_v_react, &
+ scm_ana_upwind, &
+ scm_ana_direct_ttend
+ ! shr_const_mod is in ${CESMROOT}/cime/src/share/util/
+ implicit none
+ private
+ save
+ public get_ana_dynfrc_fv
+! Private module data
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: T_1(:,:,:) , U_1(:,:,:), V_1(:,:,:), Q_1(:,:,:),PS_1(:,:),PHIS_1(:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: T_2(:,:,:) , U_2(:,:,:), V_2(:,:,:), Q_2(:,:,:),PS_2(:,:),PHIS_2(:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: UTCORE_1(:,:,:) , UTCORE_2(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: VTCORE_1(:,:,:) , VTCORE_2(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: TTCORE_1(:,:,:) , TTCORE_2(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: OGCORE_1(:,:,:) , OGCORE_2(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: lat_ana(:),lon_ana(:),lev_ana(:)
+ integer , save :: nlev_ana, nlon_ana, nlat_ana
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: To_1(:,:,:) , Uo_1(:,:,:), Vo_1(:,:,:), Qo_1(:,:,:),PSo_1(:,:),PHISo_1(:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: To_2(:,:,:) , Uo_2(:,:,:), Vo_2(:,:,:), Qo_2(:,:,:),PSo_2(:,:),PHISo_2(:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: UTCOREo_1(:,:,:) , UTCOREo_2(:,:,:), UTCOREo_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: VTCOREo_1(:,:,:) , VTCOREo_2(:,:,:), VTCOREo_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: TTCOREo_1(:,:,:) , TTCOREo_2(:,:,:), TTCOREo_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: OGCOREo_1(:,:,:) , OGCOREo_2(:,:,:), OGCOREo_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: ETAD_X(:,:,:) , OMG_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: ZETA_X(:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: KEh_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: Tv_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: pke_X(:,:,:),pko_X(:,:,:),phik_X(:,:,:),Thv_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: ple_X(:,:,:) , plo_X(:,:,:), phi_X(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) , save , allocatable :: To_X(:,:,:) , Uo_X(:,:,:), Vo_X(:,:,:), Qo_X(:,:,:),PSo_X(:,:),PHISo_X(:,:)
+subroutine get_ana_dynfrc_fv ( scmlon, scmlat , &
+ omega_ana, etad_ana, zeta_ana, &
+ t_ana , tv_ana , &
+ q_ana , &
+ u_ana , &
+ v_ana , &
+ ps_ana , &
+ phis_ana , &
+ uten_hadv_ana , &
+ vten_hadv_ana , &
+ uten_pfrc_ana , &
+ vten_pfrc_ana , &
+ uten_vort_ana , &
+ vten_vort_ana , &
+ qten_hadv_ana , &
+ tten_hadv_ana , &
+ uten_vadv_ana , &
+ vten_vadv_ana , &
+ tten_vadv_ana , &
+ qten_vadv_ana , &
+ tten_comp_ana , &
+ uten_keg_ana , &
+ uten_phig_ana , &
+ uten_prg_ana , &
+ uten_dycore_ana , &
+ vten_dycore_ana , &
+ tten_dycore_ana , &
+ omega_dycore_ana , &
+ omega_recalc_ana , &
+ u_scm, v_scm, t_scm, q_scm, &
+ u_ana_diag, v_ana_diag, t_ana_diag, q_ana_diag )
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+! US and VS are input (D-grid velocities)
+! ub(i,j,L)= 0.5*(us(i-1,j,L) + us(i,j,L))
+! vb(i,j,L)= 0.5*(vs(i,j,L) + vs(i,j+1,L))
+! uc(i,j,L)= 0.5*(ub(i,j,L) + ub(i,j-1,L))
+! vc(i,j,L)= 0.5*(vb(i,j-1,L) + vb(i+1,j-1,L))
+! Grid arrangement in FV latlon h,i-files
+! J=NY
+! ...
+! ub,vb(I,J) us(I,J),vc(I,J+1)
+! vs(I,J),uc(I,J) ua,va,T,p(I,J) vs(I+1,J),uc(I+1,J)
+! vc(I,J)
+! ua,va,T,p(I,J-1)
+! ...
+! J=1 ...
+ use pmgrid, only : plev, plat, plevp, plon
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ use filenames, only: interpret_filename_spec
+ use time_manager, only: timemgr_time_ge,timemgr_time_inc,get_curr_date,get_step_size,is_first_step
+ use netcdf
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use ref_pres, only: pref_mid ! In Pascal
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: scmlon, scmlat
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: omega_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: etad_ana(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: t_ana(plev) , tv_ana(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: zeta_ana(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: u_ana(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: v_ana(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: q_ana(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: ps_ana, phis_ana
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_hadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: vten_hadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_pfrc_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: vten_pfrc_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: qten_hadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: tten_hadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: qten_vadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: tten_vadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_vadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: vten_vadv_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: tten_comp_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_keg_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_prg_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_phig_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_vort_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: vten_vort_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: uten_dycore_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: vten_dycore_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: tten_dycore_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: omega_recalc_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: omega_dycore_ana( plev )
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: u_scm(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: v_scm(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t_scm(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: q_scm(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: u_ana_diag(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: v_ana_diag(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: t_ana_diag(plev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: q_ana_diag(plev)
+ integer, save :: iax, jax
+ integer, save :: Read_year2, Read_month2, Read_day2, Read_sec2, Read_YMD2
+ integer, save :: nlev_alc, nlon_alc, nlat_alc
+ !!logical , parameter :: l_vectinv = .FALSE.
+ !!real(r8) :: tv_ana(plev)
+ real(r8) :: rho_ana( plev ), plo_ana(plev)
+ real(r8) :: scmlonx
+ real(r8) :: ana_wgt1 , ana_wgt2 , dx0, dy, darea
+ real(r8) :: tend_wgt1 , tend_wgt2
+ integer :: nx, ny,i,j,k,L,LM, iav(1),jav(1),iac,jac
+ real(r8) , allocatable :: rlats(:),rlons(:)
+ real(r8) :: zeta(plev),absvo(plev)
+ ! Horz. gradient profiles (1=X, 2=Y)
+ real(r8) :: kehg_ana(plev,2),kehg_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: phig_ana(plev,2),phig_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: plog_ana(plev,2),plog_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: teg_ana(plev,2), teg_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: qg_ana(plev,2), qg_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: ug_ana(plev,2), ug_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: vg_ana(plev,2), vg_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: lin_pfc_ana(plev,2) , lin_pfc_X(plev,2)
+ real(r8) :: omega_ana_x(plev)
+ real(r8) :: alpha_react(plev)
+ real(r8) :: lat_alc(3) , lon_alc(3)
+ real(r8) :: aalc(3,3,plev)
+ character(len=CL):: Ana_File_Template,Ana_file1,Ana_file2,Ana_Path
+ integer :: dyn_year,dyn_month,dyn_day,dyn_sec,year,month,day,sec
+ integer :: dyn_step,ymd1,ymd2,curr_sec,next_sec,curr_year,curr_month,curr_day,curr_ymd
+ integer :: analysis_step
+ integer :: ana_year1, ana_month1, ana_day1, ana_sec1
+ integer :: ana_year2, ana_month2, ana_day2, ana_sec2
+ logical :: l_Read_next_Ana, Alarm_Read_ana, Alarm_Bump_ana, initialize
+ character(len=19) :: subname='get_ana_dynfrc_fv: '
+ write(iulog,*) subname//" version 07 of get_ana_dynfrc_4scam ... "
+ Alarm_Read_Ana = .FALSE.
+ Alarm_Bump_Ana = .FALSE.
+ if ( scmlon < 0 ) then
+ scmlonx = scmlon + 360._r8
+ else
+ scmlonx = scmlon
+ end if
+ ! Default to 6 hour steps between ana
+ analysis_step = 6 * 3600
+ Ana_path = trim(scm_ana_frc_path)
+ Ana_File_Template = trim(Ana_path)//trim(scm_ana_frc_file_template)
+ call get_curr_date(Year,Month,Day,Sec)
+ curr_ymd = (Year*10000) + (Month*100) + Day
+ curr_sec = Sec
+ ana_sec1 = ( Sec / analysis_step ) * analysis_step
+ ana_day1 = Day
+ ana_month1 = Month
+ ana_year1 = Year
+ YMD1=(Ana_Year1*10000) + (Ana_Month1*100) + Ana_Day1
+ call timemgr_time_inc(YMD1,Ana_Sec1, &
+ YMD2,Ana_Sec2,Analysis_Step,0,0)
+ Ana_Year2 = YMD2 / 10000
+ Ana_Month2 = (YMD2 - Ana_Year2*10000)/100
+ Ana_Day2 = YMD2 - Ana_Year2*10000 - Ana_Month2*100
+ Ana_File1 = interpret_filename_spec(Ana_File_Template , &
+ yr_spec=Ana_Year1 , &
+ mon_spec=Ana_Month1, &
+ day_spec=Ana_Day1 , &
+ sec_spec=Ana_Sec1 )
+ Ana_File2 = interpret_filename_spec(Ana_File_Template , &
+ yr_spec=Ana_Year2 , &
+ mon_spec=Ana_Month2, &
+ day_spec=Ana_Day2 , &
+ sec_spec=Ana_Sec2 )
+ l_Read_next_Ana = .FALSE.
+ ! On first time step, read in 2 analysis files
+ if (is_first_step().and.masterproc) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//" It's now (First time step):" , curr_YMD, curr_sec
+ write(iulog,*) "Read Initial ana files "
+ write(iulog,*) Ana_file1
+ write(iulog,*) Ana_file2
+ Alarm_Read_Ana = .TRUE.
+ Alarm_Bump_Ana = .FALSE.
+ else
+ ! On subsequent steps test to see if "Curr" date is later or same as "Read".
+ ! If it is, then l_read_next_ana=.TRUE.
+ call timemgr_time_ge(Read_ymd2, Read_Sec2, curr_YMD, curr_Sec, l_Read_next_ana )
+ endif
+ if (l_Read_next_Ana) then
+ Alarm_Read_Ana = .TRUE.
+ Alarm_Bump_Ana = .TRUE.
+ endif
+ ! Aloocate space for analysis fields.
+ ! Read in both Initial Analysis files. Nothing to bump yet
+ if ( (Alarm_Read_Ana ) .AND. .NOT.(Alarm_Bump_Ana) ) then
+ initialize=.TRUE.
+ call read_netcdf_ana_fv_ini ( Ana_File1, nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana ,iax, jax )
+ if ( plev /= nlev_ana) then
+ call endrun ("SCAM plev NE nlev_ana")
+ end if
+ ! Full global fields
+ allocate( lat_ana(nlat_ana) , lon_ana(nlon_ana), lev_ana(nlev_ana) )
+ allocate( U_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), V_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), T_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), &
+ Q_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), PS_1 (nlon_ana, nlat_ana ), PHIS_1 (nlon_ana, nlat_ana ) )
+ allocate( U_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), V_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), T_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), &
+ Q_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), PS_2 (nlon_ana, nlat_ana ), PHIS_2 (nlon_ana, nlat_ana ) )
+ allocate( UTCORE_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), UTCORE_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana) )
+ allocate( VTCORE_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), VTCORE_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana) )
+ allocate( TTCORE_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), TTCORE_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana) )
+ allocate( OGCORE_1(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana), OGCORE_2(nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana) )
+ ! SCM "patches"
+ nlon_alc=3
+ nlat_alc=3
+ nlev_alc=nlev_ana
+ ! Patches of full global fields
+ allocate( Uo_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), Vo_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), To_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), &
+ Qo_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), PSo_1 (nlon_alc, nlat_alc ), PHISo_1 (nlon_alc, nlat_alc ) )
+ allocate( Uo_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), Vo_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), To_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), &
+ Qo_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), PSo_2 (nlon_alc, nlat_alc ), PHISo_2 (nlon_alc, nlat_alc ) )
+ allocate( UTCOREo_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), UTCOREo_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), UTCOREo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc) )
+ allocate( VTCOREo_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), VTCOREo_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), VTCOREo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc) )
+ allocate( TTCOREo_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), TTCOREo_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), TTCOREo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc) )
+ allocate( OGCOREo_1(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), OGCOREo_2(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), OGCOREo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc) )
+ allocate( Uo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), Vo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), To_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), &
+ Qo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), PSo_X (nlon_alc, nlat_alc ), PHISo_X (nlon_alc, nlat_alc ) )
+ allocate( ETAD_X(nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc) )
+ allocate( OMG_X(nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc) )
+ allocate( ple_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc+1), plo_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), phi_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc+1) )
+ allocate( pke_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc+1), pko_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc), phik_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc+1) )
+ allocate( THv_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc ) )
+ allocate( zeta_X(nlev_alc) )
+ allocate( KEh_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc ) )
+ allocate( Tv_X(nlon_alc, nlat_alc, nlev_alc ) )
+ call read_netcdf_ana_fv ( Ana_File1, nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana, &
+ U_1, V_1, &
+ T_1, Q_1, PS_1, PHIS_1, &
+ lon_ana, lat_ana, lev_ana &
+ , utcore_1, vtcore_1, ttcore_1, ogcore_1 &
+ )
+ call read_netcdf_ana_fv ( Ana_File2, nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana, &
+ U_2, V_2, &
+ T_2, Q_2, PS_2, PHIS_2, &
+ lon_ana, lat_ana, lev_ana &
+ , utcore_2, vtcore_2, ttcore_2, ogcore_2 &
+ )
+ ! Make patches
+ Uo_1 = U_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ Vo_1 = V_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ To_1 = T_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ Qo_1 = Q_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ PSo_1 = PS_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1 )
+ PHISo_1 = PHIS_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1 )
+ UTCOREo_1 = UTCORE_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ VTCOREo_1 = VTCORE_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ TTCOREo_1 = TTCORE_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ OGCOREo_1 = OGCORE_1(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ Uo_2 = U_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ Vo_2 = V_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ To_2 = T_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ Qo_2 = Q_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ PSo_2 = PS_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1 )
+ PHISo_2 = PHIS_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1 )
+ UTCOREo_2 = UTCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ VTCOREo_2 = VTCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ TTCOREo_2 = TTCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ OGCOREo_2 = OGCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ ! Mark Ana date as read
+ Read_year2 = Ana_year2
+ Read_month2 = Ana_month2
+ Read_day2 = Ana_day2
+ Read_sec2 = Ana_sec2
+ Read_YMD2 =(Ana_Year2*10000) + (Ana_Month2*100) + Ana_Day2
+ end if
+ ! Bump second analysis to first postion, and read in next analysis
+ if ( (Alarm_Read_Ana ) .AND. (Alarm_Bump_Ana) ) then
+ Uo_1 = Uo_2
+ Vo_1 = Vo_2
+ To_1 = To_2
+ Qo_1 = Qo_2
+ PSo_1 = PSo_2
+ PHISo_1 = PHISo_2
+ call read_netcdf_ana_fv ( Ana_File2, nlon_ana, nlat_ana, nlev_ana, &
+ U_2, V_2, &
+ T_2, Q_2, PS_2, PHIS_2, &
+ lon_ana, lat_ana, lev_ana &
+ , utcore_2, vtcore_2, ttcore_2, ogcore_2 &
+ )
+ ! Make patches
+ Uo_2 = U_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ Vo_2 = V_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ To_2 = T_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ Qo_2 = Q_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ PSo_2 = PS_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1 )
+ PHISo_2 = PHIS_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1 )
+ UTCOREo_2 = UTCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ VTCOREo_2 = VTCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ TTCOREo_2 = TTCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ OGCOREo_2 = OGCORE_2(iax-1:iax+1,jax-1:jax+1,:)
+ ! Mark Ana date as read
+ Read_year2 = Ana_year2
+ Read_month2 = Ana_month2
+ Read_day2 = Ana_day2
+ Read_sec2 = Ana_sec2
+ Read_YMD2=(Ana_Year2*10000) + (Ana_Month2*100) + Ana_Day2
+ end if
+ Alarm_Read_Ana = .FALSE.
+ Alarm_Bump_Ana = .FALSE.
+#if 1
+ call dynfrc_timewgts( &
+ (/ Ana_Year1, Ana_Month1, Ana_day1, Ana_sec1 /) , &
+ (/ Ana_Year2, Ana_Month2, Ana_day2, Ana_sec2 /) , &
+ ana_wgt1 , ana_wgt2 )
+ ana_wgt1 = 0._r8 ! 0=all weight on t+1
+ ana_wgt2 = 1._r8 - ana_wgt1
+ ! This seems correct if time-tendencies are averaged over interval
+ tend_wgt1 = 0._r8
+ tend_wgt2 = 1._r8 - tend_wgt1
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" Ana forcing time wgts ",ana_wgt1,ana_wgt2
+ iac=2
+ jac=2
+ Uo_X = ana_wgt1 * Uo_1 + ana_wgt2 * Uo_2
+ Vo_X = ana_wgt1 * Vo_1 + ana_wgt2 * Vo_2
+ To_X = ana_wgt1 * To_1 + ana_wgt2 * To_2
+ Qo_X = ana_wgt1 * Qo_1 + ana_wgt2 * Qo_2
+ PSo_X = ana_wgt1 * PSo_1 + ana_wgt2 * PSo_2
+ PHISo_X = ana_wgt1 * PHISo_1 + ana_wgt2 * PHISo_2
+ OGCOREo_X = ana_wgt1 * OGCOREo_1 + ana_wgt2 * OGCOREo_2
+ UTCOREo_X = tend_wgt1 * UTCOREo_1 + tend_wgt2 * UTCOREo_2
+ VTCOREo_X = tend_wgt1 * VTCOREo_1 + tend_wgt2 * VTCOREo_2
+ TTCOREo_X = tend_wgt1 * TTCOREo_1 + tend_wgt2 * TTCOREo_2
+ lon_alc = lon_ana(iax-1:iax+1)
+ lat_alc = lat_ana(jax-1:jax+1)
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" SCM lon lat: ",scmlonx,scmlat
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" Closest Ana lon lat: ",lon_ana( iax ) , lat_ana( jax )
+ ! Save off analysis fields for diagnostics and
+ ! other purposes
+ T_ana_diag(:) = To_X( iac, jac, :)
+ Q_ana_diag(:) = Qo_X( iac, jac, :)
+ U_ana_diag(:) = Uo_X( iac, jac, :)
+ V_ana_diag(:) = Vo_X( iac, jac, :)
+ !================================================
+ ! Patch in SCM profiles here if wanted.
+ ! This acts as "dynamical nudging", since
+ ! horizontal advective tendencies will become
+ ! stronger if SCM state drifts away from re-ana.
+ ! Note, this will only be effective w/ upwind
+ ! scheme, since 2nd order cntrd skips over central
+ ! point in stencil.
+ !----
+ ! For stability it turns out may be good to scale
+ ! with pressure so that high-velocity strato winds
+ ! don't lead to CFL violations. So, as a bad, dirty,
+ ! dirty short term solution, weight "reaction" by
+ ! pref_mid. Clearly, better soln would be to
+ ! sub-step this part of the dynamics as is done
+ ! for the other "dycores".
+ !=================================================
+ ! Calculate "reaction coefficient"
+ !---------------------------------
+ alpha_react(:)=1.0_r8 !1._r8
+ ! Adjust central profiles in stencils
+ !------------------------------------
+ if (scm_ana_t_react) then
+ To_X( iac, jac, :) = alpha_react(:) * T_scm(:) &
+ + ( 1._r8-alpha_react(:) ) * To_X( iac, jac, :)
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" REACTING to SCM T-state ..... "
+ else
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" No reaction to SCM T-state ..... "
+ endif
+ if (scm_ana_q_react) then
+ Qo_X( iac, jac, :) = alpha_react(:) * Q_scm(:) &
+ + ( 1._r8-alpha_react(:) ) * Qo_X( iac, jac, :)
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" REACTING to SCM Q-state ..... "
+ else
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" No reaction to SCM Q-state ..... "
+ endif
+ if (scm_ana_u_react) then
+ Uo_X( iac, jac, :) = alpha_react(:) * U_scm(:) &
+ + ( 1._r8-alpha_react(:) ) * Uo_X( iac, jac, :)
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" REACTING to SCM U-state ..... "
+ else
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" No reaction to SCM U-state ..... "
+ endif
+ if (scm_ana_v_react) then
+ Vo_X( iac, jac, :) = alpha_react(:) * V_scm(:) &
+ + ( 1._r8-alpha_react(:) ) * Vo_X( iac, jac, :)
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" REACTING to SCM V-state ..... "
+ else
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" No reaction to SCM V-state ..... "
+ endif
+ !=========================================
+ call virtual_t( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc, &
+ To_X , Qo_X , Tv_X )
+ call makepr_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc, &
+ tv_X , pso_X , phiso_X , &
+ plo_X, ple_X, phi_X )
+ call etadot_fv ( nlon_alc , nlat_alc , nlev_alc , lon_alc , lat_alc , &
+ uo_X , &
+ vo_X , &
+ plo_X, ple_X , etad_X , omg_X )
+ call zeta_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc, &
+ lon_alc ,lat_alc , &
+ uo_X , vo_X , zeta_X )
+ call makepk_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc, &
+ To_X , Qo_X , &
+ pso_X , phiso_X , &
+ pko_X, pke_X, phik_X, thv_X )
+ KEh_X = 0.5 * ( Uo_X**2 + Vo_X**2 )
+ if (scm_ana_x_plevels) then
+ call patch_eta_x_plv ( nlon_alc , nlat_alc , nlev_alc, &
+ iac, jac, uo_X , plo_X )
+ call patch_eta_x_plv ( nlon_alc , nlat_alc , nlev_alc, &
+ iac, jac, vo_X , plo_X )
+ call patch_eta_x_plv ( nlon_alc , nlat_alc , nlev_alc, &
+ iac, jac, to_X , plo_X )
+ call patch_eta_x_plv ( nlon_alc , nlat_alc , nlev_alc, &
+ iac, jac, qo_X , plo_X )
+ call patch_eta_x_plv ( nlon_alc , nlat_alc , nlev_alc, &
+ iac, jac, tv_X , plo_X )
+ !Retain p-frc calculation on eta???
+ !call patch_eta_x_plv ( nlon_alc , nlat_alc , nlev_alc+1, &
+ ! iac, jac, phi_X , ple_X )
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" calcs on PRESSURE levels "
+ else
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" calcs on ETA levels "
+ end if
+ zeta_ana = zeta_X
+ omega_recalc_ana = omg_X( iac,jac,:)
+ etad_ana = etad_X( iac,jac,:)
+ plo_ana = plo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ t_ana = To_X( iac,jac,:)
+ tv_ana = Tv_X( iac,jac,:)
+ q_ana = Qo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ ps_ana = PSo_X( iac,jac )
+ phis_ana = PHISo_X( iac,jac )
+ u_ana = Uo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ v_ana = Vo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ rho_ana = plo_ana / ( Rdair * tv_ana )
+ uten_dycore_ana = UTCOREo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ vten_dycore_ana = VTCOREo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ tten_dycore_ana = TTCOREo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ omega_dycore_ana = OGCOREo_X( iac,jac,:)
+ ! Horz. gradient calcs
+ kehg_X = grad_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, KEh_X )
+ ! T_x, T_y should be straight T (not virtual)
+ teg_X = grad_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, Tv_X ) !test 05-31-21
+ qg_X = grad_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, Qo_X )
+ ug_X = grad_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, Uo_X )
+ vg_X = grad_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, Vo_X )
+ aalc = 0.5*( PHI_X( :, :, 2:nlev_alc+1) + PHI_X(: , : ,1:nlev_alc) )
+ phig_X = grad_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, aalc )
+ plog_X = grad_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, plo_X(:,:,1:nlev_alc) )
+ lin_pfc_X = lin_pfc_fv( nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, ple_X, phi_X )
+ kehg_ana = kehg_X
+ plog_ana = plog_X
+ phig_ana = phig_X
+ teg_ana = teg_X
+ qg_ana = qg_X
+ ug_ana = ug_X
+ vg_ana = vg_X
+ lin_pfc_ana = lin_pfc_X
+ !put together pieces for u*grad(u) form of U and V adv tendencies
+ if ( scm_ana_upwind .OR. scm_ana_u_react ) then
+ uten_hadv_ana = upwind_hadv(nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, u_ana, v_ana, Uo_X )
+ else
+ uten_hadv_ana = -u_ana * ug_ana(:,1) - v_ana * ug_ana(:,2)
+ end if
+ if ( scm_ana_upwind .OR. scm_ana_v_react ) then
+ vten_hadv_ana = upwind_hadv(nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, u_ana, v_ana, Vo_X )
+ else
+ vten_hadv_ana = -u_ana * vg_ana(:,1) - v_ana * vg_ana(:,2)
+ end if
+ ! Coriolis terms
+ !======================================
+ absvo = 2._r8 * OOmega * sin( lat_ana(jax) * PI/180._r8 )
+ !Allow Coriolis to react to SCM winds
+ uten_vort_ana = absvo * v_ana
+ vten_vort_ana = -absvo * u_ana
+ ! ----- Diags for VI form (0-out)
+ uten_keg_ana = 0._r8 ! fill with 0
+ if (.FALSE.) then ! No horz. p-gradient in p-coords
+ uten_pfrc_ana = - phig_ana(:,1)
+ vten_pfrc_ana = - phig_ana(:,2)
+ else
+ !put together pieces for Pressure and Phi gradient tencency terms
+ uten_pfrc_ana = -(1._r8/rho_ana) * plog_ana(:,1) - phig_ana(:,1)
+ vten_pfrc_ana = -(1._r8/rho_ana) * plog_ana(:,2) - phig_ana(:,2)
+ end if
+ if ( scm_ana_upwind .OR. scm_ana_t_react ) then
+ tten_hadv_ana = upwind_hadv(nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, u_ana, v_ana, Tv_X )
+ else
+ tten_hadv_ana = -u_ana * teg_ana(:,1) - v_ana * teg_ana(:,2) ! should be straight T (not virtual)
+ end if
+ if ( scm_ana_upwind .OR. scm_ana_q_react ) then
+ qten_hadv_ana = upwind_hadv(nlon_alc,nlat_alc,nlev_alc,iac,jac,lon_alc,lat_alc, u_ana, v_ana, Qo_X )
+ else
+ qten_hadv_ana = -u_ana * qg_ana(:,1) - v_ana * qg_ana(:,2)
+ end if
+ if (.not.(scm_ana_direct_omega)) then
+ omega_ana = omega_recalc_ana ! use reconstructed omega
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" Omega recalc from ana U,V etc."
+ else
+ omega_ana = omega_dycore_ana ! use direct omega from dycore/ana
+ if(masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname//" Omega direct from ana"
+ end if
+ if (.not.(scm_ana_x_plevels)) then
+ !Tendencies due to vertical advection (etadot * D_eta ... )
+ uten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv( nlev_alc, etad_ana, u_ana )
+ vten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv( nlev_alc, etad_ana, v_ana )
+ tten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv( nlev_alc, etad_ana, tv_ana ) ! should be straight T (not virtual)
+ qten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv( nlev_alc, etad_ana, q_ana )
+ else
+ !Tendencies due to vertical advection (Omega * D_p ... )
+ uten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv_press( nlev_alc, omega_ana, plo_ana, u_ana )
+ vten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv_press( nlev_alc, omega_ana, plo_ana, v_ana )
+ tten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv_press( nlev_alc, omega_ana, plo_ana, t_ana ) ! should be straight T (not virtual)
+ qten_vadv_ana = vadv_fv_press( nlev_alc, omega_ana, plo_ana, q_ana )
+ end if
+ tten_comp_ana = (1./cpair)*( omega_ana / rho_ana )
+ !DIags for pressure/geop grad forces
+ uten_phig_ana = - phig_ana(:,1)
+ uten_prg_ana = - (1._r8/rho_ana) * plog_ana(:,1)
+ end subroutine get_ana_dynfrc_fv
+! Stuff ... useful ojala
+ !-------------------------
+ function vadv_fv( nlev, etad, aa ) result( tend )
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlev
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: etad(nlev) , aa(nlev)
+ real(r8) :: tend(nlev)
+ real(r8) :: eta(nlev)
+ integer :: L
+ eta = hybm+hyam
+ do L=2,nlev-1
+ tend(L) = etad(L)* ( aa(L+1) - aa(L-1) ) / ( eta(L+1) - eta(L-1) )
+ end do
+ L=1
+ tend(L) = etad(L)* ( aa(L+1) - aa(L) ) / ( eta(L+1) - eta(L) )
+ L=nlev
+ tend(L) = etad(L)* ( aa(L) - aa(L-1) ) / ( eta(L) - eta(L-1) )
+ tend = -1._r8*tend ! for RHS consistency
+ end function vadv_fv
+ !-------------------------
+ function vadv_fv_press( nlev, omega, plo, aa ) result( tend )
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlev
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: omega(nlev) , aa(nlev),plo(nlev)
+ real(r8) :: tend(nlev)
+ integer :: L
+ do L=2,nlev-1
+ tend(L) = omega(L)* ( aa(L+1) - aa(L-1) ) / ( plo(L+1) - plo(L-1) )
+ end do
+ L=1
+ tend(L) = omega(L)* ( aa(L+1) - aa(L) ) / ( plo(L+1) - plo(L) )
+ L=nlev
+ tend(L) = omega(L)* ( aa(L) - aa(L-1) ) / ( plo(L) - plo(L-1) )
+ tend = -1._r8*tend ! for RHS consistency
+ end function vadv_fv_press
+ function lin_pfc_fv( nlon,nlat,nlev,iax,jax,lons,lats, pre, phi ) result( pfc )
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev,iax,jax
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pre(nlon,nlat,nlev+1),phi(nlon,nlat,nlev+1)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: lats(nlat),lons(nlon)
+ real(r8) :: pfc(nlev,2)
+ real(r8) :: pfxW(nlev) , pfxE(nlev)
+ real(r8) :: pfyS(nlev) , pfyN(nlev)
+ real(r8) :: rlats(nlat),rlons(nlon),dx,dy,ds
+ real(r8) :: pr1,pr2,pr3,pr4, ph1,ph2,ph3,ph4
+ integer :: L , igg
+ ! Begin
+ rlons(:) = lons(:) * PI/180._r8
+ rlats(:) = lats(:) * PI/180._r8
+ dx=( rlons(2)-rlons(1) ) * Rearth
+ dy=( rlats(2)-rlats(1) ) * Rearth
+ ds = MAX( dx*cos(rlats(jax)) , .1_r8 )
+ igg = iax
+ do L=1,nlev
+ pr1 = pre(igg-1,jax,L+1)
+ pr2 = pre(igg ,jax,L+1)
+ pr3 = pre(igg ,jax,L )
+ pr4 = pre(igg-1,jax,L )
+ ph1 = phi(igg-1,jax,L+1)
+ ph2 = phi(igg ,jax,L+1)
+ ph3 = phi(igg ,jax,L )
+ ph4 = phi(igg-1,jax,L )
+ pfxW(L) = ( (pr2-pr4)*(ph1-ph3) + (pr1-pr3)*(ph4-ph2) ) /( ds * ( (pr2-pr4) + (pr1-pr3) ) )
+ end do
+ igg = iax +1
+ do L=1,nlev
+ pr1 = pre(igg-1,jax,L+1)
+ pr2 = pre(igg ,jax,L+1)
+ pr3 = pre(igg ,jax,L )
+ pr4 = pre(igg-1,jax,L )
+ ph1 = phi(igg-1,jax,L+1)
+ ph2 = phi(igg ,jax,L+1)
+ ph3 = phi(igg ,jax,L )
+ ph4 = phi(igg-1,jax,L )
+ pfxE(L) = ( (pr2-pr4)*(ph1-ph3) + (pr1-pr3)*(ph4-ph2) ) /( ds * ( (pr2-pr4) + (pr1-pr3) ) )
+ end do
+ ds = dy
+ igg = jax
+ do L=1,nlev
+ pr1 = pre(iax,igg-1,L+1)
+ pr2 = pre(iax,igg ,L+1)
+ pr3 = pre(iax,igg ,L )
+ pr4 = pre(iax,igg-1,L )
+ ph1 = phi(iax,igg-1,L+1)
+ ph2 = phi(iax,igg ,L+1)
+ ph3 = phi(iax,igg ,L )
+ ph4 = phi(iax,igg-1,L )
+ pfyS(L) = ( (pr2-pr4)*(ph1-ph3) + (pr1-pr3)*(ph4-ph2) ) /( ds * ( (pr2-pr4) + (pr1-pr3) ) )
+ end do
+ igg = jax +1
+ do L=1,nlev
+ pr1 = pre(iax,igg-1,L+1)
+ pr2 = pre(iax,igg ,L+1)
+ pr3 = pre(iax,igg ,L )
+ pr4 = pre(iax,igg-1,L )
+ ph1 = phi(iax,igg-1,L+1)
+ ph2 = phi(iax,igg ,L+1)
+ ph3 = phi(iax,igg ,L )
+ ph4 = phi(iax,igg-1,L )
+ pfyN(L) = ( (pr2-pr4)*(ph1-ph3) + (pr1-pr3)*(ph4-ph2) ) /( ds * ( (pr2-pr4) + (pr1-pr3) ) )
+ end do
+ do L=1,nlev
+ pfc(L,1) = 0.5_r8*( pfxW(L) + pfxE(L) )
+ pfc(L,2) = 0.5_r8*( pfyS(L) + pfyN(L) )
+ end do
+ end function lin_pfc_fv
+ !-------------------------
+ function grad_fv( nlon,nlat,nlev,iax,jax,lons,lats, aa ) result( ga )
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev,iax,jax
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: aa(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: lats(nlat),lons(nlon)
+ real(r8) :: ga(nlev,2)
+ real(r8) :: rlats(nlat),rlons(nlon),dx,dy
+ integer :: L
+ ! Begin
+ rlons(:) = lons(:) * PI/180._r8
+ rlats(:) = lats(:) * PI/180._r8
+ dx=( rlons(2)-rlons(1) ) * Rearth
+ dy=( rlats(2)-rlats(1) ) * Rearth
+ do L=1,nlev
+ ga(L,1) = (aa(iax+1,jax,L) - aa(iax-1,jax,L))/( 2._r8*dx*cos(rlats(jax)) + 0.1_r8 )
+ ga(L,2) = (aa(iax,jax+1,L) - aa(iax,jax-1,L))/( 2._r8*dy )
+ end do
+ end function grad_fv
+ !-------------------------
+ function upwind_hadv( nlon,nlat,nlev,iax,jax,lons,lats,u,v, aa ) result( hadv_tend )
+ !use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ !use shr_const_mod, only: rearth => shr_const_rearth , & ! =6.37122e6_R8 meters
+ ! pi => shr_const_pi , &
+ ! omega => shr_const_omega
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev,iax,jax
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: aa(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: lats(nlat),lons(nlon),u(nlev),v(nlev)
+ real(r8) :: hadv_tend(nlev)
+ real(r8) :: rlats(nlat),rlons(nlon),dx,dy,xten(nlev),yten(nlev)
+ integer :: L
+ ! Begin
+ rlons(:) = lons(:) * PI/180._r8
+ rlats(:) = lats(:) * PI/180._r8
+ dx=( rlons(2)-rlons(1) ) * Rearth
+ dy=( rlats(2)-rlats(1) ) * Rearth
+ do L=1,nlev
+ if ( u(L) >= 0._r8 ) then
+ xten(L) = u(L) * ( aa(iax,jax,L) - aa(iax-1,jax,L))/( dx*cos(rlats(jax)) + 0.1_r8 )
+ else
+ xten(L) = u(L) * ( aa(iax+1,jax,L) - aa(iax,jax,L))/( dx*cos(rlats(jax)) + 0.1_r8 )
+ end if
+ end do
+ do L=1,nlev
+ if ( v(L) >= 0._r8 ) then
+ yten(L) = v(L) * ( aa(iax,jax,L) - aa(iax,jax-1,L))/( dy )
+ else
+ yten(L) = v(L) * ( aa(iax,jax+1,L) - aa(iax,jax,L))/( dy )
+ end if
+ end do
+ hadv_tend(:) = -1._r8 * ( xten(:) + yten(:) )
+ end function upwind_hadv
+ subroutine makepk_fv( nlon,nlat,nlev, t, q, ps, phis, pko, pke, phi, th )
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t(nlon,nlat,nlev),q(nlon,nlat,nlev),ps(nlon,nlat),phis(nlon,nlat)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: pko(nlon,nlat,nlev),th(nlon,nlat,nlev),pke(nlon,nlat,nlev+1), phi(nlon,nlat,nlev+1)
+ real(r8) :: ple(nlon,nlat,nlev+1),plo(nlon,nlat,nlev),rv(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8) :: kappa, p00
+ integer :: L
+ do L=1,nlev+1
+ ple(:,:,L) = hyai(L)*ps0 + hybi(L)*ps(:,:)
+ end do
+ do L=1,nlev
+ plo(:,:,L) = hyam(L)*ps0 + hybm(L)*ps(:,:)
+ end do
+ kappa=rdair/cpair
+ pko = plo**kappa
+ pke = ple**kappa
+ p00 = 100000._r8
+ th = ( ( p00 / plo)**kappa ) * t
+ rv = 1._r8/(1._r8 - q) - 1._r8
+ th = th*(1._r8 + 0.61_r8 * rv )
+ phi(:,:,nlev+1) = phis(:,:)
+ do L=nlev,1,-1
+ phi(:,:,L) = phi(:,:,L+1) - ( CpAir * Th(:,:,L) ) * ( pke(:,:,L) - pke(:,:,L+1) ) / (p00**kappa )
+ end do
+ end subroutine makepk_fv
+ subroutine makepr_fv( nlon,nlat,nlev, t, ps, phis, plo, ple, phi )
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ use shr_const_mod, only: rdair => shr_const_rdair
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t(nlon,nlat,nlev),ps(nlon,nlat),phis(nlon,nlat)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: plo(nlon,nlat,nlev), ple(nlon,nlat,nlev+1), phi(nlon,nlat,nlev+1)
+ real(r8) :: lnple(nlon,nlat,nlev+1)
+ integer :: L
+ do L=1,nlev+1
+ ple(:,:,L) = hyai(L)*ps0 + hybi(L)*ps(:,:)
+ end do
+ do L=1,nlev
+ plo(:,:,L) = hyam(L)*ps0 + hybm(L)*ps(:,:)
+ end do
+ lnple = log( ple )
+ phi(:,:,nlev+1) = phis(:,:)
+ do L=nlev,1,-1
+ phi(:,:,L) = phi(:,:,L+1) - (RdAir * T(:,:,L) ) * ( lnple(:,:,L) - lnple(:,:,L+1) )
+ !phi(:,:,L) = phi(:,:,L+1) - (RdAir * T(:,:,L) / plo(:,:,L) ) * ( ple(:,:,L) - ple(:,:,L+1) )
+ end do
+ end subroutine makepr_fv
+ subroutine virtual_t( nlon,nlat,nlev, t, q, tv )
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ use shr_const_mod, only: rdair => shr_const_rdair
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: t(nlon,nlat,nlev),q(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: tv(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8) :: rv(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ integer :: L
+ rv = 1._r8/(1._r8 - q) - 1._r8
+ tv = t*(1._r8 + 0.61_r8 * rv )
+ end subroutine virtual_t
+ !-------------------------
+ subroutine zeta_fv( nlon,nlat,nlev,lons,lats, u,v, zeta )
+ !use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ !use shr_const_mod, only: rearth => shr_const_rearth , & ! =6.37122e6_R8 meters
+ ! pi => shr_const_pi , &
+ ! omega => shr_const_omega
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: u(nlon,nlat,nlev),v(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: zeta(nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: lats(nlat),lons(nlon)
+ real(r8) :: rlats(nlat),rlons(nlon)
+ real(r8) :: dy,dx0,dx,darea,voo,voo2
+ integer :: iap,jap,iam,jam,i,j,L,iax,jax
+ iax=2
+ jax=2
+ rlons(:) = lons(:) * PI/180._r8
+ rlats(:) = lats(:) * PI/180._r8
+ dx0 = rearth* ( rlons(2)-rlons(1) )
+ dy = rearth* ( rlats(2)-rlats(1) )
+ darea = dy*dx0*cos( rlats(jax) )
+ do L =1,nlev
+ zeta(L) = &
+ ( V(iax+1,jax, L) - V(iax-1,jax,L) ) / ( 2._r8*dx0*cos( rlats(jax) ) ) &
+ - ( U(iax,jax+1, L) - U(iax,jax-1,L) ) / ( 2._r8*dy )
+ end do
+ end subroutine zeta_fv
+ subroutine etadot_fv ( nlon, nlat, nlev, lons, lats, u, v, plo, ple, etadot , omega )
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, i8 => shr_kind_i8
+ use shr_const_mod, only: rearth => shr_const_rearth , & ! =6.37122e6_R8 meters
+ pi => shr_const_pi
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlon,nlat,nlev
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: lons(nlon),lats(nlat)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: u(nlon,nlat,nlev) , v(nlon,nlat,nlev) , plo( nlon,nlat,nlev) , ple( nlon,nlat,nlev+1)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: etadot( nlon,nlat,nlev) ,omega(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ !real(r8), intent(in) :: uc(:,:,:) , vc(:,:,:) , ple(:,:,:)
+ ! Local variables
+ real(r8),allocatable :: div(:,:,:)
+ real(r8),allocatable :: mass(:,:,:), fuc(:,:,:),fvc(:,:,:)
+ real(r8) :: rlats(nlat), rlons(nlon), rcos1, eta(nlev+1) , dx,dy! radians
+ real(r8), allocatable :: etadot_t1(:,:), etadot_t2(:,:,:)
+ integer :: i,j,L,im1,jm1,ip1,jp1
+ real :: uc_ijL , vc_ijL
+ allocate ( div(nlon,nlat,nlev) )
+ allocate ( mass(nlon,nlat,nlev), fuc(nlon,nlat,nlev),fvc(nlon,nlat+1,nlev) )
+ allocate ( etadot_t1(nlon,nlat), etadot_t2(nlon,nlat,nlev) )
+ div = 0._r8
+ fuc = 0._r8
+ fvc = 0._r8
+ mass = 0._r8
+ etadot = 0._r8
+ etadot_t1 = 0._r8
+ etadot_t2 = 0._r8
+ rlons(:) = lons(:) * PI/180._r8
+ rlats(:) = lats(:) * PI/180._r8
+ do L=1,nlev+1
+ eta(L) = hyai(L) + hybi(L) ! 1._r8*L/(nlev+1)
+ end do
+ do L=1,nlev
+ mass(:,:,L) = ( ple(:,:,L+1)-ple(:,:,L) )/( eta(L+1)-eta(L) )
+ end do
+ ! calculate mass fluxes at gridbox edges, using upwind algorithm
+ do L=1,nlev
+ do j=1,nlat
+ do i=2,nlon
+ im1=i-1
+ !if ( i == 1) im1=nlon
+ uc_ijL = 0.5_r8*( u(im1,j,L) + u(i,j,L) )
+ if ( uc_ijL < 0._r8 ) fuc(i,j,L)= uc_ijL * mass(i,j,L)
+ if ( uc_ijL >= 0._r8 ) fuc(i,j,L)= uc_ijL * mass(im1,j,L)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! Note: cos(lat) term incorporated into fluxes
+ do L=1,nlev
+ do j=2,nlat
+ do i=1,nlon
+ jm1=j-1
+ vc_ijL = 0.5_r8 * ( v(i,jm1,L)+v(i,j,L) )
+ if ( vc_ijL < 0._r8 ) fvc(i,j,L)= vc_ijL * mass(i,j,L) *cos( rlats(j) )
+ if ( vc_ijL >= 0._r8 ) fvc(i,j,L)= vc_ijL * mass(i,jm1,L) *cos( rlats(jm1) )
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! now calculate HORZ divergence of (FUC,FVC). Note coslat term already
+ ! incorporated in FVC.
+ do L=1,nlev
+ do j=1,nlat-1
+ do i=1,nlon-1
+ ip1=i+1
+ jp1=j+1
+ rcos1 = 1._r8 /( Rearth*cos( rlats(j) ) )
+ div(i,j,L) = rcos1 * ( FUC(ip1,j,L)-FUC(i,j,L) ) / (rlons(ip1)-rlons(i) ) &
+ + rcos1 * ( FVC(i,jp1,L)-FVC(i,j,L) ) / (rlats(jp1)-rlats(j) )
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ etadot_t1(:,:)=0._r8
+ etadot_t2(:,:,:)=0._r8
+ do L=1,nlev
+ etadot_t1(:,:) = etadot_t1(:,:) + div(:,:,L)*(eta(L+1)-eta(L))
+ end do
+ do L=2,nlev
+ etadot_t2(:,:,L) = etadot_t2(:,:,L-1) + div(:,:,L)*(eta(L+1)-eta(L))
+ end do
+ do L=1,nlev
+ etadot(:,:,L) = ( hybm(L)*etadot_t1(:,:) - etadot_t2(:,:,L) ) / mass(:,:,L)
+ end do
+ dx=( rlons(2)-rlons(1) ) * Rearth
+ dy=( rlats(2)-rlats(1) ) * Rearth
+ omega = 0._r8
+ do L=1,nlev
+ do j=2,nlat-1
+ do i=2,nlon-1
+ omega(i,j,L) = u(i,j,L) * (plo(i+1,j,L)-plo(i-1,j,L))/( 2._r8*dx*cos(rlats(j)) + 0.1_r8 ) &
+ + v(i,j,L) * (plo(i,j+1,L)-plo(i,j-1,L))/( 2._r8*dy ) &
+ - etadot_t2(i,j,L)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+end subroutine etadot_fv
+!! Reading netcdf files
+ subroutine read_netcdf_ana_fv_ini( anal_file , nlon, nlat, nlev,lonidx,latidx )
+ !
+ ! Open the given analyses data file. Query dimesnisons.
+ ! Close.
+ !===============================================================
+ use cam_abortutils, only : endrun
+ use netcdf
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, i8 => shr_kind_i8
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ use shr_const_mod, only: rdair => shr_const_rdair
+ use scammod, only: scmlon,scmlat
+ use shr_scam_mod, only: shr_scam_getCloseLatLon ! Standardized system subroutines
+ !-------------
+ character(len=*),intent(in):: anal_file
+ integer, intent(out) :: nlon,nlat,nlev,latidx,lonidx
+ ! Local values
+ !-------------
+ integer :: ncid,varid,istat
+ integer :: ilat,ilon,ilev
+ integer :: i,j,L
+ real(r8) :: closelon,closelat
+ logical :: l_have_us , l_have_vs
+ character(len=24) :: subname='read_netcdf_ana_fv_ini: '
+ l_have_us = .FALSE.
+ l_have_vs = .FALSE.
+ ! masterporc does all of the work here
+ !-----------------------------------------
+ if(masterproc) then
+ ! Open the given file
+ !-----------------------
+ istat=nf90_open(trim(anal_file),NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//'NF90_OPEN: failed for file ',trim(anal_file)
+ write(iulog,*) nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ ! Read in Dimensions
+ !--------------------
+ istat=nf90_inq_dimid(ncid,'lon',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid,varid,len=nlon)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_dimid(ncid,'lat',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid,varid,len=nlat)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_dimid(ncid,'lev',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inquire_dimension(ncid,varid,len=nlev)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ call shr_scam_getCloseLatLon(ncid ,scmlat,scmlon,closelat,closelon,latidx,lonidx)
+ ! Close the analyses file and exit
+ !-----------------------
+ istat=nf90_close(ncid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_EUL')
+ endif
+ endif ! (masterproc) then
+ end subroutine read_netcdf_ana_fv_ini
+ subroutine read_netcdf_ana_fv( anal_file , nlon, nlat, nlev, &
+ u, v, &
+ t, q, ps, phis, &
+ lons, lats, levs &
+ , utcore, vtcore, ttcore, ogcore &
+ )
+ !
+ ! Open the given analyses data file, read in
+ ! U,V,T,Q, and PS values as well as Lons, Lats.
+ !===============================================================
+ use cam_abortutils, only : endrun
+ use netcdf
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, i8 => shr_kind_i8
+ use hycoef, only: hyai, hybi, ps0, hyam, hybm
+ use shr_const_mod, only: rdair => shr_const_rdair
+ ! Arguments
+ !-------------
+ character(len=*),intent(in):: anal_file
+ integer, intent(in ) :: nlon,nlat,nlev
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: U(nlon,nlat,nlev), V(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: T(nlon,nlat,nlev), Q(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: PS(nlon,nlat), PHIS(nlon,nlat)
+ !real(r8), intent(out) :: PHI(nlon,nlat,nlev+1),PLE(nlon,nlat,nlev+1),PLO(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: Lats(nlat),Lons(nlon),Levs(nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: UTCORE(nlon,nlat,nlev), VTCORE(nlon,nlat,nlev), TTCORE(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: OGCORE(nlon,nlat,nlev)
+ ! Local values
+ !-------------
+ integer :: ncid,varid,istat
+ integer :: ilat,ilon,ilev
+ integer :: i,j,L
+ logical :: l_have_us , l_have_vs
+ character(len=20) :: subname='read_netcdf_ana_fv: '
+ l_have_us = .FALSE.
+ l_have_vs = .FALSE.
+ ! masterporc does all of the work here
+ !-----------------------------------------
+ if(masterproc) then
+ ! Open the given file
+ !-----------------------
+ istat=nf90_open(trim(anal_file),NF90_NOWRITE,ncid)
+ if(istat.ne.NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//'NF90_OPEN: failed for file ',trim(anal_file)
+ write(iulog,*) nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ end if
+ end if
+ if(masterproc) then
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'lon',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,Lons)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'lat',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,Lats)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'lev',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,Levs)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ ! Read in, transpose lat/lev indices,
+ ! and scatter data arrays
+ !----------------------------------
+ ! First block reads U
+ !----------------------------------
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'U',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid, U )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'V',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid, V )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'T',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid, T )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'Q',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid, Q )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'PS',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,PS )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'PHIS',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_SE')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,PHIS )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ endif
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'UTEND_CORE',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//"No UTEND_CORE on file: "
+ write(iulog,*) trim(anal_file)
+ utcore(:,:,:)=-9999._r8
+ else
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,utcore )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ end if
+ end if
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'VTEND_CORE',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//"No VTEND_CORE on file: "
+ write(iulog,*) trim(anal_file)
+ vtcore(:,:,:)=-9999._r8
+ else
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,vtcore )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ end if
+ end if
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'DTCORE',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//"No TTEND_CORE on file: "
+ write(iulog,*) trim(anal_file)
+ ttcore(:,:,:)= -9999._r8
+ else
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,ttcore )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ end if
+ end if
+ istat=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'OMEGA',varid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//"No OMEGA (core) on file: "
+ write(iulog,*) trim(anal_file)
+ ogcore(:,:,:)=-9999._r8
+ else
+ istat=nf90_get_var(ncid,varid,ogcore )
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_FV')
+ end if
+ end if
+ ! Close the analysis file
+ !-----------------------
+ istat=nf90_close(ncid)
+ if(istat /= NF90_NOERR) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname//nf90_strerror(istat)
+ call endrun ('UPDATE_ANALYSES_EUL')
+ endif
+ end if ! (masterproc) then
+ !------------
+ return
+ end subroutine read_netcdf_ana_fv
+ subroutine dynfrc_timewgts ( &
+ ana_prev_date, ana_next_date, &
+ wgt1 , wgt2 )
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8, i8 => shr_kind_i8
+ use ESMF
+ use time_manager, only:timemgr_time_ge,timemgr_time_inc,get_curr_date,get_step_size
+ integer, intent(in) :: ana_prev_date(4), ana_next_date(4)
+ real(r8) , intent(out) :: wgt1,wgt2
+ type(ESMF_Time) :: Date1,Date2,Date0
+ type(ESMF_TimeInterval) :: DateDiff2,DateDiff0,DateDiff, AnaDiff
+ integer :: DeltaT0, DeltaT2 , YMD, Year,Month,Day,Sec, Ana_interval, rc
+ call get_curr_date(Year,Month,Day,Sec)
+ YMD=(Year*10000) + (Month*100) + Day
+ call ESMF_TimeSet(Date0,YY=Ana_prev_date(1), MM=Ana_prev_date(2) , &
+ DD= Ana_prev_date(3) , S= Ana_prev_date(4) )
+ call ESMF_TimeSet(Date1,YY=Year,MM=Month,DD=Day,S=Sec)
+ call ESMF_TimeSet(Date2,YY=Ana_next_date(1), MM=Ana_next_date(2) , &
+ DD= Ana_next_date(3) , S= Ana_next_date(4) )
+ AnaDiff =Date2-Date0
+ call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(AnaDiff,S=Ana_interval ,rc=rc)
+ DateDiff2 =Date2-Date1
+ call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(DateDiff2,S=DeltaT2,rc=rc)
+ DateDiff0 =Date1-Date0
+ call ESMF_TimeIntervalGet(DateDiff0,S=DeltaT0,rc=rc)
+ wgt1 = 1._r8 - ( 1._r8 * DeltaT0 ) / Ana_interval
+ wgt2 = 1._r8 - ( 1._r8 * DeltaT2 ) / Ana_interval
+end subroutine dynfrc_timewgts
+ subroutine patch_eta_x_plv ( nx , ny, nL,ix, jx, aa, plo )
+ integer, intent(in) :: nx,ny,nl,ix,jx
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: plo(nx,ny,nL)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: aa(nx,ny,nL)
+ real(r8) :: plx(nL),plq(nL),aax(nL),aaq(nL),aat(nx,ny,nL)
+ real(r8) :: dp,dpk,dpk1,wtk,wtk1
+ integer :: i,j,L,k
+ plx(:) = plo(ix,jx,:) ! target pressures
+ do j=1,ny
+ do i=1,nx
+ plq(:) = plo(i,j,:)
+ aaq(:) = aa(i,j,:)
+ do L=1,nl
+ do k=2,nl
+ if ( ( plx(L) <= plq(k) ).AND.(plx(L) > plq(k-1) ) ) then
+ dp = plq(k)-plq(k-1)
+ dpk1 = plx(L)-plq(k-1)
+ dpk = plq(k)-plx(L)
+ wtk1 = 1._r8 - dpk1 / dp
+ wtk = 1._r8 - dpk / dp
+ aax(L) = wtk * aaq(k) + wtk1 * aaq(k-1)
+ end if
+ end do
+ if ( plx(L) <= plq(1) ) aax(L)=aaq(1)
+ if ( plx(L) > plq(NL) ) aax(L)=aaq(NL)
+ end do
+ aat(i,j,:)=aax(:)
+ end do
+ end do
+ aa=aat
+ end subroutine patch_eta_x_plv
+end module get_ana_dynfrc_4scam
diff --git a/src/dynamics/eul/scmforecast.F90 b/src/dynamics/eul/scmforecast.F90
index f9c0cbc6a8..83fb528a16 100644
--- a/src/dynamics/eul/scmforecast.F90
+++ b/src/dynamics/eul/scmforecast.F90
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module scmforecast
use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use cam_control_mod, only: adiabatic
+ use get_ana_dynfrc_4scam, only: get_ana_dynfrc_fv
implicit none
@@ -59,10 +59,16 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
scm_relax_tau_sec,scm_relax_tau_top_sec,scm_relax_top_p, &
scm_relaxation,scm_use_obs_qv,scm_use_obs_t,scm_use_obs_uv,scm_zadv_q,scm_zadv_t, &
scm_zadv_uv,tdiff,tobs,uobs,use_3dfrc,use_camiop,vertdivq, &
- vertdivt,vertdivu,vertdivv,vobs,wfld,qinitobs,scm_relax_fincl
+ vertdivt,vertdivu,vertdivv,vobs,wfld,qinitobs,scm_relax_fincl, &
+ scmlon,scmlat, &
+ scm_ana_direct_ttend, &
+ scm_use_ana_iop
use time_manager, only : get_curr_calday, get_nstep, get_step_size, is_first_step
use cam_abortutils, only : endrun
use string_utils, only: to_upper
+ use shr_const_mod, only: rearth => shr_const_rearth , & ! =6.37122e6_R8 meters
+ pi => shr_const_pi , &
+ OOmega => shr_const_omega
implicit none
@@ -71,6 +77,7 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
! ---------------------- !
character(len=*), parameter :: subname = "forecast"
+ real(r8),parameter :: hugebad=9.99e12_r8
! --------------------------------------------------- !
! x = t, u, v, q !
@@ -83,16 +90,16 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
integer, intent(in) :: nlon
real(r8), intent(in) :: ztodt ! Twice time step unless nstep = 0 [ s ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: ps(plon) ! Surface pressure [ Pa ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: psm1(plon) ! Surface pressure [ Pa ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: psm2(plon) ! Surface pressure [ Pa ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: ps(plon) ! Surface pressure [ Pa ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: psm1(plon) ! Surface pressure [ Pa ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: psm2(plon) ! Surface pressure [ Pa ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: t3m1(plev) ! Temperature [ K ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: t3m2(plev) ! Temperature [ K ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: u3m1(plev) ! Zonal wind [ m/s ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: u3m2(plev) ! Zonal wind [ m/s ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: v3m1(plev) ! Meridional wind [ m/s ]
- real(r8), intent(in) :: v3m2(plev) ! Meridional wind [ m/s ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: t3m1(plev) ! Temperature [ K ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: t3m2(plev) ! Temperature [ K ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: u3m1(plev) ! Zonal wind [ m/s ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: u3m2(plev) ! Zonal wind [ m/s ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: v3m1(plev) ! Meridional wind [ m/s ]
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: v3m2(plev) ! Meridional wind [ m/s ]
real(r8), intent(inout) :: q3m1(plev,pcnst) ! Tracers [ kg/kg, #/kg ]
real(r8), intent(inout) :: q3m2(plev,pcnst) ! Tracers [ kg/kg, #/kg ]
@@ -156,6 +163,7 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
real(r8) vten_zadv(plev) ! Vertical advective forcing of v [ m/s/s ]
real(r8) qten_zadv(plev,pcnst) ! Vertical advective forcing of tracers [ #/kg/s, kg/kg/s ]
! --------------------------- !
! For 'scm_relaxation' switch !
! --------------------------- !
@@ -165,11 +173,91 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
real(r8) relax_u(plev)
real(r8) relax_v(plev)
real(r8) relax_q(plev,pcnst)
- ! +++BPM: allow linear relaxation profile
+ ! allow linear relaxation profile
real(r8) rslope ! [optional] slope for linear relaxation profile
real(r8) rycept ! [optional] y-intercept for linear relaxtion profile
-!+++ BPM check what we have:
+! ------------------------------------ !
+! Quantities derived from Analyses !
+! ------------------------------------ !
+ real(r8) dynfrcp_mom(plev) ! Scaling factor for ana-derived momentum tends
+ real(r8) dynfrcp_therm(plev) ! Scaling factor for ana-derived thermo tends
+ logical l_vectinv
+ real(r8) omega_ana(plev) ! Vertical pressure velocity [ Pa/s ]
+ real(r8) etad_ana(plev) ! "Eta dot" velocity [ Pa/s ]
+ real(r8) T_ana(plev), Q_ana(plev) , Tv_ana(plev) !
+ real(r8) u_ana(plev), v_ana(plev) !
+ real(r8) zeta_ana(plev) !
+ real(r8) ps_ana , phis_ana
+ real(r8) ps_ana_w(plon) , phis_ana_w(plon)
+ real(r8) T_ana_diag(plev), Q_ana_diag(plev) !
+ real(r8) u_ana_diag(plev), v_ana_diag(plev) !
+ ! ----------------------------------- !
+ ! vertical advective tendencies !
+ ! ----------------------------------- !
+ real(r8) tten_vadv_ana(plev) ! Vertical advective forcing of t [ K/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_vadv_ana(plev) ! Vertical advective forcing of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) vten_vadv_ana(plev) ! Vertical advective forcing of v [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) qten_vadv_ana(plev) ! Vertical advective forcing of tracers [ #/kg/s, kg/kg/s ]
+ ! ------------------------------------- !
+ ! Horizontal advective/other tendencies !
+ ! ------------------------------------- !
+ real(r8) uten_hadv_ana(plev) ! of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) vten_hadv_ana(plev) ! of v [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_pfrc_ana(plev) ! of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) vten_pfrc_ana(plev) ! of v [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_vort_ana(plev) ! of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) vten_vort_ana(plev) ! of v [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) tten_hadv_ana(plev) ! of t [ K/s ]
+ real(r8) qten_hadv_ana(plev) ! of tracers [ #/kg/s, kg/kg/s ]
+ !---------------------------------!
+ ! Adiabatic compression tendency !
+ !---------------------------------!
+ real(r8) tten_comp_ana(plev) ! of t [ K/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_keg_ana(plev) ! of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_prg_ana(plev) ! of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_phig_ana(plev) ! of u [ m/s/s ]
+ ! ------------------------------------------ !
+ ! Direct dycore or ana tendencies or quants !
+ ! Not recalculated. !
+ ! (not usually available, !
+ ! set=-9999 if missing ) !
+ ! ------------------------------------------ !
+ real(r8) tten_dycore_ana(plev) ! Total direct Ana forcing of t [ K/s ]
+ real(r8) vten_dycore_ana(plev) ! Total direct Ana forcing of v [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_dycore_ana(plev) ! Total direct Ana forcing of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) omega_dycore_ana(plev) ! Omega direct from Ana/dycore (not recalc) [ Pa/s ]
+ ! ----------------------------------- !
+ ! total recalc. "dycore" tendencies !
+ ! ----------------------------------- !
+ real(r8) omega_recalc_ana(plev) ! Omega from Ana/dycore (recalculated) [ Pa/s ]
+ real(r8) tten_totdyn_ana(plev) ! Total Ana forcing of t [ K/s ]
+ real(r8) uten_totdyn_ana(plev) ! Total Ana forcing of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) vten_totdyn_ana(plev) ! Total Ana forcing of v [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) qten_totdyn_ana(plev) ! Total Ana forcing of tracers [ #/kg/s, kg/kg/s ]
+ real(r8) fcoriol,uten_coriol(plev),vten_coriol(plev)
+ real(r8) ufcstm2(plev),vfcstm2(plev)
+ real(r8) ufcor_0(plev),vfcor_0(plev)
+ real(r8) uten_totdyn_anax(plev) ! Total Ana forcing of u [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) vten_totdyn_anax(plev) ! Total Ana forcing of v [ m/s/s ]
+ real(r8) tfw0, tfw1, tfw2, tftotw,ztodtn,AA
+ integer nsubdyn,nt,nstep_curr
+ !logical use_ana_iop
+ logical l_use_reconst_ttend ! use reconstructed T-tendency based on analysis
+ logical l_use_direct_ttend ! use T-tendency direct from dycore
+ l_use_reconst_ttend = .NOT.( scm_ana_direct_ttend )
+ l_use_direct_ttend = .NOT.( l_use_reconst_ttend )
+ ! check what we have:
if (masterproc .and. is_first_step()) write(iulog,*) 'SCAM FORECAST REPORT: ' , &
'have_divq ', have_divq , &
'have_divt ', have_divt , &
@@ -211,8 +299,6 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
'relaxation ', scm_relaxation , &
'use_3dfrc ', use_3dfrc
- !---BPM
! ---------------------------- !
! !
@@ -253,8 +339,103 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
! = .false. : Use User-generated SCAM IOP file !
! ------------------------------------------------------- !
- if( use_camiop ) then
+ l_vectinv =.FALSE.
+ if (scm_use_ana_iop) then
+ call get_ana_dynfrc_fv ( scmlon, scmlat , &
+ omega_ana, etad_ana, zeta_ana, &
+ t_ana , tv_ana , &
+ q_ana , &
+ u_ana , &
+ v_ana , &
+ ps_ana , &
+ phis_ana, &
+ uten_hadv_ana , &
+ vten_hadv_ana , &
+ uten_pfrc_ana , &
+ vten_pfrc_ana , &
+ uten_vort_ana , &
+ vten_vort_ana , &
+ qten_hadv_ana , &
+ tten_hadv_ana , &
+ uten_vadv_ana , &
+ vten_vadv_ana , &
+ tten_vadv_ana , &
+ qten_vadv_ana , &
+ tten_comp_ana , &
+ uten_keg_ana , &
+ uten_phig_ana , &
+ uten_prg_ana , &
+ uten_dycore_ana , &
+ vten_dycore_ana , &
+ tten_dycore_ana , &
+ omega_dycore_ana , &
+ omega_recalc_ana , &
+ u3m2, v3m2, t3m2, q3m2(:,1), &
+ u_ana_diag, v_ana_diag, t_ana_diag, q_ana_diag )
+ else
+ ! set these to a "bad" value
+ omega_ana = HugeBad
+ etad_ana = HugeBad
+ zeta_ana = HugeBad
+ t_ana = HugeBad
+ tv_ana = HugeBad
+ q_ana = HugeBad
+ u_ana = HugeBad
+ v_ana = HugeBad
+ t_ana_diag = HugeBad
+ q_ana_diag = HugeBad
+ u_ana_diag = HugeBad
+ v_ana_diag = HugeBad
+ ps_ana = HugeBad
+ phis_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_hadv_ana = HugeBad
+ vten_hadv_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_pfrc_ana = HugeBad
+ vten_pfrc_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_vort_ana = HugeBad
+ vten_vort_ana = HugeBad
+ qten_hadv_ana = HugeBad
+ tten_hadv_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_vadv_ana = HugeBad
+ vten_vadv_ana = HugeBad
+ tten_vadv_ana = HugeBad
+ qten_vadv_ana = HugeBad
+ tten_comp_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_keg_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_phig_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_prg_ana = HugeBad
+ uten_dycore_ana = HugeBad
+ vten_dycore_ana = HugeBad
+ tten_dycore_ana = HugeBad
+ omega_dycore_ana = HugeBad
+ omega_recalc_ana = HugeBad
+ endif
+ ! -------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! Re-Calculate midpoint pressure levels if PS_ANA is reasonable !
+ ! -------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ if (ps_ana < 500000._r8 ) then
+ psm1=ps_ana
+ call plevs0( nlon, plon, plev, psm1, pintm1, pmidm1, pdelm1 )
+ end if
+ if(l_vectinv) then
+ uten_totdyn_ana = uten_hadv_ana + uten_pfrc_ana + uten_vadv_ana
+ vten_totdyn_ana = vten_hadv_ana + vten_pfrc_ana + vten_vadv_ana
+ uten_totdyn_anax = uten_hadv_ana + uten_pfrc_ana + uten_vadv_ana
+ vten_totdyn_anax = vten_hadv_ana + vten_pfrc_ana + vten_vadv_ana
+ else
+ uten_totdyn_ana = uten_hadv_ana + uten_vort_ana + uten_pfrc_ana + uten_vadv_ana
+ vten_totdyn_ana = vten_hadv_ana + vten_vort_ana + vten_pfrc_ana + vten_vadv_ana
+ uten_totdyn_anax = uten_hadv_ana + uten_vort_ana + uten_pfrc_ana + uten_vadv_ana
+ vten_totdyn_anax = vten_hadv_ana + vten_vort_ana + vten_pfrc_ana + vten_vadv_ana
+ endif
+ tten_totdyn_ana = tten_hadv_ana + tten_vadv_ana + tten_comp_ana
+ qten_totdyn_ana = qten_hadv_ana + qten_vadv_ana
+if( use_camiop == .TRUE. ) then
do k = 1, plev
tfcst(k) = t3m2(k) + ztodt * tten_phys(k) + ztodt * divt3d(k)
ufcst(k) = u3m2(k) + ztodt * uten_phys(k) + ztodt * divu3d(k)
@@ -269,8 +450,9 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
- else
+else if (use_camiop == .FALSE. ) then
+ if(scm_use_ana_iop==.FALSE. ) then
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Compute 'omega'( wfldint ) at the interface from the value at the mid-point. !
! SCAM-IOP file must provide omega at the mid-point not at the interface. !
@@ -403,19 +585,152 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
call endrun( subname//':: divq not on the dataset. Unable to forecast Humidity. Stopping')
end if
- do k = 1, plev
- tfcst(k) = t3m2(k) + ztodt * ( tten_phys(k) + divt(k) + tten_zadv(k) )
- ufcst(k) = u3m2(k) + ztodt * ( uten_phys(k) + divu(k) + uten_zadv(k) )
- vfcst(k) = v3m2(k) + ztodt * ( vten_phys(k) + divv(k) + vten_zadv(k) )
- do m = 1, pcnst
- qfcst(1,k,m) = q3m2(k,m) + ztodt * ( qten_phys(k,m) + divq(k,m) + qten_zadv(k,m) )
+ nstep_curr = get_nstep()
+ do k = 1, plev
+ tfcst(k) = t3m2(k) + ztodt * ( tten_phys(k) + divt(k) + tten_zadv(k) )
+ ufcst(k) = u3m2(k) + ztodt * ( uten_phys(k) + divu(k) + uten_zadv(k) )
+ vfcst(k) = v3m2(k) + ztodt * ( vten_phys(k) + divv(k) + vten_zadv(k) )
+ do m = 1, pcnst
+ qfcst(1,k,m) = q3m2(k,m) + ztodt * ( qten_phys(k,m) + divq(k,m) + qten_zadv(k,m) )
+ enddo
- enddo
+ else if ( scm_use_ana_iop ==.TRUE. ) then
+ !--------------------------------------------------
+ ! This block is the ANA/GRIDDED forcing calculation
+ !--------------------------------------------------
+ nstep_curr = get_nstep()
+ ! This initializes SCAM with ANA/GRIDDED
+ ! fields.
+ !-----------------------------------------
+ if (is_first_step()) then
+ u3m2 = u_ana
+ v3m2 = v_ana
+ t3m2 = t_ana
+ q3m2(:,1) = q_ana
+ psm2 = ps_ana
+ u3m1 = u_ana
+ v3m1 = v_ana
+ t3m1 = t_ana
+ q3m1(:,1) = q_ana
+ psm1 = ps_ana
+ endif
+ ! -----------------------------------------------------
+ ! Applied tendencies are in two
+ ! categories: 1) physics (includes nudging);
+ ! and 2) dynamics. Dynamics tendencies are
+ ! grouped and then scaled by dynfrcp. This is
+ ! to allow removal of unreliable analysis driven
+ ! dynamics tendencies above some pressure,
+ ! typically <~ 10Pa.
+ !------------------------------------------------------
+ dynfrcp_mom(:) = 1._r8
+ dynfrcp_therm(:) = 1._r8
+ where( pmidm1 < 10._r8) ! changed from 10. Test.
+ dynfrcp_therm = 0._r8
+ dynfrcp_mom = 0._r8
+ end where
+ !------------------------------------------------------
+ fcoriol = 2._r8 * OOmega * sin( scmlat * PI/180._r8 )
+ uten_coriol = fcoriol * v3m2
+ vten_coriol = -fcoriol * u3m2
+ nsubdyn = 1
+ vfcst = v3m2
+ ufcst = u3m2
+ ztodtn = ztodt/nsubdyn
+ if (l_use_reconst_ttend) then
+ do nt= 1, nsubdyn
+ do k = 1, plev
+ ufcst(k) = ufcst(k) + ztodtn * ( uten_phys(k) &
+ + dynfrcp_mom(k) * &
+ ( uten_hadv_ana(k) + uten_vadv_ana(k) &
+ + uten_vort_ana(k) &
+ !! + fcoriol * vfcstm2(k) &
+ + uten_pfrc_ana(k) ) )
+ vfcst(k) = vfcst(k) + ztodtn * ( vten_phys(k) &
+ + dynfrcp_mom(k) * &
+ ( vten_hadv_ana(k) + vten_vadv_ana(k) &
+ + vten_vort_ana(k) &
+ !! - fcoriol * ufcstm2(k) &
+ + vten_pfrc_ana(k) ) )
+ end do
+ ufcstm2 = ufcst
+ vfcstm2 = vfcst
+ end do
+ end if
+ if (l_use_direct_ttend) then
+ do nt= 1, nsubdyn
+ do k = 1, plev
+ ufcst(k) = ufcst(k) + ztodtn * ( uten_phys(k) &
+ + dynfrcp_mom(k) * uten_dycore_ana(k) )
+ vfcst(k) = vfcst(k) + ztodtn * ( vten_phys(k) &
+ + dynfrcp_mom(k) * vten_dycore_ana(k) )
+ end do
+ ufcstm2 = ufcst
+ vfcstm2 = vfcst
+ end do
+ end if
+ ufcor_0 = ufcst
+ vfcor_0 = vfcst
+ uten_totdyn_ana = uten_hadv_ana + uten_vort_ana + uten_pfrc_ana + uten_vadv_ana
+ vten_totdyn_ana = vten_hadv_ana + vten_vort_ana + vten_pfrc_ana + vten_vadv_ana
+ ! This should always be set for diagnostics
+ ! (08/03/22)
+ !-------------------------------------------
+ wfld = omega_ana
+!! if (l_use_reconst_ttend) then
+ do k=1,plev
+ tfcst(k) = t3m2(k) + ztodt * ( tten_phys(k) &
+ + dynfrcp_therm(k) * &
+ ( tten_hadv_ana(k) + tten_vadv_ana(k) &
+ + tten_comp_ana(k) ) )
+ end do
+!! end if
+#if 0
+ if (l_use_direct_ttend) then
+ do k=1,plev
+ tfcst(k) = t3m2(k) + ztodt * ( tten_phys(k) &
+ + dynfrcp_therm(k) * &
+ ( tten_dycore_ana(k) ) )
+ end do
+ end if
+ do k=1,plev
+ do m = 1, 1
+ qfcst(1,k,m) = q3m2(k,m) + ztodt * ( qten_phys(k,m) &
+ + dynfrcp_therm(k) * &
+ ( qten_hadv_ana(k) + qten_vadv_ana(k) ) )
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ ps = ps_ana
+ end if ! END use_ana_iop IF block
+ ! This code is executed regardless of use_ana_iop value
! ------------------ !
! Diagnostic Outputs !
! ------------------ !
+ call outfld( 'TOBS' , tobs, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UOBS' , uobs, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VOBS' , vobs, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
call outfld( 'TTEN_XYADV' , divt, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
call outfld( 'UTEN_XYADV' , divu, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
call outfld( 'VTEN_XYADV' , divv, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
@@ -438,29 +753,31 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
call outfld( 'UTEN_ZADV' , uten_zadv, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
call outfld( 'VTEN_ZADV' , vten_zadv, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
call outfld( 'QVTEN_ZADV' , qten_zadv(:,1), plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
- call outfld( 'TTEN_ZADV' , vertdivt, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
- call outfld( 'QVTEN_ZADV' , vertdivq(:,1), plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ !call outfld( 'TTEN_ZADV' , vertdivt, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ !call outfld( 'QVTEN_ZADV' , vertdivq(:,1), plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
- call outfld( 'TTEN_PHYS' , tten_phys, plon, dummy )
- call outfld( 'UTEN_PHYS' , uten_phys, plon, dummy )
- call outfld( 'VTEN_PHYS' , vten_phys, plon, dummy )
- call outfld( 'QVTEN_PHYS' , qten_phys(:,1), plon, dummy )
+ call outfld( 'TTEN_COMP_IOP', tten_comp_eul, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
- endif
+ call outfld( 'TTEN_PHYS' , tten_phys, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_PHYS' , uten_phys, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_PHYS' , vten_phys, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'QVTEN_PHYS' , qten_phys(:,1), plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ end if ! END of use_camiop IF BLOCK
+ if ( scm_use_ana_iop == .FALSE. ) then
! ---------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Used the SCAM-IOP-specified state instead of forecasted state !
! at each time step if specified by the switch. !
! If SCAM-IOP has 't,u,v,q' profile at a single initial time step. !
- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- !
if( scm_use_obs_T .and. have_t ) then
do k = 1, plev
tfcst(k) = tobs(k)
- if( scm_use_obs_uv .and. have_u .and. have_v ) then
+ if( scm_use_obs_uv .and. have_u .and. have_v ) then
do k = 1, plev
ufcst(k) = uobs(k)
vfcst(k) = vobs(k)
@@ -483,7 +800,7 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
relax_u(:) = 0._r8
relax_v(:) = 0._r8
relax_q(:plev,:pcnst) = 0._r8
- ! +++BPM: allow linear relaxation profile
+ ! allow linear relaxation profile
! scm_relaxation is a logical from scamMod
! scm_relax_tau_top_sec and scm_relax_tau_bot_sec are the relaxation times at top and bottom of layer
! also defined in scamMod
@@ -540,7 +857,9 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
call outfld( 'TRELAX' , relax_T , plon, dummy )
call outfld( 'QRELAX' , relax_q(1:plev,1) , plon, dummy )
call outfld( 'TAURELAX' , rtau , plon, dummy )
+ end if ! END of 2nd use_ana_iop BLOCK (exec for use_ana_iop=.F.)
! --------------------------------------------------------- !
! Assign the final forecasted state to the output variables !
! --------------------------------------------------------- !
@@ -548,15 +867,82 @@ subroutine forecast( lat , nlon , ztodt , &
t3(1:plev) = tfcst(1:plev)
u3(1:plev) = ufcst(1:plev)
v3(1:plev) = vfcst(1:plev)
- q3(1:plev,1:pcnst) = qfcst(1,1:plev,1:pcnst)
+ if ( scm_use_ana_iop == .TRUE. ) then
+ q3(1:plev,1:1) = qfcst(1,1:plev,1:1)
+ else
+ q3(1:plev,1:pcnst) = qfcst(1,1:plev,1:pcnst)
+ endif
tdiff(1:plev) = t3(1:plev) - tobs(1:plev)
qdiff(1:plev) = q3(1:plev,1) - qobs(1:plev)
call outfld( 'QDIFF' , qdiff, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
call outfld( 'TDIFF' , tdiff, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'OMEGA_IOP' , wfld, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'OMEGA_ANA' , omega_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'ETAD_ANA' , etad_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'ZETA_ANA' , zeta_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'T_ANA' , T_ana_diag, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'Q_ANA' , Q_ana_diag, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'TV_ANA' , Tv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'U_ANA' , U_ana_diag, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'V_ANA' , V_ana_diag, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ ps_ana_w(:)=ps_ana
+ phis_ana_w(:)=phis_ana
+ call outfld( 'PS_ANA' , PS_ana_w, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'PHIS_ANA' , PHIS_ana_w, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_CORIOL' , uten_coriol, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_CORIOL' , vten_coriol, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_TOTDYN_ANA' , uten_totdyn_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_TOTDYN_ANA' , vten_totdyn_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'TTEN_TOTDYN_ANA' , tten_totdyn_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'QTEN_TOTDYN_ANA' , qten_totdyn_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_TOTDYN_ANAR' , uten_totdyn_anax, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_TOTDYN_ANAR' , vten_totdyn_anax, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_DYCORE_ANA' , uten_dycore_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_DYCORE_ANA' , vten_dycore_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'TTEN_DYCORE_ANA' , tten_dycore_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'OMEGA_DYCORE_ANA', omega_dycore_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'OMEGA_RECALC_ANA', omega_recalc_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_DYCORE_ANA', uten_dycore_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_HADV_ANA' , uten_hadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_VADV_ANA' , uten_vadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_VORT_ANA' , uten_vort_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_KEG_ANA' , uten_keg_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_PFRC_ANA' , uten_pfrc_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_PRG_ANA' , uten_prg_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'UTEN_PHIG_ANA' , uten_phig_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_DYCORE_ANA', vten_dycore_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_HADV_ANA' , vten_hadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_VADV_ANA' , vten_vadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_VORT_ANA' , vten_vort_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'VTEN_PFRC_ANA' , vten_pfrc_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'TTEN_HADV_ANA' , tten_hadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'TTEN_VADV_ANA' , tten_vadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'TTEN_COMP_ANA' , tten_comp_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'QTEN_HADV_ANA' , qten_hadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ call outfld( 'QTEN_VADV_ANA' , qten_vadv_ana, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ if (have_u) call outfld( 'U_IOP' , uobs, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
+ if (have_u) call outfld( 'V_IOP' , vobs, plon, dummy_dyndecomp )
end subroutine forecast
- end module scmforecast
+end module scmforecast
diff --git a/src/physics/cam/clubb_intr.F90 b/src/physics/cam/clubb_intr.F90
index f83007a62e..69a9419da1 100644
--- a/src/physics/cam/clubb_intr.F90
+++ b/src/physics/cam/clubb_intr.F90
@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@ module clubb_intr
! Module to interface CAM with Cloud Layers Unified by Bi-normals (CLUBB), developed !
! by the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Group (UWM). !
! !
- ! CLUBB replaces the exisiting turbulence, shallow convection, and macrophysics in CAM5 !
- ! !
+ ! CLUBB replaces the exisiting turbulence, shallow convection, and macrophysics in CAM5 !
+ ! !
! Lastly, a implicit diffusion solver is called, and tendencies retrieved by !
! differencing the diffused and initial states. !
- ! !
+ ! !
! Calling sequence: !
! !
!---------------------------Code history-------------------------------------------------------------- !
- ! Authors: P. Bogenschutz, C. Craig, A. Gettelman !
- ! Modified by: K Thayer-Calder !
- ! !
+ ! Authors: P. Bogenschutz, C. Craig, A. Gettelman !
+ ! Modified by: K Thayer-Calder !
+ ! !
!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8=>shr_kind_r8
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8=>shr_kind_r8
use ppgrid, only: pver, pverp, pcols, begchunk, endchunk
use phys_control, only: phys_getopts
use physconst, only: rairv, cpairv, cpair, gravit, rga, latvap, latice, zvir, rh2o, karman
- use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
+ use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
use constituents, only: pcnst, cnst_add
use pbl_utils, only: calc_ustar, calc_obklen
- use ref_pres, only: top_lev => trop_cloud_top_lev
+ use ref_pres, only: top_lev => trop_cloud_top_lev
use zm_conv_intr, only: zmconv_microp
#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
use clubb_api_module, only: pdf_parameter, implicit_coefs_terms
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module clubb_intr
stats_rad_zt(pcols), & ! stats_rad_zt grid
stats_rad_zm(pcols), & ! stats_rad_zm grid
stats_sfc(pcols) ! stats_sfc
!$omp threadprivate(stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_rad_zt, stats_rad_zm, stats_sfc)
type(grid), target :: dummy_gr
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ module clubb_intr
stats_init_clubb, &
stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_sfc, &
stats_rad_zt, stats_rad_zm, &
- stats_end_timestep_clubb, &
+ stats_end_timestep_clubb, &
clubb_readnl, &
clubb_init_cnst, &
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ module clubb_intr
integer, parameter :: &
grid_type = 3, & ! The 2 option specifies stretched thermodynamic levels
hydromet_dim = 0 ! The hydromet array in SAM-CLUBB is currently 0 elements
! Even though sclr_dim is set to 0, the dimension here is set to 1 to prevent compiler errors
! See github ticket larson-group/cam#133 for details
real(r8), parameter, dimension(1) :: &
@@ -106,28 +106,28 @@ module clubb_intr
theta0 = 300._r8, & ! Reference temperature [K]
ts_nudge = 86400._r8, & ! Time scale for u/v nudging (not used) [s]
p0_clubb = 100000._r8
- integer, parameter :: &
+ integer, parameter :: &
sclr_dim = 0 ! Higher-order scalars, set to zero
real(r8), parameter :: &
wp3_const = 1._r8 ! Constant to add to wp3 when moments are advected
- real(r8), parameter :: &
+ real(r8), parameter :: &
wpthlp_const = 10.0_r8 ! Constant to add to wpthlp when moments are advected
- real(r8), parameter :: &
+ real(r8), parameter :: &
wprtp_const = 0.01_r8 ! Constant to add to wprtp when moments are advected
- real(r8), parameter :: &
+ real(r8), parameter :: &
rtpthlp_const = 0.01_r8 ! Constant to add to rtpthlp when moments are advected
real(r8), parameter :: unset_r8 = huge(1.0_r8)
integer, parameter :: unset_i = huge(1)
- ! Commonly used temperature for the melting temp of ice crystals [K]
- real(r8), parameter :: meltpt_temp = 268.15_r8
+ ! Commonly used temperature for the melting temp of ice crystals [K]
+ real(r8), parameter :: meltpt_temp = 268.15_r8
real(r8) :: clubb_timestep = unset_r8 ! Default CLUBB timestep, unless overwriten by namelist
real(r8) :: clubb_rnevap_effic = unset_r8
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ module clubb_intr
real(r8) :: clubb_detliq_rad = unset_r8
real(r8) :: clubb_detice_rad = unset_r8
real(r8) :: clubb_detphase_lowtemp = unset_r8
integer :: &
clubb_iiPDF_type, & ! Selected option for the two-component normal
! (double Gaussian) PDF type to use for the w, rt,
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ module clubb_intr
clubb_ipdf_call_placement = unset_i ! Selected option for the placement of the call to
logical :: &
clubb_l_use_precip_frac, & ! Flag to use precipitation fraction in KK microphysics. The
! precipitation fraction is automatically set to 1 when this
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ module clubb_intr
! that is linearized in terms of wp3.
! (Requires ADG1 PDF and clubb_l_standard_term_ta).
clubb_l_godunov_upwind_wpxp_ta, & ! This flag determines whether we want to use an upwind
- ! differencing approximation rather than a centered
- ! differencing for turbulent advection terms.
+ ! differencing approximation rather than a centered
+ ! differencing for turbulent advection terms.
! It affects wpxp only.
clubb_l_godunov_upwind_xpyp_ta, & ! This flag determines whether we want to use an upwind
! differencing approximation rather than a centered
@@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ module clubb_intr
clubb_l_damp_wp3_Skw_squared, & ! Set damping on wp3 to use Skw^2 rather than Skw^4
clubb_l_prescribed_avg_deltaz, & ! used in adj_low_res_nu. If .true., avg_deltaz = deltaz
clubb_l_update_pressure ! Flag for having CLUBB update pressure and exner
! Constant parameters
logical, parameter, private :: &
l_implemented = .true., & ! Implemented in a host model (always true)
l_host_applies_sfc_fluxes = .false. ! Whether the host model applies the surface fluxes
logical, parameter, private :: &
- apply_to_heat = .false. ! Apply WACCM energy fixer to heat or not (.true. = yes (duh))
+ apply_to_heat = .false. ! Apply WACCM energy fixer to heat or not (.true. = yes (duh))
logical :: lq(pcnst)
logical :: prog_modal_aero
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ module clubb_intr
integer :: history_budget_histfile_num
integer :: edsclr_dim ! Number of scalars to transport in CLUBB
integer :: offset
-! define physics buffer indicies here
+! define physics buffer indicies here
integer :: &
wp2_idx, & ! vertical velocity variances
wp3_idx, & ! third moment of vertical velocity
@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ module clubb_intr
naai_idx, & ! ice number concentration
prer_evap_idx, & ! rain evaporation rate
qrl_idx, & ! longwave cooling rate
- radf_idx, &
- qsatfac_idx, & ! subgrid cloud water saturation scaling factor
+ radf_idx, &
+ qsatfac_idx, & ! subgrid cloud water saturation scaling factor
ice_supersat_idx, & ! ice cloud fraction for SILHS
rcm_idx, & ! Cloud water mixing ratio for SILHS
ztodt_idx ! physics timestep for SILHS
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ module clubb_intr
pdf_zm_varnce_w_2_idx, &
- integer, public :: &
+ integer, public :: &
ixthlp2 = 0, &
ixwpthlp = 0, &
ixwprtp = 0, &
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ module clubb_intr
dnlfzm_idx = -1, & ! ZM detrained convective cloud water num concen.
dnifzm_idx = -1 ! ZM detrained convective cloud ice num concen.
- ! Output arrays for CLUBB statistics
+ ! Output arrays for CLUBB statistics
real(r8), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: out_zt, out_zm, out_radzt, out_radzm, out_sfc
character(len=16) :: eddy_scheme ! Default set in phys_control.F90
@@ -432,14 +432,14 @@ module clubb_intr
#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
type(pdf_parameter), target, allocatable, public, protected :: &
pdf_params_chnk(:) ! PDF parameters (thermo. levs.) [units vary]
type(pdf_parameter), target, allocatable :: pdf_params_zm_chnk(:) ! PDF parameters on momentum levs. [units vary]
type(implicit_coefs_terms), target, allocatable :: pdf_implicit_coefs_terms_chnk(:,:) ! PDF impl. coefs. & expl. terms [units vary]
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
@@ -458,12 +458,12 @@ subroutine clubb_register_cam( )
! Register physics buffer fields and constituents !
!------------------------------------------------ !
- ! Add CLUBB fields to pbuf
+ ! Add CLUBB fields to pbuf
use physics_buffer, only: pbuf_add_field, dtype_r8, dyn_time_lvls
use subcol_utils, only: subcol_get_scheme
call phys_getopts( eddy_scheme_out = eddy_scheme, &
- deep_scheme_out = deep_scheme, &
+ deep_scheme_out = deep_scheme, &
history_budget_out = history_budget, &
history_budget_histfile_num_out = history_budget_histfile_num )
subcol_scheme = subcol_get_scheme()
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ subroutine clubb_register_cam( )
cnst_names =(/'THLP2 ','RTP2 ','RTPTHLP','WPTHLP ','WPRTP ','WP2 ','WP3 ','UP2 ','VP2 '/)
! If CLUBB moments are advected, do not output them automatically which is typically done. Some moments
- ! need a constant added to them before they are advected, thus this would corrupt the output.
+ ! need a constant added to them before they are advected, thus this would corrupt the output.
! Users should refer to the "XXXX_CLUBB" (THLP2_CLUBB for instance) output variables for these moments
call cnst_add(trim(cnst_names(1)),0._r8,0._r8,0._r8,ixthlp2,longname='second moment vertical velocity',cam_outfld=.false.)
call cnst_add(trim(cnst_names(2)),0._r8,0._r8,0._r8,ixrtp2,longname='second moment rtp',cam_outfld=.false.)
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ subroutine clubb_register_cam( )
call pbuf_add_field('CMELIQ', 'physpkg',dtype_r8, (/pcols,pver/), cmeliq_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('QSATFAC', 'physpkg',dtype_r8, (/pcols,pver/), qsatfac_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('WP2_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), wp2_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('WP3_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), wp3_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('WPTHLP_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), wpthlp_idx)
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ subroutine clubb_register_cam( )
call pbuf_add_field('RTP2_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), rtp2_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('THLP2_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), thlp2_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('UP2_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), up2_idx)
- call pbuf_add_field('VP2_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), vp2_idx)
+ call pbuf_add_field('VP2_nadv', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), vp2_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('RTP3', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), rtp3_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('THLP3', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), thlp3_idx)
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ subroutine clubb_register_cam( )
call pbuf_add_field('pdf_zm_var_w_2', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), pdf_zm_varnce_w_2_idx)
call pbuf_add_field('pdf_zm_mixt_frac', 'global', dtype_r8, (/pcols,pverp,dyn_time_lvls/), pdf_zm_mixt_frac_idx)
end subroutine clubb_register_cam
! =============================================================================== !
@@ -587,14 +587,14 @@ function clubb_implements_cnst(name)
end function clubb_implements_cnst
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
subroutine clubb_init_cnst(name, latvals, lonvals, mask, q)
#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
- use clubb_api_module, only: w_tol_sqd, rt_tol, thl_tol
+ use clubb_api_module, only: w_tol_sqd, rt_tol, thl_tol
!----------------------------------------------------------------------- !
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ subroutine clubb_init_cnst(name, latvals, lonvals, mask, q)
end subroutine clubb_init_cnst
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
use spmd_utils, only: mpicom, mstrid=>masterprocid, mpi_logical, mpi_real8, &
use clubb_mf, only: clubb_mf_readnl
use clubb_api_module, only: &
set_default_clubb_config_flags_api, & ! Procedure(s)
initialize_clubb_config_flags_type_api, &
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
character(len=*), parameter :: sub = 'clubb_readnl'
- logical :: clubb_history = .false., clubb_rad_history = .false. ! Stats enabled (T/F)
+ logical :: clubb_history = .false., clubb_rad_history = .false. ! Stats enabled (T/F)
logical :: clubb_cloudtop_cooling = .false., clubb_rainevap_turb = .false.
integer :: iunit, read_status, ierr
@@ -728,20 +728,20 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
clubb_l_use_C11_Richardson, clubb_l_use_shear_Richardson, &
clubb_l_brunt_vaisala_freq_moist, clubb_l_use_thvm_in_bv_freq, &
clubb_l_rcm_supersat_adj, clubb_l_damp_wp3_Skw_squared, &
- clubb_l_lmm_stepping, &
- clubb_l_e3sm_config, &
+ clubb_l_lmm_stepping, &
+ clubb_l_e3sm_config, &
clubb_l_use_tke_in_wp3_pr_turb_term, clubb_l_use_tke_in_wp2_wp3_K_dfsn, &
!----- Begin Code -----
- ! Determine if we want clubb_history to be output
+ ! Determine if we want clubb_history to be output
clubb_history = .false. ! Initialize to false
l_stats = .false. ! Initialize to false
l_output_rad_files = .false. ! Initialize to false
do_cldcool = .false. ! Initialize to false
do_rainturb = .false. ! Initialize to false
! Initialize namelist variables to clubb defaults
call set_default_clubb_config_flags_api( clubb_iiPDF_type, & ! Out
clubb_ipdf_call_placement, & ! Out
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
call mpi_bcast(clubb_c_K10, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_c_K10")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_c_K10h, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_c_K10h")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_c_K10h")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_beta, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_beta")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C2rt, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
@@ -928,21 +928,21 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
call mpi_bcast(clubb_do_energyfix, 1, mpi_logical, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_do_energyfix")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_bkgnd, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_bkgnd")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_bkgnd")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_sfc, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_sfc")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_sfc")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_shear, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_shear")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_shear")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wp2, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wp2")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wp2")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_xp2, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_xp2")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_xp2")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wpxp, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wpxp")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wpxp")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_clear_wp3, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
- if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_clear_wp3")
+ if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_clear_wp3")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_lmin_coef, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: mpi_bcast: clubb_lmin_coef")
call mpi_bcast(clubb_skw_max_mag, 1, mpi_real8, mstrid, mpicom, ierr)
@@ -1017,10 +1017,10 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
! Overwrite defaults if they are true
if (clubb_history) l_stats = .true.
- if (clubb_rad_history) l_output_rad_files = .true.
+ if (clubb_rad_history) l_output_rad_files = .true.
if (clubb_cloudtop_cooling) do_cldcool = .true.
if (clubb_rainevap_turb) do_rainturb = .true.
! Check that all namelists have been set
if(clubb_timestep == unset_r8) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: clubb_timestep is not set")
if(clubb_rnevap_effic == unset_r8) call endrun(sub//": FATAL:clubb_rnevap_effic is not set")
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
if(clubb_detice_rad == unset_r8) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: clubb_detice_rad not set")
if(clubb_ipdf_call_placement == unset_i) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: clubb_ipdf_call_placement not set")
if(clubb_detphase_lowtemp == unset_r8) call endrun(sub//": FATAL: clubb_detphase_lowtemp not set")
- if(clubb_detphase_lowtemp >= meltpt_temp) &
+ if(clubb_detphase_lowtemp >= meltpt_temp) &
call endrun(sub//": ERROR: clubb_detphase_lowtemp must be less than 268.15 K")
call initialize_clubb_config_flags_type_api( clubb_iiPDF_type, & ! In
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ subroutine clubb_readnl(nlfile)
clubb_l_e3sm_config, & ! In
clubb_l_vary_convect_depth, & ! In
clubb_l_use_tke_in_wp3_pr_turb_term, & ! In
- clubb_l_use_tke_in_wp2_wp3_K_dfsn, & ! In
+ clubb_l_use_tke_in_wp2_wp3_K_dfsn, & ! In
clubb_l_smooth_Heaviside_tau_wpxp, & ! In
clubb_config_flags ) ! Out
@@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
real(kind=time_precision) :: dum1, dum2, dum3
! The similar name to clubb_history is unfortunate...
logical :: history_amwg, history_clubb
@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
pdf_params_chnk(begchunk:endchunk), &
pdf_params_zm_chnk(begchunk:endchunk), &
pdf_implicit_coefs_terms_chnk(pcols,begchunk:endchunk) )
do j = 1, pcols, 1
do l = begchunk, endchunk, 1
call init_pdf_implicit_coefs_terms_api( pverp+1-top_lev, sclr_dim, &
@@ -1283,10 +1283,10 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
enddo ! j = 1, pcols, 1
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
- ! Determine how many constituents CLUBB will transport. Note that
- ! CLUBB does not transport aerosol consituents. Therefore, need to
+ ! Determine how many constituents CLUBB will transport. Note that
+ ! CLUBB does not transport aerosol consituents. Therefore, need to
! determine how many aerosols constituents there are and subtract that
- ! off of pcnst (the total consituents)
+ ! off of pcnst (the total consituents)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
call phys_getopts(prog_modal_aero_out=prog_modal_aero, &
@@ -1294,7 +1294,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
! Select variables to apply tendencies back to CAM
! Initialize all consituents to true to start
lq(1:pcnst) = .true.
edsclr_dim = pcnst
@@ -1308,12 +1308,12 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
if (prog_modal_aero) then
! Turn off modal aerosols and decrement edsclr_dim accordingly
call rad_cnst_get_info(0, nmodes=nmodes)
do m = 1, nmodes
call rad_cnst_get_mode_num_idx(m, lptr)
edsclr_dim = edsclr_dim-1
call rad_cnst_get_info(0, m, nspec=nspec)
do l = 1, nspec
call rad_cnst_get_mam_mmr_idx(m, l, lptr)
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
edsclr_dim = edsclr_dim-1
end do
end do
! In addition, if running with MAM, droplet number is transported
! in dropmixnuc, therefore we do NOT want CLUBB to apply transport
! tendencies to avoid double counted. Else, we apply tendencies.
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
l_stats_samp = .false.
l_grads = .false.
- ! Overwrite defaults if needbe
+ ! Overwrite defaults if needbe
if (l_stats) l_stats_samp = .true.
! Define physics buffers indexes
@@ -1354,7 +1354,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
ast_idx = pbuf_get_index('AST') ! Stratiform cloud fraction
alst_idx = pbuf_get_index('ALST') ! Liquid stratiform cloud fraction
aist_idx = pbuf_get_index('AIST') ! Ice stratiform cloud fraction
- qlst_idx = pbuf_get_index('QLST') ! Physical in-stratus LWC
+ qlst_idx = pbuf_get_index('QLST') ! Physical in-stratus LWC
qist_idx = pbuf_get_index('QIST') ! Physical in-stratus IWC
dp_frac_idx = pbuf_get_index('DP_FRAC') ! Deep convection cloud fraction
icwmrdp_idx = pbuf_get_index('ICWMRDP') ! In-cloud deep convective mixing ratio
@@ -1385,17 +1385,17 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Define number of tracers for CLUBB to diffuse
- ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
if (clubb_l_do_expldiff_rtm_thlm) then
offset = 2 ! diffuse temperature and moisture explicitly
- edsclr_dim = edsclr_dim + offset
+ edsclr_dim = edsclr_dim + offset
end if
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Setup CLUBB core
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Read in parameters for CLUBB. Just read in default values
call set_default_parameters_api( &
C1, C1b, C1c, C2rt, C2thl, C2rtthl, &
@@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
clubb_params )
! Fill in dummy arrays for height. Note that these are overwrote
- ! at every CLUBB step to physical values.
+ ! at every CLUBB step to physical values.
do k=1,nlev+1
zt_g(k) = ((k-1)*1000._r8)-500._r8 ! this is dummy garbage
zi_g(k) = (k-1)*1000._r8 ! this is dummy garbage
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
clubb_params(iC_invrs_tau_N2_xp2) = clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_xp2
clubb_params(iC_invrs_tau_N2_wpxp) = clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wpxp
clubb_params(iC_invrs_tau_N2_clear_wp3) = clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_clear_wp3
! Set up CLUBB core. Note that some of these inputs are overwritten
! when clubb_tend_cam is called. The reason is that heights can change
! at each time step, which is why dummy arrays are read in here for heights
@@ -1551,12 +1551,12 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Initialize eddy diffusivity module
ntop_eddy = 1 ! if >1, must be <= nbot_molec
nbot_eddy = pver ! currently always pver
call init_hb_diff( gravit, cpair, ntop_eddy, nbot_eddy, pref_mid, karman, eddy_scheme )
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Add output fields for the history files
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call addfld ('WPRCP_CLUBB', (/ 'ilev' /), 'A', 'W/m2', 'Liquid Water Flux')
call addfld ('CLOUDFRAC_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'fraction', 'Cloud Fraction')
call addfld ('RCMINLAYER_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'kg/kg', 'Cloud Water in Layer')
- call addfld ('CLOUDCOVER_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'fraction', 'Cloud Cover')
+ call addfld ('CLOUDCOVER_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'fraction', 'Cloud Cover')
call addfld ('WPTHVP_CLUBB', (/ 'ilev' /), 'A', 'W/m2', 'Buoyancy Flux')
call addfld ('RVMTEND_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'kg/kg /s', 'Water vapor tendency')
call addfld ('STEND_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'J/(kg s)', 'Static energy tendency')
@@ -1593,7 +1593,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call addfld ('UTEND_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm/s /s', 'U-wind Tendency')
call addfld ('VTEND_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm/s /s', 'V-wind Tendency')
call addfld ('ZT_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm', 'Thermodynamic Heights')
- call addfld ('ZM_CLUBB', (/ 'ilev' /), 'A', 'm', 'Momentum Heights')
+ call addfld ('ZM_CLUBB', (/ 'ilev' /), 'A', 'm', 'Momentum Heights')
call addfld ('UM_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm/s', 'Zonal Wind')
call addfld ('VM_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm/s', 'Meridional Wind')
call addfld ('WM_ZT_CLUBB', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'm/s', 'Vertical Velocity')
@@ -1611,8 +1611,8 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call addfld ('FQTENDICE', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'fraction', 'Frequency of Ice Saturation Adjustment')
call addfld ('DPDLFLIQ', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'kg/kg/s', 'Detrained liquid water from deep convection')
- call addfld ('DPDLFICE', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'kg/kg/s', 'Detrained ice from deep convection')
- call addfld ('DPDLFT', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'K/s', 'T-tendency due to deep convective detrainment')
+ call addfld ('DPDLFICE', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'kg/kg/s', 'Detrained ice from deep convection')
+ call addfld ('DPDLFT', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'K/s', 'T-tendency due to deep convective detrainment')
call addfld ('RELVAR', (/ 'lev' /), 'A', '-', 'Relative cloud water variance')
call addfld ('CLUBB_GRID_SIZE', horiz_only, 'A', 'm', 'Horizontal grid box size seen by CLUBB')
@@ -1652,7 +1652,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call addfld ( 'edmf_S_AWV' , (/ 'ilev' /), 'A', 'm2/s2' , 'Sum of a_i*w_i*v_i (EDMF)' )
call addfld ( 'edmf_thlflx' , (/ 'ilev' /), 'A', 'W/m2' , 'thl flux (EDMF)' )
call addfld ( 'edmf_qtflx' , (/ 'ilev' /), 'A', 'W/m2' , 'qt flux (EDMF)' )
- end if
+ end if
! Initialize statistics, below are dummy variables
dum1 = 300._r8
@@ -1660,13 +1660,13 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
dum3 = 300._r8
if (l_stats) then
do i=1, pcols
call stats_init_clubb( .true., dum1, dum2, &
nlev+1, nlev+1, nlev+1, dum3, &
stats_zt(i), stats_zm(i), stats_sfc(i), &
stats_rad_zt(i), stats_rad_zm(i))
- end do
+ end do
@@ -1676,12 +1676,12 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
end if
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Make all of this output default, this is not CLUBB history
! ----------------------------------------------------------------- !
- if (clubb_do_adv .or. history_clubb) then
+ if (clubb_do_adv .or. history_clubb) then
call add_default('RELVAR', 1, ' ')
call add_default('RHO_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
call add_default('UP2_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
@@ -1714,14 +1714,14 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call add_default('UTEND_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
call add_default('VTEND_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
call add_default('ZT_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
- call add_default('ZM_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
+ call add_default('ZM_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
call add_default('UM_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
call add_default('VM_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
call add_default('WM_ZT_CLUBB', 1, ' ')
call add_default('PBLH', 1, ' ')
call add_default('CONCLD', 1, ' ')
end if
if (history_amwg) then
call add_default('PBLH', 1, ' ')
end if
@@ -1750,10 +1750,10 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call add_default( 'edmf_qtflx' , 1, ' ')
end if
- if (history_budget) then
+ if (history_budget) then
call add_default('DPDLFLIQ', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
call add_default('DPDLFICE', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
- call add_default('DPDLFT', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
+ call add_default('DPDLFT', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
call add_default('STEND_CLUBB', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
call add_default('RCMTEND_CLUBB', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
call add_default('RIMTEND_CLUBB', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
@@ -1761,7 +1761,7 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call add_default('UTEND_CLUBB', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
call add_default('VTEND_CLUBB', history_budget_histfile_num, ' ')
end if
! --------------- !
! First step? !
@@ -1780,12 +1780,12 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, thlp2_idx, thl_tol**2)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, up2_idx, w_tol_sqd)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, vp2_idx, w_tol_sqd)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, rtp3_idx, 0.0_r8)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, thlp3_idx, 0.0_r8)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, up3_idx, 0.0_r8)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, vp3_idx, 0.0_r8)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, upwp_idx, 0.0_r8)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, vpwp_idx, 0.0_r8)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, wpthvp_idx, 0.0_r8)
@@ -1823,10 +1823,10 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, pdf_zm_mixt_frac_idx, 0.0_r8)
end if
! The following is physpkg, so it needs to be initialized every time
call pbuf_set_field(pbuf2d, fice_idx, 0.0_r8)
! --------------- !
! End !
! Initialization !
@@ -1834,21 +1834,21 @@ subroutine clubb_ini_cam(pbuf2d)
end subroutine clubb_ini_cam
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
state, ptend_all, pbuf, hdtime, &
- cmfmc, cam_in, &
+ cmfmc, cam_in, &
macmic_it, cld_macmic_num_steps,dlf, det_s, det_ice)
-! Description: Provide tendencies of shallow convection, turbulence, and
+! Description: Provide tendencies of shallow convection, turbulence, and
! macrophysics from CLUBB to CAM
! Author: Cheryl Craig, March 2011
! Modifications: Pete Bogenschutz, March 2011 and onward
! Origin: Based heavily on UWM clubb_init.F90
@@ -1864,12 +1864,12 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
use constituents, only: cnst_get_ind, cnst_type
use camsrfexch, only: cam_in_t
- use time_manager, only: is_first_step
+ use time_manager, only: is_first_step
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
use cam_logfile, only: iulog
use tropopause, only: tropopause_findChemTrop
use time_manager, only: get_nstep, is_first_restart_step
#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
use hb_diff, only: pblintd
use scamMOD, only: single_column,scm_clubb_iop_name
@@ -1907,13 +1907,13 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
use macrop_driver, only: liquid_macro_tend
use clubb_mf, only: integrate_mf
use perf_mod
implicit none
! --------------- !
! Input Auguments !
! --------------- !
@@ -1925,11 +1925,11 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
real(r8), intent(in) :: cmfmc(pcols,pverp) ! convective mass flux--m sub c [kg/m2/s]
integer, intent(in) :: cld_macmic_num_steps ! number of mac-mic iterations
integer, intent(in) :: macmic_it ! number of mac-mic iterations
! ---------------------- !
! Input-Output Auguments !
! ---------------------- !
type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer :: pbuf(:)
! ---------------------- !
@@ -1938,11 +1938,11 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
type(physics_ptend), intent(out) :: ptend_all ! package tendencies
- ! These two variables are needed for energy check
+ ! These two variables are needed for energy check
real(r8), intent(out) :: det_s(pcols) ! Integral of detrained static energy from ice
real(r8), intent(out) :: det_ice(pcols) ! Integral of detrained ice for energy check
! --------------- !
! Local Variables !
! --------------- !
@@ -1951,22 +1951,22 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
type(physics_state) :: state1 ! Local copy of state variable
type(physics_ptend) :: ptend_loc ! Local tendency from processes, added up to return as ptend_all
integer :: i, j, k, t, ixind, nadv
integer :: ixcldice, ixcldliq, ixnumliq, ixnumice, ixq
integer :: itim_old
integer :: ncol, lchnk ! # of columns, and chunk identifier
integer :: err_code ! Diagnostic, for if some calculation goes amiss.
- integer :: icnt
+ integer :: icnt
logical :: lq2(pcnst)
integer :: iter, ierr
integer :: clubbtop(pcols)
real(r8) :: frac_limit, ic_limit
- real(r8) :: dtime ! CLUBB time step [s]
+ real(r8) :: dtime ! CLUBB time step [s]
real(r8) :: edsclr_in(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev,edsclr_dim) ! Scalars to be diffused through CLUBB [units vary]
real(r8) :: wp2_in(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! vertical velocity variance (CLUBB) [m^2/s^2]
real(r8) :: wp3_in(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! third moment vertical velocity [m^3/s^3]
@@ -1993,7 +1993,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
real(r8) :: um_in(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! meridional wind [m/s]
real(r8) :: vm_in(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! zonal wind [m/s]
real(r8) :: pre_in(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! input for precip evaporation
- real(r8) :: rtp2_mc_out(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! total water tendency from rain evap
+ real(r8) :: rtp2_mc_out(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! total water tendency from rain evap
real(r8) :: thlp2_mc_out(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! thetal tendency from rain evap
real(r8) :: wprtp_mc_out(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev)
real(r8) :: wpthlp_mc_out(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev)
@@ -2025,15 +2025,15 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
real(r8) :: w_up_in_cloud_out(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev)
real(r8) :: zt_g(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! Thermodynamic grid of CLUBB [m]
real(r8) :: zi_g(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! Momentum grid of CLUBB [m]
- real(r8) :: zt_out(pcols,pverp) ! output for the thermo CLUBB grid [m]
+ real(r8) :: zt_out(pcols,pverp) ! output for the thermo CLUBB grid [m]
real(r8) :: zi_out(pcols,pverp) ! output for momentum CLUBB grid [m]
real(r8) :: fcor(pcols) ! Coriolis forcing [s^-1]
real(r8) :: sfc_elevation(pcols) ! Elevation of ground [m AMSL] [m]
real(r8) :: ubar ! surface wind [m/s]
- real(r8) :: ustar ! surface stress [m/s]
+ real(r8) :: ustar ! surface stress [m/s]
real(r8) :: z0 ! roughness height [m]
real(r8) :: thlm_forcing(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! theta_l forcing (thermodynamic levels) [K/s]
- real(r8) :: rtm_forcing(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! r_t forcing (thermodynamic levels) [(kg/kg)/s]
+ real(r8) :: rtm_forcing(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! r_t forcing (thermodynamic levels) [(kg/kg)/s]
real(r8) :: um_forcing(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! u wind forcing (thermodynamic levels) [m/s/s]
real(r8) :: vm_forcing(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! v wind forcing (thermodynamic levels) [m/s/s]
real(r8) :: rtm_ref(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! Initial profile of rtm [kg/kg]
@@ -2051,7 +2051,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
real(r8) :: wpthlp_sfc(pcols) ! w' theta_l' at surface [(m K)/s]
real(r8) :: wprtp_sfc(pcols) ! w' r_t' at surface [(kg m)/( kg s)]
real(r8) :: upwp_sfc(pcols) ! u'w' at surface [m^2/s^2]
- real(r8) :: vpwp_sfc(pcols) ! v'w' at surface [m^2/s^2]
+ real(r8) :: vpwp_sfc(pcols) ! v'w' at surface [m^2/s^2]
real(r8) :: sclrm_forcing(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev,sclr_dim) ! Passive scalar forcing [{units vary}/s]
real(r8) :: wpsclrp_sfc(pcols,sclr_dim) ! Scalar flux at surface [{units vary} m/s]
real(r8) :: edsclrm_forcing(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev,edsclr_dim)! Eddy passive scalar forcing [{units vary}/s]
@@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
real(r8) :: thl2_zt(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! CLUBB Theta-l variance on thermo levs [K^2]
real(r8) :: thl2_zt_out(pcols, pverp) ! CLUBB Theta-l variance on thermo levs
real(r8) :: wp2_zt(pcols,pverp+1-top_lev) ! CLUBB W variance on theromo levs [m^2/s^2]
- real(r8) :: wp2_zt_out(pcols, pverp)
+ real(r8) :: wp2_zt_out(pcols, pverp)
real(r8) :: dlf_liq_out(pcols, pverp) ! Detrained liquid water from ZM [kg/kg/s]
real(r8) :: dlf_ice_out(pcols, pverp) ! Detrained ice water from ZM [kg/kg/s]
real(r8) :: wm_zt_out(pcols, pverp) ! CLUBB mean W on thermo levs output [m/s]
@@ -2151,7 +2151,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! --------------- !
! Pointers !
! --------------- !
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: wp2 ! vertical velocity variance [m^2/s^2]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: wp3 ! third moment of vertical velocity [m^3/s^3]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: wpthlp ! turbulent flux of thetal [m/s K]
@@ -2201,16 +2201,16 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: qlst ! Physical in-stratus LWC [kg/kg]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: qist ! Physical in-stratus IWC [kg/kg]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: deepcu ! deep convection cloud fraction [fraction]
- real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: shalcu ! shallow convection cloud fraction [fraction]
+ real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: shalcu ! shallow convection cloud fraction [fraction]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: khzm ! CLUBB's eddy diffusivity of heat/moisture on momentum (i.e. interface) levels [m^2/s]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:) :: pblh ! planetary boundary layer height [m]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: tke ! turbulent kinetic energy [m^2/s^2]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: dp_icwmr ! deep convection in cloud mixing ratio [kg/kg]
- real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: ice_supersat_frac ! Cloud fraction of ice clouds (pverp)[fraction]
+ real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: ice_supersat_frac ! Cloud fraction of ice clouds (pverp)[fraction]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: relvar ! relative cloud water variance [-]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: accre_enhan ! accretion enhancement factor [-]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: naai
- real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: cmeliq
+ real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: cmeliq
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: cmfmc_sh ! Shallow convective mass flux--m subc (pcols,pverp) [kg/m2/s/]
real(r8), pointer, dimension(:,:) :: qsatfac
@@ -2287,12 +2287,12 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
intrinsic :: max
character(len=*), parameter :: subr='clubb_tend_cam'
type(pdf_parameter) :: pdf_params_single_col
type(grid) :: gr(pcols)
integer :: begin_height, end_height
type(nu_vertical_res_dep) :: nu_vert_res_dep(pcols) ! Vertical resolution dependent nu values
real(r8) :: lmin(pcols)
@@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
frac_limit = 0.01_r8
ic_limit = 1.e-12_r8
- if (clubb_do_adv) then
+ if (clubb_do_adv) then
apply_const = 1._r8 ! Initialize to one, only if CLUBB's moments are advected
apply_const = 0._r8 ! Never want this if CLUBB's moments are not advected
@@ -2365,7 +2365,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! Determine time step of physics buffer
itim_old = pbuf_old_tim_idx()
- ! Establish associations between pointers and physics buffer fields
+ ! Establish associations between pointers and physics buffer fields
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, wp2_idx, wp2, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pverp,1/))
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, wp3_idx, wp3, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pverp,1/))
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, wpthlp_idx, wpthlp, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pverp,1/))
@@ -2410,7 +2410,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, rtm_idx, rtm, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pverp,1/))
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, um_idx, um, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pverp,1/))
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, vm_idx, vm, start=(/1,1,itim_old/), kount=(/pcols,pverp,1/))
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, tke_idx, tke)
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, qrl_idx, qrl)
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, radf_idx, radf_clubb)
@@ -2444,10 +2444,10 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, wprtp_mc_zt_idx, wprtp_mc_zt)
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, wpthlp_mc_zt_idx, wpthlp_mc_zt)
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, rtpthlp_mc_zt_idx, rtpthlp_mc_zt)
! Allocate arrays in the single column versions of pdf_params
call init_pdf_params_api( pverp+1-top_lev, 1, pdf_params_single_col )
! Allocate pdf_params only if they aren't allocated already.
if ( .not. allocated(pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%mixt_frac) ) then
call init_pdf_params_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, pdf_params_chnk(lchnk) )
@@ -2456,15 +2456,15 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! Initialize the apply_const variable (note special logic is due to eularian backstepping)
if (clubb_do_adv .and. (is_first_step() .or. all(wpthlp(1:ncol,1:pver) == 0._r8))) then
- apply_const = 0._r8 ! On first time through do not remove constant
- ! from moments since it has not been added yet
+ apply_const = 0._r8 ! On first time through do not remove constant
+ ! from moments since it has not been added yet
end if
! Set the ztodt timestep in pbuf for SILHS
ztodtptr(:) = 1.0_r8*hdtime
! Define the grid box size. CLUBB needs this information to determine what
- ! the maximum length scale should be. This depends on the column for
+ ! the maximum length scale should be. This depends on the column for
! variable mesh grids and lat-lon grids
if (single_column) then
! If single column specify grid box size to be something
@@ -2472,7 +2472,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
grid_dx(:) = 100000._r8
grid_dy(:) = 100000._r8
call grid_size(state1, grid_dx, grid_dy)
end if
@@ -2487,11 +2487,11 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
lq2(1) = .TRUE.
lq2(ixcldice) = .TRUE.
lq2(ixnumice) = .TRUE.
latsub = latvap + latice
call physics_ptend_init(ptend_loc, state%psetcols, 'iceadj', ls=.true., lq=lq2 )
@@ -2505,9 +2505,9 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! update local copy of state with the tendencies
- ptend_loc%q(:ncol,top_lev:pver,ixcldice)=qitend(:ncol,top_lev:pver)
+ ptend_loc%q(:ncol,top_lev:pver,ixcldice)=qitend(:ncol,top_lev:pver)
- ptend_loc%s(:ncol,top_lev:pver)=stend(:ncol,top_lev:pver)
+ ptend_loc%s(:ncol,top_lev:pver)=stend(:ncol,top_lev:pver)
! Add the ice tendency to the output tendency
call physics_ptend_sum(ptend_loc, ptend_all, ncol)
@@ -2521,61 +2521,61 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
call outfld( 'QVTENDICE', qvtend, pcols, lchnk )
call outfld( 'QITENDICE', qitend, pcols, lchnk )
call outfld( 'NITENDICE', initend, pcols, lchnk )
end if
! Determine CLUBB time step and make it sub-step friendly
- ! For now we want CLUBB time step to be 5 min since that is
+ ! For now we want CLUBB time step to be 5 min since that is
! what has been scientifically validated. However, there are certain
- ! instances when a 5 min time step will not be possible (based on
+ ! instances when a 5 min time step will not be possible (based on
! host model time step or on macro-micro sub-stepping
- dtime = clubb_timestep
- ! Now check to see if dtime is greater than the host model
- ! (or sub stepped) time step. If it is, then simply
- ! set it equal to the host (or sub step) time step.
+ dtime = clubb_timestep
+ ! Now check to see if dtime is greater than the host model
+ ! (or sub stepped) time step. If it is, then simply
+ ! set it equal to the host (or sub step) time step.
! This section is mostly to deal with small host model
! time steps (or small sub-steps)
if (dtime > hdtime) then
dtime = hdtime
end if
! Now check to see if CLUBB time step divides evenly into
! the host model time step. If not, force it to divide evenly.
! We also want it to be 5 minutes or less. This section is
! mainly for host model time steps that are not evenly divisible
- ! by 5 minutes
+ ! by 5 minutes
if (mod(hdtime,dtime) .ne. 0) then
dtime = hdtime/2._r8
- do while (dtime > clubb_timestep)
+ do while (dtime > clubb_timestep)
dtime = dtime/2._r8
end do
end if
! If resulting host model time step and CLUBB time step do not divide evenly
- ! into each other, have model throw a fit.
+ ! into each other, have model throw a fit.
if (mod(hdtime,dtime) .ne. 0) then
call endrun(subr//': CLUBB time step and HOST time step NOT compatible')
end if
- ! determine number of timesteps CLUBB core should be advanced,
- ! host time step divided by CLUBB time step
+ ! determine number of timesteps CLUBB core should be advanced,
+ ! host time step divided by CLUBB time step
nadv = max(hdtime/dtime,1._r8)
! Initialize forcings for transported scalars to zero
sclrm_forcing(:,:,:) = 0._r8
edsclrm_forcing(:,:,:) = 0._r8
sclrm(:,:,:) = 0._r8
! Compute inverse exner function consistent with CLUBB's definition, which uses a constant
- ! surface pressure. CAM's exner (in state) does not. Therefore, for consistent
- ! treatment with CLUBB code, anytime exner is needed to treat CLUBB variables
+ ! surface pressure. CAM's exner (in state) does not. Therefore, for consistent
+ ! treatment with CLUBB code, anytime exner is needed to treat CLUBB variables
! (such as thlm), use "inv_exner_clubb" otherwise use the exner in state
do k=1,pver
@@ -2589,9 +2589,9 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
do i=1,ncol
inv_exner_clubb_surf(i) = 1._r8/((state1%pmid(i,pver)/p0_clubb)**(rairv(i,pver,lchnk)/cpairv(i,pver,lchnk)))
- ! At each CLUBB call, initialize mean momentum and thermo CLUBB state
- ! from the CAM state
+ ! At each CLUBB call, initialize mean momentum and thermo CLUBB state
+ ! from the CAM state
do k=1,pver ! loop over levels
do i=1,ncol ! loop over columns
@@ -2604,11 +2604,11 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
* inv_exner_clubb(i,k)
if (clubb_do_adv) then
- if (macmic_it == 1) then
+ if (macmic_it == 1) then
- ! Note that some of the moments below can be positive or negative.
- ! Remove a constant that was added to prevent dynamics from clipping
- ! them to prevent dynamics from making them positive.
+ ! Note that some of the moments below can be positive or negative.
+ ! Remove a constant that was added to prevent dynamics from clipping
+ ! them to prevent dynamics from making them positive.
thlp2(i,k) = state1%q(i,k,ixthlp2)
rtp2(i,k) = state1%q(i,k,ixrtp2)
rtpthlp(i,k) = state1%q(i,k,ixrtpthlp) - (rtpthlp_const*apply_const)
@@ -2623,12 +2623,12 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
if (clubb_do_adv) then
- ! If not last step of macmic loop then set apply_const back to
- ! zero to prevent output from being corrupted.
- if (macmic_it == cld_macmic_num_steps) then
- apply_const = 1._r8
+ ! If not last step of macmic loop then set apply_const back to
+ ! zero to prevent output from being corrupted.
+ if (macmic_it == cld_macmic_num_steps) then
+ apply_const = 1._r8
apply_const = 0._r8
end if
@@ -2638,8 +2638,8 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
um(1:ncol,pverp) = state1%u(1:ncol,pver)
vm(1:ncol,pverp) = state1%v(1:ncol,pver)
thlm(1:ncol,pverp) = thlm(1:ncol,pver)
- if (clubb_do_adv) then
+ if (clubb_do_adv) then
@@ -2679,24 +2679,24 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
s_awv_output(:,:) = 0._r8
mf_thlflx_output(:,:) = 0._r8
mf_qtflx_output(:,:) = 0._r8
call t_startf("clubb_tend_cam_i_loop")
! Determine Coriolis force at given latitude. This is never used
! when CLUBB is implemented in a host model, therefore just set
! to zero.
- fcor(:) = 0._r8
+ fcor(:) = 0._r8
! Define the CLUBB momentum grid (in height, units of m)
do k=1, nlev+1
- do i=1, ncol
+ do i=1, ncol
zi_g(i,k) = state1%zi(i,pverp-k+1)-state1%zi(i,pver+1)
- end do
+ end do
end do
! Define the CLUBB thermodynamic grid (in units of m)
do k=1, nlev
- do i=1, ncol
+ do i=1, ncol
zt_g(i,k+1) = state1%zm(i,pver-k+1)-state1%zi(i,pver+1)
end do
end do
@@ -2706,18 +2706,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
dz_g(i,k) = state1%zi(i,k)-state1%zi(i,k+1) ! compute thickness
end do
end do
- ! Thermodynamic ghost point is below surface
+ ! Thermodynamic ghost point is below surface
do i=1, ncol
zt_g(i,1) = -1._r8*zt_g(i,2)
end do
do i=1, ncol
! Set the elevation of the surface
sfc_elevation(i) = state1%zi(i,pver+1)
end do
- ! Compute thermodynamic stuff needed for CLUBB on thermo levels.
+ ! Compute thermodynamic stuff needed for CLUBB on thermo levels.
! Inputs for the momentum levels are set below setup_clubb core
do k=1,nlev
do i=1, ncol
@@ -2731,18 +2731,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
invrs_rho_ds_zt(i,k+1) = 1._r8/(rho_ds_zt(i,k+1))
! full state (moist) variables
- p_in_Pa(i,k+1) = state1%pmid(i,pver-k+1)
+ p_in_Pa(i,k+1) = state1%pmid(i,pver-k+1)
exner(i,k+1) = 1._r8/inv_exner_clubb(i,pver-k+1)
thv(i,k+1) = state1%t(i,pver-k+1)*inv_exner_clubb(i,pver-k+1)*(1._r8+zvir*state1%q(i,pver-k+1,ixq) &
rho_zt(i,k+1) = rga*state1%pdel(i,pver-k+1)/dz_g(i,pver-k+1)
- rfrzm(i,k+1) = state1%q(i,pver-k+1,ixcldice)
+ rfrzm(i,k+1) = state1%q(i,pver-k+1,ixcldice)
radf(i,k+1) = radf_clubb(i,pver-k+1)
qrl_clubb(i,k+1) = qrl(i,pver-k+1)/(cpairv(i,k,lchnk)*state1%pdel(i,pver-k+1))
end do
end do
- ! Compute mean w wind on thermo grid, convert from omega to w
+ ! Compute mean w wind on thermo grid, convert from omega to w
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,ncol
wm_zt(i,k+1) = -1._r8*(state1%omega(i,pver-k+1)-state1%omega(i,pver))/(rho_zt(i,k+1)*gravit)
@@ -2767,8 +2767,8 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
qrl_clubb(i,1) = qrl_clubb(i,2)
wm_zt(i,1) = wm_zt(i,2)
end do
! ------------------------------------------------- !
! Begin case specific code for SCAM cases. !
! This section of code block is NOT called in !
@@ -2786,21 +2786,21 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! Compute surface wind (ubar)
ubar = sqrt(um(1,pver)**2+vm(1,pver)**2)
if (ubar < 0.25_r8) ubar = 0.25_r8
! Below denotes case specifics for surface momentum
! and thermodynamic fluxes, depending on the case
- ! Define ustar (based on case, if not variable)
+ ! Define ustar (based on case, if not variable)
ustar = 0.25_r8 ! Initialize ustar in case no case
if(trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'BOMEX_5day') then
ustar = 0.28_r8
end if
if(trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'ATEX_48hr') then
ustar = 0.30_r8
end if
if(trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'RICO_3day') then
ustar = 0.28_r8
end if
@@ -2808,23 +2808,23 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
if(trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'arm97' .or. trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'gate' .or. &
trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'toga' .or. trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'mpace' .or. &
trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'ARM_CC') then
bflx22(1) = (gravit/theta0)*wpthlp_sfc(1)
- ustar = diag_ustar(zt_g(1,2),bflx22(1),ubar,zo(1))
+ ustar = diag_ustar(zt_g(1,2),bflx22(1),ubar,zo(1))
end if
- ! Compute the surface momentum fluxes, if this is a SCAM simulation
+ ! Compute the surface momentum fluxes, if this is a SCAM simulation
upwp_sfc(1) = -um(1,pver)*ustar**2/ubar
vpwp_sfc(1) = -vm(1,pver)*ustar**2/ubar
end if
- ! Define surface sources for transported variables for diffusion, will
+ ! Define surface sources for transported variables for diffusion, will
! be zero as these tendencies are done in vertical_diffusion
do ixind=1,edsclr_dim
do i=1,ncol
wpedsclrp_sfc(i,ixind) = 0._r8
- end do
+ end do
end do
! Set stats output and increment equal to CLUBB and host dt
@@ -2833,10 +2833,10 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
stats_nsamp = nint(stats_tsamp/dtime)
stats_nout = nint(stats_tout/dtime)
- ! Heights need to be set at each timestep. Therefore, recall
- ! setup_grid and setup_parameters for this.
+ ! Heights need to be set at each timestep. Therefore, recall
+ ! setup_grid and setup_parameters for this.
! Set-up CLUBB core at each CLUBB call because heights can change
! Important note: do not make any calls that use CLUBB grid-height
! operators (such as zt2zm_api, etc.) until AFTER the
@@ -2872,7 +2872,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
vm_ref(:,:) = 0.0_r8
ug(:,:) = 0.0_r8
vg(:,:) = 0.0_r8
! Add forcings for SILHS covariance contributions
rtp2_forcing(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, rtp2_mc_zt(1:ncol,:) )
thlp2_forcing(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, thlp2_mc_zt(1:ncol,:) )
@@ -2886,7 +2886,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
wprtp_mc_zt(:,:) = 0.0_r8
wpthlp_mc_zt(:,:) = 0.0_r8
rtpthlp_mc_zt(:,:) = 0.0_r8
! Compute some inputs from the thermodynamic grid
! to the momentum grid
@@ -2895,21 +2895,21 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
invrs_rho_ds_zm(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, invrs_rho_ds_zt(1:ncol,:))
thv_ds_zm(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, thv_ds_zt(1:ncol,:))
wm_zm(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wm_zt(1:ncol,:))
! Surface fluxes provided by host model
- do i=1,ncol
+ do i=1,ncol
wpthlp_sfc(i) = cam_in%shf(i)/(cpairv(i,pver,lchnk)*rho_zt(i,2))! Sensible heat flux
wpthlp_sfc(i) = wpthlp_sfc(i)*inv_exner_clubb_surf(i) ! Potential temperature flux
wprtp_sfc(i) = cam_in%cflx(i,1)/rho_zt(i,2) ! Moisture flux (check rho)
upwp_sfc(i) = cam_in%wsx(i)/rho_zt(i,2) ! Surface meridional momentum flux
- vpwp_sfc(i) = cam_in%wsy(i)/rho_zt(i,2) ! Surface zonal momentum flux
+ vpwp_sfc(i) = cam_in%wsy(i)/rho_zt(i,2) ! Surface zonal momentum flux
end do
! Need to flip arrays around for CLUBB core
do k=1,nlev+1
do i=1,ncol
- um_in(i,k) = um(i,pverp-k+1)
- vm_in(i,k) = vm(i,pverp-k+1)
+ um_in(i,k) = um(i,pverp-k+1)
+ vm_in(i,k) = vm(i,pverp-k+1)
upwp_in(i,k) = upwp(i,pverp-k+1)
vpwp_in(i,k) = vpwp(i,pverp-k+1)
wpthvp_in(i,k) = wpthvp(i,pverp-k+1)
@@ -2966,17 +2966,17 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
do i=1,ncol
rcm_inout(i,1) = rcm_inout(i,2)
end do
do k=2,nlev+1
do i=1,ncol
pre_in(i,k) = prer_evap(i,pverp-k+1)
end do
end do
do i=1,ncol
pre_in(i,1) = pre_in(i,2)
end do
! Initialize these to prevent crashing behavior
do k=1,nlev+1
do i=1,ncol
@@ -3003,7 +3003,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
end do
end do
end do
do ixind=1, hydromet_dim
do k=1, nlev+1
do i=1, ncol
@@ -3018,7 +3018,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! pressure,exner on momentum grid needed for mass flux calc.
if (do_clubb_mf) then
do k=1,pver
do i=1,ncol
kappa_zt(i,k+1) = (rairv(i,pver-k+1,lchnk)/cpairv(i,pver-k+1,lchnk))
@@ -3026,7 +3026,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
invrs_exner_zt(i,k+1) = inv_exner_clubb(i,pver-k+1)
end do
end do
do i=1,ncol
kappa_zt(i,1) = kappa_zt(i,2)
qc_zt(i,1) = qc_zt(i,2)
@@ -3034,21 +3034,21 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
end do
kappa_zm(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, kappa_zt(1:ncol,:))
do k=1,pverp
do i=1,ncol
p_in_Pa_zm(i,k) = state1%pint(i,pverp-k+1)
invrs_exner_zm(i,k) = 1._r8/((p_in_Pa_zm(i,k)/p0_clubb)**(kappa_zm(i,k)))
end do
end do
end if
if (clubb_do_adv) then
if (macmic_it == 1) then
- wp2_in(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wp2_in(1:ncol,:))
+ wp2_in(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wp2_in(1:ncol,:))
wpthlp_in(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wpthlp_in(1:ncol,:))
wprtp_in(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wprtp_in(1:ncol,:))
up2_in(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, up2_in(1:ncol,:))
@@ -3066,49 +3066,49 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
vp2_in(i,k) = max(w_tol_sqd,vp2_in(i,k))
end do
end do
end if
end if
- ! Do the same for tracers
+ ! Do the same for tracers
do ixind=1,pcnst
- if (lq(ixind)) then
+ if (lq(ixind)) then
icnt = icnt+1
do k=1,nlev
do i=1,ncol
edsclr_in(i,k+1,icnt) = state1%q(i,pver-k+1,ixind)
end do
end do
do i=1,ncol
edsclr_in(i,1,icnt) = edsclr_in(i,2,icnt)
end do
end if
end do
- if (clubb_l_do_expldiff_rtm_thlm) then
+ if (clubb_l_do_expldiff_rtm_thlm) then
do k=1,nlev
do i=1, ncol
edsclr_in(i,k+1,icnt+1) = thlm(i,pver-k+1)
edsclr_in(i,k+1,icnt+2) = rtm(i,pver-k+1)
end do
end do
do i=1, ncol
edsclr_in(i,1,icnt+1) = edsclr_in(i,2,icnt+1)
- edsclr_in(i,1,icnt+2) = edsclr_in(i,2,icnt+2)
+ edsclr_in(i,1,icnt+2) = edsclr_in(i,2,icnt+2)
end do
end if
do t=1,nadv ! do needed number of "sub" timesteps for each CAM step
! Increment the statistics then being stats timestep
if (l_stats) then
call stats_begin_timestep_api(t, stats_nsamp, stats_nout)
@@ -3118,18 +3118,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
!###################### CALL MF DIAGNOSTIC PLUMES ######################
if (do_clubb_mf) then
do k=2,pverp
do i=1, ncol
dzt(i,k) = zi_g(i,k) - zi_g(i,k-1)
end do
end do
do i=1, ncol
dzt(i,1) = dzt(i,2)
invrs_dzt(i,:) = 1._r8/dzt(i,:)
end do
rtm_zm_in(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, rtm_in(1:ncol,:) )
thlm_zm_in(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api( pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, thlm_in(1:ncol,:) )
@@ -3158,19 +3158,19 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
rtm_forcing(i,1) = 0._r8
thlm_forcing(i,1)= 0._r8
end do
do k=2,pverp
do i=1, ncol
rtm_forcing(i,k) = rtm_forcing(i,k) - invrs_rho_ds_zt(i,k) * invrs_dzt(i,k) * &
((rho_ds_zm(i,k) * mf_qtflx(i,k)) - (rho_ds_zm(i,k-1) * mf_qtflx(i,k-1)))
thlm_forcing(i,k) = thlm_forcing(i,k) - invrs_rho_ds_zt(i,k) * invrs_dzt(i,k) * &
((rho_ds_zm(i,k) * mf_thlflx(i,k)) - (rho_ds_zm(i,k-1) * mf_thlflx(i,k-1)))
end do
end do
end if
! Arrays are allocated as if they have pcols grid columns, but there can be less.
! Only pass clubb_core the number of columns (ncol) with valid data.
! Advance CLUBB CORE one timestep in the future
@@ -3211,8 +3211,8 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
qclvar_out(:ncol,:), thlprcp_out(:ncol,:), &
wprcp_out(:ncol,:), w_up_in_cloud_out(:ncol,:), &
rcm_in_layer_out(:ncol,:), cloud_cover_out(:ncol,:), invrs_tau_zm_out(:ncol,:) )
! Note that CLUBB does not produce an error code specific to any column, and
! one value only for the entire chunk
if ( err_code == clubb_fatal_error ) then
@@ -3221,59 +3221,59 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
write(fstderr,*) "LON: Range:", state1%lon(1), " -- ", state1%lon(ncol)
call endrun(subr//': Fatal error in CLUBB library')
end if
if (do_rainturb) then
- do i=1, ncol
- rvm_in(i,:) = rtm_in(i,:) - rcm_inout(i,:)
+ do i=1, ncol
+ rvm_in(i,:) = rtm_in(i,:) - rcm_inout(i,:)
end do
- do i=1, ncol
+ do i=1, ncol
call copy_multi_pdf_params_to_single( pdf_params_chnk(lchnk), i, &
call update_xp2_mc_api( gr(i), nlev+1, dtime, cloud_frac_inout(i,:), &
rcm_inout(i,:), rvm_in(i,:), thlm_in(i,:), wm_zt(i,:), exner(i,:), pre_in(i,:), pdf_params_single_col, &
rtp2_mc_out(i,:), thlp2_mc_out(i,:), &
wprtp_mc_out(i,:), wpthlp_mc_out(i,:), &
end do
- do i=1, ncol
+ do i=1, ncol
dum1 = (1._r8 - cam_in%landfrac(i))
- ! update turbulent moments based on rain evaporation
+ ! update turbulent moments based on rain evaporation
rtp2_in(i,:) = rtp2_in(i,:) + clubb_rnevap_effic * dum1 * rtp2_mc_out(i,:) * dtime
- thlp2_in(i,:) = thlp2_in(i,:) + clubb_rnevap_effic * dum1 * thlp2_mc_out(i,:) * dtime
+ thlp2_in(i,:) = thlp2_in(i,:) + clubb_rnevap_effic * dum1 * thlp2_mc_out(i,:) * dtime
wprtp_in(i,:) = wprtp_in(i,:) + clubb_rnevap_effic * dum1 * wprtp_mc_out(i,:) * dtime
wpthlp_in(i,:) = wpthlp_in(i,:) + clubb_rnevap_effic * dum1 * wpthlp_mc_out(i,:) * dtime
end do
- end if
+ end if
if (do_cldcool) then
rcm_out_zm(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, rcm_inout(1:ncol,:))
qrl_zm(1:ncol,:) = zt2zm_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, qrl_clubb(1:ncol,:))
thlp2_rad_out(:,:) = 0._r8
do i=1, ncol
call calculate_thlp2_rad_api(nlev+1, rcm_out_zm(i,:), thlprcp_out(i,:), qrl_zm(i,:), clubb_params, &
end do
do i=1, ncol
thlp2_in(i,:) = thlp2_in(i,:) + thlp2_rad_out(i,:) * dtime
thlp2_in(i,:) = max(thl_tol**2,thlp2_in(i,:))
end do
end if
! Check to see if stats should be output, here stats are read into
! output arrays to make them conformable to CAM output
if (l_stats) then
@@ -3286,16 +3286,16 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
enddo ! end time loop
if (clubb_do_adv) then
- if (macmic_it == cld_macmic_num_steps) then
- wp2_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wp2_in(1:ncol,:))
+ if (macmic_it == cld_macmic_num_steps) then
+ wp2_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wp2_in(1:ncol,:))
wpthlp_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wpthlp_in(1:ncol,:))
wprtp_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wprtp_in(1:ncol,:))
up2_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, up2_in(1:ncol,:))
vp2_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, vp2_in(1:ncol,:))
thlp2_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, thlp2_in(1:ncol,:))
rtp2_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, rtp2_in(1:ncol,:))
- rtpthlp_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, rtpthlp_in(1:ncol,:))
+ rtpthlp_in(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, rtpthlp_in(1:ncol,:))
do k=1,nlev+1
do i=1, ncol
@@ -3306,16 +3306,16 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
vp2_in(i,k) = max(w_tol_sqd, vp2_in(i,k))
end do
end do
end if
end if
! Convert RTP2 and THLP2 to thermo grid for output
rtp2_zt(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, rtp2_in(1:ncol,:))
thl2_zt(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, thlp2_in(1:ncol,:))
wp2_zt(1:ncol,:) = zm2zt_api(pverp+1-top_lev, ncol, gr, wp2_in(1:ncol,:))
- ! Arrays need to be "flipped" to CAM grid
+ ! Arrays need to be "flipped" to CAM grid
do k=1, nlev+1
do i=1, ncol
um(i,pverp-k+1) = um_in(i,k)
@@ -3371,18 +3371,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
rtp2_zt_out(i,pverp-k+1) = rtp2_zt(i,k)
thl2_zt_out(i,pverp-k+1) = thl2_zt(i,k)
wp2_zt_out(i,pverp-k+1) = wp2_zt(i,k)
end do
end do
do k=1, nlev+1
do i=1, ncol
mean_rt = pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%mixt_frac(i,k) &
* pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%rt_1(i,k) &
+ ( 1.0_r8 - pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%mixt_frac(i,k) ) &
* pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%rt_2(i,k)
pdfp_rtp2(i,pverp-k+1) = pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%mixt_frac(i,k) &
* ( ( pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%rt_1(i,k) - mean_rt )**2 &
+ pdf_params_chnk(lchnk)%varnce_rt_1(i,k) ) &
@@ -3448,18 +3448,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
khzm(i,k) = 0._r8
qclvar(i,k) = 2._r8
end do
- end do
+ end do
! enforce zero tracer tendencies above the top_lev level -- no change
do ixind=1,pcnst
- if (lq(ixind)) then
+ if (lq(ixind)) then
do i=1, ncol
edsclr_out(i,:top_lev-1,icnt) = state1%q(i,:top_lev-1,ixind)
end do
end if
end do
@@ -3469,61 +3469,60 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! Section below is concentrated on energy fixing for conservation.
! There are two steps to this process. The first is to remove any tendencies
- ! CLUBB may have produced above where it is active due to roundoff.
+ ! CLUBB may have produced above where it is active due to roundoff.
! The second is to provider a fixer because CLUBB and CAM's thermodynamic
- ! variables are different.
+ ! variables are different.
! Initialize clubbtop with the chemistry topopause top, to prevent CLUBB from
- ! firing up in the stratosphere
+ ! firing up in the stratosphere
do i=1, ncol
clubbtop(i) = troplev(i)
do while ((rtp2(i,clubbtop(i)) <= 1.e-15_r8 .and. rcm(i,clubbtop(i)) == 0._r8) .and. clubbtop(i) < pver-1)
clubbtop(i) = clubbtop(i) + 1
- end do
+ end do
end do
! Compute static energy using CLUBB's variables
do k=1,pver
do i=1, ncol
clubb_s(i,k) = cpairv(i,k,lchnk) * thlm(i,k) / inv_exner_clubb(i,k) &
+ latvap * rcm(i,k) &
+ gravit * state1%zm(i,k) + state1%phis(i)
- end do
- end do
+ end do
+ end do
! Compute integrals above layer where CLUBB is active
se_upper_a(:) = 0._r8 ! energy in layers above where CLUBB is active AFTER CLUBB is called
se_upper_b(:) = 0._r8 ! energy in layers above where CLUBB is active BEFORE CLUBB is called
tw_upper_a(:) = 0._r8 ! total water in layers above where CLUBB is active AFTER CLUBB is called
tw_upper_b(:) = 0._r8 ! total water in layers above where CLUBB is active BEFORE CLUBB is called
do i=1, ncol
do k=1, clubbtop(i)
se_upper_a(i) = se_upper_a(i) + (clubb_s(i,k)+0.5_r8*(um(i,k)**2+vm(i,k)**2) &
+(latvap+latice)*(rtm(i,k)-rcm(i,k)) &
se_upper_b(i) = se_upper_b(i) + (state1%s(i,k)+0.5_r8*(state1%u(i,k)**2+state1%v(i,k)**2) &
+ (latvap+latice)*state1%q(i,k,ixq) &
+ (latice)*state1%q(i,k,ixcldliq))*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
tw_upper_a(i) = tw_upper_a(i) + rtm(i,k)*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
tw_upper_b(i) = tw_upper_b(i) + (state1%q(i,k,ixq) &
end do
end do
! Compute the disbalance of total energy and water in upper levels,
- ! divide by the thickness in the lower atmosphere where we will
+ ! divide by the thickness in the lower atmosphere where we will
! evenly distribute this disbalance
do i=1, ncol
se_upper_diss(i) = (se_upper_a(i) - se_upper_b(i))/(state1%pint(i,pverp)-state1%pint(i,clubbtop(i)+1))
tw_upper_diss(i) = (tw_upper_a(i) - tw_upper_b(i))/(state1%pint(i,pverp)-state1%pint(i,clubbtop(i)+1))
end do
! Perform a test to see if there will be any negative RTM errors
! in the column. If so, apply the disbalance to the surface
do i=1, ncol
@@ -3537,50 +3536,50 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
end do
end if
end do
do i=1, ncol
if (apply_to_surface(i)) then
tw_upper_diss(i) = (tw_upper_a(i) - tw_upper_b(i))/(state1%pint(i,pverp)-state1%pint(i,pver))
se_upper_diss(i) = (se_upper_a(i) - se_upper_b(i))/(state1%pint(i,pverp)-state1%pint(i,pver))
rtm(i,pver) = rtm(i,pver) + tw_upper_diss(i)*gravit
if (apply_to_heat) then
clubb_s(i,pver) = clubb_s(i,pver) + se_upper_diss(i)*gravit
end if
! Apply the disbalances above to layers where CLUBB is active
do k=clubbtop(i)+1, pver
rtm(i,k) = rtm(i,k) + tw_upper_diss(i)*gravit
if (apply_to_heat) then
clubb_s(i,k) = clubb_s(i,k) + se_upper_diss(i)*gravit
end if
end do
- end if
+ end if
end do
! Essentially "zero" out tendencies in the layers above where CLUBB is active
do i=1, ncol
do k=1, clubbtop(i)
if (apply_to_heat) clubb_s(i,k) = state1%s(i,k)
rcm(i,k) = state1%q(i,k,ixcldliq)
rtm(i,k) = state1%q(i,k,ixq) + rcm(i,k)
- end do
+ end do
end do
! Compute integrals for static energy, kinetic energy, water vapor, and liquid water
! after CLUBB is called. This is for energy conservation purposes.
se_a(:) = 0._r8
ke_a(:) = 0._r8
wv_a(:) = 0._r8
wl_a(:) = 0._r8
do k=1,pver
do i=1, ncol
se_a(i) = se_a(i) + clubb_s(i,k)*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
@@ -3588,14 +3587,14 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
wv_a(i) = wv_a(i) + (rtm(i,k)-rcm(i,k))*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
wl_a(i) = wl_a(i) + (rcm(i,k))*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
end do
- end do
+ end do
! Do the same as above, but for before CLUBB was called.
se_b(:) = 0._r8
ke_b(:) = 0._r8
wv_b(:) = 0._r8
- wl_b(:) = 0._r8
+ wl_b(:) = 0._r8
do k=1, pver
do i=1, ncol
se_b(i) = se_b(i) + state1%s(i,k)*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
@@ -3604,23 +3603,23 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
wl_b(i) = wl_b(i) + state1%q(i,k,ixcldliq)*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
end do
end do
do i=1, ncol
! Based on these integrals, compute the total energy before and after CLUBB call
te_a(i) = se_a(i) + ke_a(i) + (latvap+latice) * wv_a(i) + latice * wl_a(i)
te_b(i) = se_b(i) + ke_b(i) + (latvap+latice) * wv_b(i) + latice * wl_b(i)
! Take into account the surface fluxes of heat and moisture
! Use correct qflux from cam_in, not lhf/latvap as was done previously
- te_b(i) = te_b(i) + (cam_in%shf(i)+cam_in%cflx(i,1)*(latvap+latice)) * hdtime
+ te_b(i) = te_b(i) + (cam_in%shf(i)+cam_in%cflx(i,1)*(latvap+latice)) * hdtime
! Compute the disbalance of total energy, over depth where CLUBB is active
se_dis(i) = (te_a(i) - te_b(i))/(state1%pint(i,pverp)-state1%pint(i,clubbtop(i)+1))
end do
! Fix the total energy coming out of CLUBB so it achieves energy conservation.
- ! Apply this fixer throughout the column evenly, but only at layers where
+ ! Apply this fixer throughout the column evenly, but only at layers where
! CLUBB is active.
! NOTE: The energy fixer seems to cause the climate to change significantly
@@ -3635,12 +3634,12 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
se_dis(i) = -1._r8*se_dis(i)*gravit/cpairv(i,pver,lchnk)
end do
end if
! Now compute the tendencies of CLUBB to CAM, note that pverp is the ghost point
! for all variables and therefore is never called in this loop
rtm_integral_vtend(:) = 0._r8
rtm_integral_ltend(:) = 0._r8
do k=1, pver
do i=1, ncol
@@ -3655,17 +3654,17 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
end do
end do
if (clubb_do_adv) then
if (macmic_it == cld_macmic_num_steps) then
do k=1, pver
do i=1, ncol
- ! Here add a constant to moments which can be either positive or
+ ! Here add a constant to moments which can be either positive or
! negative. This is to prevent clipping when dynamics tries to
- ! make all constituents positive
+ ! make all constituents positive
wp3(i,k) = wp3(i,k) + wp3_const
rtpthlp(i,k) = rtpthlp(i,k) + rtpthlp_const
wpthlp(i,k) = wpthlp(i,k) + wpthlp_const
@@ -3674,18 +3673,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixthlp2) = (thlp2(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixthlp2)) / hdtime ! THLP Variance
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixrtp2) = (rtp2(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixrtp2)) / hdtime ! RTP Variance
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixrtpthlp) = (rtpthlp(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixrtpthlp)) / hdtime ! RTP THLP covariance
- ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixwpthlp) = (wpthlp(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixwpthlp)) / hdtime ! WPTHLP
+ ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixwpthlp) = (wpthlp(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixwpthlp)) / hdtime ! WPTHLP
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixwprtp) = (wprtp(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixwprtp)) / hdtime ! WPRTP
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixwp2) = (wp2(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixwp2)) / hdtime ! WP2
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixwp3) = (wp3(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixwp3)) / hdtime ! WP3
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixup2) = (up2(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixup2)) / hdtime ! UP2
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixvp2) = (vp2(i,k) - state1%q(i,k,ixvp2)) / hdtime ! VP2
end do
end do
do k=1, pver
do i=1, ncol
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixthlp2) = 0._r8
@@ -3696,16 +3695,16 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixwp2) = 0._r8
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixwp3) = 0._r8
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixup2) = 0._r8
- ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixvp2) = 0._r8
+ ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixvp2) = 0._r8
end do
end do
end if
end if
! Apply tendencies to ice mixing ratio, liquid and ice number, and aerosol constituents.
- ! Loading up this array doesn't mean the tendencies are applied.
+ ! Loading up this array doesn't mean the tendencies are applied.
! edsclr_out is compressed with just the constituents being used, ptend and state are not compressed
do ixind=1,pcnst
@@ -3716,17 +3715,17 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
(ixind /= ixrtpthlp) .and. (ixind /= ixwpthlp) .and.&
(ixind /= ixwprtp) .and. (ixind /= ixwp2) .and.&
(ixind /= ixwp3) .and. (ixind /= ixup2) .and. (ixind /= ixvp2) ) then
do k=1, pver
do i=1, ncol
- ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixind) = (edsclr_out(i,k,icnt)-state1%q(i,k,ixind))/hdtime ! transported constituents
+ ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixind) = (edsclr_out(i,k,icnt)-state1%q(i,k,ixind))/hdtime ! transported constituents
end do
end do
end if
end if
end do
call t_stopf("clubb_tend_cam_i_loop")
call outfld('KVH_CLUBB', khzm, pcols, lchnk)
@@ -3735,7 +3734,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
call outfld('ELEAK_CLUBB', eleak, pcols, lchnk)
call outfld('TFIX_CLUBB', se_dis, pcols, lchnk)
- ! Add constant to ghost point so that output is not corrupted
+ ! Add constant to ghost point so that output is not corrupted
if (clubb_do_adv) then
if (macmic_it == cld_macmic_num_steps) then
wp3(:,pverp) = wp3(:,pverp) + wp3_const
@@ -3743,7 +3742,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
wpthlp(:,pverp) = wpthlp(:,pverp) + wpthlp_const
wprtp(:,pverp) = wprtp(:,pverp) + wprtp_const
end if
- end if
+ end if
cmeliq(:,:) = ptend_loc%q(:,:,ixcldliq)
@@ -3752,44 +3751,44 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! and compute output, etc !
! ------------------------------------------------- !
- ! Output CLUBB tendencies
+ ! Output CLUBB tendencies
call outfld( 'RVMTEND_CLUBB', ptend_loc%q(:,:,ixq), pcols, lchnk)
call outfld( 'RCMTEND_CLUBB', ptend_loc%q(:,:,ixcldliq), pcols, lchnk)
call outfld( 'RIMTEND_CLUBB', ptend_loc%q(:,:,ixcldice), pcols, lchnk)
call outfld( 'STEND_CLUBB', ptend_loc%s,pcols, lchnk)
call outfld( 'UTEND_CLUBB', ptend_loc%u,pcols, lchnk)
- call outfld( 'VTEND_CLUBB', ptend_loc%v,pcols, lchnk)
+ call outfld( 'VTEND_CLUBB', ptend_loc%v,pcols, lchnk)
call outfld( 'CMELIQ', cmeliq, pcols, lchnk)
call physics_ptend_sum(ptend_loc,ptend_all,ncol)
call physics_update(state1,ptend_loc,hdtime)
- ! Due to the order of operation of CLUBB, which closes on liquid first,
- ! then advances it's predictive equations second, this can lead to
- ! RHliq > 1 directly before microphysics is called. Therefore, we use
- ! ice_macro_tend to enforce RHliq <= 1 everywhere before microphysics is called.
+ ! Due to the order of operation of CLUBB, which closes on liquid first,
+ ! then advances it's predictive equations second, this can lead to
+ ! RHliq > 1 directly before microphysics is called. Therefore, we use
+ ! ice_macro_tend to enforce RHliq <= 1 everywhere before microphysics is called.
if (clubb_do_liqsupersat) then
! -------------------------------------- !
! Ice Saturation Adjustment Computation !
! -------------------------------------- !
latsub = latvap + latice
lq2(:) = .FALSE.
lq2(ixq) = .TRUE.
lq2(ixcldliq) = .TRUE.
lq2(ixnumliq) = .TRUE.
call physics_ptend_init(ptend_loc, state%psetcols, 'iceadj', ls=.true., lq=lq2 )
call liquid_macro_tend(npccn(1:ncol,top_lev:pver), state1%t(1:ncol,top_lev:pver), &
state1%pmid(1:ncol,top_lev:pver), state1%q(1:ncol,top_lev:pver,ixq), &
state1%q(1:ncol,top_lev:pver,ixcldliq), state1%q(1:ncol,top_lev:pver,ixnumliq), &
@@ -3801,13 +3800,13 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! Add the ice tendency to the output tendency
call physics_ptend_sum(ptend_loc, ptend_all, ncol)
! ptend_loc is reset to zero by this call
call physics_update(state1, ptend_loc, hdtime)
! Write output for tendencies:
temp2d(:ncol,:pver) = stend(:ncol,:pver)/cpairv(:ncol,:pver,lchnk)
@@ -3815,18 +3814,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
call outfld( 'QVTENDICE', qvtend, pcols, lchnk )
call outfld( 'QCTENDICE', qctend, pcols, lchnk )
call outfld( 'NCTENDICE', inctend, pcols, lchnk )
where(qctend .ne. 0._r8)
fqtend = 1._r8
fqtend = 0._r8
end where
call outfld( 'FQTENDICE', fqtend, pcols, lchnk )
end if
+ ! ------------------------------------------------------------ !
! ------------------------------------------------------------ !
- ! ------------------------------------------------------------ !
! ------------------------------------------------------------ !
! The rest of the code deals with diagnosing variables !
! for microphysics/radiation computation and macrophysics !
@@ -3834,11 +3833,11 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! ------------------------------------------------------------ !
! ------------------------------------------------------------ !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Detrainment of convective condensate into the environment or stratiform cloud !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Initialize the shallow convective detrainment rate, will always be zero
dlf2(:,:) = 0.0_r8
@@ -3859,7 +3858,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, dnlfzm_idx, dnlfzm)
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, dnifzm_idx, dnifzm)
end if
do k=1,pver
do i=1,ncol
if( state1%t(i,k) > meltpt_temp ) then
@@ -3867,7 +3866,7 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
elseif ( state1%t(i,k) < dt_low ) then
dum1 = 1.0_r8
- dum1 = ( meltpt_temp - state1%t(i,k) ) / ( meltpt_temp - dt_low )
+ dum1 = ( meltpt_temp - state1%t(i,k) ) / ( meltpt_temp - dt_low )
end if
if (zmconv_microp) then
@@ -3879,21 +3878,21 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixnumice) = dnifzm(i,k) + 3._r8 * ( dlf2(i,k) * dum1 ) &
/ (4._r8*3.14_r8*di_rad**3*500._r8) ! Shallow Convection
ptend_loc%s(i,k) = dlf2(i,k) * dum1 * latice
- else
+ else
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixcldliq) = dlf(i,k) * ( 1._r8 - dum1 )
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixcldice) = dlf(i,k) * dum1
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixnumliq) = 3._r8 * ( max(0._r8, ( dlf(i,k) - dlf2(i,k) )) * ( 1._r8 - dum1 ) ) &
/ (4._r8*3.14_r8*dl_rad**3*997._r8) + & ! Deep Convection
3._r8 * ( dlf2(i,k) * ( 1._r8 - dum1 ) ) &
- / (4._r8*3.14_r8*10.e-6_r8**3*997._r8) ! Shallow Convection
+ / (4._r8*3.14_r8*10.e-6_r8**3*997._r8) ! Shallow Convection
ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixnumice) = 3._r8 * ( max(0._r8, ( dlf(i,k) - dlf2(i,k) )) * dum1 ) &
/ (4._r8*3.14_r8*di_rad**3*500._r8) + & ! Deep Convection
3._r8 * ( dlf2(i,k) * dum1 ) &
/ (4._r8*3.14_r8*50.e-6_r8**3*500._r8) ! Shallow Convection
ptend_loc%s(i,k) = dlf(i,k) * dum1 * latice
- dlf_liq_out(i,k) = dlf(i,k) * ( 1._r8 - dum1 )
+ dlf_liq_out(i,k) = dlf(i,k) * ( 1._r8 - dum1 )
dlf_ice_out(i,k) = dlf(i,k) * dum1
end if
@@ -3902,18 +3901,18 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! so that the energy checker doesn't complain.
det_s(i) = det_s(i) + ptend_loc%s(i,k)*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
det_ice(i) = det_ice(i) - ptend_loc%q(i,k,ixcldice)*state1%pdel(i,k)/gravit
det_ice(:ncol) = det_ice(:ncol)/1000._r8 ! divide by density of water
call outfld( 'DPDLFLIQ', ptend_loc%q(:,:,ixcldliq), pcols, lchnk)
call outfld( 'DPDLFICE', ptend_loc%q(:,:,ixcldice), pcols, lchnk)
temp2d(:ncol,:pver) = ptend_loc%s(:ncol,:pver)/cpairv(:ncol,:pver, lchnk)
call outfld( 'DPDLFT', temp2d, pcols, lchnk)
call outfld( 'DETNLIQTND', ptend_loc%q(:,:,ixnumliq),pcols, lchnk )
call physics_ptend_sum(ptend_loc,ptend_all,ncol)
@@ -3940,20 +3939,20 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
relvarmax = 10.0_r8
end if
relvar(:,:) = relvarmax ! default
- if (deep_scheme .ne. 'CLUBB_SGS') then
+ if (deep_scheme .ne. 'CLUBB_SGS') then
where (rcm(:ncol,:pver) /= 0 .and. qclvar(:ncol,:pver) /= 0) &
relvar(:ncol,:pver) = min(relvarmax,max(0.001_r8,rcm(:ncol,:pver)**2/qclvar(:ncol,:pver)))
end if
! ------------------------------------------------- !
! Optional Accretion enhancement factor !
- ! ------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! ------------------------------------------------- !
accre_enhan(:ncol,:pver) = 1._r8
! ------------------------------------------------- !
! Diagnose some output variables !
! ------------------------------------------------- !
@@ -3975,54 +3974,54 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
end if
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Diagnose some quantities that are computed in macrop_tend here. !
! These are inputs required for the microphysics calculation. !
! !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
- ! initialize variables
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! initialize variables
alst(:,:) = 0.0_r8
- qlst(:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ qlst(:,:) = 0.0_r8
do k=1,pver
do i=1,ncol
- alst(i,k) = cloud_frac(i,k)
+ alst(i,k) = cloud_frac(i,k)
qlst(i,k) = rcm(i,k)/max(0.01_r8,alst(i,k)) ! Incloud stratus condensate mixing ratio
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Initialize cloud fraction
deepcu(:,:) = 0.0_r8
shalcu(:,:) = 0.0_r8
do k=1,pver-1
do i=1,ncol
- ! diagnose the deep convective cloud fraction, as done in macrophysics based on the
- ! deep convective mass flux, read in from pbuf. Since shallow convection is never
+ ! diagnose the deep convective cloud fraction, as done in macrophysics based on the
+ ! deep convective mass flux, read in from pbuf. Since shallow convection is never
! called, the shallow convective mass flux will ALWAYS be zero, ensuring that this cloud
- ! fraction is purely from deep convection scheme.
+ ! fraction is purely from deep convection scheme.
deepcu(i,k) = max(0.0_r8,min(dp1*log(1.0_r8+dp2*(cmfmc(i,k+1)-cmfmc_sh(i,k+1))),0.6_r8))
shalcu(i,k) = 0._r8
if (deepcu(i,k) <= frac_limit .or. dp_icwmr(i,k) < ic_limit) then
deepcu(i,k) = 0._r8
end if
- ! using the deep convective cloud fraction, and CLUBB cloud fraction (variable
+ ! using the deep convective cloud fraction, and CLUBB cloud fraction (variable
! "cloud_frac"), compute the convective cloud fraction. This follows the formulation
- ! found in macrophysics code. Assumes that convective cloud is all nonstratiform cloud
+ ! found in macrophysics code. Assumes that convective cloud is all nonstratiform cloud
! from CLUBB plus the deep convective cloud fraction
concld(i,k) = min(cloud_frac(i,k)-alst(i,k)+deepcu(i,k),0.80_r8)
if (single_column) then
if (trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'ATEX_48hr' .or. &
trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'BOMEX_5day' .or. &
@@ -4030,20 +4029,20 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'DYCOMSrf02_06hr' .or. &
trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'RICO_3day' .or. &
trim(scm_clubb_iop_name) == 'ARM_CC') then
deepcu(:,:) = 0.0_r8
concld(:,:) = 0.0_r8
end if
end if
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! use the aist_vector function to compute the ice cloud fraction !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
aist(:,:top_lev-1) = 0._r8
- qsatfac(:, :) = 0._r8 ! Zero out entire profile in case qsatfac is left undefined in aist_vector below
+ qsatfac(:, :) = 0._r8 ! Zero out entire profile in case qsatfac is left undefined in aist_vector below
do k = top_lev, pver
@@ -4072,41 +4071,41 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
qsatfac_out=qsatfac(:,k), rhmini_in=rhmini, rhmaxi_in=rhmaxi)
end if
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! !
! For now leave the computation of ice stratus fraction from macrop_driver intact !
- ! because CLUBB does nothing with ice. Here I simply overwrite the liquid stratus !
+ ! because CLUBB does nothing with ice. Here I simply overwrite the liquid stratus !
! fraction that was coded in macrop_driver !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Recompute net stratus fraction using maximum over-lapping assumption, as done
! in macrophysics code, using alst computed above and aist read in from physics buffer
do k=1,pver
do i=1,ncol
ast(i,k) = max(alst(i,k),aist(i,k))
- qist(i,k) = state1%q(i,k,ixcldice)/max(0.01_r8,aist(i,k))
+ qist(i,k) = state1%q(i,k,ixcldice)/max(0.01_r8,aist(i,k))
- ! Probably need to add deepcu cloud fraction to the cloud fraction array, else would just
- ! be outputting the shallow convective cloud fraction
+ ! Probably need to add deepcu cloud fraction to the cloud fraction array, else would just
+ ! be outputting the shallow convective cloud fraction
do k=1,pver
do i=1,ncol
cloud_frac(i,k) = min(ast(i,k)+deepcu(i,k),1.0_r8)
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! this is needed for aerosol code !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
do i=1,ncol
do k=1,pver
!use local exner since state%exner is not a proper exner
@@ -4115,17 +4114,17 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
thv(i,k) = th(i,k)*(1.0_r8+zvir*state1%q(i,k,ixq) - state1%q(i,k,ixcldliq))
call calc_ustar( ncol, state1%t(1:ncol,pver), state1%pmid(1:ncol,pver), cam_in%wsx(1:ncol), cam_in%wsy(1:ncol), &
rrho(1:ncol), ustar2(1:ncol))
! use correct qflux from coupler
call calc_obklen( ncol, th(1:ncol,pver), thv(1:ncol,pver), cam_in%cflx(1:ncol,1), cam_in%shf(1:ncol), &
rrho(1:ncol), ustar2(1:ncol), kinheat(1:ncol), kinwat(1:ncol), kbfs(1:ncol), &
dummy2(:) = 0._r8
dummy3(:) = 0._r8
where (kbfs(:ncol) == -0.0_r8) kbfs(:ncol) = 0.0_r8
! Compute PBL depth according to Holtslag-Boville Scheme
@@ -4135,14 +4134,14 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
! Output the PBL depth
call outfld('PBLH', pblh, pcols, lchnk)
! Assign the first pver levels of cloud_frac back to cld
cld(:,1:pver) = cloud_frac(:,1:pver)
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! END CLOUD FRACTION DIAGNOSIS, begin to store variables back into buffer !
- ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
+ ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
! Output calls of variables goes here
call outfld( 'RELVAR', relvar, pcols, lchnk )
call outfld( 'RHO_CLUBB', rho(:,1:pver), pcols, lchnk )
@@ -4214,60 +4213,60 @@ subroutine clubb_tend_cam( &
end if
! Output CLUBB history here
- if (l_stats) then
+ if (l_stats) then
do j=1,stats_zt(1)%num_output_fields
temp1 = trim(stats_zt(1)%file%grid_avg_var(j)%name)
sub = temp1
if (len(temp1) > 16) sub = temp1(1:16)
call outfld(trim(sub), out_zt(:,:,j), pcols, lchnk )
do j=1,stats_zm(1)%num_output_fields
temp1 = trim(stats_zm(1)%file%grid_avg_var(j)%name)
sub = temp1
if (len(temp1) > 16) sub = temp1(1:16)
call outfld(trim(sub),out_zm(:,:,j), pcols, lchnk)
- if (l_output_rad_files) then
+ if (l_output_rad_files) then
do j=1,stats_rad_zt(1)%num_output_fields
call outfld(trim(stats_rad_zt(1)%file%grid_avg_var(j)%name), out_radzt(:,:,j), pcols, lchnk)
do j=1,stats_rad_zm(1)%num_output_fields
call outfld(trim(stats_rad_zm(1)%file%grid_avg_var(j)%name), out_radzm(:,:,j), pcols, lchnk)
end if
do j=1,stats_sfc(1)%num_output_fields
call outfld(trim(stats_sfc(1)%file%grid_avg_var(j)%name), out_sfc(:,:,j), pcols, lchnk)
end if
call t_stopf("clubb_tend_cam")
end subroutine clubb_tend_cam
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
! Saturation adjustment for ice
! Add ice mass if supersaturated
-subroutine ice_macro_tend(naai,t,p,qv,qi,ni,xxls,deltat,stend,qvtend,qitend,nitend,vlen)
+subroutine ice_macro_tend(naai,t,p,qv,qi,ni,xxls,deltat,stend,qvtend,qitend,nitend,vlen)
use wv_sat_methods, only: wv_sat_qsat_ice
integer, intent(in) :: vlen
- real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(in) :: naai !Activated number of ice nuclei
+ real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(in) :: naai !Activated number of ice nuclei
real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(in) :: t !temperature (k)
real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(in) :: p !pressure (pa)
real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(in) :: qv !water vapor mixing ratio
@@ -4275,11 +4274,11 @@ subroutine ice_macro_tend(naai,t,p,qv,qi,ni,xxls,deltat,stend,qvtend,qitend,nite
real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(in) :: ni !ice number concentration
real(r8), intent(in) :: xxls !latent heat of freezing
real(r8), intent(in) :: deltat !timestep
- real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(out) :: stend ! 'temperature' tendency
+ real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(out) :: stend ! 'temperature' tendency
real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(out) :: qvtend !vapor tendency
real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(out) :: qitend !ice mass tendency
- real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(out) :: nitend !ice number tendency
+ real(r8), dimension(vlen), intent(out) :: nitend !ice number tendency
real(r8) :: ESI(vlen)
real(r8) :: QSI(vlen)
integer :: i
@@ -4302,7 +4301,7 @@ subroutine ice_macro_tend(naai,t,p,qv,qi,ni,xxls,deltat,stend,qvtend,qitend,nite
qitend(i) = (qv(i)-QSI(i))/deltat
qvtend(i) = 0._r8 - qitend(i)
stend(i) = qitend(i) * xxls ! moist static energy tend...[J/kg/s] !
! if ice exists (more than 1 L-1) and there is condensation, do not add to number (= growth), else, add 10um ice
if (ni(i) < 1.e3_r8 .and. (qi(i)+qitend(i)*deltat) > 1.e-18_r8) then
nitend(i) = nitend(i) + 3._r8 * qitend(i)/(4._r8*3.14_r8* 10.e-6_r8**3*997._r8)
@@ -4336,7 +4335,7 @@ end subroutine ice_macro_tend
! Code writen March, 1999 by Bjorn Stevens
-real(r8) function diag_ustar( z, bflx, wnd, z0 )
+real(r8) function diag_ustar( z, bflx, wnd, z0 )
use shr_const_mod, only : shr_const_karman, shr_const_pi, shr_const_g
@@ -4405,59 +4404,59 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
! Description: Initializes the statistics saving functionality of
! the CLUBB model. This is for purpose of CAM-CLUBB interface. Here
! the traditional stats_init of CLUBB is not called, as it is not compatible
- ! with CAM output.
+ ! with CAM output.
use clubb_api_module, only: &
- ztscr01, &
- ztscr02, &
- ztscr03, &
- ztscr04, &
- ztscr05, &
- ztscr06, &
- ztscr07, &
- ztscr08, &
- ztscr09, &
- ztscr10, &
- ztscr11, &
- ztscr12, &
- ztscr13, &
- ztscr14, &
- ztscr15, &
- ztscr16, &
- ztscr17, &
- ztscr18, &
- ztscr19, &
- ztscr20, &
+ ztscr01, &
+ ztscr02, &
+ ztscr03, &
+ ztscr04, &
+ ztscr05, &
+ ztscr06, &
+ ztscr07, &
+ ztscr08, &
+ ztscr09, &
+ ztscr10, &
+ ztscr11, &
+ ztscr12, &
+ ztscr13, &
+ ztscr14, &
+ ztscr15, &
+ ztscr16, &
+ ztscr17, &
+ ztscr18, &
+ ztscr19, &
+ ztscr20, &
use clubb_api_module, only: &
- zmscr01, &
- zmscr02, &
- zmscr03, &
- zmscr04, &
- zmscr05, &
- zmscr06, &
- zmscr07, &
- zmscr08, &
- zmscr09, &
- zmscr10, &
- zmscr11, &
- zmscr12, &
- zmscr13, &
- zmscr14, &
+ zmscr01, &
+ zmscr02, &
+ zmscr03, &
+ zmscr04, &
+ zmscr05, &
+ zmscr06, &
+ zmscr07, &
+ zmscr08, &
+ zmscr09, &
+ zmscr10, &
+ zmscr11, &
+ zmscr12, &
+ zmscr13, &
+ zmscr14, &
zmscr15, &
zmscr16, &
zmscr17, &
l_stats, &
- l_output_rad_files, &
- stats_tsamp, &
- stats_tout, &
- l_stats_samp, &
- l_stats_last, &
- l_netcdf, &
+ l_output_rad_files, &
+ stats_tsamp, &
+ stats_tout, &
+ l_stats_samp, &
+ l_stats_last, &
+ l_netcdf, &
use clubb_api_module, only: time_precision, & !
@@ -4479,16 +4478,16 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
logical, intent(in) :: l_stats_in ! Stats on? T/F
- real(kind=time_precision), intent(in) :: &
+ real(kind=time_precision), intent(in) :: &
stats_tsamp_in, & ! Sampling interval [s]
stats_tout_in ! Output interval [s]
integer, intent(in) :: nnzp ! Grid points in the vertical [count]
- integer, intent(in) :: nnrad_zt ! Grid points in the radiation grid [count]
+ integer, intent(in) :: nnrad_zt ! Grid points in the radiation grid [count]
integer, intent(in) :: nnrad_zm ! Grid points in the radiation grid [count]
real(kind=time_precision), intent(in) :: delt ! Timestep (dtmain in CLUBB) [s]
! Output Variables
type (stats), intent(out) :: stats_zt, & ! stats_zt grid
stats_zm, & ! stats_zm grid
@@ -4509,11 +4508,11 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
character(len=var_length), dimension(nvarmax_rad_zm) :: clubb_vars_rad_zm ! Variables on the radiation levels
character(len=var_length), dimension(nvarmax_sfc) :: clubb_vars_sfc ! Variables at the model surface
- namelist /clubb_stats_nl/ &
- clubb_vars_zt, &
+ namelist /clubb_stats_nl/ &
+ clubb_vars_zt, &
clubb_vars_zm, &
clubb_vars_rad_zt, &
- clubb_vars_rad_zm, &
+ clubb_vars_rad_zm, &
! Local Variables
@@ -4531,7 +4530,7 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
! Set stats_variables variables with inputs from calling subroutine
l_stats = l_stats_in
stats_tsamp = stats_tsamp_in
stats_tout = stats_tout_in
@@ -4549,7 +4548,7 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
clubb_vars_rad_zm = ''
clubb_vars_sfc = ''
- ! Read variables to compute from the namelist
+ ! Read variables to compute from the namelist
if (masterproc) then
iunit= getunit()
@@ -4596,8 +4595,8 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
! Initialize zt (mass points)
i = 1
- do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_zt(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
- len_trim(clubb_vars_zt(i)) /= 0 .and. &
+ do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_zt(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
+ len_trim(clubb_vars_zt(i)) /= 0 .and. &
i <= nvarmax_zt )
i = i + 1
@@ -4619,7 +4618,7 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
allocate( stats_zt%accum_field_values( 1, 1, stats_zt%kk, stats_zt%num_output_fields ) )
allocate( stats_zt%accum_num_samples( 1, 1, stats_zt%kk, stats_zt%num_output_fields ) )
allocate( stats_zt%l_in_update( 1, 1, stats_zt%kk, stats_zt%num_output_fields ) )
call stats_zero( stats_zt%kk, stats_zt%num_output_fields, stats_zt%accum_field_values, &
stats_zt%accum_num_samples, stats_zt%l_in_update )
@@ -4682,8 +4681,8 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
! Initialize zm (momentum points)
i = 1
- do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_zm(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
- len_trim(clubb_vars_zm(i)) /= 0 .and. &
+ do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_zm(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
+ len_trim(clubb_vars_zm(i)) /= 0 .and. &
i <= nvarmax_zm )
i = i + 1
end do
@@ -4758,10 +4757,10 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
! Initialize rad_zt (radiation points)
if (l_output_rad_files) then
i = 1
- do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_rad_zt(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
- len_trim(clubb_vars_rad_zt(i)) /= 0 .and. &
+ do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_rad_zt(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
+ len_trim(clubb_vars_rad_zt(i)) /= 0 .and. &
i <= nvarmax_rad_zt )
i = i + 1
end do
@@ -4794,10 +4793,10 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
stats_rad_zt )
! Initialize rad_zm (radiation points)
i = 1
- do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_rad_zm(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
- len_trim(clubb_vars_rad_zm(i)) /= 0 .and. &
+ do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_rad_zm(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
+ len_trim(clubb_vars_rad_zm(i)) /= 0 .and. &
i <= nvarmax_rad_zm )
i = i + 1
end do
@@ -4825,7 +4824,7 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
allocate( stats_rad_zm%file%grid_avg_var( stats_rad_zm%num_output_fields ) )
allocate( stats_rad_zm%file%z( stats_rad_zm%kk ) )
call stats_init_rad_zm_api( clubb_vars_rad_zm, l_error, &
stats_rad_zm )
end if ! l_output_rad_files
@@ -4834,8 +4833,8 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
! Initialize sfc (surface point)
i = 1
- do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_sfc(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
- len_trim(clubb_vars_sfc(i)) /= 0 .and. &
+ do while ( ichar(clubb_vars_sfc(i)(1:1)) /= 0 .and. &
+ len_trim(clubb_vars_sfc(i)) /= 0 .and. &
i <= nvarmax_sfc )
i = i + 1
end do
@@ -4877,58 +4876,58 @@ subroutine stats_init_clubb( l_stats_in, stats_tsamp_in, stats_tout_in, &
! Now call add fields
if (first_call) then
do i = 1, stats_zt%num_output_fields
temp1 = trim(stats_zt%file%grid_avg_var(i)%name)
sub = temp1
if (len(temp1) > 16) sub = temp1(1:16)
call addfld(trim(sub),(/ 'ilev' /),&
do i = 1, stats_zm%num_output_fields
temp1 = trim(stats_zm%file%grid_avg_var(i)%name)
sub = temp1
if (len(temp1) > 16) sub = temp1(1:16)
call addfld(trim(sub),(/ 'ilev' /),&
- if (l_output_rad_files) then
+ if (l_output_rad_files) then
do i = 1, stats_rad_zt%num_output_fields
call addfld(trim(stats_rad_zt%file%grid_avg_var(i)%name),(/ 'ilev' /),&
do i = 1, stats_rad_zm%num_output_fields
call addfld(trim(stats_rad_zm%file%grid_avg_var(i)%name),(/ 'ilev' /),&
end if
do i = 1, stats_sfc%num_output_fields
call addfld(trim(stats_sfc%file%grid_avg_var(i)%name),horiz_only,&
end if
- end subroutine stats_init_clubb
+ end subroutine stats_init_clubb
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
-#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
+#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
subroutine stats_end_timestep_clubb(thecol, stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_rad_zt, stats_rad_zm, stats_sfc, &
out_zt, out_zm, out_radzt, out_radzm, out_sfc)
@@ -4943,8 +4942,8 @@ subroutine stats_end_timestep_clubb(thecol, stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_rad_zt, st
use clubb_api_module, only: &
fstderr, & ! Constant(s)
- l_stats_last, &
- stats_tsamp, &
+ l_stats_last, &
+ stats_tsamp, &
stats_tout, &
l_output_rad_files, &
clubb_at_least_debug_level_api ! Procedure(s)
@@ -4954,14 +4953,14 @@ subroutine stats_end_timestep_clubb(thecol, stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_rad_zt, st
implicit none
integer :: thecol
! Input Variables
type (stats), intent(inout) :: stats_zt, & ! stats_zt grid
stats_zm, & ! stats_zm grid
stats_rad_zt, & ! stats_rad_zt grid
stats_rad_zm, & ! stats_rad_zm grid
stats_sfc ! stats_sfc
! Inout variables
real(r8), intent(inout) :: out_zt(:,:,:) ! (pcols,pverp,stats_zt%num_output_fields)
real(r8), intent(inout) :: out_zm(:,:,:) ! (pcols,pverp,stats_zt%num_output_fields)
@@ -4992,36 +4991,36 @@ subroutine stats_end_timestep_clubb(thecol, stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_rad_zt, st
end if
call stats_avg( stats_sfc%kk, stats_sfc%num_output_fields, stats_sfc%accum_field_values, stats_sfc%accum_num_samples )
- ! Here we are not outputting the data, rather reading the stats into
+ ! Here we are not outputting the data, rather reading the stats into
! arrays which are conformable to CAM output. Also, the data is "flipped"
- ! in the vertical level to be the same as CAM output.
+ ! in the vertical level to be the same as CAM output.
do i = 1, stats_zt%num_output_fields
- do k = 1, stats_zt%kk
+ do k = 1, stats_zt%kk
out_zt(thecol,pverp-k+1,i) = stats_zt%accum_field_values(1,1,k,i)
if(is_nan(out_zt(thecol,k,i))) out_zt(thecol,k,i) = 0.0_r8
- enddo
+ enddo
do i = 1, stats_zm%num_output_fields
- do k = 1, stats_zt%kk
+ do k = 1, stats_zt%kk
out_zm(thecol,pverp-k+1,i) = stats_zm%accum_field_values(1,1,k,i)
if(is_nan(out_zm(thecol,k,i))) out_zm(thecol,k,i) = 0.0_r8
- enddo
+ enddo
- if (l_output_rad_files) then
+ if (l_output_rad_files) then
do i = 1, stats_rad_zt%num_output_fields
- do k = 1, stats_rad_zt%kk
+ do k = 1, stats_rad_zt%kk
out_radzt(thecol,pverp-k+1,i) = stats_rad_zt%accum_field_values(1,1,k,i)
if(is_nan(out_radzt(thecol,k,i))) out_radzt(thecol,k,i) = 0.0_r8
- enddo
+ enddo
do i = 1, stats_rad_zm%num_output_fields
- do k = 1, stats_rad_zm%kk
+ do k = 1, stats_rad_zm%kk
out_radzm(thecol,pverp-k+1,i) = stats_rad_zm%accum_field_values(1,1,k,i)
if(is_nan(out_radzm(thecol,k,i))) out_radzm(thecol,k,i) = 0.0_r8
- enddo
+ enddo
! Fill in values above the CLUBB top.
@@ -5031,9 +5030,9 @@ subroutine stats_end_timestep_clubb(thecol, stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_rad_zt, st
out_radzm(thecol,:top_lev-1,:) = 0.0_r8
end if ! l_output_rad_files
do i = 1, stats_sfc%num_output_fields
- out_sfc(thecol,1,i) = stats_sfc%accum_field_values(1,1,1,i)
+ out_sfc(thecol,1,i) = stats_sfc%accum_field_values(1,1,1,i)
if(is_nan(out_sfc(thecol,1,i))) out_sfc(thecol,1,i) = 0.0_r8
@@ -5054,14 +5053,14 @@ subroutine stats_end_timestep_clubb(thecol, stats_zt, stats_zm, stats_rad_zt, st
end subroutine stats_end_timestep_clubb
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
subroutine stats_zero( kk, num_output_fields, x, n, l_in_update )
@@ -5095,14 +5094,14 @@ subroutine stats_zero( kk, num_output_fields, x, n, l_in_update )
end subroutine stats_zero
! =============================================================================== !
! !
! =============================================================================== !
#ifdef CLUBB_SGS
subroutine stats_avg( kk, num_output_fields, x, n )
@@ -5150,7 +5149,7 @@ subroutine grid_size(state, grid_dx, grid_dy)
use shr_const_mod, only: shr_const_pi
use physics_types, only: physics_state
type(physics_state), intent(in) :: state
real(r8), intent(out) :: grid_dx(pcols), grid_dy(pcols) ! CAM grid [m]
@@ -5165,17 +5164,17 @@ subroutine grid_size(state, grid_dx, grid_dy)
do i=1,state%ncol
column_area = get_area_p(state%lchnk,i)
degree = sqrt(column_area)*(180._r8/shr_const_pi)
! Now find meters per degree latitude
! Below equation finds distance between two points on an ellipsoid, derived from expansion
- ! taking into account ellipsoid using World Geodetic System (WGS84) reference
+ ! taking into account ellipsoid using World Geodetic System (WGS84) reference
mpdeglat = earth_ellipsoid1 - earth_ellipsoid2 * cos(2._r8*state%lat(i)) + earth_ellipsoid3 * cos(4._r8*state%lat(i))
grid_dx(i) = mpdeglat * degree
grid_dy(i) = grid_dx(i) ! Assume these are the same
- enddo
+ enddo
- end subroutine grid_size
+ end subroutine grid_size
end module clubb_intr
diff --git a/src/physics/cam/iop_forcing.F90 b/src/physics/cam/iop_forcing.F90
index 55259685b5..7f309caabc 100644
--- a/src/physics/cam/iop_forcing.F90
+++ b/src/physics/cam/iop_forcing.F90
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ subroutine scam_use_iop_srf( cam_in )
use physconst, only: stebol, latvap
use scamMod
use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use cam_logfile, only: iulog
+ use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
implicit none
@@ -37,6 +39,17 @@ subroutine scam_use_iop_srf( cam_in )
integer :: c ! Chunk index
integer :: ncol ! Number of columns
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " Parameters in iop_forcing :"
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " scm_iop_lhflxshflxTg =", scm_iop_lhflxshflxTg
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " scm_iop_Tg =", scm_iop_Tg
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " scm_crm_mode =", scm_crm_mode
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " have_lhflx =", have_lhflx
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " have_shflx =", have_shflx
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " have_Tg =", have_Tg
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) " Tground =", tground
if( scm_iop_lhflxshflxTg .and. scm_iop_Tg ) then
call endrun( 'scam_use_iop_srf : scm_iop_lhflxshflxTg and scm_iop_Tg must not be specified at the same time.')
end if
diff --git a/src/physics/cam/ref_pres.F90 b/src/physics/cam/ref_pres.F90
index 742652db11..c80d3cf866 100644
--- a/src/physics/cam/ref_pres.F90
+++ b/src/physics/cam/ref_pres.F90
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
module ref_pres
! Provides access to reference pressures for use by the physics
! parameterizations. The pressures are provided by the dynamical core
! since it determines the grid used by the physics.
! Note that the init method for this module is called before the init
! method in physpkg; therefore, most physics modules can use these
! reference pressures during their init phases.
use shr_kind_mod, only: r8=>shr_kind_r8
use ppgrid, only: pver, pverp
+use scamMod, only: single_column
implicit none
@@ -131,7 +132,11 @@ subroutine ref_pres_init(pref_edge_in, pref_mid_in, num_pr_lev_in)
! Find level corresponding to the molecular diffusion bottom.
- do_molec_diff = (ptop_ref < do_molec_press)
+ if (single_column) then
+ do_molec_diff = .false.
+ else
+ do_molec_diff = (ptop_ref < do_molec_press)
+ end if
if (do_molec_diff) then
nbot_molec = press_lim_idx(molec_diff_bot_press, &