diff --git a/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm b/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
index dd5d8be545..cfdb4e9278 100755
--- a/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
+++ b/bld/CLMBuildNamelist.pm
@@ -2588,12 +2588,9 @@ sub setup_logic_initial_conditions {
my $finidat = $nl->get_value($var);
$nl_flags->{'excess_ice_on_finidat'} = "unknown";
if ( $nl_flags->{'clm_start_type'} =~ /cold/ ) {
- if (defined $finidat ) {
- $log->warning("setting $var (either explicitly in your user_nl_clm or by doing a hybrid or branch RUN_TYPE)\n is incomptable with using a cold start" .
+ if (defined $finidat && !&value_is_true(($nl->get_value('use_fates')))) {
+ $log->fatal_error("setting $var (either explicitly in your user_nl_clm or by doing a hybrid or branch RUN_TYPE)\n is incompatible with using a cold start" .
" (by setting CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART=on)." );
- $log->warning("Overridding input $var file with one specifying that this is a cold start from arbitrary initial conditions." );
- my $group = $definition->get_group_name($var);
- $nl->set_variable_value($group, $var, "' '" );
add_default($opts, $nl_flags->{'inputdata_rootdir'}, $definition, $defaults, $nl,
$var, 'val'=>"' '", 'no_abspath'=>1);
diff --git a/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl b/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl
index 4120ed869d..bab664666c 100755
--- a/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl
+++ b/bld/unit_testers/build-namelist_test.pl
@@ -1314,10 +1314,6 @@ sub cat_and_create_namelistinfile {
my %warntest = (
# Warnings without the -ignore_warnings option given
- "coldwfinidat" =>{ options=>"-envxml_dir . -clm_start_type cold",
- namelst=>"finidat = 'testfile.nc'",
- phys=>"clm5_0",
- },
"bgcspin_w_suplnitro" =>{ options=>"-envxml_dir . -bgc bgc -clm_accelerated_spinup on",
@@ -1398,6 +1394,56 @@ sub cat_and_create_namelistinfile {
system( "cat $tempfile" );
+print "\n===============================================================================\n";
+print "Ensure cold starts with finidat are handled properly \n";
+print "=================================================================================\n";
+my %coldwfinidat = (
+ "bgc" => { options=>"-envxml_dir . -clm_start_type cold",
+ namelst=>"finidat = 'testfile.nc'",
+ phys=>"clm5_0",
+ expected_fail=>1,
+ },
+ "fates" => { options=>"-envxml_dir . -clm_start_type cold -bgc fates -no-megan",
+ namelst=>"finidat = 'testfile.nc', use_fates = .true.",
+ phys=>"clm5_0",
+ expected_fail=>0,
+ },
+my $finidat;
+foreach my $key ( keys(%coldwfinidat) ) {
+ print( "$key\n" );
+ my $var;
+ foreach $var ( "phys" , "options", "namelst", "expected_fail" ) {
+ if ( not exists $coldwfinidat{$key}{$var} ) {
+ die "ERROR: Subkey $var does not exist for coldwfinidat $key\nERROR:Check if you spelled $var correctly\n"
+ }
+ }
+ &make_config_cache($coldwfinidat{$key}{"phys"});
+ my $options = $coldwfinidat{$key}{"options"};
+ my $namelist = $coldwfinidat{$key}{"namelst"};
+ my $expected_fail = $coldwfinidat{$key}{"expected_fail"};
+ my %settings;
+ &make_env_run( %settings );
+ # Should fail if expected to, pass otherwise
+ eval{ system( "$bldnml $options -namelist \"&clmexp $namelist /\" > $tempfile 2>&1 " ); };
+ is( $? eq 0, $expected_fail eq 0, "coldwfinidat $key run");
+ if ( $expected_fail ) {
+ # Now run with -ignore_warnings and make sure it still doesn't work
+ $options .= " -ignore_warnings";
+ eval{ system( "$bldnml $options -namelist \"&clmexp $namelist /\" > $tempfile 2>&1 " ); };
+ isnt( $?, 0, "coldwfinidat $key run -ignore_warnings" );
+ } else {
+ # Check that finidat was correctly set
+ $finidat = `grep finidat lnd_in`;
+ ok ( $finidat =~ "testfile.nc", "coldwfinidat $key finidat? $finidat" );
+ }
# Loop over all physics versions
diff --git a/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml b/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml
index b403c95b7e..775ff2c281 100644
--- a/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml
+++ b/cime_config/testdefs/ExpectedTestFails.xml
@@ -334,6 +334,19 @@
+ #2861
+ #2861
@@ -349,6 +362,13 @@
+ #2810
diff --git a/doc/ChangeLog b/doc/ChangeLog
index 7dcda101aa..c08a55bbd4 100644
--- a/doc/ChangeLog
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog
@@ -1,4 +1,91 @@
+Tag name: ctsm5.3.011
+Originator(s): samrabin (Sam Rabin, UCAR/TSS, samrabin@ucar.edu)
+Date: Mon Nov 11 17:55:57 MST 2024
+One-line Summary: Improve handling of cold-start finidat
+Purpose and description of changes
+This PR changes things so that:
+1. Cold-start FATES runs with finidat specified will not require -ignore_warnings, and the supplied finidat will actually be obeyed.
+2. Cold-start non-FATES runs will not be allowed, even with -ignore_warnings.
+Significant changes to scientifically-supported configurations
+Does this tag change answers significantly for any of the following physics configurations?
+(Details of any changes will be given in the "Answer changes" section below.)
+[ ] clm6_0
+[ ] clm5_1
+[ ] clm5_0
+[ ] ctsm5_0-nwp
+[ ] clm4_5
+Bugs fixed
+[Remove any lines that don't apply. Remove entire section if nothing applies.]
+List of CTSM issues fixed:
+- Resolves ESCOMP/CTSM#2856: FATES will never start from specified finidat (https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/issues/2856)
+Notes of particular relevance for developers:
+NOTE: Be sure to review the steps in README.CHECKLIST.master_tags as well as the coding style in the Developers Guide
+Changes to tests or testing:
+Adds three fates suite tests to expected fails:
+- ERS_D_Mmpi-serial_Ld5.1x1_brazil.I2000Clm50FatesCruRsGs.izumi_nag.clm-FatesCold
+- SMS_Lm3_D_Mmpi-serial.1x1_brazil.I2000Clm50FatesCruRsGs.izumi_nag.clm-FatesColdHydro
+- ERS_D_Ld30.f45_f45_mg37.I2000Clm50FatesCruRsGs.izumi_nag.clm-FatesColdLandUse
+Testing summary:
+ [PASS means all tests PASS; OK means tests PASS other than expected fails.]
+ build-namelist tests (if CLMBuildNamelist.pm has changed):
+ derecho - PASS
+ regular tests (aux_clm: https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/wiki/System-Testing-Guide#pre-merge-system-testing):
+ derecho ----- OK
+ izumi ------- OK
+ fates tests:
+ derecho ----- OK
+ izumi ------- OK
+Answer changes
+Changes answers relative to baseline:
+ Summarize any changes to answers, i.e.,
+ - what code configurations: FATES cold-start runs with finidat
+ - what platforms/compilers: All
+ - nature of change: new climate
+Other details
+Pull Requests that document the changes (include PR ids):
+- ESCOMP/CTSM#2870: Fix handling of finidat with cold starts (https://github.com/ESCOMP/CTSM/pull/2870)
Tag name: ctsm5.3.010
Originator(s): afoster (Adrianna Foster)
Date: Sat Nov 9 12:54:18 MST 2024
diff --git a/doc/ChangeSum b/doc/ChangeSum
index 46e1176fd3..daffdab145 100644
--- a/doc/ChangeSum
+++ b/doc/ChangeSum
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Tag Who Date Summary
+ ctsm5.3.011 samrabin 11/11/2024 Improve handling of cold-start finidat
ctsm5.3.010 afoster 11/09/2024 Merge b4b-dev
ctsm5.3.009 samrabin 10/15/2024 Reduce outputs from matrixcnOn tests
ctsm5.3.008 olyson 10/14/2024 PPE change to sa_leaf in CanopyFluxesMod.F90